Forum Replies Created
ParticipantDear Melinda: I am so sorry for this Tragedy in your life, so sorry for this pain in your mind and heart. I will reply further Mon morning (it’s Sun night here).
September 29, 2024 at 10:34 am in reply to: Surrender, Accessing Shakti by clearing samskaras, eliminating false selves #438436anita
ParticipantDear Seaturtle:
“What comes to mind now, is that a majorly good person is one with good intentions but doesn’t always get that across,“- good people have good intentions, but good intentions not getting across can be a failure on the part of the receiver: misunderstanding, inaccurate projections, and such.
“or that they think their intentions are good, but are missing some information and their good intentions are misguided, causing bad outcomes“- this is why it is important to ask questions and to make educated decisions, decisions on what to say/ type/ do, not based on unchecked assumptions. When you try to help a person in a particular situation, and you feel that you understand the situation, ask yourself: is there a different angle to look at the situation? Is there a bigger picture that I am not yet seeing?
“Whereas a fully good person is completely in line with their third eye, and therefore their intentions are always pure, never contaminated with bias or selfish wants. A fully good person always effects the environment neutrally or positively“- I challenge this and say: there is no such person, a fully good person, not a single one. This is a description of a saint (a fictional character, including those labeled saints by the Catholic church), or of a god that’s made in the image of a perfect human (which doesn’t exist). No one is a fully good person.
“a majorly good person can sometimes have negative effects on others and the world“- all majorly good people have negative effects on others and the world, knowingly and not knowingly. Majorly good people use plastic and then placing it in the recycle bin, they believe that they are doing the right thing.. not knowing that plastic does not get recycled and so, they are adding waste and harm to the world.
Everyone who votes in elections, adds support to politicians who have positive, but also negative effects on the world. This is why many vote for the “lesser of two evils”: they knowingly vote for a candidate who adds harm to the world.
Being a majorly good person is about minimizing harm whenever, wherever possible (not avoiding or preventing it all together, which is an impossibility).
“my dad did not treat me as if I was a good person, he was skeptic of me and I was disciplined and criticized all the time. But for K, he seems to have the same overlying issue as me, doubting his goodness, but he didn’t have a critical parent, his mom over gave praise to him to an extent to where he now wonders ‘what is real praise and what is exaggerated’“- his mother praised him, he believed her but found out- through interactions with peers/ other people- that her praise was exaggerated or untrue altogether. Examples, if she told him something like: you are the most intelligent boy in the world! Or you are the most handsome boy in the world! And then a teacher gave him a C while a dozen peers received Bs and As, or when a girl he was interested in rejected his advances and chose another boy.. then there’s dissonance in his brain, thinking something like: if I really am the most intelligent, why didn’t I get a B or an A?
“How can two different types of parents, both result in a hard time receiving praise or seeing yourself as good?“- your father criticized you, his mother built him up so that (unintentionally) he would be taken down by society.
“What is the balance of praise and constructive criticism that leads to a healthy self esteem (seeing self as good). I ask because I want to balance myself out, and I also want to raise a balanced child one day“- for example, instead of telling a child generalities like: you are the most intelligent person in the world, or the most handsome, say something specific, like: I like how you figured out this math problem, good job! Or I like your posture, how you stand with your back straight and shoulders back!
“This is where I can be thankful, and one of the ways my experience breaks away from yours… My way of life doesn’t make sense to him and he still laughs at me… ‘why would you work at a cafe you are way too over qualified’… But then he says he is glad I am happy.. which I think I believe… It’s like he doesn’t see me as bad anymore, but he sees me as something else now… not intelligent, lazy (since I am not resume building/ climbing a corporate ladder)…“- I am glad that your father no longer conducts house-cleaning-sessions or the likes of it and that he mellowed down, good thing. But his earlier messages, the you-are-a-bad-person message has not been removed from your brain just because he doesn’t repeat that message anymore. No longer hearing that message is a great relief though, and it is helpful.
