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  • in reply to: Ex problem.. #65398

    Of course, ssingh17050@gmail.com


    in reply to: Ex problem.. #65333

    Hi there J,

    It is a little late on this thread and I hope you are staying strong and happy with yourself before anything else.
    I would like to share the other end of the spectrum here of opinions. I am going through a breakup of my own (my ex of almost 4 years, we broke up first a year ago, then made up, and here I am now 2 weeks into break up). Now, I am 23, so yes I am a little young. However, I come from a family where we have deeply routed values and my values always come first when it comes to my decisions like choosing a partner.

    I am not the type that would go around sleeping with other women just as flings, that is just the way I am ok, now the terms “right” and “wrong” do apply to me, and ONLY me as they are subjective. Now my ex was very much like me, a little on the immature side but I truly did influence her in a good way and she did the same for me after those four amazing years. I know her well, and the person she is and the person I’ve known for all this time is somebody who would not just have one-night stands, who has values very similar to my own when it comes to sexuality.

    That being said, I am moving on, but I know I will run into her in the future and that if I continue to have faith in myself then I will ultimately come to a crossroads myself just like you were, where I can either choose to begin anew with her or keep moving on. So, given her character and values that existed since we broke: if I met her down the road and she told me (and tell me she would, as she cannot lie) that she had sex with others while rebounding and hurt, while hoping to start something with me, then I would surely feel similar to how your felt when you found out.

    However, I would most likely NOT get back with her after hearing this news. Yes I said it. After the shock and primal jealousy passed, I would not go into a new relationship with her. Why? Because her doing that, in my view, shows weakness. It shows 1) that her emotions overtook her core values (we established that we both had these values as I previously mentioned), which makes me question what her values and beliefs really are and if they truly exist and shape her as they do for me. OR 2) : that she was and always will be (until she finds herself maybe or matures) an innately different person than what I thought she was. Meaning, that as soon as my interactions and indirect influence on her disappear, she is a different person, with different values or lack there of in any major respect.

    Now on Note 1) if her emotions constantly overrode her values, then I personally consider this a lack of character, or more simply: just another typical person. It also shows (in my opinion) that she is unstable and thus I would not want to date someone who does not know herself, who is so easily influenced and who does not have much self-discipline.

    So, you knew your ex (if she still is your ex) , and only you can gauge her values. In my case, again, based on how she was as I knew her, if she went sleeping around right away when single, then I would not go back to her as I believe for myself that I deserve somebody better than her (note: this is subjective so don’t go on hammering me with all this sex is sex bs). I got along well with her because we shared similar values (ok im sick of this word now), and I would seek to have a relationship with another woman who felt the same way or similar.

    So, if your ex matches up to the hypothetical situation and position that I described above, then I’d say that you deserve way better than her. You will know that you are better than her when the jealousy and insecurity of hearing this news is finally accepted by you, but your disgusted or uninterested feelings towards her linger on when all the dust has settled.

    I emphasize all this value shit because I would do my best not to date somebody who didn’t really know themselves i.e. who became a dramatically different person while with me, and then dramatically changed as soon as I was away. You want to be with somebody who is stable, who knows herself, so that you two different and whole-individuals can begin an amazing relationship.

    All the best,




    My relationship of 3.5 years just ended almost 2 weeks ago (for the second time with the same girl, we got back together for a year). Although i do not feel nearly as hurt as I did last year (my first ever heartbreak), I did feel pretty crappy and lonely this time around. But it has almost been two weeks and you know what, Ive written down all my feelings about myself and her and I have realized that I have WAY more to offer than she does and I am way better off.

    You may realize this too. I am not feeling the best ever but I am feeling pretty good. The best part is that I know that in the near future I will be feeling the best EVER, as I will be entering the career that I believe I was made out for. I am constantly working out, improving my body, but more importantly I am improving my mind. I keep reminding myself that I am all I need to be happy. I don’t really hope anymore. Instead of lame hope, I just have faith. That is, faith in myself and faith that great things will happen to me.

    You should have the same mindset, and if you dont have it, like I didnt, then train your mind. Use affirmations, write down everything that is awesome about you (dont you dare be modest). Also, write down all the negative about your ex, as this will put them back into prospective for you and you may just realize, like I did, that you are so much better than that.

