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ParticipantHello Pat.
Boy I have been there, I was also once very scared and would do anything to keep the peace and not to confront someone, it scared me so much! And like you , I hated the way I was living I felt weak, and like a doormat, so I decided to change. So many people would remind me of what I used to be that I could not change at all it kept on scaring me. But I read once, that when you are not comfortable with how you are acting, that means that you are not suppose to act that way. So deep down inside of you there is this confident , strong amazing person but you just have to find them. What I did was first I tried to decide exactly the person I wanted to be, all the qualities I would have, how I would look, how I would carry myself, and that worked really well , as for now I was aware of exactly what I wanted so that is something I would try. Try these exercises . After that I put steps on how I could be this person , i would search online for example , “how to stand up for yourself” “how to be loyal” “how to be confident” or sometimes more specific things like “what to do when..” that way I had all the tools I needed to become the best version of myself , I also wrote down a list of morals , principals ,values, and priorities just so I knew exactly who I was and how I wanted to react with everything I did try this out , it is an amazing free kit that really helped me because it has questions and a list of values . Next I would keep track of everything I did, from the way I acted to the way I reacted, I also made a list of goals to achieve and made sure I would do them everyday , even if it was something small like more eye contact I still gave myself credit for that. I would also always listen to inspiring things such as Joel osteen , even if you are not a christian you can still learn from what he says he is AMAZZING! just look him up on youtube and listen to one Sermon and you will be listing to all of them, he is so inspiring . Also I would listen to Ralph smart a youtuber who is also very inspiring, Louis hay, Oprah’s life class, and many more (all for free off of youtube) . If you just listen to them once a day for about 3 weeks you will see how your life will change into something more than you could ever imagine . Also I loved to do guided meditation for confidence, power, strength, happiness, peace and self hypnosis because they are powerful and it shows you how your inner guru is so strong . I would suggest you read ” I can make you confident” by Paul Meckena which comes with a hypnosis CD it was amazing as well and helped a lot. He also has I can make you rich, I can make you thin, and a bunch more which all come with CD’s ( my fav part) . Anyways I hope this helped! If you have any more q’s let me know 🙂Alpal
ParticipantHello cathy,
It is very normal for men to need to back away for a bit, especially when they are experiencing rough times, so you really need to let him be and let him deal with whatever he is dealing with, you don’t want to pressure him into thinking that he HAS to be with you, you want him to want to be with you. So let him go for a bit, but you did not explain enough about your issue so I can’t give you great advice? please elaborate more on the subject:)Alpal
ParticipantHello Penni,
It is obvious why you are getting angry and more frustrated lately , you are overwhelmed with people , we all need time alone, time to re connect to ourselves and calm down for a bit, so don’t be too hard on yourself , no wonder you can’t stand complainers because you are just so overwhelmed . What you can do is , you could try guided meditation if you haven’t already , that is much easier for me than just quiet meditation or you could try guided self hypnosis which both are easier to do than just to sit and be silent. If you are not interested in that you could look for a hobby such as painting , reading, some form of a sport, blogging, cooking, writing, dancing, home movies, musical instruments, crafting, and the list goes on. Because having a hobby or something you are interested in , is kind of a meditation because you forget the rest of the world and just focus on what you are doing and it can actually help you relax your brain and gather your thoughts. Don’t feel guilty about taking time off for yourself because when you are having time for yourself you are doing it for others as well, it helps you become a nicer more happier person because once you are happy and at peace with yourself you can give happiness and peace to the world, so never feel guilty for taking time off or telling someone you are busy , because in order for you to give back to them fully , you will have to recharge!