“when you say the majority of your life, how long ago did you begin peeling this label off? is it off?“- it was a long process. I’d say the process began in 2011 when I attended my first quality psychotherapy. The label is off and has been off on a regular, reliable basis in the last few months. It doesn’t mean that I don’t question my words and actions in regard to the Helpful vs Harmful factor.
“F takes full advantage of weak minds.. I don’t trust him. I am having a moment right now where I am realizing how deeply I don’t trust him in this way“- a profound moment.“This is what I mean by not trusting F, As I typed ‘I don’t trust him,’ I saw him as bad. Is it possible to see someone as partially bad and good? or is it one or the other?“- I think that yes, it is possible to see someone as partially bad and good. My mother was good to people and animals she fed and helped, people and animals who weren’t around her long-enough to be harmed. In their experience, she was a good person, and I can’t (and won’t) take it away from her.“I am not sure if my dad presents me as bad or good. I think he tries to present me as good but he sees me as bad.. I feel sad at this moment”– oh, so he still expresses to you the message that you were/ are a bad person..!“This is a hard conversation to have for me and I suspect you too, thank you for opening up wounds to help me. Anita you are fantastic ❤️”- thank you for your empathy and kindness, ❤️ back to you, Fantastic Seaturtle!“‘from Harmful to Helpful’ I can see myself doing this in my life now… I also still want to help others be more positive even if it is at the cost of me exposing myself to it.. now is this a quality of a good person or is it self destructive to expose myself to at all?“- it is self-destructive to allow others to destroy you, if that’s what’s happening, so no: it’s not a quality of a good person (it’s a quality of a wanna-be saint, I say).“My friend P, I still haven’t spoken to in person and I suspect she thinks I am incapable of supporting others, because I distanced myself from her negativity“- good thing, to protect yourself from her negativity.“there is a current situations I am dealing with that I am finding a road block between judgement -> empathy. Long story as short as I can; The parents of the child I nanny are separating. I found out three weeks ago, they sat me down and he confessed to being an alcoholic…I think you may be able to help me find some empathy? or guide me to how you have found empathy in the hardest situations?“- he is in pain, he is struggling too. Expressed judgment will make him a worse person (worse father, worse ex-husband, etc.), not a better person. Of course, all practical and legal efforts need to be made so to protect others from his harmful behaviors. It takes both: expressed empathy and setting limits and boundaries!“I even found myself tempted to do harm by not caring much about making his facetimes with the little girl happen, as they can only happen with me there since the wife and him are not speaking. I stopped myself from this behavior, but my judgements have clearly not been tamed with empathy“-if he abuses her (or you) in any way during those facetime sessions, definitely don’t make them happen. Otherwise, it’s not your call to prevent him from facetime with his daughter.“I am so thankful that I have you in my life. And I am thankful that life is providing me with opportunities to become my best self. I believe my intentions are good, and that yours are too. I believe this is a difficult challenge I am facing is not easy for me and will have an equivalent amount of growth for me on the other side “- you are welcome, thank you, and perfectly said (it’s possible to be.. temporarily perfect 😉)!
ParticipantDear Krish:
You are welcome, and thank you for your appreciation and kindness: you are a lovely soul yourself, and may God bless you!
(I am adding the boldface feature to the quotes): “The ex extended in-laws did visit my mother and me after I got my divorce and wanted to be friends . They sided with me in this issue and also they said that they supported me in this issue as opposed to their nephew”-
– they visited you and sided with you after the divorce was settled for their nephew’s (the perpetrator’s) full advantage. They didn’t visit you, side with you and offer their support during the abusive marriage or during the 5-year separation before the divorce, when their support could have helped the divorce conclude to your (the victim’s) favor. Their visit and offer to be friends is too convenient on their part, isn’t it..
