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June 10, 2014 at 11:06 am #58497
ParticipantI was just wondering about anyone’s experience with the “30 Day No Contact Rule” after a break up.
I met a wonderful man and fell in love hard and fast. I thought that for the first time in my life, I was in a relationship where I wasn’t the one who cared more; he insisted that he was as crazy for me as I was for him. In fact, he was the one who said “I love you” first. I went into the whole thing very cautious, etc., since I had my heart broken a few months before so I couldn’t believe this adorable, talented, sexy, funny guy was not only interested in me – but had fallen in love with me as well. He was the first man in my life who ever told me I was beautiful and pretty and sexy.
None of this is to say that we didn’t have our issues. He told me I could be needy and dependent, and when that happened I “wasn’t fun anymore.” I worked hard on fixing that undesirable aspect of my personality and thought I was doing much better. He is also going through the divorce process and has a 13 year old son who will eventually be living with him half the week. So yes, he has baggage and so do I.
The biggest problem (in my estimation) is that he would NEVER call me – always text. (Mind you we are in our 50’s, not teenagers.) Whenever we were making plans, it was always through text. All communication was always through text. Well as you can imagine, we had a few instances where my meaning was totally misinterpreted by him because he couldn’t hear my voice or the spirit in which things were intended. Whenever that would occur, I would apologize profusely. We worked it out a couple of times, but this last time he won’t “forgive” me. I say it in quotes because I don’t feel I did anything “wrong”, but I kept apologizing because I didn’t want to lose him.
He accused me of having a pattern of this behavior, and this was never going to work out because he can’t give me the time or attention I need. He accused me of being manipulative and game playing, which was NEVER my intention. I love him too much to want to mess things up and I told him that on many occasions. He wouldn’t listen, claimed we were over. I sent him an email to apologize (again), and said I hoped he would someday change his mind. He texted me (of course) later that night, said he wasn’t mad but it just wasn’t going to work out, etc.
I begged him a few times the next day to meet me in person to talk things out with no response. I called him, left a voice mail message asking if he would meet me that night in person. He texted me (of course) saying he wasn’t being rude in not answering me, but that he had been working all day and was taking his son to a party and didn’t know how long it would go on (I guess he had to pick him up). So I said can we talk on the phone about this…no reply. I tried again…no reply.
Yesterday I sent another good bye email, apologizing again and begging him to change his mind. I am trying to deal with the fact that he is gone and never coming back, and am having a very difficult time. I am crying all the time, can’t eat, can’t sleep, can’t work…but know that I need to face the fact that is gone. I know I can’t contact him again as I will only look needy and dependent. I sit on my hands constantly (figuratively lol). Hence my interest in the 30 Day Rule. Does this ever work? Do they ever come back? Did you ever contact someone after the 30 days with a great outcome?
June 10, 2014 at 11:53 am #58507anonymous
ParticipantHonestly please accept that he is gone , please move on.. u may find a better person.
June 10, 2014 at 2:48 pm #58534elet
ParticipantIt happened with me a couple of weeks ago. Yes, he said he liked me a lot, many and many times. I was not so sure, as like you I am on my fifties and I am not one of jumping into a relationship that fast. Then he was texting, not my kind of thing either. Then, he apologized, and I apologized. Something is not right when a relationship begins with sorry. I mean, once one is married it is OK, but in the beginning?
I take it as a red flag. Does it hurt? It hurts a lot. I cried and for a couple of days all seemed gloomy. But listen, it was not meant to be. It really does not matter if he is not into you or anything else. You deserve someone to make you happy, not someone to make you say sorry all the time just because you are who you are. Unless you have a big defect you don’t need to change substantially to please a guy. Because you will lose your self respect.
You should improve who your are for yourself not for a guy. Because in the end you will feel angry that you did so much for him. And that is also not good. Remain whole.June 10, 2014 at 10:53 pm #58592sojourner
ParticipantHi Jan, best to you…and heartfelt hugs.
