
Too Criticizing of Myself

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    Dear Janus, Earth Angel:

    What an amazing dream, a lucid, detailed dream with a story line and beautiful images, with whole sentences that follow logic. My dreams have never been like that, the parts I remember are bits and pieces, nothing like yours, those in the past and this recent one.

    Your post again, makes a lot of sense and is insightful, it is clear that you have been on the Mindfulness and awareness path for a long time. The ways you dealt with the inner critic were excellent, the images of the remote control, the giant eraser, distracting yourself by taking a walk in the backyard, as well as replacing his messages with thoughts that are congruent with reality, excellent job!

    You noticed after you replaced the critic’s thoughts with your thoughts, you felt calm and you were able to understand the subject matter. The inner critic’s input does nothing but distress you, and distress causes that mental fog that makes academic understanding difficult. Thinking that is true to reality clears that fog.

    And I am so glad you reported that guy- that was you protecting yourself and asserting your rights, excellent job here as well!

    I am so impressed with you. I read the rest of your post and you are thinking and doing well. Keep at it! Looking forward to read from you again.



    Dear Anita

    Thank you for being here to help me in my life and give me a sense of self when I feel llost. October has been a busy month for me with many exams each week. I didn’t do the best on my Chemistry II exam (received a 74) and was a bit disappointed. Having classes back to back Mondays and Wednesdays can be hard because I don’t have much time for school work in between or time to catch my thoughts. I took an Anatomy and Physiology exam this Monday and I think I did well. I like Anatomy and Physiology the most out of all my classes because the professor is engaging, has a good sense of humor and the material is interesting. My Chemistry class brings the most stress. Lecture class always covers material slower- giving time for more practice and explanations which is good- but it is also difficult when there is lab experiments that are based on a chapter that hasn’t been covered. My lab professor explains things in simple terms and it can be hard to grasp the concepts when they haven’t been covered in lecture. I find that my lab class stresses me a lot and tends to trigger my inner critic. I had to miss a day of lab because I was not feeling well. I just couldn’t think and my mind felt like it was filled with bricks, so I took a day off and it affected my grade by 33%. My inner critic had been ongoing that day (9/12/18) and I just couldn’t focus on anything. It kept telling me that I could never be enough or have time to pass Chemistry. I needed to take a break from my evening lab class that Wednesday which runs from 6pm-7:40pm and I went home early. I think on that day, the only class I attended was my Chemistry II class from 2pm-3:15pm and I missed Psychology at 12:30pm-1:45pm because I just felt like I had a tangled ball of thread in my stomach and my head was just screaming. I don’t think my inner critic has lessened much for this month. It berated me because I missed class and brought my Chemistry II lab grade to a 60%. I have brought it back up to a 75% which still isn’t the best, but I hope that when the semester is over in December 21st it will be in the 80s or higher. I may have to miss my evening lab class today because I feel shaky. Yesterday I broke down crying and I felt like my thoughts wanted to choke me and my throat felt sore and my voice seemed cracked like I had been screaming on the inside and no one heard me. I hated my mind for bringing up the fears that I had suppressed, it seemed like it was telling me I had to face them. As the day wore on yesterday (I got home at 2pm from my Physical Geography class), things seemed okay, but I still couldn’t concentrate on my lab report that’s due later today at 6pm. My head felt like there was a hammer pounding with a nail dragging out the thoughts I didn’t want, thoughts that made me feel like a failure in life. I thought I could keep those thoughts at bay. I went for a run and worked out for an hour. I also talked to some friends from my college Ocean Pride LGBTQ group and it helped somewhat. Yet, I found myself waking up at 3am today feeling shaken questioning who I am and whether I’m living my purpose in life. I hated that the gender dysphoria can get so overwhelming at times that it makes me lose my sense of self. It feels like a shell of pain that suffocates me at times and makes it hard to breathe. And when I try to destroy the shell and poke holes in it, it is like facing an enemy, but the enemy is my own inner critic. I am own worst enemy and destroying the shell causes it to burst and the little bits of pain that were contained in the shell to spread out and it’s like acid rain raining out- radiating out of the broken shell- of the shell and I am overwhelmed by the pain of the things I have felt like I ran from and now have surfaced since the shell is broken for me to confront. It’s like all my fears and insecurities have been brought to the surface and I find myself shaken by the person that I see. I don’t know how to be that self of me when  it seems like there really isn’t much of a self out of the shell of stereotypes. And I find myself wondering about the depression and anorexia that I have faced and thinking it was another layer that I used to cover up who I was. And it seems as these layers fall away and I find myself without some of the shells I begin to wonder how much of me is really there. I wonder how much will be left as these shells seem to disintegrate leaving me feeling more confused about myself than I was before. I know one thing for certain that I feel more comfortable as male. I don’t know what my own definition of masculinity is away from the world’s stereotypes and I am still exploring that. But I wonder whether I have a purpose, whether the feelings I have are real or they are just another shell that I’ve encased myself in. Yet, when I take time to think about how I feel more happy at college when I am presenting a masculine expression. I think about the people at college who embrace me for me and tell me I’m valid for who I choose to be. I don’t feel valid in my feelings when I’m around my parents because they have expectations of what men and women can do that make them masculine or feminine. Chemistry II is a bit hard this semester, but it’s even harder when you realize you no longer want to run from your fears and try to confront them and they all come rushing into your mind at the same time, it’s overwhelming. Fear of failing a class, fear of not being enough, fear of going back to anorexia/bulimia ( which I’ve struggled with for a while), fear of parents’ wrath. All this coupled with gender dysphoria can be hard. I thought working on embracing myself and going outside of stereotypes would be a relief and it is at some times, but at other times I feel like I don’t know where I am, like if I get rid of the box what is left and that’s what can be hard at times. I hate being in the box and trying to be out of the box is hard especially when it feels like you don’t know what there is that will be there to guide you.  I graduate from Ocean County College in two more semesters and go to a four year university. My parents make me feel more lost within myself at times by placing stereotypes on me that I keep trying to break down. Thank you for being my inspiration in times of stress and for helping me when my mind makes me want to pound my head against a wall. There will be days when the inner critic roars or when things just feel off and no matter how hard you try you just don’t feel right. It’s those days that I am grateful I have friends like you to help me through.