    The easy part for you is that you already know that you are worthy and good enough, so keep hammering that into your mind and soon your mind will enforce these facts for you without effort. Go see family and friends, also, make new friends!

    Don’t ask yourself “why me?” , because often the answer comes up in the future and you realize that it may have been a blessing in disguise. Take this time to conquer your mind Kate, once you wholeheartedly believe in yourself, love yourself, are confident, and happy, then all else will fall into place 🙂

    It is tough, but YOU are tough and you are going to get through this whether you like it or not! Don’t give up, you are awesome 🙂 !

    in reply to: Ex-girlfriend as co-worker #65238

    She is playing games, don’t fall into the trap of believing that every “glance”, every short topic and every interaction is her showing you that she still “loves” you. Don’t start thinking that. Jealousy is surely at play here and it is clearly backfiring on her at times. Don’t feed her ego, don’t start opening up and being all mushy with her, because then you are just validating her pride and she can keep you in her pocket while she looks of other fun.

    Listen, whether or not you two end up together again is dependent on if you do or do not stay on No Contact. This means, YOU DO NOT initiate conversation EVER. If she does then its all good, but still, keep doing what you’re doing and keep it short and always end it yourself. Quit the cheesy glances bro, this is just you telling yourself that they mean something more than what they are. That is extremely dangerous for your health because it gives you hope.

    Hope is weak, have faith instead. There is a quote I once heard that goes like this: Hope runs through the fire whereas faith leaps right over it. Have faith. To have faith you must continue to work on YOU, which is why you are in no contact. This will never end, this self improvement that you are starting to achieve. Once you have faith, then you won’t need hope that something good happens for you in the future, you’ll just know that it will.

    Again, in order to get to the crossroads where option A is to get back together and option B is to continue and find something new, you MUST get over her. You must get to the point where you couldn’t give two shits about what she is doing. You want to just want this person, not need her. This will take time, and that is good because it takes time to improve yourself on the inside. Chances are, and I know you don’t want to hear this right now, that when you get over her, you’ll find that there are so many other women out there that are worth your time and who are way better than she ever was for you.

    Another cool thing is that when you actually get over her, she will sense it in you and feel a higher sense of loss; you wont have to say a word, your demeanor and actions will project this automatically. But until then you must be strong and stop looking for glimmers of hope. Fake it till you make it. Fight hard man, I personally know how difficult it is, but every time you stop and look at her with hope and think there’s a chance you might get together, the easier it is for HER to move on and you to linger there feeling like crap.

    Be natural, be yourself, she is not going to affect you any longer, tell yourself everyday: ” I release the need to care about **** anymore”.

    Just like your affirmations, its all about repetition, no matter how unbelievable it is in the beginning, your mind will learn to accept it.

    You will be looking back in the near future and thinking: “wow, I probably would not be where I am today if that past relationship didn’t end, I would not be as confident and happy with myself had that not happened, I would’ve been needy and comfortable”. Now that you’re learning that you are the only person responsible for your own happiness, you will find that the next relationship that you are in will be SO MUCH more amazing than the last because you are one complete guy going in, and not somebody who is still finding themselves, looking for comfort in another.

    Keep up the good work >:]3

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by SIngh.
    in reply to: Need clarity on certain feelings #65188

    Hello there,

    “Are you feeling hard on yourself?”

    Based on what you’re telling me…. uh YEA. You wanted to see where others placed in the class and that made you feel like you’re no better than a bully? I’m not trying to be mean here ok but seriously? Ok ok I know where you’re coming from: I still remember the first bug I ever killed, it was a sandhopper and I kicked sand on it and then it struggled and died, I still remember it today as if it were yesterday. But that doesn’t make me feel like a serial killer.

    Okay that was a pathetic comparison but anyway onto your post: You are nothing like this bully, stop thinking weird stuff like that, I cheated on lots of stuff in highschool, and I’m not scarred for life or anything.

    This bully has issues, she is the one who should be posting on this site, not you. You are a good person at heart.

    Now onto the meat of this post:

    Are these kind of thoughts due to my low self esteem?

    No my dear, I think that they are because you are simply overanalyzing this and that you have let this bully get to you. It is such a shame that bullies exist in our world and persist in their behavior. Here’s the thing, it is possible that this bully is really affecting you (and how could it not affect you right?, shes a bully!).

