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  • in reply to: Should I give up? #97818

    G’day Carrie,

    During out time together, he kept professing how he thought I was cute and fun to be around

    Did you end up giving him a call?

    Otherwise, from my perspective maybe he is quite shy and in that time and space he felt comfortable enough to say ‘something’ rather than ‘nothing’. I ended up in an uncomfortable position with a woman whom kept putting herself down, ‘i’m stupid’ ‘i’m not as pretty as her’ stuff like this, and i just supported her for that time saying you not stupid and quite pretty. These weren’t hollow words, every woman has the right to feel beautiful, and she was pretty. But i didn’t have the ‘romantic’ attachment that she thought i had. Words are powerful beyond measure, not because they ‘mean’ things, but because they mean things to different people at different times, places with their own perceptions.

    Although you feel a connection, it could be that he literally thinks your cute and fun to be around. Maybe he feels that your comfortable to be around as a friend or just an acquaintance. Also you agreed to ‘hang-out’…..if you want to hang-out (IMO) it’s like as friends or just two people hanging out keeping each other company. Whereas a ‘date’ sends the message that your into each other. You want to know more about each other, to see if you could be good company for each other. If you call/ text and he declines or postpones he is non-committal and if you ever wanted a relationship this ‘trait’ would exist. Don’t say ‘give-up’, just move on. Chock it down to experience and keep chugging along.

    Keep us updated (if you want) πŸ˜‰

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Matty.
    in reply to: Feeling extremely anxious #97817

    G’day Samantha,

    I hate leaving and I hate travelling long flights, it makes me feel so isolated and alone and I know I have difficulty being alone, especially feeling so far away from my family and friends. I don’t like being back in Singapore

    I was thinking about this, and you also mentioned some painful memories of the past about your family. I have this feeling that it’s more that when you go back home it’s like nothing much has changed. Your parents your still alive (I assume), people you know, whether vaguely or not may still be doing the same things. You see the same shops, you breathe again the same air as everyone else, you realize that your not as unique or individual when your surrounded by people from your own culture with a shared history. At least this is what i felt. When i was in S.Korea being simply Caucasian made me feel very special let alone being Australian. I felt completely different, i felt unique. I only studied ever so briefly in S.Korea and when i came back and it was hard reconnecting with loved ones. Overall it’s like you have moved forward completely and the past is just that, but by going back you have to re-connect to those experiences. Like you have magically ‘leveled up’ and everyone is still the same. The flight would make you very anxious, understandably because all this built up energy for 10 + hours! all these thoughts in your head (your probs already there!).

    I think it would be for the best if you create a ‘truce’ within yourself and try to accept that being in Singapore is only temporary. It’s hard having to be dragged backwards when all you want to do is go forwards. As Anita stated above, just try to focus on the goal; living in England. The journey will not be easy, but then if it was, well it wasn’t much of a journey to begin with πŸ™‚

    Best of luck! and keep us updated (if you want πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: Confused over separation #97814

    Hi Kate,

    I’m just so confused, I actually feel really calm even though my life is in limbo.

    This I would consider the norm in this situation. There is clearly something affecting your husband, whether it be stress, it could even be something he has recently experienced or heard from someone/ something. In saying that, he also seems to be contemplating why he is feeling this way. I’m not quite sure what advice i could give, except possibly keeps us updated on the situation. Nothing particularly is out of place here. It’s (IMO) normal to wake and feel the complete opposite to what you felt the day before, we aren’t machines! Feelings much like anything are not fixed nor stable, they are constantly changing and evolving based on influences, experiences and time itself. Often we take for granted that being ‘in love’ will continue or that somethings are meant to last in there ‘complete’ stage forever. Maybe your husband didn’t expect things to change? Maybe he thought things would be different and he is trying to figure out where exactly things went from good to out of place. Also someone who is depressed, doesn’t always know they are depressed. My uncle didn’t know he was depressed, he just thought (being a typical Aussie bloke) that he needed to harden up and deal with work, relationships and raising a child by himself (he is divorced with a teenager). Sometimes we think we are stronger than we actually are, it’s only when we face challenges that we learn more about ourselves.

    We, as humans continually accept things without understanding them, it’s just easier that way. I think you are both very brave, firstly you’re giving your husband some breathing room to understand what’s going on in his head. And he is brave to be honest with you. However i would stress that removing the wedding band and even opening a bank account seems pretty preemptive if he is ‘just’ trying to understand what he is feeling, but i won’t assume anymore. Two weeks isn’t much time, how long have you been married for? Has this ever happened before? not this exact situation, but something like it?