    I think having friends who are here to listen can give you strength and help you not give up. I don’t think I would have survived this long without having support from friends like you. Thank you for helping me see there is meaning in life and for helping me be strong when things are rough. My parents make me question the validity of my gender expression daily when they misgender me and I find myself at war with myself as I try to figure out who I am as a person and who my parents want me to be. It’s like a consistent argument with myself “I hate stereotypes! But you are living in one!” And me arguing with my inner critic who says I’m a hypocrite, “It’s because safety sometimes trumps comfort!” And my inner critic will say “You say you want to live your own life, yet you are still following stereotypes!” And I will argue “I am working on finding myself underneath the stereotypes and working on not following them.” And the inner critic will say “Yeah right as you fall back into your stereotypes again. You don’t know how to be outside the gender binary.” And I will say “I a m working on finding who I am. It would be easier if I didn’t have to constantly work on believing in who I am as I battle stereotypes that say I can never be this or that.” This is me and my inner critic arguing often more prominent from criticisms and fears instilled from parents which seem to be where the inner critic gets its fuel. And the latest question is “Do I have to be a certain character to be the gender identity I want? Is what I feel like on the inside not valid in my presentation of my gender identity as masculine or do I need to adopt what society seems masculine attributes so I am valid?” I don’t think I’ll ever fit into societal stereotypes of gender, but I would like to just feel valid for being me and have my feelings acknowledged. Sometimes there doesn’t have to be a physical attributes, but just emotional ones. It just feels right for me. I don’t know how to explain this to my parents and they don’t seem to understand my emotions. And the thoughts in my mind make me wonder whether I am a real person. I am exploring who I am as a person not the stereotypes of what a man should be because I don’t fit into any of them so in my parents eyes I am not really a man. I wonder why men can’t be sensitive, artistic, creative, compassionate. Why is it in my parents’ eyes that men need to know how to fix things, manage money and not be afraid of little things? It would be great if I didn’t have to fight with my parents’ expectations of what men should be. I don’t have much interest in fixing things, I want to do what I care about not seek money and I am sensitive and have fears of things like bugs and matches. I got burned by a match when I was younger and I’ve never liked bugs. I am more open-minded about people and I agree that appearances don’t always correlate with inner personalities and stereotypes only limit us. Yet I still feel invalidated when it seems like I have to be a certain way to be seen as masculine by my parents, like the things I know and do aren’t good enough. Like having my hair short, working out, dressing in simple clothes isn’t enough. Sometimes it’s hard to be yourself when the people who raised you insist that you fit into the stereotypes that they set for you. When you go against what used to be your base and the roots that helped you grow, it can be hard because you have to rebuild your own base and your roots. I rather be my own person, but being around parents- parents are a child’s first mentor- can be hard. They always seem to know how to hurt you no matter who you become. How can I think outside the box when they won’t let me out of it? And when I transcend the box, who will I be as a person? How can I be sure the personality I have will not be the one with stereotypes? When I have to constantly struggle with my gender dysphoria around my parents and feeling like I am being invalidated, how can I believe in myself as I tell myself constantly who I am but the struggle against the stereotypes seems hard and the fear that my parents may kick me out of the house, refuse to support me financially for education or other things is a fear because they have threatened me with it. Sometimes I think my mind is filled with so many thoughts about how to understand myself and make sense of the world. I’m always trying to understand the nature beneath the surface of things and at times it can be overwhelming. I do overthink things, often planning many steps ahead of time in case one plan goes wrong. Sometimes I try something to test the waters before initiating a plan just to see if it works out. I think it’s one of the annoying things about being a scientist. I can be too analytical at many things.


