
Why friends disappear?

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  • This topic has 57 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by anita.
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    Dear Anita,


    I really hope that you will  not be “removed”! As far as I understood during the time I was reading your answers to people on this forum, you are a wonderful person who really cares of people,  read their messages and your answers are always considerate,  objective and aim to help. You are always patient and take everybody’s problem seriously. I’ve been always wondering how you do it!

    Please have my whole support, in case it helps keep you on this forum.


    Dear EvFran:

    Thank you so much for your kind words. Your words, your post is probably the last one I will be responding to, and I am grateful for it. Thank you so much for your support!



    Hi I don’t have an answer but only a share of similar issues.  Throughout my life I have made friends and then lost them.  Sometimes my own doing, out of what I now know as naivety and inexperience. But most have cut ties with me and for no reason I can think of!

    Its so painful, I’m never sure what to do so I used to end up sending text messages just to try and get a response.  So maybe I wonder if I’m giving out the wrong vibe and this is sending so called friends a signal to cut me off? Who knows as they never tell you.

    Forgive me for saying this, but I’m so glad I’m not alone as I really thought I was the only one!



    Hi Debbie,

    You are forgiven 🙂 I think sometimes it helps a bit to know that we are not alone. Because,  as far as i am concerned, I always look for some error on my side. Try to find out what I have done wrong etc. It’s such a shame when a friend disappear without communication. But in the end, it’s their solution to something…


    Dear EvFran: I wanted to let you know that using an old account I submitted posts yesterday in the two threads with my name in the titles (identical posts in both threads so that members who may miss one of the threads can read what I wrote in the other). I explained what happened there. Thank you so much for your words in the thread Anita’s Choice To Leave The Forums. I cried for a long time when I read what you wrote there.



    Dear Anita,

    Sorry for my late answer but I check in less since you left. And also, my mum is very I’ll, so I had to come to europe – from Asia – in emergency. I was standing at the airport in thongs and t-shirt in the middle of below 0 🙂 I haven’t been to Europe in winter since 10 years… So now I am taking care of mum and her brother who is also sick, has no family and cannot do anything at the moment.

    I sincerely think that your work is essential here. Everybody is lovely and seems concerned but somehow, I always found your analysis fantastic. And additionally,  as I mentioned, you never let anybody down, you always got back to the person as you promised. Which is, unfortunately,  rare in life nowadays. People talk so much but rarely follow up. They even forget what they say 🙂

    Nevertheless,  you should do what you feel right. If you don’t get back, it’s fine. I am very happy that people like you exist.
    <p style=”text-align: left;”>I have just read the comments in Anita’s Choice to Leave but I couldn’t find anything from you. Could you please tell me again where you submitted your posts on 15th? I would like to read. Many thanks.</p>




    Dear EvFran:

    I don’t know if you will be reading this. If you do, I want to tell you how much I appreciate what you wrote in the thread regarding my leaving the forums. I literally cried when I read it. Thank you so much for your kindness and big heart!

    How are you and how is your mother?



    Hello EvFran,

    I’m sorry about your pain.

    First and foremost, I relate to this concern a great deal too. I’m 23 years old and I’ve lost contact with many people I used to think were part of my everyday life too. I do not know how to respond in a comforting way to this concern as I’m also experiencing it. However, I can share with you my story of how I first experienced this feeling at a very young age and how I’ve learned how to deal with it better.

    A disclaimer, before I do, is that, unlike what you have expressed in your situation, I don’t travel as often, if anything it is within the country.

    I was around 10 years old when I met my 1st best friend. I didn’t have many friends at school and I’ve often felt very alone until the 4th grade. We clicked right away and at the time it was a great deal that she and my parents got along too, given we both were young. I can still remember the fun we used to have on our way back home, school started to seem less lonely and less of an intimidating place for me socially. At some point, however, I was starting to lose contact with her, though I cannot right now recollect a memory of that time, but eventually, we lost contact and she left without saying goodbye. It was only later in time when I passed by where she used to live that my mother told me that she left town. I remember feeling really sad about that, and it was less because of what drove her to (leave) and more because we never had a proper goodbye; After all, everyone is subject to circumstances they cannot control especially at such a young age.

    Right now, I cannot tell you that I have mastered the art and/or science of letting friends go with no prior notice but I’ve learned how to honor my feelings better when it comes to that. Depending on the depth of the friendship, rather than sinking into the negativity of them ”disappearing”, I would journal or write a letter to them that I wouldn’t send. I naturally fell into doing the latter because I’m a bit of an old soul like that and it really feels like I’m talking to that person as if they were in front of me.

    On this note, I hope that you feel better in regards to this concern and I’m cheering for your journey.

    Please feel free to keep me updated on what happened with the friendships you mentioned or really anything that strikes you on this matter.

    Best wishes,



    On what happens with your friendships*


    Dear EvFran,

    Your post spoke to me. It is something I struggle with so often as well. I am so sorry for the hurt you’ve been feeling both with the loss of your partner and the lack of consistency with your friendships. I relate very much. I am an only child, no siblings, so friends are very important to me. My family was always unstable, so this adds to the need for a “chosen family” with friendships. Like you, I try very hard, always try to be there, to be considerate, to reach out and check on them. But it is not always reciprocated the way I hoped.