“I do like them but will keep them in my prayers and wish well for them. I don’t want to interact with them as I didn’t get any closure for the abuse I endured and I feel it is better to move on rather than getting entangled in the past and participating in others karma“- I fully agree with you. Your responsibility is to avail yourself to as much healing as is possible for yourself. You have no responsibility whatsoever to interact with them, or to be their friend. It is kind of you to wish them well and pray for them.
“I am consulting the psychologist here for PTSD and she said that I have severe unresolved anger from the abuse I endured“- severe anger from severe abuse. Literature says that anger is highly associated with PTSD. I hope that the psychologist will help you with the anxiety, hurt and anger associated with the abuse you suffered.
Love, light and prayers back to you!
September 28, 2024 at 5:34 pm in reply to: Surrender, Accessing Shakti by clearing samskaras, eliminating false selves #438430anita
ParticipantDear Seaturtle: I read parts and will attentively read, re-read and reply Sun morning.
September 28, 2024 at 11:21 am in reply to: Surrender, Accessing Shakti by clearing samskaras, eliminating false selves #438426anita
ParticipantRe-submitting, trying to create spaces.. may not work:Dear Seaturtle:“As my natural self is revealing itself, the conflict is the thought ‘stop this is too much expression!’“- I think that the wording too much means something bad, that therefore, something that shouldn’t be expressed.In a recent reply I quoted about shakti: “Shakti in Hinduism, is the ‘universal power‘ that underlies and sustains all existence… energy, ability, strength, effort, power, might, capability“, and I suggested that “to tap into/ to be One with Shakti, it takes trusting yourself to be a good person first, because you wouldn’t allow a bad person all that power and capability”.About my experience: for as long as I believed or heavily suspected, that I was a bad person, I was too troubled and confused to exercise power in my own life, too troubled to steer my own ship, so to speak. So, I let the ship (me) passively drift any which way the wind (other people and circumstances) took it.I desperately needed to know that I am a good person so to feel that I have the (moral) right to exercise power in my own life.The person that made me believe, or heavily suspect, that I was a bad person was my mother. On a regular basis, she accused me- in long, protracted, paranoid and histrionic sessions of accusations- of plotting to hurt her feelings and humiliate her. She accused me of planning what to say and do, weeks and months in advance, all for the (intentional) purpose of causing her emotional pain. No objections, explanations or denials on my part made her stop.Who plans and intentionally actualizes plans to cause pain to one’s mother, if not a bad person..?As I said, I tried to explain to her that there was no intention, no plan.. because I knew that there was no such intent or plan, but over time, I didn’t know– know. I wasn’t sure that she was wrong. I doubted myself. I became very careful about the words I said, or thought about saying, too anxious, too careful.The anxiety and Guilt (feeling like a bad person) that she instilled in me tormented me for most of my life. The harm done to me by her accusatory and histrionic sessions still lingers. I think of the majority of my life as a stolen life, stolen and held hostage by her.I couldn’t, wasn’t able to access Shakti= to become powerful in my own life, not for as long as I wasn’t able to peel the Guilty-Suspect-Label off of me. I waited and waited for her to give me the permission to live my own life (by telling me that I was a good person) long after I knew that I was still waiting. I gave her all that I could give her, money included, but never got the Good Person label from her. So, for the majority of my life, I drifted in a purgatory, drifting between heaven (waiting to be labeled Good) and hell (resisting being labeled Bad).Waiting.Back to you: “What comes to mind immediately is that there are things I fear that I am, that I don’t want to be. But some of those things I am also unsure if they are true, or they are just what I have been told. Like F’s accusing me of being selfish, controlling and manipulative“- it is possible, as it had been in my case, for a child who is 100% empathetic (good) with a parent, to become an unempathetic adult. I grew up to be.. not a good person with lots of people, sadly.I believe that you were not selfish, controlling, manipulative, etc., when it came to your father, but it is possible that you have been so with others, to one extent or another, at times.. is it possible?