    So here’s my amateur prescription for you:

    go get a piece of paper and write down everything that you love about yourself. do it. Don’t be all conservative and modest, that is silly, just list it. Then I want you to say these things in your head everyday to remind yourself of who you are and that NOBODY can put you down. I do this myself by the way, so this isn’t some sort of kindergarten workshop.

    Its called affirmation (look this word up, even on this site, and read so that you can get a better grasp on this tool which will help you realize how awesome you actually are).

    How do I let go of the guilt?

    If you still feel guilty, there is a powerful ability that you can learn right now, and that is the power of forgiveness. That is, self-forgiveness. just like you will be working on your affirmations, say out loud and in your mind everyday “I forgive myself for ….blah blah and more blah”.

    So there you have it, if you can ( and i know you will) work on these strategies, then you will become the super-confident, beautiful and happy human being that you truly are. When you go to sleep, envision this amazing person that you are, ( I envision myself with like 50 more pounds of muscle, for example,…. yea, typical guy stuff right).

    Again, you are above this bully, you are better than this person, don’t you dare let this bully or anyone else in your life try to convince you otherwise. The enemy here is within, not on the outside. Conquer your mind. You are responsible for your own happiness, go out there and take it.

    You are awesome 🙂

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by SIngh.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by SIngh.
    in reply to: Losing it all, tough journey back #65187

    It sure did take a lot from you man, my relationship of almost 4 years ended almost two weeks ago. I got a lot taken from me too, (im not trying to compare to you here, just trying to relate) including my confidence, a bit of my appetite, and a tonne of happiness. But I know inside that this is a blessing as I was getting way too comfortable and I would never have worked on myself in that relationship the way I am now so I know that in time I will have experienced a net gain out of this event.

    The easy part i think is that the things that have been taken from us are things that we used to have, many of which are critical for us to live, like happiness and fulfillment. So you see, you have to get it all back and then more, you have no choice, your body will force you to breathe when you don’t feel like breathing. Its an extreme analogy, but I think it is quite accurate.

    I understand that you feel far from the person that you describe in a list that you make about yourself. That is okay, this is square one man. Stick to that list, and repeat these characteristics in your head everyday. If the statement: “I am massively confident” seems way too unreal and your mind is refuting it, then change it right now to “I am becoming massively confident” and that should stick a little more well. This is what I do by the way, and I repeat these affirmations in my head everyday, and I try to do them whenever I get a minute or two alone.

    Imagine this person that you are going to become in the future, this confident, happy, awesome, and loving person. Note: (you actually are this person already, you jst have to stimulate and activate your “awesomecells” and “happycells” to wake up and start functioning again.)

    I know, that was cheesy and strange, but you already read it so too bad, you’re gonna think about those aweseomcells now constantly, sucka.

    Hang in there graffinLA, keep doing what works for you. You have great people around you who love you, and one more coming soon haha (congratulations on the new baby!)

    in reply to: I am in pain and struggling #65186

    Hey guys, sorry for the late response, I had a busy few days. Don’t mention it Howard, and btw I’m feeling pretty happy right now where I am and how much I’ve grown in just a week since my breakup, so you should be feeling pretty happy too hahaha.

    Also, how are things going with you over the past few days? It’s still pretty fresh, but I imagine things are getting a little bit better no?

    Marblewings, good on you, you seems to be on the right track too. You know we should be thanking these people for identifying that we are too good, because how else would we realize that we deserve so much more and that we can reach even greater heights?

    Hey Bina, that is the mature decision to make, as no contact is for you, and you know that what you need more than anything right now is yourself, so keep it up!

    Guys keep doing what you’re doing, keep smiling and keep loving yourselves! If it were easy, then everybody would do it. Keep fighting and conquer your minds, flush out worries and guilt and regret. Once that happens, we fill up that emptied space with confidence and the reality we make for ourselves (which is that we are in control of every frame, and nothing can stop us…. unless you plan on robbing a bank, because then the bank manager would likely stop you with his shotgun, yea, they have shotguns im pretty sure, according to batman).

    in reply to: Losing it all, tough journey back #65086

    You sir are a fighter, from what Ive read above, wow, you have been through a lot and you have overcome so much in your life. What is even better is when you recognized that if you put faith in yourself then everything will work out fine. Most people don’t even know that, they don’t even think about faith in themselves.

