
Was it really love?

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    I was dating this guy for 4 months. He told me that he loved me within the first month of us dating. He was a really nice guy and we had amazing 4 months. I do have a tendency to overreact sometimes over stupid things and so we got into a few arguments over our 4 month relationship. Nonetheless, we were in love and he always told me how lucky he was to have found him. He told me that I was the love of his life and that he would always fight for us. I introduced him to my family and all my family members liked him. I started to fall in love with him and how sweet he was with me. He is a really nice guy. However, we got into another argument where I overreacted about him being an MC at this wedding that we both got invited too. I apologized many times for my reaction as I truly did feel bad but he told me that he needed the weekend to really think things through and that he was feeling confused. I respected his wishes and the weekend passed and I sent him a message on Sunday where I told him that I was truly sorry for what had happened and that he meant a lot to me and I hope that he could give me an opportunity to explain myself. He called me that night although he didn’t want too but I pretty much begged him to call me and so he finally did. He said that he was thinking clearly now and that he felt that we were not compatible and therefore he wanted to end the relationship and move on. He asked me not to push it. He told me that I had hurt him too much and that the last fight was one to many arguments between us and that he had been patient but he didn’t want to do that anymore. He said “I have decided to move on. wish you the best”. and stopped replying to my last messages. I feel hurt and super sad and I am having a hard time coping with this situation. I know my reactions is something I need to work on but he used to always tell me that I was the love of his life and he walked out soooo easily from my life. I have been wanting to contact him and even go and see him but most of my friends tell me that is a bad idea and to just let it be. Any thoughts in regards this situation?

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by tinybuddha.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Rox.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Rox.

    Dear Rox:

    Clearly, he was too fast to declare that you are the love of his life. He should have taken his time before declaring these things and before promising to always fight for you. I hope he learned his lesson and not repeat such premature declarations and promises.

    These gave you a false sense of security with him and bring about your disappointment, understandably.

    This is not only an opportunity for him to learn, it is also an opportunity for you to examine and change your behavior in the context of a relationship, the behavior of overreacting, as you call it, and starting fights. Starting fights is a way to kill love and end potentially healthy and loving relationships.

    Do you have insight into what motivated you to overreact and start fights in this four month relationship?



    Hi Anita,

    Thank you for your reply. I truly do appreciate it. I know I am insecure- I tend to become insecure when I start to love a guy- but in this particular situation, I felt insecure that he would be MCing with a girl. I know its crazy eh?

    I have tried soooo hard to fix things. I have asked him for another chance but he wont give it to me. Like I said, I am having a very hard time accepting that it all just ended just like that. I have been waking up at 4am this week with pain in my heart that its all over.


    Hi Rox…I once had a g/f  that over reacted to the point where her reactions were excessive for the minor things that happened. Her reactions were explosive. These reactions were invariably followed by the requisite “I’m sorry”. This pattern continued with pendulum regularity, an explosive reaction followed by the get out of jail free card of I’m sorry. I’m trying to recall an example of a minor infraction turning into a federal offense…Here’s one…I bought some table napkins once, but didn’t open the package and put some in the napkin holder. It’s not that these over reactions kept occurring, but they were also brought out in the open months and sometimes years after the event happened. I guess it served to shore up her arsenal of emotional abuse for later use. I told her that by her continuous doing that is tantamount to hauling around a bad of trash. I told her that she needs to throw out the trash. I also told her that in talking to me that way robs her an opportunity to develop and maintain a happy healthy relationship. It got to the point where when she would react so violently where I told her that she was either looking for a fight or looking to start one. To me it seemed as though, in her mind, a fight that evolved into a you vs me showdown was mandatory in a relationship. It was not long after that, that I went my own way. To this day I will not tolerate emotional abuse. She was all upset in a bad way. She told me, “I’ll change.” I told her, “I look forward to that. You will find such love and happiness that way. But when you do, if you do, stop by some time and let me know how you’re doing and we’ll do lunch.”

    I think what I am trying to say is maybe now is a perfect time for you to take a step back and have a talk with yourself, and, your self, and admit that “yes this is how my reaction affects not only me but others as well.” There is absolutely nothing wrong in doing that. When I did that, it made a HUGE difference in my life. I constantly have my fingers on that pulse. Have a talk with yourself, Rox. Throw out the trash. It will make a lot more room in that huge heart that I KNOW you have that will make more room for someone special for you to hold.