    I’m glad your calm, in the face of uncertainty and/ or change. Keep us posted if you want. Hopefully more people will give some better advice than myself. I feel as if i haven’t done much for you at all πŸ˜‰


    in reply to: Still in shock – But I don't know how to feel #97449

    Gday Samantha,

    I hope that you get better, and can move on, clearly this individual was ‘playin’ with you, but i can’t judge the individuals character or makeup, i have no right to do so.

    Why I am coming here today is to ask you is this guy a terrible person?

    If you think he is, then by all means think this way. But i don’t want to validate an opinion of someone without hearing their side of the story, no matter how i personally feel about him after reading your post. You understand now that he was ‘cheating’ (emotional? Physically?) with you. So you have to accept this is now in the past and focus on what your going to do now. The best thing to do is to start to love yourself again. You’re calling this fellow terrible (probably other names as well) to lessen the impact against your pride, dignity and self-respect. This is normal, we humans more often than not protect of values before anything else. They are in essence who we are. But call it what it is, a mistake. As painful as it feels now, every day the feeling will lessen. You did nothing wrong. His partner now, probably has given him the benefit of the doubt, maybe she trusts him. Maybe they have a particular arrangement?

    I am so confused and just feel like I am in some strange warped reality. This girl is totally opposite of me. This guy and I have so much in common. I am so confused.

    Although you ‘think’ you know him, he cheated on you. So although you may have a lot in common with him, he might not have been honest with you. He might of lied about certain things that made you two bond. Everything he said or did becomes suspicious. I would expect that the reason he would contact you months apart was he was either too afraid to speak about something to his current partner OR was getting bored.

    I hope for you the best, if you have more you want to say or seek to understand more, please post further.

    in reply to: Intentionally isolating myself #97448

    Hi Dreaming715,

    Based on this entry and one of your others (Single forever), I notice that your going through a bit of emotional turmoil at the moment. I’m not quite sure what kind of advice you want or need. It seems to me you have put yourself into this mindset now, and nothing can change that. As someone who has been through the bad, once we are in the thick of it, we don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. We just focus on everything that is negative. This in turn pushes people away, not the act of being sick, or lack of emotional support. This is what i believe.

    I cared deeply for someone and they recently broke-up with me and I’ve had to accept their complete and utter indifference toward me (toward the end of the relationship and afterward they routinely wouldn’t respond to me or follow through on plans to get together).

    The only thing to do is move forward. Obviously, closure is what you need. You want to know the why, you already know ‘how’ you were treated, but you want to know why, right? This is only natural, a question left unanswered. But, even if the answer was given to you, would it make you feel any better? Would you be able to move on faster or slower? Heck, the answer might be so illogical and messed up! So in order to move on, try to accept not that your ex was simply indifferent, but that there was no real reason for him doing that. It might of been, your ex just fell out of love? Maybe he was no longer invested, maybe it became all too hard. Whatever the reason, no answer will satisfy you completely. It’s better to accept that no answer or reason exists.

    As for your support network, there are a couple reasons they may be acting this way:
    1) they don’t grasp exactly what your going through, maybe they don’t have an interest in understanding
    2) They might just have had enough, they have been there for quite some time, like your best mate of 8 years. And now your current feelings are starting to disturb their calm and state of mind. Maybe it’s too much.
    3) They have your best interests at hand, however they feel powerless to do anything, since your the one going through everything, so they struggle to do anything and end up doing very little.
    All these things come into play at some point. I’m not saying i agree with any of them, but i do understand them. I don’t know what advice i can give you in this regard. All i think you should do is take every day as it comes. Your not alone, you can never be physical alone from people in the modern world. If you have the strength, speak to someone outside the family, like here or seeking professional aid from doctors or counselors.

    I honestly feel like isolating myself.

    This won’t help your case, pushing yourself further into the corner never helped anyone, unless they wanted to disappear. Do you want to disappear? I think your just struggling to figure out who has your back and as a result, because of your frame of mind, you reckon that no one does. I think if you need help, they will help you. However, day to day, your support network may believe that you are able to handle it. This is actually a compliment, they think you are stronger than your giving yourself credit for. If you push yourself into the corner, you will be very alone. Support and concern are different. TO me it seems that you want concern (understanding and attention) rather than support. You feel that your being overlooked and nor heard. Once again, they could be hearing you but think you can deal with it.