    It seems like you have all the knowledge and experience to get through this and get better, since you did it before. This is a minor set back, not a crippling defeat. I recon that things have been happening so fast and there has been so much stress that you haven’t had the time to put faith back in yourself. That may very well be the issue.

    You know it man, the fight that you got to fight is in your mind, it is nowhere else, you now this. Go back to the basics, write down everything that you like about yourself (make a list, and I mean everything), you’ll be surprised at what you can come up with that is so true. Make new affirmations and repeat them to yourself everyday, whenever you have a second to spare (this is hard, but if you do it, you’ll see progress I promise you, as I am doing this with myself in my own situation and it works wonders). Tell yourself that you believe in yourself, look in the mirror and smile, and tell yourself again.

    You are so blessed to have a wife and kids, you will already be an inspiration to them when they go through tough times because you fought hard and you won and here you are. You did it before and you will do it again. When you catch yourself worrying, stop right there, and continue to believe in yourself. Worrying does NOTHING positive for us, it is a leach, holding us down. Get rid of it, its all in your head man.

    You are already taking the right steps and seeing a therapist, now stop nervously expecting magic to happen, stop putting a timer on your sanity such that if you don’t recover by like winter then you’re screwed. Don’t do that, focus on one day at a time. Go to the gym (my personal favorite), get your blood flowing man, you were born to move and it will do wonders for your mental health (not to mention that your wife will LOVE your new and improved body…. and the rest is not pg rated so I shall not go any further).

    Also, try out something new that you’ve always thought of doing, such as volunteering at homeless shelters or soup kitchens; I always suggest this since I joined this site and its because I get so much enjoyment and satisfaction out of meeting these kind of people and making them smile even for just a moment.

    Again: rid yourself of worrying, its a waste of mental space, especially for an educated and successful man like yourself.

    The toughest challenges are for the strongest people, take it head on. Conquer your mind, retake what is yours up there and the rest will follow 🙂 .

    in reply to: Ex-girlfriend as co-worker #65016


    I’d say that I’m sorry about your situation but I’m really not, for this is an opportunity for you to work on yourself and be better than ever. You said that she made you feel confident. Well, here is one thing that perhaps you can work on now. Here’s the secret, people can sniff out confidence like its some kind of sixth sense.

    Believe in yourself, and have full confidence in yourself, (try some affirmations, they are powerful tools). When you achieve this, you’ll find that the quality of people that enter your life will be much higher than your ex-girlfriend. In fact, if this never happened, you probably wouldn’t ever need to work on believing yourself and becoming stronger within so this is truly an opportunity for you.

    If you don’t take it, then you’re in trouble. But I know that you won’t do that, because while you work on yourself and loving yourself, you’ll have the double benefit of not only being on another level, but also never looking back at that old relationship you had.

    Your situation calls for overwhelming force, that is, use all the tools in your arsenal (don’t have many? get more, like affirmations) to better yourself and avoid thinking about her. Try to even make a list of what you don’t like about her, this may help, it helped me see that I have so much more to offer and that I was being held back this whole time.

    Stick to no-contact (that is, you never initiate contact). keep it short and civil if you have to interact with her. You have a ton of time now that you’re free (yea i said it, you’re free, oh no!!), so take up a new hobby, go to the gym and get shredded (a personal favorite), spend more time with friends and family. Nurture yourself, this is the time to act and improve, do so before time passes and you get comfortable again with where you are, fight the urge to not do anything with yourself. You’ll be glad you work hard in the end

    You got this, the biggest challenges are made out for the strongest people. This is a big challenge…. so , I think you get the message.



    in reply to: I am in pain and struggling #65013

    Howard, don’t mention it. And the current pain im in now is because that relationship just ended a week ago (yes we got back together last year, and it didn’t work again). This happened for several reasons but the main one I will tell you now is because I didnt learn from my mistakes from the first break up hahaha. All is good though, I take this as a message that I have things to work on that I’d never realize unless this relationship ended.

    Sooo…. to you my friend, don’t make the same mistakes again like I did, when you get your mojo back, never forget it and never forget that you believe in yourself. The moment you forget and go back to the old ways is the moment you lose again. But you won’t do that.

    I understand that you hope she can be happy and well and all, that is an extremely noble quality that you have and that comes from true love. I say extremely because it is all to common to feel anger and scorn after a break up, but that is not like you so that is awesome.