    There have been times in my life that my merely ASKING for a friend to reciprocate, or to try to be more considerate, has completely ruined the friendship. So I have stopped asking, stopped pointing out how I would like them to act. Losing some of my old friends has made me realize you can’t make someone treat you how you would expect to be treated. It is SO HARD to lose friends, especially when it is a long friendship. But if the dynamic has changed where they are not treating you as you should, sometimes it is easier to let go, than to hang on and feel neglected and hurt for years and years. I know because that is what I used to do. Now I have shifted my approach. I send love and light to them when I miss them, but I don’t ask them to change. Some of what others have said is true…life is busy, COVID has changed us all, the over-abundance of tech and social media has somewhat ruined our brains. We are all mentally exhausted. I take what people are able to give, and try to fill my cup myself if it still feels empty.

    My desire has always been to have people think of me, include me, the way that I try to include everyone. It makes me sad that I am not thought of in that way, the way I think of others. But I look for signs, and I try not to put energy into places that don’t give back anymore. Someone said to me once, “if you hold on to a dead frienship, it is like an anchor holding you down. Once you let it go, you become free to attract another friendship that can bring you higher”. I would look at your situation not as a limitation but an opportunity to meet others. Being in new places, far away from people who do not put effort into you is not a negative thing. You are in beautiful new places, and once you let go of the grief from these older friends, you will open up to receive new friendships with people who see your value. Good luck!


    Dear nycartist,

    Thanks for reaching out. My concern with certain friendships is that they start to get closer, they invite you all the time, they tell you they love you, they offer their help or home, they say how talented you are etc. And then they let you drop with no understandable reason. That’s what confuses me the most. It happened me recently again. I think that I might attract narcistic people. They talk a lot about their issues, I listen because I am interested in the beginning, then they talk more about their interpersonal issues, reporting the same stories, I still listen, out of politeness this time. They usually never ask how you are, what’s up with you. And one day, usually when you are not around, they disappear, don’t answer your messages. I need to move because of my work but for me it doesn’t mean that I am not available for others. I check in, I ask how things are, how the kitties are doing, I keep in touch. But as you say, not everybody is like this. I just don’t get why they say they love  you so much if they cut off as soon as you are away. No clue 🙂 I probably have lots of expectations. So I have to work on that. It’s terrible for me to realize that I cannot really count on anybody. Even when they promised you the stars and say that they love you to death. Lessons learned. Nevertheless,  I don’t give up, I believe in true and long lasting friendships!


    Dear LunaIsHere,


    Thanks so much for sharing your experience , especially your advice.  As it happened to me again, I think I will start writing a letter to her, which I will not send. As I mentioned in my answer to nycartist, what surprises me is that they want you so much in their lives, they tell you nice things and then they drop you. As I was in a similar situation recently, I think that I attract narcistic personalities who kind of download all their psychological problems to me and when it’s done, they kind of don’t need me anymore. Both cases were very similar. Outside very kind, social, smiling people, you would think they love everybody,  but once at home, they tell you horrible things about the others, how they dislike them etc. And the next day they call these people and do them favors,  the are kind to them. So I think it’s a bit unhealthy and very confusing. So in the end I think it’s good not to have them in my life. But I really need to find out why I get ‘trapped ‘. What occurs in me that I believe these people. What kind of lack or need I have that they use me as an emotional trash bin. Or am I just too polite to say stop to them. I definitely hate confrontations, especially with friends, so maybe I just do all this to avoid confrontation… I will figure it out 🙂



    Hi Anita,

    Thanks for asking. Unfortunately mum passed away unexpectedly in March this year. So I am dealing with a lot. I haven’t recovered yet after my boyfriend’s death. I am functioning OK and hopefully I can focus now more on the task I need to do.

    I hope that you are back and all good.



    Hi EvFran:

    I am sorry for your loss, the loss of your mother last March. Lots indeed for you to deal with. I wish your life was easier and brighter. I hope it will be.

    I am back here, one day at a time.



    Dear EvFran,

    I think you have hit on a very interesting point….an attraction to narcissists. This, I know, is the case for me. I see the patterns in who I am attracted to. I like loud, funny, over-the-top personalities that love to be the center of attention. I myself am more quiet, and wonder if I have as much to offer, so I gravitate toward these “shiny people” who light up a room. But, with that often comes selfishness, self-centeredness. I have been told I am loved, especially when I am doing the listening, and the being there for others. But when it is my turn to need something, I notice these friends are often unreliable. It hurts so much, because I always think I have done my part in the friendship and am simply looking for the same effort in return. But you hit another good point, expectations. I know these are people you love, but ask yourself, do they act selfishly at times? It sounds that way. It is hard to expect a lot from selfish people. Lowering expectations is a very good start, if you do not want to ever give up on them, as you say.

    I admire your loyalty. I am also loyal to a fault. But I am now in my 40’s with a family and have realized I do not have an endless supply anymore to give to these friends that just take take take. And that make me feel unworthy. So that is where i ask you to look hard at these relationships and ask yourself, do they still make you feel good? If not, it is worth reevaluating your expectations of them, as well as how much effort you put toward reaching out.

    NYC Artist

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