    Five years ago I was thriving with strong friendships and a committed relationship at the time and I was happy and excited about my future. Now I feel like a failure in almost every aspect of my life and I just want to disappear and be alone

    I know it’s hard not to think about the past, but where you are now is what you should focus on and where you want to be. The past is great for reflecting on things, but making a habit isn’t healthy and clouds your judgement. You are comparing something in the past to know under two different circumstances.

    I wish I could be that optimistic, strong, ambitious, happy type of person that my friends and family could admire… but I guess I’m not. I feel like a rock that’s been crushed down to a small, pathetic pebble

    Why not make it a goal? Why not aim, everyday to think of something positive, to make yourself smile, do something that reinforces your ambition. Your only limited by your belief in limitations. Don’t be someone others would admire, don’t base your existence on others validation. Unless you want to be a Khardashian! πŸ˜‰ Be someone that you would want to call friend, be someone you would want to admire. You are strong, if you have the ability to stand up everyday through your current situation, you are strong. DOn’t put yourself down by saying you could do more, be realistic about what you can achieve on a daily basis.

    I hope this helped, i’m not sure what i could offer to you. So i might of just rambled.

    Keep posting, if you want to ask a question, or have something on your mind, please keep writing.

    in reply to: 35 and life didn't get better #97423


    No problem, i’m glad you found it helpful. πŸ™‚ Though i also want to point out:


    True, but ‘do it’ your way, the way you’re comfortable with. As you gain more knowledge of your field/ goals then start pouring more energy and time into it. Don’t just jump in, as many motivational speakers would have you believe, especially if your unsure of where to jump in the first place. Because you will be ‘jumping out’ faster because it will all be too much. Make some goals that pertain to your main one/s, maybe this month spend some time reflecting on a plan of action. Next month focus on getting out and about and spaking to a couple of people. Slowly you will build confidence in yourself. Especially if people you meet think favorable of you.

    i think because im not good at making friends or networking again

    When your networking, don’t think of these people as your friends, they are potential contacts, employers etc. Friendship may develop later on, but your in essence selling yourself, you are in this case a product. Market yourself with the few contacts you know. I don’t know where you live, but consider going to business meet-ups, small business/ startup meetings. Since everyone is trying to network. I know the mentioned going overseas for an industry conference, see if there are any around you first, especially local ones. Everyone is always willing to help another, as long as there is some sort of return or motivation. You just need to market yourself that people would want to mention you to someone that might be in the industry.

    AS anita brilliantly put, fear will always exist, it’s how you deal with it which may make you more or less visible in your field.

    actually initiate the conversation

    introduce yourself, ask the other person what they do, if your unsure what their job entails ask them. By default, all humans love being asked questions about themselves, also by default we forget to ask questions about others. We all want to connect with others. So it’s somewhat of a paradox. I read on a blog that i visit occasional that the ‘conversationalist’ is actually just a good listener who seeks to understand what is being said, not just hear it and react accordingly. We don’t usually hear the ‘undertone’ of what is said. When your networking just come up with a few questions, and use them. Notice how others also network with others, watch them mingle with others. Learn from others, as we all do on tinybuddha πŸ™‚

    hope this helps,

    in reply to: 35 and life didn't get better #97296

    G’Day Sunseeker1,

    write online articles mostly about politics but these days more about bettering your life and strategies to heal

    Practically, you could start this right now, online stuff like Weebly, Word press, tumblr etc are free and if you want exposure pay a little for the domain name and people can find you on google/ search engines. Then it’s all about content. I would advise tumblr, especially if you want a bit of exposure because you can link and re-post content that others put up. All that’s stopping you in this area is time and structure. Once you have a time (maybe post once a week, one a fortnight) then it’s about content. And if your interested in anything that’s the place to go. I originally made a blog for professional use (mainly to beef the resume up) on language learning (not in use anymore). If you have a linked in professional page then just start linking it with your blog. As long as it’s not going to impede your profession career. If you also want to get into journalism or reporting, this is your start point. I know a few journalist students who blog and write articles online to show that they are actually interested in writing and putting their opinions down in words. You never know, if you get enough ‘traffic’ coming through your website you may be able to put advertisements up and start making some side cash. The main thing is reaching out to other bloggers, forming business relations with them and use each other, write a collaborative piece, argue against someone else’s article (this is a sure way to get traffic!!) If you want to get into presenting, youtube is always a good start. If you show people you have already made a start, gaining viewership, then people will more likely take you more seriously. Nowadays everything is accessible, hence why so many young people are using social media and the internet to pursue their goals.