    Maybe I think too much so it can be hard for me to talk in person, but through writing I can think about my thoughts and organize them without having someone around who will judge if I say something that doesn’t fit the conversation. That may why it is hard for me to express my feelings in person, but writing is easier. It may also be that the times I’ve expressed myself to people, I have been invalidated like I don’t know enough and am just feeling this way because of my thoughts or I’m being childish as my parents would say. Since I feel invalidated by my parents many times, it may be why I have trouble communicating face to face with people and writing helps me sort my thoughts. I feel like an adult-child not really sure how to survive in the world because I’m not sure the person I am exists. Am I just being immature or has the hurt I’ve been faced  caused me to isolate myself from the world and cause me to learn things at what seems to be a slower rate? How do I know what I’m living for will be a meaningful life? How do I know the things that I do aren’t just the shells of stereotypes? I feel like my life has been built on epheremal threads that seem to be fading away. It’s like the depression gets really overwhelming many times that I just lose my sense of things in life and I am shaken as I question who I am. The person who feels masculine but doesn’t know how to be it. The person who doesn’t know how to be an adult in this world that says 19 years old is adulthood. I’m not sure I know who I am. I only know I don’t want to be what the world wants me to be and then I feel like I don’t know who that is. I only have some concepts but not sure about the roads to travel on. I know I love science, identify as a man (physically presenting masculinity feels natural to me and something that makes me feel like I have a sense of self) and that I am a Buddhist wiccan. Other than that, I feel lost as to who I am as a person. I don’t want to live in the shell of stereotypes society casts for me, but I don’t know myself outside the box either. I try to get rid of the box and sometimes the constraints get tighter as people like my parents try to put their expectations on me and at other times I just don’t know who I’d be without the box or whether I actually am alive. Is there really a person who is me on this earth? Has the life I’ve been living truly life? Why are the shells of society so hard to think about? And how do I know what fears I’ve had and that have come about, how do I stop burying them? How do I try to work my way through them without feeling overwhelmed? And when the fear and layers seem to disintegrate and I am left without their burden, why do I feel so raw and shaken? Why is something that seems like it should be relief something that can be hard and cause you to feel a void? I just feel conflicted within myself.


    Dear Janus, Earth Angel:

    You write about stereotypes, struggling with that, “it seems like there really isn’t much of a self out of the shell of stereotypes”.

    These are a few of my thoughts on the matter of gender stereotypes and your gender dysphoria: as you know, masculine expression are not exclusive to males, and feminine expressions are not exclusive to females. I recently observed a woman and her father or uncle, he referred to her as “girly girl”. I noticed that she was dressed in a feminine way, her hair and mannerisms were feminine. But notice, he didn’t refer to her as just “girl”, but as “girly girl”.

    Why (I ask myself)?- because not all girls are girly, or feminine in looks and mannerisms, this is why he added the adjective girly to the noun girl. (I suppose the term manly man is equivalent term for men).

    You are biologically a female but how you look, what you wear, how you have your hair, your mannerism, these are your choices. I hope you feel free to look and act as masculine as you wish, as  masculine as you feel comfortable. (I used to have my hair very, very short, an inch or so, I think.  I liked it that way. I never cared about looking feminine myself. I cared about wearing whatever was comfortable for me to wear).

    You wrote: “I would like to just feel valid for being me and have my feelings acknowledged”- I think what fuels your gender dysphoria is your distress over your feelings in general not being acknowledged by your parents, , any and all your feelings.

    When a child is not seen by his/her parents, the child wonders if he exists at all (“they don’t seem to understand my emotions… make me wonder whether I am a real person”).

    Thing is, even if you were a girly girl, as feminine as can be, your parents would still not see you beyond what is on the surface. All they see is what is on the surface, this is why you are preoccupied with stereotypes, because this is all they see.

    “How can I think outside the box when they won’t let me  out of it?”- well, don’t wait for them to let you out of it. Don’t try to persuade them, don’t wait for their approval. Instead, take yourself outside their box, their superficial expectations and values.

    They threatened to kick you out of the house and no longer financially support you. It may very well be that these are only threats, that they threaten you so to have control over you. Question is how to satisfy their expectations enough so to keep living in their house (as long as you don’t have a choice otherwise) and minimize friction with them without betraying yourself.

    What I just suggested is possible, question is how to do it. Let me know if you have thoughts about making it easier for yourself, to take yourself out of the box while living with your parents, minimizing the friction with them while being true to yourself.



    Dear Anita

    I am glad that this semester is almost over. Spring semester starts January 14th and this semester ends December 21st. There have been tests, projects and school work pretty much twice each week. But I’m working on my grades. Hopefully my Chemistry II grade will be a B because currently it’s at a C and I need a B or higher for my genetic engineering degree. My lab partner isn’t very communicative with me about lab procedures and I sometimes find the instructions hard to understand. The professor doesn’t explain things very well and gets frustrated with me because I don’t understand at times. I have lab class for Chemistry II once a week at 6pm-7:40pm on Wednesdays. I do well on the lab reports and the analysis of data, the experiments are a little difficult for me because I’m still learning some of the lab equipment. My lab partner always says he doesn’t trust me with the experiments because I’m always working slower than he is, but that’s because I’m trying to process the experiment procedure and understand how to work the lab tools. We do a lot of graphs and using the spectrometer to measure wavelength absorbance and I’m not very good at using the spectrometer or analyzing the graphs. The Chemistry II professor always covers the material for the lab after the lab procedure is done. I have a different professor for lecture than I do for lab. It makes it hard when the lecture material doesn’t correspond with lab or the lab is something not covered in lecture yet. Sometimes I have to teach myself the concepts. I try to ask my lab professor but he doesn’t explain things very well and sometimes it makes me more confused. I like my Anatomy/Physiology class and lab better because the students are helpful and the professor explains things well and makes sure people understand the material. The Anatomy/Physiology professor will spend time reviewing the notes with you and explain things and provide examples until you understand it. Both my Anatomy/Physiology lecture and lab professor have a good sense of humor. The questions I have are: How do I take a more interactive role in lab experiments with my lab partner? I try to talk with him and work on the calculations together, but he doesn’t seem to want to talk much. He’s more of the I do this, you do that and we don’t need to talk type which can be hard because when one of us makes a mistake it’s hard to figure out what went wrong because neither of us knows what to say to the other. I try to take a more interactive role and talk about the lab procedure over and work with him on balancing the work out and he will say “I got this” and start setting things up while I’m trying to figure out what he’s doing. Then in the middle of the experiment, he’ll tell me to do something and I’ll do it but I don’t know what step of the experimental procedure it is and when I ask him he acts like it’s obvious and says “We’re supposed to do this step, didn’t you read this? You use this data.” And he acts like I should know what I should be doing, although I’m confused.