“I know I have good aspects, and I am optimistic I see myself as majorly good, a lot of the time, but definitely not fully. Do you see yourself as fully good?“- I currently see myself as a good person. I define a good person as a person who cares to do no harm, and to help people whenever possible.To view myself as a good person, I had to go back to the past and peel off the Guilty-Suspect-Label that my mother repeatedly and viciously placed on me, and then re-label everything and everyone: (1) my mother presented herself as a good person: no she was not a good person. To me, and to those most vulnerable to her, she was a bad person,(2) my mother presented me as a bad person: no I was not a bad person. I was as good a person to her as can be. My empathy was with her, I would have done anything to help her, and I did do all that I could.I grew up to be an angry person, and sometimes.. a bad person (judged by my harmful vocalized words and actions). I earned my good-person-label by repeatedly and intentionally correcting my behaviors (words said/ typed, and chosen actions) from Harmful to Helpful, best I can.(3) other people whom she accused of being bad people (everyone, sooner or later), many of them where better people than she was, and none of them was as bad to me as she was.These days, whenever I notice that I think/ feel judgmental of people, I address the situation and whenever, wherever possible and appropriate, I shift from judgment => to empathy. I don’t view myself as a bad person for thoughts that occur to me, or feelings that pass through me, no matter how.. “ugly”, because I know that I don’t choose them.I hold myself responsible for what I say, type and do, not for unchosen thoughts and feelings. When I find myself thinking/ feeling what may lead to harmful words or actions, I redirect my attention => to thoughts and feelings that are congruent with helping, not with harming.Using words from the title of your thread, I’d say: Surrender to the fact that you are not fully/ perfectly good, correct the ways in which you harm others (something we should all do), and accessing Shakti– continue to heal yourself and, like a song says: “Heal the world- Make it a better place- For you and for me and the entire human race” (Heal the World).anitaSeptember 28, 2024 at 11:15 am in reply to: Surrender, Accessing Shakti by clearing samskaras, eliminating false selves #438425anita
ParticipantDear Seaturtle:“As my natural self is revealing itself, the conflict is the thought ‘stop this is too much expression!’“- I think that the wording too much means something bad, that therefore, something that shouldn’t be expressed.In a recent reply I quoted about shakti: “Shakti in Hinduism, is the ‘universal power‘ that underlies and sustains all existence… energy, ability, strength, effort, power, might, capability“, and I suggested that “to tap into/ to be One with Shakti, it takes trusting yourself to be a good person first, because you wouldn’t allow a bad person all that power and capability”.About my experience: for as long as I believed or heavily suspected, that I was a bad person, I was too troubled and confused to exercise power in my own life, too troubled to steer my own ship, so to speak. So, I let the ship (me) passively drift any which way the wind (other people and circumstances) took it.I desperately needed to know that I am a good person so to feel that I have the (moral) right to exercise power in my own life.The person that made me believe, or heavily suspect, that I was a bad person was my mother. On a regular basis, she accused me- in long, protracted, paranoid and histrionic sessions of accusations- of plotting to hurt her feelings and humiliate her. She accused me of planning what to say and do, weeks and months in advance, all for the (intentional) purpose of causing her emotional pain. No objections, explanations or denials on my part made her stop.Who plans and intentionally actualizes plans to cause pain to one’s mother, if not a bad person..?As I said, I tried to explain to her that there was no intention, no plan.. because I knew that there was no such intent or plan, but over time, I didn’t know– know. I wasn’t sure that she was wrong. I doubted myself. I became very careful about the words I said, or thought about saying, too anxious, too careful.The anxiety and Guilt (feeling like a bad person) that she instilled in me tormented me for most of my life. The harm done to me by her accusatory and histrionic sessions still lingers. I think of the majority of my life as a stolen life, stolen and held hostage by her.I couldn’t, wasn’t able to access Shakti= to become powerful in my own life, not for as long as I wasn’t