
Alexey Sunly

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  • in reply to: Do men ever regret of leaving their partner? #43295
    Alexey Sunly

    Welcome to Tiny Buddha 🙂 and thank you for sharing! May I suggest that you go to the following thread to learn more about how to get your feelings of misery under control, which sounds exactly like your issue right now – Are Your FEELINGS making Your LIFE miserable?

    in reply to: Fear of Losing my Fiance #43275
    Alexey Sunly

    It sounds like you are suffering from anxiety, Sarah! We all worry about those things once in a while, but such thoughts should not be controlling your life… So, may I suggest to go to the following thread to learn more about how to get them under control 🙂 – Are Your FEELINGS making Your LIFE miserable?

    Welcome to Tiny Buddha, and thank you for sharing yourself!

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by Alexey Sunly.
    in reply to: OVERCOME YOUR "DEMONS" in 4 EASY STEPS! :o #43253
    Alexey Sunly

    My pleasure 🙂 And by the sounds of it you might really be interesting in reading this one as well: STARSUCKS has You?. Please, enjoy!

    in reply to: Consecutive lost of love ones #43251
    Alexey Sunly

    Your most important relationship is with yourself, Kaypee! And it sounds to me like you are failing yourself, unfortunately… :/ So, what can you do about it!? Well, plenty actually 🙂 Please, check out this thread for starters: Are Your FEELINGS making your LIFE miserable? And then we’ll go from there!

    Thank you for sharing your struggles 🙂

    in reply to: The stress and anxiety of others #43249
    Alexey Sunly

    It sounds to me that you are ready to become a performance enhancement coach, John 🙂 As a coach (business, life, performance, sports, etc.) you must know how to deal with these kind of challenging situations, and that’s exactly what you learn to do when you study to become one! You should look into it when you get a chance 😉

    in reply to: Depression… and stuff #43248
    Alexey Sunly

    Hiya! Welcome to Tiny Buddha 🙂 Please, check out this thread for some helpful info that could be very helpful to you right now: Are Your FEELINGS making Your LIFE MISERABLE?

    Thank you for sharing your pain! It will get better, we promise 😉

    in reply to: Practicing Radical Self-Love #43179
    Alexey Sunly

    How is it that your program is only for women… Men do not need to practice self-love then? 🙂

    in reply to: Found my passion, wish to find happiness in the process #43178
    Alexey Sunly

    Your health must always come first, then comes you passion. If you are meeting your basic health needs you should not be having a difficult time balancing your responsibilities… I suggest to go back to the basics and make sure you are ready to OVERCOME YOUR DEMONS first and then to proceed to help others to do the same 🙂

    in reply to: A great job on paper. But not feeling it. #43148
    Alexey Sunly

    Well, the most obvious answer would be to find another job that will provide you with an environment that you would enjoy, but if that’s not an option in the short term then find a hobby or an activity that will both challenge you to grow and allow you to express yourself freely outside of your work. Once you get a handle on your new hobby, you might start to profit from it and maybe even be able to build your own full-time business around it 🙂 If you want something specific, then why not start a blog communicating your experience in corporate and advertising culture? You could also look for a lifestyle coach to help you 🙂 It is a very involved task to help someone to find joy in their personal life and career, so it’s worth paying money for the service if you can afford it.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by Alexey Sunly.
    • This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by Alexey Sunly.
    Alexey Sunly

    What John said should make great sense to you! It simply sounds like you are burned out and your basic survival emotions are taking over. Please, check out the following great thread for more info! 🙂 OVERCOME YOUR DEMONS

    in reply to: I'm always mad. #43139
    Alexey Sunly

    Just keep working with your doctors and applying those things you’ve learned from OVERCOME YOUR DEMONS thread, and you’ll get better pretty fast! 🙂

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by Alexey Sunly.
    in reply to: Multiple Conflicts #43131
    Alexey Sunly

    Like you’ve noticed already, you are feeling overwhelmed with anxiety and depression. Your relationships will continue to suffer if you fail to get over those feelings. Here is a great thread with information you need to help you succeed :-): OVERCOME YOUR DEMONS

    in reply to: What's worked for you? #43129
    Alexey Sunly

    Hey there 🙂 You can check the following thread to learn how to help yourself to deal with your everyday and maintain your equilibrium: OVERCOME YOUR DEMONS If you don’t have those basics down, nothing else will help you. And how do you know if you have those basics down? If you are not having fun all the time every time, you don’t 😉

    in reply to: feeling down #43128
    Alexey Sunly

    Sounds great! 🙂 And yes, they can be very easy to forget, that’s why we need to practice those things every day to turn them first into our habits and then build our entire lifestyle around them 🙂

    in reply to: I really screwed up… #43126
    Alexey Sunly

    Your priority should always be your health 🙂 If you can not take care of yourself how can you expect to be able to take care of all other responsibilities? Basically, you need to help to change your current situation by refocusing your priorities. First is your health, then you need to figure out what you need in order to be able to build a good life for yourself – is it the money or education? If both, then find a way to balance them without putting your health at risk. Please, see the following thread to learn the minimum things you need to do to keep yourself healthy 🙂 OVERCOME YOUR DEMONS

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by Alexey Sunly.
Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 71 total)