    Dear Roxy:

    An MC, Master of Ceremony, is a friend of the groom, I understand, isn’t it? He sorts of works with and for the groom, not the bride. Can you explain to me your thinking regarding him being the MC in that wedding, what were your thoughts? What was the threat you perceived?



    Hi Pearce,

    Thank you very much for your response. I know I have some cleaning up to do. No one wants to be with someone whom makes them afraid of how they will react when being told something. He told me that he was scared of my reactions and I understand that- I guess I thought that even though I am not perfect, his love for me would help us communicate better and therefore better our relationship in the long run. I miss him dearly. He was perfect for me but I do feel like he gave up tooo easily. Is that selfish of me to feel that way? It was only 4 months that we were together for. I started to see a councilor as I feel like there are internal issues I need to fix. I want to tell him that things will be different this time around but I think he meant it when he said that he was done. I am just upset that he said that I was the love of his life and that he would always fight for us. How can you make such declarations and run away the minute things get tough. Relationships are not perfect. Would you ever date your ex again if you knew she had seek help?


    Hi Anita,

    I felt that by him being an MC (Master of Ceremony) with another girl I did not know, he would probably connect with her and leave me. Crazy thoughts like that started to take over my mind. I become anxious when he went to work on the material and I did not hear from him for 4 hours. When I did hear from him I was not happy. He told me that his guy friend had asked him to be an MC because he was funny and I replied ” you are not that funny” but quickly told him that I was just joking. He got upset at that which I understood.


    Dear Rox:

    I suppose your relationship with a parent (or parents) was one where you felt unsafe and fearful. As an adult you project your fear into the relationship, see dangers where there is none (the MC), get angry at him and demand that he corrects his behavior and make you feel safe. Problem is there was no danger, he did no wrong (again, in the MC example), and it is not his behavior that needs correcting.

    For as long as you automatically project your childhood fear (and anger) into romantic relationships, you are unable to see the man for who he is (trustworthy or not, loving or not). This childhood projection is like a big, dark cloud overshadowing the man. So you can’t see who he is.

    Do you agree with my understanding?



    Hi Anita,

    I do agree with your understanding. I do realize that this is indeed my fault. I honestly wish I could fix things with him but he wont give me a chance. Do I need to just accept that I messed things up for good and  move on?


    Hi Rox…Believe me, I have a lot of damage control to do on me as well and it actually feels good knowing that I am, as I say, throwing out the trash too. It has made me a lot more room to grow in ways that I had not expected. One of the concerns that I think that the guy you had been dating was that he may have felt that your adverse reactions were more present than what he had visions for, presumably visions of being with a good looking kind woman like you. They may have been so frequent that he pondered how long this will go on, will it get any better etc. From what he may have experienced was he felt that yes, this will continue and no, it won’t get any better. For the most part he is shell shocked and feels that by continuing his relationship with you he would continue to be subject to these negative reactions too often to warrant him to go on. I’m just speculating.

    I am curious. In what ways was he perfect for you? While it may be true that you were “the love of his life and that he would always fight for us”, his threshold of tolerance has/is/was not as great as you hoped it would be. That may be due to experiences he had to grow up with and therefore became part of who he is, but again I don’t know him. I agree 100% with Anita that “For as long as you automatically project your childhood fear (and anger) into romantic relationships, you are unable to see the man for who he is (trustworthy or not, loving or not). This childhood projection is like a big, dark cloud overshadowing the man. So you can’t see who he is.” It makes perfect sense, to me anyway. As long as he has chosen to disengage from your relationship with him, for reasons that are protective to him, I cannot see how you can fix things with him. For that to happen, you need to fix things with you first. I am not so sure that it was only that you messed things up per se. I think it is also an issue of not being compatible in the first place and so how your reactions set the stage for the breakup, to couple that with being incompatible is a toxic situation. I also believe that you should move on with the knowledge that you have learned many things about yourself. I think that going back to him so soon would sabotage your relationship further for many reasons. First and foremost forgive yourself, love yourself even more and recognize that none of us is perfect, and make a conscious effort to weed out the things you have harbored for a long time. Those things have not served you well in any capacity. They have only hurt you. Just as important, wish him well and hope for a happy journey wherever he goes in life. Because this ending was so painful for you I think that you now realize what you must do for you. And I know you will. To answer your last question, no. I would not date her again. It’s that could have/would have/should have thing. I have moved on in my life and the changes I have made and continue to make are incredibly exciting to me. Those memories are still close, although I am not affected by them in any way. I will not compromise myself by thinking things are better with her, even though I have forgiven her. If anything, please know that there are some truly amazing people here for you, myself included.