able to peel the Guilty-Suspect-Label off of me. I waited and waited for her to give me the permission to live my own life (by telling me that I was a good person) long after I knew that I was still waiting. I gave her all that I could give her, money included, but never got the Good Person label from her. So, for the majority of my life, I drifted in a purgatory, drifting between heaven (waiting to be labeled Good) and hell (resisting being labeled Bad).Waiting.Back to you: “What comes to mind immediately is that there are things I fear that I am, that I don’t want to be. But some of those things I am also unsure if they are true, or they are just what I have been told. Like F’s accusing me of being selfish, controlling and manipulative“- it is possible, as it had been in my case, for a child who is 100% empathetic (good) with a parent, to become an unempathetic adult. I grew up to be.. not a good person with lots of people, sadly.I believe that you were not selfish, controlling, manipulative, etc., when it came to your father, but it is possible that you have been so with others, to one extent or another, at times.. is it possible?“I know I have good aspects, and I am optimistic I see myself as majorly good, a lot of the time, but definitely not fully. Do you see yourself as fully good?“- I currently see myself as a good person. I define a good person as a person who cares to do no harm, and to help people whenever possible.To view myself as a good person, I had to go back to the past and peel off the Guilty-Suspect-Label that my mother repeatedly and viciously placed on me, and then re-label everything and everyone: (1) my mother presented herself as a good person: no she was not a good person. To me, and to those most vulnerable to her, she was a bad person,(2) my mother presented me as a bad person: no I was not a bad person. I was as good a person to her as can be. My empathy was with her, I would have done anything to help her, and I did do all that I could.I grew up to be an angry person, and sometimes.. a bad person (judged by my harmful vocalized words and actions). I earned my good-person-label by repeatedly and intentionally correcting my behaviors (words said/ typed, and chosen actions) from Harmful to Helpful, best I can.(3) other people whom she accused of being bad people (everyone, sooner or later), many of them where better people than she was, and none of them was as bad to me as she was.These days, whenever I notice that I think/ feel judgmental of people, I address the situation and whenever, wherever possible and appropriate, I shift from judgment => to empathy. I don’t view myself as a bad person for thoughts that occur to me, or feelings that pass through me, no matter how.. “ugly”, because I know that I don’t choose them.I hold myself responsible for what I say, type and do, not for unchosen thoughts and feelings. When I find myself thinking/ feeling what may lead to harmful words or actions, I redirect my attention => to thoughts and feelings that are congruent with helping, not with harming.Using words from the title of your thread, I’d say: Surrender to the fact that you are not fully/ perfectly good, correct the ways in which you harm others (something we should all do), and accessing Shakti– continue to heal yourself and, like a song says: “Heal the world- Make it a better place- For you and for me and the entire human race” (Heal the World).anitaanita
ParticipantDear Prudence:
“I tried a dating app… when I look in the mirror, I don’t see that ugliness at all… So why does this happen?“- it may be that you are not good at the workings of this technology of dating apps: limitless matches, fast access, great competition. Our world, especially that of your age (23), is very much technologically advanced, but very much deprived of the human in-person factor. It may be that you are falling through the cracks of this highly technological world.. ?
ParticipantDear Karen:
Thank you for Keep the Heid. Here’s another Scottish saying: “Be sure to taste your words afore you spit them” – Meaning: Be careful to think about what you are saying before you say it. Often we can’t take back what we say in haste or spite, so take a moment to think before you speak.
September 25, 2024 at 2:16 pm in reply to: Surrender, Accessing Shakti by clearing samskaras, eliminating false selves #438374anita
ParticipantDear Seaturtle:
“I think I worry more that I will accidentally be a bad person.. selfish, self righteous, rude, prideful/ greedy etc… I see myself as majorly good, a lot of the time, but definitely not fully. Do you see yourself as fully good?“-
-What is Seaturtle’s personal definitions of a majorly good person and of a fully good person?