Hope I helped !-
This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by
ParticipantHello ,
first of all I really think you should be easier on yourself, its ok to get upset sometimes and have these feelings, its important that you recognize them though , and you did which is the first step to doing anything really. Second of all , maybe its time you calm down and reconnect with yourself and what you truly want , try to remember why you wanted this dream in the first place, what you thought it would feel like to have it in your hands. Try to go back to the beginning and remember what made you think of it in the first place, I’m sure you are doing something you love and that you are 100% sure you wanted this , but people change and so do their dreams, so maybe its that you dont want this thing anymore , maybe its not all you dreamed it would be ? Or maybe you forgot why you wanted it and thats why you need to remember why , write it down so you can keep yourself motivated to do this everyday and to motivate yourself to open a book and study because you will remember every second why you really started this . Money will come and go don’t tell yourself that you cant pay it off, if it is your destiny no matter what happens the money will work itself out. And don’t think that you have lost your purpose because if you had no purpose you would not still be on this planet. Remember you are here for a reason , you are going to do something only YOU can do , nobody in history ever has or ever will do what you have come here to do, and nothing and no one will ever stop you from accomplishing what you want . You would not have a dream in your heart if there was no way to accomplish it, its in there for a reason. So try your best to keep looking at inspirational things and keep your head up you might be in a struggle now but you will get out of it just keep telling yourself you are strong, and you have everything already IN you to become what you were suppose to be, just be silent , listen to your heart and remember who you are and why you want what you want.Alpal
ParticipantHello there Savannah ,
It is an amazing journey finding your true self and changing for the better. I have been doing this for about 3 years now and just this year did I really feel a change. It took ages for me to realize what I did not like about myself and even longer to practice the new me. What might work is if you sat down with yourself and start to think of all the people you admire and why you admire them. Then you will see what you like in others is what you want/wish you were like (at times) and also what you hate in others sometimes is a reflection on something you have a problem with. Another thing that might work is just simply defining what you wish you could be like and start searching for ways to be like that certain somebody. The ideal YOU . Now don’t try too hard to be somebody you are not, when I first started I wanted to be a serious person that people were scared of, but the more I tried to practice that the more I realized that it wasn’t me , and then I accepted the fact that I was a hyper/full of energy kind of person and learned to love it . So it is all about first deciding what you want to be like , then trying that stuff out and seeing what the REAL you is all about, sometimes seeing what your strengths and weaknesses are will help , make your strengths stronger, and work on your weaknesses, you might not know it at first it takes time to know yourself and to grow, you’re gonna need a lot of alone time, but trust me it will be worth it! You are not really changing yourself, you are just fixing the REAL you into an AMAZING IDEAL you! Good luck I hope your journey is as fun as mine is 🙂Alpal
ParticipantHello there,
I am so sorry to hear that you are going through this, but it takes time to get over break ups so be easy on yourself and don’t feel so bad about feeling bad . It is a normal cycle that you must go through to get strong again. It is amazing that you are going to Ireland that sounds like a lot of fun it is a great place to refresh and start your new life ! Try to enjoy being alone as much as possible , imagine that you are going on a trip to find your true love (you) and go on it happy and excited that you plan on finding your true self that you will love more than anyone can love you. Trust me one day he will wake up and regret it and want you back but by that time you will be too in love with yourself that you will realize what you really deserve . With what I can see you seem like a big hearted person so I’m sure you will find the perfect person for you that will make you more happy than your previous partners it will just take time, and hey you might meet them on your new trip as well? 😉 You might remember him every now and then , but embrace it , remember what has passed then move on so you can happy with what you have now don’t try to stop these emotions from coming and by beating yourself up your just gonna make yourself feel worse, so just let these emotions come up and feel them at least you know you have feelings and a big heart <3Alpal
ParticipantHey liam,
Personally I’m not into the whole social networking thing anyways, I feel like it can bring a lot of negative emotions and fake ones as well. You see other people and think their lives are just so perfect and start comparing it to yours. And no matter how hard you try you still do it subconsciously, “don’t compare your insides to other peoples outsides” . I feel like being “too close” to my friends is never healthy that way we have nothing to talk about when we are together other than , what this person posted or what that person posted, plus I like to have a little mystery in all my relationships as well as leaving my social world for REAL life cuz with me I really enjoy being alone anyway. also So many fake accounts go up everyday as well starting all kinds of bullying and issues for people, so in my opinion as a fresh new start for you , I would delete the facebook, I just think it does bring a lot of negative emotions into our life and can frustrate us so why not just get rid of it? If there is someone you need to keep contact with there is always skype where you can only talk to people when you need to 🙂Alpal
ParticipantHey liam ,
I can’t say that I ever really wanted to commit suicide if anything , that is the last thing that has ever been on my mind to do . I know its hard to be bullied I was bullied as a kid to, but you know these bullies are who teach you to be a strong amazing human being because you have been through things these people can’t go through. But listen , you are a part of the big plan , you were put on this planet for a reason you were given these amazing qualities you have for a reason and you have been put through those experiences for a reason , there is NO ONE in the world like you , only one liam so why give up this BEAUTIFUL mysterious gift that you have. Sure things might seem bad right now , but I’m sure if you look close enough you can see the light at the end of this dark tunnel. If you were to take away your own life , you might change our entire future , your being is so much more special than you can ever imagine trust me the smallest thing you do today might change mankind. What would’ve happened if Gandhi killed himself before he got to accomplish his goals? What if steve jobs decided he didn’t want to continue this beautiful journey before he even had the thought of the ipod/iphone/etc ? Life would not be the same, you have NO IDEA what beautiful thing life might drop on you one day , it’s a lot more beautiful to wait for the mystery. So don’t give up on life before the best part of it 😉 Suicide is not taking away a bad life, its taking the chance away for a better life.