    Also I am glad to have Ocean Pride LGBTQ club at my college which I have met some new friends who encourage me to be more positive each day. I know I can’t really think outside the box when I’m living with my parents, but I do try to reduce the anxiety by meditating, working on healthy eating habits (still combating anorexia, but it’s getting better) and also I have decided to take time for myself and not try to take many demands all at once. I have a busy schedule this semester and a Anatomy/Physiology lab exam on 206 bones and rat dissection as well as a physical geography midterm tomorrow. I have had many exams these past weeks and I have been busy studying. Mondays and Wednesdays I have classes back to back and get home late so I do most of my work on other days. Mondays and Wednesdays are my most stressful days because I have Chemistry II Mondays and Wednesdays and Chemistry II lab only Wednesdays and that is my hardest class. My friends have asked me for times to hang out, but I’ve been busy. I feel bad that I haven’t been able to hang out with them much, but they understand. There is some days when the strain of my schedule is overwhelming and I either feel spaced out, irritable or start crying. I want to be there for my friends and also have time for myself. And it’s been quite hard this semester. Work I’ve had so far:

    Wonder why this semester is so packed with school work, I feel spooked by all of it. So far I’ve had a Chemistry II exam and anatomy/physiology quiz Oct. 3rd. Anatomy/Physiology exam Oct. 8th. psychology exam Oct. 10th. Anatomy/Physiology quiz 2 Oct. 15th. Three Chemistry II labs due (requires a full report with purpose, intro, conclusion, etc.) due Oct. 17th. A Physical geography exam Oct. 18th. Third quiz for Anatomy/Physiology Oct. 22. Chemistry II exam (second one) Oct. 23rd.

    Anatomy/Physiology exam 2 Oct. 29th (have to know 206 bones of body, their location relative to each other and their functions as well as different types of tissues).

    2 lab reports due for Chemistry II lab class Oct. 31st (lecture professor just covered the content for the lab, so I have to read pages of the book to understand it)

    November 1st: physical geography midterm 2 essays (have to prepare for those).

    Also Anatomy/Physiology lab practical 1 which is about knowing the 206 bones, types of

    tissues and also parts of a rat

    What a busy semester and Mondays and Wednesdays I have school from 12:30pm-7:40pm, so I usually do homework on the other days. Wish teachers didn’t give so much work.


    I think I have two lab reports due next Wednesday November 7th and a Psychology (2nd exam) the same day. I don’t have Anatomy/Physiology class Monday November 5th because my professor is taking a trip so class is cancelled which means for one Monday I won’t be home late and will have time to get some school work done.


    Another question is How do I stop myself from being overwhelmed with the things I have to do and avoid taking on more than I can handle? Sometimes I feel guilty when I can’t hang out with friends because I have to study and they are always inviting me over. How do I schedule time for myself and also tell my friends that I still care about them and work them into my schedule? Sometimes I feel like I just don’t have time because there are so many things going on with my life: trying to pass Chemistry II lecture and lab with B or higher, seeking transgender resources (counseling on campus really helps because I don’t have financial support for a therapist), studying for classes (pretty much every day except for Mondays and Wednesdays because I’m in classes till late and I feel exhausted when I get home) and trying to fit my friends into my schedule. I still struggle with gender dysphoria because my identity is invalidated by my parents and there are times when that is so overwhelming that I can’t focus on anything and I have to cry and I feel shaky. But I also fear that I won’t do well in my classes so I try to focus, even though I can’t and that makes me more agitated. I wish I could have time for self-care, but I don’t know how to do that anymore because it seems like I’m just busy. I still meditate in the mornings and at night. Also I have reconnected with my special friend. He and I lost touch after he transferred to another college Spring 2018. I felt sad that we lost touch, but he came back to visit me on campus and is very supportive of me. He heard how I struggled during the summer 2018 and had a busy fall 2018 and he said he wished we reconnected sooner but he had been busy with the transferring process and his new classes. But he said he would always be here for me it I needed someone. He doesn’t mind my gender identity and says he loves me for being myself. He told me “I just want you to be happy because you make a difference in my life and have so much inspiration for the world. I love you for who you are and I want you to know that you’re amazing no matter what.” His words made me cry and it was great to see him again. Even though I feel stressed with the way this semester is, having him in my life is a light. I want to be a light for others as well and also spread the positivity that he teaches me each day. It is not easy with this semester with the things I am dealing with but I think I’ll make it through.