ParticipantDear Clara:
You are welcome! “I often treasures honesty and directness, I do not like to guess or beat around the bush. I often think this causes more harm. It is often because the person delivering the message does not have enough mental strength/ courage to deliver the message, at the cost of the peace of the recipient. I guess this is also how she draws farther, as I often challenge her to talk/ face directly with the situations“- very well said. She lacks the mental strength and courage required to be honest and direct with people in complicated matters, matters that involve conflict or some unpleasantness. (I assume she is honest and direct when it comes to simple matters like letting the employee at the ice-cream shop know the particular ice-cream flavors she wants).
A few months after you met her for the first time, on Oct 7, 2018, you shared: “I recently got quite close with a person, we have been talking mainly on texts for a few months… she had never disclosed that she had a girlfriend”. You were very distressed at the time about her not disclosing this to you. Now I understand why she didn’t: it was a complicated matter for her, she was conflicted about it.. so she was not honest about it. She hid this major part of her personal life.
This lack of honesty and directness has been part of her before the beginning of the relationship with you. It is how she operates.
ParticipantDear Zenith:
If she doesn’t care about a consequence you chose for her, choose a different consequence, one that she will care about!
ParticipantDear Zenith:
He is teaching her to dominate people/ relationships with aggressive behavior. He lets her dominate.. her father.
ParticipantDear Clara:
“I think she really wanted to break up, maybe 80% of her wanted to break up. But I guess I had been probably clinging onto the 20% of it most of the time, especially in the beginning“-
– in the beginning of the break, you wrote about her (June 25): “she can’t figure out whether she still loves me or are we just ‘good friends’ who live together… This is just day 3 (of the break)”.
Three months later, there is no behavior on her part that comes close to being good friends: she doesn’t even want there to be any texting between the two of you (“She suggested some ways and one of which was just to use a google form… So I told her that may be, using google form is a better balance of what I want(attend classes) and what she needs(have limited/ no interaction), so at least she wouldn’t get a random text from me“, Sept 7).
You doubted her honesty regarding the break early on: “Doubting the intent of the break, she mentioned she needed time to clear her mind and ‘restart’, but sometimes I also double if she just wants to use this time to break up“, June 25.
People who want to break up from a partner are often dishonest in regard to the breakup:
Psychology today/Breakup Strategies: The Brave and the Cowardly: “Breakups are miserable. No one likes going through them, and no one likes putting their (ex-) partners through them. The idea of initiating a breakup is often threatening, even to people who are pretty certain that their relationship needs to end. This discomfort can sometimes lead people to use ‘soft’ or indirect breakup strategies… The use of such strategies only adds insult to injury for the rejected partner, who would have preferred that someone was more honest and direct with them. A painful breakup can thus be made even worse by the way it took place…
“In a paper published in 2012, Collins and Gillath highlight seven general strategies that people use to break up with a romantic partner, which range from direct and honest to, well, less so … 1. The open confrontation strategy is the most straightforward approach. A person openly communicates their desire to end the relationship, as well as their true reasons why.
2. The positive tone/self-blame strategy… This is the classic ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ approach… not entirely honest, as it often involves taking complete blame, concealing the true motives for breaking up (e.g., flaws in the partner), and generally trying to soften the blow and avoid hard feelings.
3. The de-escalation strategy essentially entails slowly back away from a relationship. Rather than ending things cleanly and directly, a person using this strategy will procrastinate, waiting for the ‘right time’…
4. The avoidance/withdrawal strategy is like de-escalation, but colder. A person will signal their lack of interest in the relationship by avoiding their partner, making excuses not to get together, no longer asking or providing favors, and withholding affection and intimacy.
5. The cost escalation strategy involves trying to get the partner to end the relationship. An individual will pick fights, be disagreeable or demanding, and generally make things miserable until the partner decides that it’s time for them to go their separate ways…
“Not surprisingly, Collins and Gillath found that people most prefer to be broken up with directly, with approaches like the open confrontation strategy. In contrast, people tend to experience more distress when they are broken up with indirectly, with approaches like the avoidance/withdrawal (strategy)…
“Collins and Gillath found that anxiously attached individuals were most likely to use the positive tone/self-blame and de-escalation approaches—strategies that help maintain the relationship with the ex-partner and that might leave the door open to get back together in the future. In contrast, avoidantly attached individuals were more likely to be indirect, with approaches like avoidance/withdrawal. Overall, feeling secure helps people to break up with their partners more directly and honestly, which ultimately proves to be more compassionate for the soon-to-be ex.”