I suggest though you do go and see a therapist because they can start talking to you all the way from the beginning which is where you will realize what exactly happened for you to want to do this
Second of all you should really start loving yourself and realizing that what happened to you made you this amazing strong human being that maybe one day will change the world and help those who were like you and had suicidal thoughts. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses its time you sat down with yourself and realized what yours are. Embrace your strengths and work on your weaknesses . Also you should watch funny movies and tv series that make you not take life too seriously , and try to watch/read/listen to inspirational things every morning and night (just go on google or youtube and search away) .
BE EXCITED for the change you WILL see in yourself and your life around you , and remember to count your blessings, and just the fact that you have family and friends is a blessing itself . Just imagine what your life will be like once you changed once you are ready to see beautiful things happen around you , and I guarantee you they will 😀Alpal
ParticipantYou are just gonna have to be patient see what happens and what life has to offer for you both , men always need to establish themselves before taking anything else in their lives to the next level. Don’t worry so much about his past and instead try to encourage him and stand by him to keep him going so he can do his best, a little bit of encouragement goes a really long way.
ParticipantAmazing question!
I like to exercise (pilates,yoga) it always helps me deal with stress and feel in control and strong
Also cooking because it is a really fun hobby I love doing plus I know my food is clean because I made it
try to look at Inspiring videos, blogs, quotes every morning or night
Remind myself to enjoy being ME and enjoy writing MY story and to stop trying to be someone else just because I think that’s how people want me to be
also counting my blessings , and many many more stuff that I really fun and uplifting but they are too many to mention here 🙂Alpal
ParticipantHey there, that is a really interesting question that really makes me think , I really do believe that we are responsible for almost everything in our life, because we are our thoughts, we are the ones who decide how we re act to things, yes sometimes some emotions come naturally but it is then that we need to hold this emotion and get it out of our system ! “if you don’t like something change it , if you can’t change your attitude” Same goes with people, some people in our lives are REALLY negative and just bring you down all the time, what I do with these kinds of people is either , try to talk to them and change the way they act, or distance myself from them. because in the end how they feel and act has nothing to do with me and is nothing I can really change.Some people hurt you or change who you are as a person, but remember to only let them help you grow , instead of letting them bring you down and change you in a negative way. I do believe that people around me have influenced the person I am today , but it was me who decided to let them influence me in a positive way then in a negative way, trust me you can make negative out of the good and positive out of the bad, But happiness is essential in all of our lives and if that means living alone for the rest of your life, so be it !
ParticipantHey rayne , I don’t really consider myself the most smart or calm person out there, I used to be VERY oversensitive and have been going through change within myself lately but so far this is what has been keeping me going
1) Exercise, mostly pilates! it really gets your mind off of everything for a while , keep you healthy, happy and confident!
2) Keep myself busy with skills I want to work on, cooking, playing the piano , doing makeup you know whatever you would love to learn
3)Eat healthy! Prevents feeling bloated , full or like you’re carrying the world on your shoulder
4)Spend time with my cat, he always reminds me to not take life too seriously
5)Try my best to watch or read inspirational things every morning when I first wake up and right before I go to bed
6)Not compare my insides, to other peoples outsides
7) Always examine my thoughts and feelings, instead of letting them get the best of me , once you examine them you realize that you have control over them
8)Watch or read things that make me laugh as much as I can
9)Try to count my blessings any chance I get
10)Try to feel,touch,hear,taste whatever it is I am doing, but I try to really really enjoy every single second of it !
11)Try as hard as I can to meditate and at times I’ll even try to hypnotize myself which also works well , at least with me
12)Try to remember that the world does not revolve around me;)-
This reply was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by
ParticipantI can tell you one thing, he does NOT deserve you , and you must let him go or at least let him think you did. It is time you focused on loving you more than anything because in the end you are all you will ever have. I knew someone very close who was going through the exact same thing she begged him to stay but he insisted that he wanted to be with this other girl. Eventually this “other girl” left him and he realized the mistake he made and what he lost. But by the time he realized that it was too late. So one thing I can guarantee you is that he will be back one day , but by then you will be so IN LOVE with yourself that you will have realized that you deserve much better than him. And with an amazing heart like yours one day you will find someone who appreciates you and treats you like a queen. By the way , this person I told you about is very happy now and is in an amazing relationship , she learned to love herself and always tried to stay busy with activities she loved to do like volunteering in an animal shelter, helping others and having her own hobbies. You should try that and always remember the greatest love you will ever have is with yourself !;)
This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by