    I am grateful for your encouragement Anita and talking about things on tinybuddha helps me work out my problems and bring them into the light. One of my Ocean Pride LGBTQ friends wants to be a therapist and she is really good at it. Talking with her has helped me work through some of the feelings I’ve buried for so long. I managed to talk about the guy who sexually assaulted me in seventh grade and other things that I couldn’t talk about for so long and it feels like I’ve had some burdens relieved from talking to her. Also the Ocean Pride LGBTQ club members are amazing at helping me feel less alone and feel safe. I am grateful to have people who accept me and I keep touch with them when I’m at home and they make things feel better. Sometimes I’ll have a day when I feel like I’m screaming on the inside, feeling shaky and crying and not sure who I am and I’ll have one of the club members encourage me. Also the guy who sexually assaulted me in middle school wants to reconnect with me, but I don’t want to. He’s approached me four times and asked me about hanging out. I’ve told him that I have a busy schedule and I don’t want to dredge up past memories. He always says things like “There must be a time you’re free! Remember those things we did, I’m sure you liked it.” And I did not like what he did and I have been quite busy and I don’t like that he seems to demand to intrude back into my life. It feels like an intrusion because he thinks that I’m still the same person I once was and feels like it’s okay to reconnect and bring back the past, but I am not the same person and I don’t think having him in my life is really important. I have moved on and I don’t really care about him. Also here is the story of what this guy did to me that after many years I can finally find the words to say it. The guy who helped me and plays hockey is my special friend. I think a question is “What do I do when he approaches me and tries to get me to hang out with him? How do I be assertive and tell him I’m not interested in him? How do I react when he asks me inappropriate questions like ‘Can I see your body? Did you like what we did?'” Okay, so here is the story of my life and how much my special friend has helped me especially throughout middle school into high school:


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Janus.

    My college counselor asked me if he did anything specific to me in middle school and it was hard to talk about in person. I think it’s easier to tell you via text. In seventh grade, he manipulated me into feeling guilty and kissing him by telling me that I kissed one guy that I liked, why wouldn’t I kiss him, was he any different from the guy? He twisted my words around. I protested saying that I didn’t feel comfortable with kissing him and he said “well you acted like you didn’t care with him. Why are you trying to be so virginal now?” The way he said it made me think he thought I was a whore and that if he wanted the kiss I had to give it to him because I was nothing better. I didn’t want to pay attention to him, so I started walking away and he started following me. I started walking faster and he picked up the pace. Then when I was about to get away from him, he grabbed my backpack strap  and pulled on it so I was jerked back and somewhat level to him. Then he said with his face really

    close to mine “I have to tell you, your bra’s showing.”

    I wasn’t wearing a bra, but binding with ace bandages at that time. I knew that they weren’t visible and I said “No it’s not. Stop saying these things.”

    He looked a bit affronted and said “What’s the matter? You kissed that other guy and you were laughing with him. How am I different?”

    And I said “I don’t like you. I like someone else.”

    And he was adamant and said “you kissed him, why won’t you kiss me?”

    And he had my backpack strap in his hand and he was like as his head leaned closer “I can see your bra strap. Why don’t you kiss me now like you kissed him?”

    I was scared and I acquitted to what he said and kissed him. He also tried to put his tongue in my mouth and I did not like it.

    There was another day when he was trying to get me to show him my genitals. I said “No!” And was going to walk away, but he grabbed my backpack and said “wait, I’ll show you mine.” Then before I could get away. He released my backpack strap and showed me his penis. Then he said “I’m sure we could have some good times. Why don’t you show me your genitals?”

    I said “No, I don’t like you. I’m leaving now.”

    Before I took a few steps, he had his arm around my waist and pulled down my jeans, undoing the belt and touched my pelvic area. He then said “You’re underwear ‘s crooked, want me to fix it?”

    I was quite shaken then and said “No, leave me alone!”

    I think I broke out in a run home. The next day I stayed at school for one of my guy friends helping him organize his hockey equipment. The guy was waiting for me when I went out the school doors and he tried grabbing me by the arm, but my guy friend said “Sorry, but he needs to help me get ready for hockey practice” and my guy friend grabbed me and said “let’s go.” So my friend and I got on the bus and we went home together. He stayed with me for three days before he had to leave early  for hockey game. I felt safe  with him after school and the guy who was harassing me tried to get my attention but he was always thwarted by my friend guy who would say things like “He’s busy. He’s with me. Leave him alone.”


    My special friend knew I liked being masculine and plays hockey.









    He the guy who sexually assaulted me in seventh grade and now Im recounting the memory I buried for so long. So the day when my friend had the hockey game and I was alone again I tried to walk quickly to the bus and avoid him and he tried to grab my arm, but one of the hockey guy’s friends blocked his way and walked with me. I think one of his friends told my friend who played hockey that there was a guy harassing me and he said that he was sorry that he wasn’t aware of that. The guy who played hockey liked me and he said he felt jealous that another guy was trying to get with me. He said if he had known what was happening, he would have protected me better. It was him who saved my life again in high school. Because that guy who slammed me in the boy’s bathroom threatened me with a knife and he helped me. He helped me cope with the sexual abuse in middle school and saved my life from another guy in high school.


