
Whether to move away or not !

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    I have benn working in the same place since 4 years and it was getting too monotonous and boring for me. I wanted to quit earlier itself, but I was too comfortable in the office setting and surrounding that I became lazy to move out. Off late I developed a crush on a co-worker (we work in different floors of the same building) who is already in a relationship(that I came to know recently). I have to face this person at least once or twice a day and it us becoming little hard on me. I thought the best way to get over him is to change my job itself. Anyways, I was thinking this this should be a reason for me to start everything afresh. Any thoughts?


    Hi vidalevi,

    In my opinion I don’t believe you should allow another person to dictate such a big decision that you’re going to make about your life. It seems like you’re giving them control of the situation by making them the reason that you want to move. I don’t mean to sound harsh so I apologize if I do. I understand first-hand that encountering crushes can be difficult but don’t change jobs or start fresh simply because of one person.

    On the flip side, you only have one life to live and if you’re truly bored at this job and the area you live in having a fresh start wouldn’t hurt. Is it just the job you’re bored of? Are you considering a career change?

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by April.

    Let me start by saying that you will leave the place you are now. Whether that be in 5 weeks, 5 months, or 5 years, I assure you, it will happen as long as you know where you want to go and have a plan to get there. Appreciate the home you have now, for you will miss it even though you may not be able to see that now. Figure out where it is you want to go, why you want to go there, and know why it’s important to you. Start saving money and plan out the finances you’ll need to succeed in the move you want to make. Make goals to get closer to your dream location and always have a back up plan. Then build up the courage to go out and live your life.

    There’s so much in this world and I wish you the best in experiencing it.

    I hope this helps. Thepathofaronin.blogspot.com is my personal blog and may offer further advice if you ever need it.

    Take care!

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