I think there’s a lot more going on with this guy than he has disclosed to you. First, he’s going through a divorce – never easy, and riddled with many variables beyond what you probably are aware of (especially since there’s a teenager involved). Ok, notice the operational words going through…as in, it’s not over there for him yet. He’s probably pretty strapped emotionally and has a hair trigger emotionally at the moment. Kind of a tough time for you to be having a relationship with him no matter how much you adore him.So, step back, give this guy breathing room, and yourself. Remember, you may WANT a man, but you do not NEED a man. It seems he is distancing himself from you because that’s what he needs to do right now…and the harder you push or throw yourself at his mercy, the faster he is going to run the other direction. We can’t make someone love or want us.
Breathe deeply, stick to your plan of 30 days no contact, and let him go. When someone wants to be in our lives, they make the effort to be in our lives.
Texting only is just plain weird and that was a huge red flag.
This may not be about YOU so much as it is where HE is emotionally.
Please take care of yourself….do things you like to do, build yourself up, you are good enough just the way you are. Don’t give him this power over you. I think he’s gone, and I think you are better off for it…
June 11, 2014 at 6:49 am #58601Jan
ParticipantThank you all for your replies. I understand that he may be gone and while it breaks my heart and my spirit, I will try and do my best to move forward. I will never understand if someone loves you, why they wouldn’t take the time to talk it over and offer forgiveness. Perhaps that says something about him after all….
June 11, 2014 at 11:46 am #58627MayraLuna
Firstly, I am so sorry that you are experiencing pain at this moment in your life. Just know that you are in control of yourself and your reactions. I actually went about roughly 30 days or so of no-contact with my recently ended romance… the guy reached out to me… mostly to say that I let my “ego / insecurities” drive us astray…. which is really effing strange because I can say the same thing about him… Anyway, that’s besides the point…
Jan, I don’t think it’s fair when someone in a relationship says that the other is “too needy or dependent” while there are of course fair enough examples of one partner being heavily reliant on the other partner, it is one thing to WANT and DESIRE the other’s affection and attention, and it is the other to NEED it to survive. When you are in a relationship with someone, therein lies a set of expectations. We all have needs, we all want to be cared for in such a partnership. If he did not want or desire to meet your basic needs in the relationship, consider it a relationship that you do not desire. Please do not ever beg anyone for anything. It will have its time or serve its purpose. Right now his distance is giving him the space that he might not have been able to ask for in a kind way. Sometimes people who distance themselves in this manner do it because they think it will hurt you less or they are not able to verbally communicate their needs in a tactful manner without deliberately hurting you.
@anonymous, consider being a little more kind to Jan, we come on here for yes HONEST feedback, but we also must show kindness and compassion in our responses, for a straight up response may be honest, it may not set well with the OP.Best of luck Jan. Wish you nothing but much LOVE & PEACE.
June 11, 2014 at 9:58 pm #58666Kailey Gilbert
ParticipantJan, I’ve actually experimented with the “30 Day No Contact Rule”, but let me tell you, it really varies depending on the person and the situation…To give you a better idea, I think I’ll explain some of my experiences with it.