    It’s okay, I feel a bit shaky now releasing the tension that I haven’t told anyone what happened in so many years. But you are an amazing person and I’m glad to tell you and finally have someone to tell it to so I can release those buried memories into the light

    Thank you for always being here for me.. I wish my parents didn’t yell at me if I go other places rather than just college. It’s okay. I went to a friend’s house once and stayed late having a blast, but when I got home my parents yelled at me for wasting gas


    And talking with you is great, it helps me understand why I feel so guarded at times. I think it’s because of the things I’ve been through and not being validated by people that have caused me to internalize things
    They always say that I shouldn’t waste gas, that I have to help out at the restaurant, that school work is more important. Weirdly enough, they let my brother hang out with people when he was in college. He went to a four year university from the start and he was rarely home and they didn’t care about him. They always say that he is more responsible than me and he works harder and knows more.

    And after that guy threatened me with a knife and made me feel invalidated in high school that was when the things that happened in middle school seemed to come back to me and they were overwhelming. I had had enough. So I took a dive into the deep end of the pool and I hit my head and I was sinking into unconsciousness. My mind felt calm and I was thinking “This is it, I can end it all. And I’ll be okay.”
    When I was in a lucid-state, I felt a hand pull me out of the water and drag me to the shallow end. It was the guy who played hockey. He looked at me and started crying “I don’t want you to die. You’re special to me and I love you.” Those words hit my heart that felt frozen in numbness and I began to cry and said “I can’t do this anymore! I hate myself and I hate my life.” And I was sobbing and he held me saying “I know how you feel and I love you. You mean so much to me and I don’t want to lose you.” He held me there at the shallow end of the pool until my tears subsided and then he helped me out of the pool. I’m grateful he saved my life and helped me through that rough time. I don’t think I would be here if it wasn’t for him who always let me know that I had a place in this world and that someone saw me for me and that I wasn’t a freak with a mental illness like some people believed

    Also my parents have never been great at helping me cope with things emotionally. They just think that I bring the bullying to me by being different or that I can just walk away from bullies and focus on the positive but the words and the things bullies do follow you long after they are gone and it takes time to heal.


    There have been two suicide attempts in my life, one was after the guy threatened me in high school and the other was in eighth grade when I was in middle school. The counselors that I got sent to didn’t help, they were like “Well, if he coerced you into consenting, you technically consented and it’s not assault and if he physically didn’t beat you, leave scars or stick his penis in you, it’s not assault.” So that sucked because I was being invalidated as a victim. That was emotionally taxing and that was the eighth grade suicide attempt when I decided to take a knife and slit my wrists.

    I used to sleep with a knife as protection because I was afraid of the dark, but after the knife incident in high school I don’t. So that was the knife I used. It was late at night and I didn’t think anyone would be awake and I decided to do it. I sent my friend who played hockey a message: “Thank you for making my life meaningful. It was great knowing you. Take care of yourself and I’ll see you in

    the next life.” He must have been awake because I got a message saying “Are you okay?! I’m coming over!”
    Within a few minutes, he was here and knocking on the door and I let him in. He saw me with the knife and was like “Are you serious? You can’t do this to yourself?” I said “that life was meaningless and that I didn’t care.” He then grabbed my arm, shook it so the knife I was holding dropped and he kicked it away from me and picked it up. I tried reaching for it but he wouldn’t let me. He said “No I won’t let you. Tell me what’s wrong.” I said “Everything’s fine, just stop and let me die!” And he said “No, you’re not going to kill yourself. I won’t let it happen. And I’m not going anywhere until I’m sure you’re okay.” I looked at him and burst into tears, he hugged me and said ” If you ever need someone to tell you how much your worth in this world, call me. You’re beautiful and there may be storms now, but if you give up you lose your chances of discovering the rainbow after the storm. You may not feel valued now, but I’ll help you stand until you have the strength to see how beautiful you are and the difference you can make in this world. I love you and believe that you will help the world be better. Don’t give up because you won’t have chances to find yourself and change if you end your life. It’s okay if you don’t know where you belong or who you are, I’ll love you for the person you are. I believe that you will do good things in the world, don’t let the negative thoughts get you. I’ll be here for you.” It was great having a person who helped me through that dark time and because of him I feel grateful to be alive and when I get depressed I have hope in myself and don’t want to end things because I want to have a chance to change for the better. He taught me how to appreciate my life. I still get depressed and have moments when I feel lost, but no matter what happens I know that I have a place in the world and that people care. I am glad to have people like you in my life who encourage me to strive for my goals, to not give up and also to make me feel that I am valid being who I am. You make my life meaningful and it’s great talking to you and also having time to organize my thoughts so I can better understand myself, release my flaws into the light and also have the courage to change for the better daily. Thank you for being here and listening. Thank you for giving me a reason to live and change each day.


    Please take your time to understand what I went though and how my special  friend made me into a better person than the people who bullied me and made my life hell. He at least gave me something to live for, without him I would not have gone through middle school or high school. Take your time to read through it and I am grateful for you always being here for me. Thank you Anita for being the special person you are. College has been a place of acceptance and I find myself enjoying it, I have support, feel more alive and like I belong in society. Sorry if I overwhelmed you with everything, but I thought I would share my life. Thank you for helping me feel special Anita and take your time with reading it. Hope you have a good Halloween and wish you all the best in life.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Janus.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Janus.