    I just also get shy speaking to strangers but the funny thing is I like talking to large audiences

    I have done many speeches at School and University, it’s because you aren’t directing your attention to one individual/ small group of people. There is a wide range of people your speaking ‘at’ and most aren’t really all their attention on you. Plus everyone likes to be listened to! πŸ™‚ When your conversing with smaller groups, it’s more personal and intimate, they may want to give you a question or feedback, so you get worried that you may not have the answer. Introversion is more to do with inner feelings, internal drive and thoughts and you don’t need a lot of external stimulation. So being shy just means your shy, you don’t have to be an extrovert to be able to perform in front of people. I’m pretty sure there is a lot of actors and actresses that are introverts.

    I just need to work though as I have not enough savings, and I just don’t know really what exactly I want to do about my dream job

    Then treat your job as that, a job where you earn money. If you can find a job that has flexible hours this would be a bonus as it gives you time to setup and move onto actually pursuing your dreams. Especially if it’s related to something you want to do and in another department. BUT, don’t quit your job and say, okay now what? Because you will spend so much money and time doing nothing. And this will crush your soul. Unless you have incredible drive and determination and a plan, you could end up worst off. A lot of people have to do crappy jobs just so they can do what they want to do. I was in hospitality and worked night shifts, the only thing keeping me going through that 2 year period was that at the end i would gain my qualification. After that i began looking for slower, easier work so i could start to put myself through university. I know many people cannot separate their professional and personal lives, one always influences the others. The only advice i can give that’s practical is to stop it! Once you leave the office, once your home, no work. You don’t have to speak about it, don’t bring who you are there, home. It will be hard, but it’s the only way to separate your head space. Your home is your space, even if you have to work later at an office to get work done, rather than bringing it home.

    I have had small brushes with success over these years but nothing concrete.

    This is good, this is progress. These successes, do you have contact with them? Do these contacts know people who know people? Good business is always inbreed! πŸ˜‰ Because you are older than most graduates, this is actually a bit of a positive, because your mature and have work experienc and will be taken more seriously. I would be emailing/ calling people in your field/s that you want in on and asking them for advice, NOT “i’m stuck, help me out” more like “I’m currently doing x and trying to figure out y, what is your take?” or “I want to do x, and your story is similar to mine, do you have any advice?”. People want to be engaged and generally want people to hear their opinions and advice, they however don’t want broad questions which, to them, may seem like you haven’t really thought through your next move.

    I hope this helped, what do you think? Thoughts? Hopefully i have addressed everything, if you have more questions, just post again.
    Matty πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Self acceptance #97271

    Howdy Striving,

    I can’t relate especially with your current situation specifically, however i have struggled with my weight and emotional eating in the past. The key to everything, is not to dwell on what a ‘healthy’ balance is. From what your saying, you seem to eat well. So if you feel good about yourself and feel healthy that’s the main thing.

    I am not sure what the connection is between feeling out of control, looking healthy and weight.

    Well, it sort of all in sync. Depression is mental, whilst what you eat can be both a support for healthy mental condition and physical. Also, you may have a mental connection to the ‘size’ or ‘shape’ you are and ‘healthy’. For instance, maybe your ideal body type is not a number (lbs/ kgs) but an ‘image’. So if you haven’t achieved this image you don’t consider yourself healthy, irrespective of whether you are or not and as a result this depresses you because you thought you could do it. It becomes a mental association, you start to feel that’s what your eating, when it’s your perception of your own body. To me, what your eating is healthy, so it’s not your relationship with food. It’s your relationship with your image that i think you might be struggling with. BMI’s aren’t the best indicators of healthy size because of the fact they don’t take into account, bone density, water in the body or the proportions of your body. So go on how you feel. i’m a big guy with a large frame. I always felt i was overweight and the scales did too. But I know what i’m eating is nothing like before. I have drastically cut out my sugar and feel better for it. Although it doesn’t look like it. Genetics, right?? !!

    I am single with no kids and work in a job that I recently got but took leave to deal with my depression so not feeling very confident nor productive.