    Wow. I totally relate to your story. My ex-bf has had enough after 6 months but somehow he was hoping I will change and we lasted almost 2 years and a half. Yes, he meant everything he said, and everything he said was true in that moment. He didn’t feel like you love him or care about him when you were acting like that. I understand 100% elwhen you talk about the pain you are feeling. In a way, our stories are the same. Me and my ex bf were talking about how we’ll be together forever, how we wish we had been together from childhood, I was the only one for him and he told me so many things. When he broke up with me for good I had a real shock, no joking. The thing is I somehow wanted the breakup too but this is another story. So back to you, I am so sorry for what you are going through, I know it’s extremely hard because you thought it will last. Don’t contact him. You did everything you could: apologizing, talking to him about it..nothing changed. Focus on yourself. I’ll write to you again if you have questions or something. Stay strong. It’s a good step you are aware of what you need to change… Don’t rush into a relationship too soon to fill the void and to “cover” the pain with distractions.


    Hi Pearce,

    Your speculations are very right. He did mention that he had been too patient with me and he did not want to do it anymore. To answer your question, the reason why I felt like he was perfect for me was the way he treated me. Whenever he was at the super market, he would always check to see if I needed anything. One time he noticed that I had no big knife in my house(I don’t cook)- so next time he came around to visit, he had bought me one. He was soooooo loving and kind to me. He was always kissing my nose and forehead. Not a day would go by where he didn’t tell me that he loved me. We would go for runs together, we would encourage eachother in whatever we were doing in our lives at that current moment. We would stop in the middle of nowhere just to kiss. I hadn’t felt loved that way in a very long time. I felt that he was what I had needed my whole life and that is why it hadn’t worked with anybody else. But I guess if it was true love he wouldn’t of given up. I know that love is not enough, but our relationship was soooooo loving towards eachother- there was sooo much respect for one another there. I messed it up because of my own internal insecurities. Nonetheless, I already did all I could to fix things. Our last conversation on the phone was painful- I was begging him not to break things off and all I could hear him say was ” I gotta go, I am going to hang up now”. – I thought to myself, how can the man that once said that he loved me sooo much and that I never had to feel alone because he would always be there for me, be soooo harsh. I overreacted- I am not perfect. I couldn’t and still cant understand how he couldn’t hold on to our love. He would talk about me all the time to his co-workers and to his friends and he would always tell me about it. I felt his love. Where did that love go? Is not fair.


    Hi Rox,

    I would just give him some space. Don’t contact him. Many men will say they are hurt, and they hurt for awhile, but he may still get in touch. I wouldn’t hold on to hope, but if he does, don’t bring up any intensity, drama, just try to keep your emotions and feeling in check. Although, we as women, so get emotional, it’s usually best, when you get overheated to bring it up to a therapist or talk to a friend on the phone.

    Men want to come home to no conflict, tension, intensity, fear, insecurity, someone begging them. You can casually mention, you are in a support group to get control over your outbursts and emotions, and that’s all you have to say.

    In the meantime, I would use this time away to work on these issues that drive this man away, or it will come up in your next relationships. Self help books, mindfulness, therapy, anger management, emotion regulation, therapy, a 12 step support group such as emotions Anonymous are all great places to start you on the way to healthier, less turbulent relationships. Keep us posted.


    Hi Coconut.

    Thank you very much for your reply. Its a good thing that your ex boyfriend hold on for awhile though. He really did give it a fair shot. In my current situation, I feel like my ex gave up to easily. I wouldn’t have given up that easily on him if things had been flipped around. The wedding that we were supposed to attend together will be this coming weekend. Today, I finally sent a text to the bride saying ” my ex and I broke up and it would be inappropriate for me to attend the wedding now. I wish you and your husband to be all the best”. It was soooooo hard to right that text to her because it was me accepting that it was actually over. I want to rip my heart out of my chest and not miss him soooo much. You are right though, I should not contact him and I wont. What helped you move on from you ex? I guess all I can do is give it time.


    Hi Eliana,

    Thank you for your reply to my posting. I have started to see a councilor. I realized that I have some work to do with me. I do hope he comes back but I am not getting my hopes up. I guess time will dictate that.

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