    Dear Janus, Earth Angel:

    You are very welcome, glad to be here for you.

    I have a few comments regarding your recent posts:

    1. The boy/ young man at seventh grade sexually assaulted you. I am sorry the counselors invalidated your experience, what a shame. I wish they did not add insult to injury, or injury to injury as they did.

    Last you mentioned this guy approaching you repeatedly, you said that you talked to some authority within the college, reported him, I think is the word you used, and I thought the issue was resolved, that is, that he was not going to approach you anymore. Because he has, why not go back to the people to whom you reported his unwanted approaches to let them know he is still approaching you?

    He must stop approaching you! I feel anger that he is.  You need to be protected from him!

    2. Your parents yelling at you, that was always wrong and still is wrong. As I expressed to you before, I am looking forward to the day that you will not be in contact with them anymore. All children of any age long for their parents’ approval and support. You didn’t receive any of these things, beyond a few physical things such as food and physical shelter. I hope that one day soon enough they will no longer yell at you .. because you will not be there to be yelled at.

    3. You need social support. Last summer time off you didn’t do well, but once you started college you did much better because of that social support, the counseling, the friends from the club, others. It is important that you make time for supportive friends so that you will get the approval and support you need. Not so to socialize for no particular reason, taking you away from studying, but to get what you need.

    4. Your gender dysphoria is going to last for a while, the distress involved in it will continue for a while, so accept it best you can. Dress the way you feel comfortable dressing, have your hair the way you want it, your mannerism as masculine as you would like, and try to not overthink this issue. There is nothing you need to do about this, no operation or hormonal procedure to consider at this time, so let it be best you can.

    It is okay for you to identify as male, to look masculine, to act masculine. This is okay. Nothing wrong with it.  I would like you to have peace with your male/masculine identity. Accept, don’t struggle with it, best you can.

    5. Some college instructors/ teachers are good at explaining the subject matter, others are not. Some lab partners are easy to get along with, communicating effectively, others do not. This is a fact of life that you will continue to experience when you work, in the work place. If you can change a lab partner, do so. If you can’t, see if you can communicate to your current lab partner that it will benefit him to work well with you. Regarding the teachers who don’t teach well, continue to do what you are doing, supplementing their lack by studying more yourself before and after their lectures.

    When you feel inadequate during lab, don’t get alarmed, as fear further lowers our functioning. Relax best you can and continue. There is nothing less intelligent about you or less capable about you than your lab partner, from my understanding.

    Let me know, Janus, if I didn’t address something you would like me to address, and thank you for the Halloween wish for me. It is raining and dark here, morning, so I guess it is Halloween fitting.



    Dear Janus, Earth Angel:

    How are you?