    On the other hand, and again, you got this. Its good to feel the emotion you have right now, its healthy to cry it out, its cleansing in a way. Don’t concern yourself over her, for how can you care for another if you cannot care for yourself to the fullest? Once you are at peace with yourself and have complete faith in yourself, you will be ready to love another again.

    No need to be sorry about using that word, you have faith that she will be alright, now have faith that you will be too 🙂

    Some things happen for a reason, I try not to attribute much “fault” to myself in that it makes me think that an outcome could have been avoided. If we had hindsight then this would be okay to feel, but we don’t.

    So keep looking forward and there are great things out there waiting to happen to you. But there’s a catch, they will only happen if you believe that they will and expect them all the same because you know that you are awesome and worthy of happiness.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by SIngh.
    in reply to: Feel emotionally faded #65012

    Hello there,

    Wow, I wish I did that well in my undergrad! Tell me, are you doing what you want in life right now? Are you pursuing a career that you are passionate about? Are you doing things outside of school/work that you are passionate about? If not, then perhaps the answer is right there, go find something that make you happy. I felt the same way as you during my undergrad, which i finished last april, in science. Then and up till now I started accounting, which i have found is also not for me. BUT I have found my calling, something I think about and get excited about all the time, which is joining the police force. I am finally excited about the future in that I have found my calling.

    Another thing that makes me emotional and happy: I started volunteering on the east-side of my city, helping serve free food to the homeless. This gives me the biggest satisfaction ever, I am passionate about helping people, I honestly can’t wait for Sundays because thats when I get to do it.

    Anyway, that’s what gets me ticking. Find what you love, explore new things. There is something out there for you, and I know you will find it.

    All the best 🙂


    in reply to: Suicide #65008


    Life is precious, don’t you dare give it away and give up. Just because you lost doesn’t make you a loser, just because you failed doesn’t make you a failure. You have so much to offer as a human being. I myself find the BIGGEST satisfaction in life in going to the east-side of my city and volunteering there for the homeless by serving food at a shelter for different organizations. There I meet people who are at the pits, who are going through tough times too but don’t give up. You have a family, you have a girlfriend, you have so much to live for given just that.

    Get up my friend, believe in yourself, tell yourself everyday, not matter hard it is, that you believe in yourself. Because when you hear it you start to believe it. And when you believe it, then there’s nothing that you can’t face in life.

    Listen to this, I listen to this everyday and it reminds me to never give up: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3MxMfzWfbE

    Remember this one thing, and this isn’t some cheesy crap I’m telling you just to make you feel better, its the truth:

    The biggest challenges are made out for the strongest people.

    Don’t you dare quit on life, there are people out there in this world, some you’ve already met and many others who you haven’t that need you and will need you.

    You can be an inspiration, to yourself and to your community and loved ones, the ONLY way one could ever truly let down their family is if he/she gave up on life. But you’re not going to do that, because you’re going to realize that you have so much to offer and you’re going to get up and carry on living and becoming better and better. The fight that you got to fight is in your mind, its not in your cheque book, its not in you job, its not in your clothes, its in your mind. Conquer your mind.

    Much love,


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by SIngh.
    in reply to: I am in pain and struggling #65007

    Keep us posted, people are here for you, your family and friends and those who read your story here on TinyBuddha. You will get through this and you will become great, better than ever 🙂

    in reply to: I am in pain and struggling #65004


    First of all, I have been in your shoes before, last year in fact. I will also tell you that I made some of the same mistakes as you initially after break up, like calling her, begging even once while crying to her on the phone. However, after a few days I pulled my shit together, despite the pain and took the first step: NO Contact.

    The first step towards what exactly Singh, growing 6 more inches? No my friend, the first step towards bringing yourself back and better than ever! You see Howard, we often get comfortable in relationships and we then become dependent on our significant other for our happiness. Our entire lives and livelihoods rest on one pillar. What if that pillar were to be snapped?

    Well, the answer to that question is what you are going through right now, and it sucks, for the time being. So, this is about you not me so I will tell you in short what happened to me after that break up a year ago:

    I entered no contact (without warning), healed myself, rid myself of as much dependency on her as I could, and most of all, worked on ME. The end result was a month later: we got back together, with her realizing that she wants to be with me.

    So now that you know it works (this is just a tiny example, many more are out there), start it right NOW. Do not send that silly letter, I repeat, do NOT send it. You must enter no contact right now, because you two are over, let me reword that: your old relationship is over, done.