In one of my relationships, I was crushed emotionally by the guy. He turned on me and decided to tell his friends that what we had was “nonexistent” and that I was a “stalker” and a “psycho”. For a while there, I became so depressed that I believed it. I wanted to let out all my feelings…unleash EVERY bit of anger on him that was pent up inside of my mind. I even started to. But my mom told me that it was a bad idea. She told me that I’d get farther ignoring him completely than I would saying even one word to him. I argued with her, saying, “But wait, if I say nothing, won’t that make him think he’s won? Won’t it make him think he’s right?” My mom told me that no, it wouldn’t work like that. She told me that all I had to do was cease any and all contact with this guy and he would eventually come back to me, trying to talk to me again. I told her there was no way he would. I said that there was no way this guy would ever try talking to me. Why would he, after he’d said all those terrible things about me? And so I tried it her way. I didn’t talk to him, I didn’t text him, didn’t call him, didn’t interact with him on his social media sites…nothing. And for a while it was torture. I couldn’t take it. Days and days on end passed and there was no indication that he’d try talking to me again. I began to doubt my mom’s advice. I almost texted him a few times. But I stopped myself. And then one day, about two or three months after we’d stopped talking, he started a conversation with me as if we had never ended things…as if he had never called me all those names. It was so mind boggling, let me tell you. But after I thought about it for a while, it made sense. Ceaselessly texting or calling a guy and trying to make them come back to you just translates to them as needy and psycho…and that’s exactly what you DON’T want them to think. If you ignore them and pretend like they don’t matter to you anymore, THAT’S what’s going to bother them. They like to gloat and feel as though you’re going to be miserable without them, and hell, that’s true a lot of the time. I’m miserable right now because my boyfriend left me, and I love him still. I’m still in the process of THAT no contact period, and to tell you the truth, it doesn’t necessarily take 30 days. It could be less than that, or more. But remember this. If a guy sees you doing well, looking good, smiling and laughing, they’re going to beat themselves up wondering what or WHO is making you this happy, since it’s not them anymore. Don’t keep emailing the guy. Let him have time and space to miss you. If the relationship actually meant something to him, which it sounds like it did, then there’s no way in hell those feelings just disappeared. You have to wait. Be patient. If things don’t work out, then maybe it wasn’t meant to be. I hate to be the one to say that, but it’s true. I wish you the best of luck.
June 12, 2014 at 7:17 am #58705Kelly
ParticipantJan, as others have suggested, employ this 30 day no contact rule if it’s what’s best for YOU and your heart. I think if you do it in an effort to “win him back”, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. Not because he won’t come back (he might, or he might not), but because you are leaving your happiness and well-being in his hands. I would recommend you use this time apart from him to consider your own needs. What do you want in a relationship, in a partner? What value do you add to a relationship? What makes you happy? You are a valuable, loving person with much to offer. Whether or not this guy sees it does not increase or diminish that value in any way. Take loving care of you.
June 13, 2014 at 8:24 am #58783Tinyzebra
ParticipantHi All
This really hit home with me so I hope you don’t mind me adding my thoughts. I agree with @wigirl that you have to follow your heart. I’m kind of trying the same thing (I’m doing 60 days). Its hard as hell. And we don’t live in the same city so there is no way that I can illicit the kind of response @kaileygilbert describes in terms of letting him know I’m happy. I’m also not on any social media. So its just pure and simple no contact.
I think, reading these posts, that part of my motivation in doing so is that I want to believe that if I leave him alone, he will come back. I wondered what others thought about the no contact rule and if in fact this motivation is necessarily a bad/wrong one? I mean, its forcing me to get on with my own life, but it does feel a little bit like constant white noise in the back of my mind- he might come back, he might come back. I’m not sure if that is the best for my recovery. BUT its at least stopping me contact him (I’ve heard so many tales like @kaileygilbert describes, ie leave him be and he’ll come back if its meant to be, and I find it very hard not to hope that will happen). I’m not going to pass up other opportunities if they come my way, and I’m not sitting around moping and waiting, but the hope is making it somewhat easier to bear. That we are not necessarily never going to see each other again. That maybe, one day….
I’m sorry to jump on this bandwagon @janfromjersey but I do understand where you are coming from.
Is it the action (not contacting) or the attitude that matters? ?? I think that’s more the question for me.
Its also easier to do no contact if you don’t think you will get the response you want anyway, which is what I am kind of coming round to seeing. As more time goes on and he doesn’t contact me I think he probably doesn’t care. It makes me very sad.
June 16, 2014 at 7:40 am #58909Jan
ParticipantI only lasted a week 🙁
I called and he didn’t take my call, left a message which he didn’t return.