    Dear Anita

    At first I was stressed about Chemistry II- both the lecture and lab. My lab professor has added some of the lab report grades that I have completed and it has brought my Chemistry II lab grade up to a 91 so I’m glad. I only have 3 more lab experiments before winter break which is December 21st-January 22. The Spring 2019 semester starts January 23rd. I am applying for graduation for the Spring 2019 semester because I have enough credits at my college. After I graduate, I will need another Physics course to complete my requirements to transfer to Rutgers School of Engineering. I will be taking Physics 2 in the summer so I will have some days on campus where I can get support and after finishing that course hopefully I’ll have enough credits for an engineering program at Rutgers. I am quite excited and hoping for the best. I spoke with my college advisor today and she said I should check with Rutgers to see if I can take the Physics course at the university and just transfer my transcripts there so I can start up in the Fall 2019. I called Rutgers and haven’t had a response from them about whether Physics is required to transfer for engineering majors, so I’ll call back later, the admissions may have been busy. It’s going to be a busy next few weeks, but this semester has been quite busy. But it’s also rewarding because I am glad of the hard work that I’m putting in and have hope that I can bring my Chemistry II grade to a B for this semester. My lab partner and I have started to have open communication over the past weeks. It started when he complimented me on my data collection and chemistry calculation skills and I complimented him on his ability to perform the experiments well. It was good to know from each other that both of us had something we valued in the other. This lead to me helping him understand the chemistry data and him helping me with understanding experimental lab equipment and it made us both feel like we were involved in a collaborative effort. Since I was good with the data, I would check over the calculations and the experimental measurements and procedure and he would work on the experiment.  The combination of one person doing the experiment and the other checking it made us both learn and it saved time because if a mistake was caught early it could be fixed so we wouldn’t have to do the trial over. There are still small errors in our experiments, but we’ve both accepted that people make mistakes and if the work is good at least 80% of the time, it’s okay. So I haven’t seen the guy who sexually assaulted me in middle school around. I have been in other places on campus during the time of 11am-12pm which is when I see him the most. During those times, I will study in another building rather than building 8 (student center) or building 3 (library) so I don’t run into him. I think he has classes from 12:30pm-3:15pm which is the same time I have classes, so if I don’t have class on a certain day and it’s in this time range I don’t see him. The reason I believe this is that I always run into him at the library or student center from 11am-12pm and he hangs out there when he doesn’t have class. I use the library to study, so if I am in the library at 11am I will go into a private study room upstairs where I can be alone. Last Friday (I don’t have classes Fridays and use the day to get work done), I was in a study room upstairs at 11am and I didn’t run into him.  This Friday, there are a lot of people working on catching up for their classes before the semester ends. There are some people who are picking Spring 2019 classes, which the registration just opened this Tuesday. I have picked my Spring 2019 classes and am excited about them. The good thing is that with a lot of people around in the library, I don’t see him because he usually comes around when there aren’t that much people around. So at 11am today, I was finishing some chemistry II work and didn’t run into him. Also I am glad that i got an 86 on the Chemistry quiz, it’s the first quiz grade that has been good so I am improving. I hope I do well on the chemistry II exam this Monday. I have been reviewing sections of the Chemistry II book and have developed better understanding of the chapters for the exam, but there’s still more practice to be done, but I think I will do relatively well on the exam. Anatomy and Physiology is a lot of fun this semester. I don’t remember all the facial bones, but I have a good grasp of the 206 bones and over 600 muscles in the body and I understand how each structure fits with the other. It is amazing to learn about the human body because it helps me better understand my biological nature and I find myself fascinated at how the body has various ways of maintaining homeostasis. It makes me feel a sense of gratitude at how hard my body works to keep me alive and I realize that I am a unique being. This interest in Anatomy and Physiology allows me to do well in the class as well lessens my inner critic because I can argue with the inner critic when it says I’m not good at anything because that is untrue. I still have dysphoria that will always be there until I transition, but I feel like I can take little steps each day to get me towards my goal. I can do well in school, get a good career as a genetic engineer and then transition. I hope to have my dreams accomplished by age 40. Lately I’ve been feeling like I don’t give my time to my friends as much and I feel slightly guilty. I want to be there for my friends, but I also have lots of things like college graduation and transfer, education that will help me get a good career, seeking resources to transition and spirituality.  I make a habit to meditate every morning and night when I wake and before going to sleep and that helps me feel more relaxed and alert throughout the day. I have lots of things to think about since it’s only two semester before I graduate but when my friends say I’m not spending as much time with them I feel bad. I do make time for my friends when they need help with school work, cheering up and also to hang out. But I can’t always devote 3 hours every day to a friend because I need time for my studies. I feel selfish that I’m not spending as much time with friends and sometimes my friends tell me I say that I’m busy and can only hang out for a certain amount of hours that I’m not being a good friend. Sometimes in my mind, I feel like some of my friends seem to be needy of friendship. For example, I tell my friend that I spend the first 3 hours doing school work and then I’ll hang out for 2 hours and I’ll have to go home early because I have to study for an exam and they will think that i don’t put enough time in my schedule for them. some friends say i just squeeze them into my schedule when it feels convenient, but that’s not the case. there are times when a friend will struggle in life and need someone to be there and regardless of my schedule i will find time for them. I can’t always hang out with friends during the times they are available, but i will make time for them. Sometimes I feel like my friends try to rush me to help them with something. I will tell them that I have a specific time in my schedule that I can spend on that task and I will make sure it gets done, but they feel like the specific time in my schedule is not enough or too far away for them so they try to take me away from my priorities so I can help them with theirs or hang out with them. And this makes me feel strained because I have less time for my priorities because I’m helping them out with theirs. So the questions are: How do I stop my friends from taking my time away from my priorities without feeling guilty? How do I figure out how to manage a schedule that works for both me and my friends? How do I know which priorities are important to get myself involved in? How do I assure my friends that I do appreciate their priorities and I have a set time that I will get to them and reassure them that I will help them?

    one of my friends wants me to help her set up a site that teaches people wicca and i enjoy it, but I’ve only been able to give her advice on and off for some days in november because of school work. mondays and wednesdays are quite busy for me with three classes and i get home late. the rest of the days of the week,  i’m working on school work and i try to make time for the site, but i haven’t been contributing much lately because i’ve been busy and i feel guilty. i feel like i have some responsibility in the site because i encouraged her to make it and said i would help. she has done more for the site than i have. she created most the site while i have just been giving her advice on the content to post on the site (which she takes my advice and puts the content on the site). sometimes i feel like i’m not collaborating enough with my friends.  Other questions: How do i know I’m not taking on more than I can handle? If I just made a friend and decide to wait until I get to know them better before telling them my gender identity and they find out from one of their friends and question me about it and say I’m being a disloyal friend, what do I do? I made a new friend who didn’t know I identified as a transgender male and I wasn’t comfortable telling him because I had only met him, but he found out from one of his friends so now he is saying that I am a selfish friend for not telling him something this important. And I have said to him that I wanted to get to know him better before telling him it because things like this are a big deal. And he has said that I don’t act like it’s a big deal because I seem to be nonchalant most of the time. And I say that sometimes appearances of calm aren’t always true and it seems like there’s a argument going on between both of us and he says I didn’t trust him enough to tell him this. He even said “Do you think I’m that prejudiced of a person that i would judge you for your gender identity? You’re fine being who you are.” And now I don’t know what to say.

    Thank you so much Anita! It’s great having a friend like you to talk to. I don’t post frequently because I’m busy with school work, but i always think of how grateful i am to have people who care about me. when my inner critic is being irritating, there is a light in my life and i feel some warmth knowing that i have people i can talk to. thank you for being here for me, Anita. You are an amazing person and I am glad you are in my life. Hope you have a good Thanksgiving!


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