    No contact is for you my friend, for you to correct your wrong in being dependent on her for happiness and completeness. Listen to me, this is a blessing man, for if this hadn’t happened, then how would you realize that you only need you to make you happy? You wouldn’t, until the **** hit the fan in the future and in a much more hurtful situation (imagine if this happened when you got married).

    This pain you are feeling, accept it, let it in, feel it for a bit. The pain will go away, and your diet will return, I promise you that %100 with a time-back guarantee if it doesn’t (because you spent time reading this, not money, get it?). The biggest mistake you can make in this moment and during this period of pain and hurt is to not work on yourself, to not take this opportunity to better your best and LOVE YOURSELF to the fullest.

    You see, when you have absolute faith and confidence back in yourself, then there will be nothing that can rip your happiness away ever again. Read this website, research and learn how to do affirmations. These are extremely powerful and will be an excellent tool in helping you rid yourself of the pain and help you become the confident stud that you were when you met this girl AND MORE. Now I’m not in possession of any pysch-degree or therapeutic license, I’m just another guy who has been through this (and is going through this at a different stage) telling you that it works and this is what you must do.

    Do not contact her for at least a month. Don’t do it, and read up more about no contact to get a better understanding. Remember, this is not about you being mean to her and having revenge, no contact is about you getting your life back and better than ever (I can’t stress the “better than ever” part enough, it is true). Forgive (not to her face) for any hurt she caused you, and most importantly forgive yourself too. Look in the mirror and say it.

    Believe in yourself Howard, you have what it takes to do anything you put your mind to, all you gotta do first is love yourself and have complete confidence in yourself. This will be hard yes, but you will do it I’m certain. Do you know how I know that? Its because you have no choice. You have no choice but to be all you can be and be the only one responsible for your own happiness.

    Go to the gym, see friends, see family, start a new hobby, dedicate more time to your career, education: you have so much more time now in your life, use it to better yourself, not to pity yourself.

    In good time, find out what went wrong in the relationship and search deep and hard after the pain to find out whether she is really worth being with again. I too got the whole “I feel you’re too good for me” crap, and you know what? She’s right, I am, and I am getting even “gooder” as the days go by, as I work on myself in all aspects and love myself.

    Once you get over her and are completely fine with the breakup, you will come to a crossroad, and one of the paths that you can choose (yea, YOU will be the one with the power to choose) just might be to start a new relationship with your old girlfriend if you so choose, but you will have options.



    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by SIngh.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by SIngh.
    in reply to: Letting Go with Love #64820

    Hello Rose Tattoo,

    First of all know that (and I think you already know this deep down) you will be doing great and will be happy again in time to come. Time heals these pains, be sure of it. I know this because I am also going through a break-up right now, (since last Saturday) with the woman who I was dating for almost four years.

    There are so many great writers on this website alone who share mounds of wisdom on how to move on and continue loving yourself so give them a good read!

    I am not aware of the details of your relationship or your age, but I can tell you that there are so many options out there for you, and as soon as you start to believe that again, that is when they will show up right in front of you!

    On the note that you broke up because you felt that you needed to change yourself, (again, I do not know the details), if this means that you would have to give up core values that define you and are what you strongly believe in, then rest assured that you made the right decision :).

    I myself had many issues with my previous relationship (and an amazing one it was), one of them for me was, as I am a Sikh, I do not eat meat and I would not marry someone in the future who continued to eat meat so that is a value for me that comes before any relationship. (ps. my mom used to eat meat, and stopped doing so in respect for her marriage with my father, and they are the happiest couple i know to date). Thus I know your pain, especially when my girlfriend was fine with the idea of not eating meat for most of the time, but just turned on it at last minute as other problems arose.

    So, Rose Tattoo, take it easy, have some fun with friends and family, indulge in some activity that is new that you’ve always wanted to do. Occupy yourself and be happy!

    Lastly, if this still consumes you and you feel that this is not the end of the relationship, then do not be afraid to give it another try. I personally do not believe that much in life, let alone a relationship, is not salvageable. The key here is growth, if you two can grow and come to reasonable terms with the previous issues truly and faithfully, then that is growth!

    So give it some time, and be patient. The world is yours for the taking, be true to yourself and you shall always at be peace and happy!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by SIngh.
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