Finally (via text of course) I asked him if he had been just using me for sex, and if he answered me I would leave him alone.
He replied of course not, but he can’t talke the drama. “17 years of marriage may have sucked but at least there was no drama.” Which is totally crazy since the “drama” that he perceives was all through text! I couldn’t get him to understand that. Obviously he didn’t love me like he said, and he didn’t care enough about me to want to try and work it out.
Anyway, he refused to talk to me and refused to tell me WHY he won’t talk to me. Maybe I’m beginning to see why his marriage is ending…
I still love him and know it will take me a very long time to get over him. I have a therapist appointment today thank goodness.
Thanks to all of you for your thoughts, advice and encouragement. I feel lost, I feel like I am under water, and that no one understands what I am going throuigh or what I am feeling. I’m a grown woman and yet I am acting like a tennager whose boyfriend dumped her.
June 16, 2014 at 8:58 am #58910Inky
ParticipantI’m still stuck on the texting! (sorry!)
Only texting? A Major red flag.
He dumped you because you were “too needy”. That’s code for “I can’t put my side attraction in a nice little contained box”. He is probably not as in the middle of a divorce as you think.
And if I give him the benefit of the doubt? He has many interests and doesn’t want his sub-worlds to collide. You are too much “work”, and after a long marriage he wants easy breezy relationships.
Reclaim your power. You didn’t lose him. He is Lost, even to himself.
Next relationship? Lose the cell phone. If a relationship was ruined by mere texting, then something else was fundamentally wrong. Consider it a blessing.
June 20, 2014 at 1:02 pm #59267Marc
ParticipantI tend to have a hard and fast rule for myself about dating people that are married: don’t.
Separated is married, still, we are all better off accepting this. The longer the marriage, the longer it takes the heart to properly grieve the loss of the marriage, the heart stays married long after the decree, it doesn’t matter which party filed. To ignore this is to invite emotional disaster.
The best thing to do, Jan, would be to respect his confusion and pain of loss and back off and let him heal naturally. If he should reconnect with you in time, you will be stronger for it, and he will be more ready to handle a new, healthy, relationship.
The 30 day no contact does work if you use the time to truly move on and become a better you, but not if you use it as a ploy to get them back. It’s a paradox. You may find that you have moved on before they come back, that is a good thing. Stay strong. You seem to have a heart of gold.
June 23, 2014 at 8:35 am #59398Jan
ParticipantThank you all again for your kind words. I’m doing my best to accept the fact that he is gone and not coming back. I’ve been trying to do things and keep busy – it’s lonely but I will keep trying. As I’m sure anyone can understand, I think of him all the time and get sad when I recall the fun we had when we spent time together.
I know it will get easier as time passes. It’s getting to that point that is difficult.
September 4, 2014 at 10:26 am #64385elephantgirl
ParticipantHello Jan,
I was searching for this topic and i read your post. And how is everything now? MAybe you can share your experience if you applied this no contact rule. I hope all is well..
September 27, 2014 at 4:34 pm #65653Jen A.
ParticipantI’m curious how this worked out for you too, I’m going through the same thing, boyfriend withdrew and just said he couldn’t be in a relationship right now and got very resentful from a fight we had that led to the breakup and he ultimately drew comparisons in his mind to his ex and I…… anyways I have just started to apply the 30 day no contact rule curious how it turned out for you…… 2 weeks ago I ended up sending him an apology letter and accepting things, he sent an apology letter back and I further thanked him by text, keeping very cool and composed and after that, 4 days later, he seemed to be coming around cuz he sent me a movie trailer to our fave movie (3rd sequal out this winter)….. then a few days later I think he saw guys commenting on my profile and he started liking photos (something he never EVER did)……… I’m only less than 2 weeks into no contact (started it after he sent me the movie trailer as a replied with a “oooh looks good”)……. and I’m going MENTAL lol it’s sooo hard and painful….. but I’m wondering what happened for you.
Thanks so much 🙂