The way she broke up with you definitely fits The avoidance/withdrawal strategy, signaling her lack of interest in the relationship way before the break, and the break itself was a month-long signal. And this strategy fits her attachment style. The article says: “avoidantly attached individuals were more likely to be indirect, with approaches like avoidance/withdrawal”, and on Aug 19, you wrote: “it seems to me that I am anxious attachment, and she is avoidance“.
She definitely didn’t break up with you the honest and direct way. She broke up with you over a long period of time, causing you much unnecessary waiting, distress and confusion. An example of your confusion: “I guess the whole thing is a bit out of my comprehension. I can’t figure out if she wants to break up, or if she wants to salvage the relationship(or any other motive). The actions do not add up” (July 2).
Back on June 27, you wrote: “I sometime have some overreacting and made her scared”, on July 2: “my reaction makes her feel she was at fault all the time”, on July 5: “she is very cautious of what I say and tip toes“, on July 21: “whenever I feel the possibility of being abandoned and the insecurity, I became angry and… made the close-one my enemy“- These are things that you need to continue to resolve so to have a future healthy relationship with a non- avoidant individual. Because a relationship with an avoidantly-attached individual, once there is any conflict, increases the anxiety of an anxiously-attached individual (you). And an avoidantly-attached individual is more likely to be dishonest and indirect when scared and tiptoeing around a person who overreacts.
Back to your most recent post: “If what you said were true, those are just lies (conscious/ unconscious) to make me feel more empathetic towards her/ calmer, I think she really needs therapies to deal with her stuff… This is a very ingenuine life that she is living, to herself and others, if this is how she is“- I think that there aren’t lots of people who live very genuine lives because of all the anxiety that’s going around, starting in our childhoods, and the ways we cope/ protect ourselves. It takes undoing unhealthy coping mechanisms and adopting healthy ways to protect ourselves.
In the case of the two of you, it’d take you learning further to not overreact (practice emotion regulation skills), and it’d take her to no longer.. under-reacting when it comes to honest and direct communication during conflicts, and instead: address and resolve conflicts early on, before she experiences burn-outs and quits (in the contexts of work and relationships)
“I had a busy weekend and I joined a workshop, on how to connect with nature. Observe trees, meditate and do some grounding (imagine being a tree etc.). Basically, communicate with trees. I found it quite fascinating as I did feel very energized afterwards“- trees do not overreact, do they? They react very slowly and gradually to various distresses. At this time of the year, not having enough water in the ground, they drop their leaves gradually, over a long while, not all at once, and they don’t panic and drop their branches.. they don’t overreact. And they are honest and direct: they don’t drop their leaves while hiding, and they don’t say: maybe I will drop my leaves, maybe I will not.. they just do.
Honesty and directness, when not delivered in a rude/ abusive way, is indeed fascinating and energizing!
ParticipantDear Clara: I will read and reply in the morning.
ParticipantDear Zenith:
“She is cute though and fun to be with. I love her a lot.”- I am sure that she is cute, absolutely. And I am sure that you and your husband love her a lot. Tell her and show her that you love her, not by trying to please her at all times, but by enforcing rules that she must obey. She needs rules, it will probably give her the structure and trust in her parents (for being strong & reliable in regard to setting rules and seeing that she follows them). This will calm her.
“We had a great time on Friday as a family. We went to out to ice cream, then chuck-e cheese, then had pizza. But after all that she wasn’t happy“- I think that much more than needing ice-cream and pizza, she needs two strong parents who work together setting rules and seeing to it that she follows them: this will make her happy.