    Don’t dwell on the have not’s. It’s something i think all humans constantly think about, what we don’t have. Your confidence shouldn’t be based on your ability to have children or be in a relationship. You should be confident in yourself for simply being you. You know yourself better than anyone else. Don’t think about your age either as a value of your self worth. We get wrapped up in being a certain age that means i have to have had x amount of experiences etc etc. But life is different for everyone. Have you any hobbies or interests? Who i am and what i do in my spare time, that makes me confident. I feel confident in myself because i know myself (although i’m still learning). For instance language learning is my hobby. I can speak a second language quite well, and this proves to myself that i can do anything i set my mind to. It reinforces who i am and what i’m capable of. What are you capable of? What do you want to be capable of? So if you have an interest, hobby or something you want to try, now is the time to do it. Think of it as trying to become your own best friend. And give yourself the right to love yourself as you are right now. When you look back on your life don’t single out 30 years of eating problems or that your single. Look at your experiences (no matter how small or big and what you have now (your alive for one ;).

    What do you think?

    I hope this helps out, tell me what you think πŸ™‚ Because i can only go on what you have written here, and i do like to know if i have missed something or if i’m completely wrong.


    in reply to: Struggling to fit in and connect #97267


    Thanks once again for your reply! πŸ™‚
    You are right, even though i can’t see your face, i could paint an image of who you are based on what i have seen you post and write. You seem genuine, honest, thoughtful and show compassionate. And I guess that’s why i thank you for valuing and taking time to get to know me. Even though we are oceans away (i assume so) and across different cultures, it is cool to be understood and accepted.

    I was motivated to ask you, simply because it seems like for ages that we have been going back and forward. It felt like, you were a teacher or tutor i have. You’re wise and supportive of all the students in the class. And at the end of the semester everyone laughs and leaves the class, never really thanking the teacher for their contribution, never realizing that they aren’t drones but people with emotions and feelings. It only takes a couple of minutes to show appreciation. It’s always telling to meet a teacher who is not used to being praised or being thanked as they seem completely surprised by the recognition. It’s as if it’s their duty. I felt like i needed to give you the recognition you deserved by putting the focus on you. That’s all. Trying to understand why Anita would want to help me, considering the hurt other people have on this forum.

    As you said, you have posted a lot to others, i know, i have seen it. How do you find the motivation to keep doing it? What inspires you to do it? Sometimes i read and answer back to people. But other nights it’s pretty hard. Especially when i read some of the posts, some have so much pain and suffering and all i want to do is give them a big hug and tell them it’s going to be okay. But i’m not an oracle and it feels like i’m just throwing hope left, right and center. Sometimes i struggle to sleep because i feel like i could do more, but can’t.

    Yeah, i too have never seen the attraction of self-help books. Especially the ones by famous people who have made lots of money and have prestige. It’s not that it feels condescending, it’s more that it would be very hard to duplicate the same results, after all everyone is fundamentally different. Personally, i’m more of a ‘quote’ kind of person, myself. Plus I always feel that if a person duplicates or tries to duplicate another’s success will it truly be their own? Will you be happy being as successful as someone else. What is by definition, success?

    Matty πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Letting Go of Jealousy (and the road to loving myself) #97182

    Hey Shannon,

    He had been dating another girl – his best friend at the time – when we became involved.

    When it comes to trust i can understand why and how this could be affecting you. Firstly, although you never had sex, you ‘did everything else’ (i’m not going to read between the lines, i’m still on the market;) and you’re unsure of trusting him, after all if he and yourself were willing to be together while he was with someone else, it’s like a cycle that could continue. Maybe you secretly are concerned he may be back with her or with someone else, it’s only natural, it happen already with you. I’m not blaming you nor condemning your actions, i have no right to judge your choices and never will.

    As both Anita and Elletinker700 have advised, speaking to your partner about this. By speaking your mind at least then he will understand what’s going on with you. No one can read minds. Also, try to understand that the relationship he has with his ex and yourself may not be same kind of ‘love’. Maybe he is supporting her through tough times and loves her as a friend she still is? Maybe your love is the romantic kind, the one where you two are together and share your vulnerabilities with one another. The only way to get over jealously is to a) gain evidence to the contrary and/ or b) accept that you may never have what the other has. This is the hardest, but also the most fulfilling, IMO. Because, we always seem to pine for what we don’t have or believe we deserve.

    In your case you want trust, you want love that is comparable if not stronger than his previous relationship. But if that is the case, you are setting yourself up for failure. After all, his previous relationship is just that…in the past. Instead of comparing yourself to something that didn’t work out, try to create your own story and relationship, with improvements and all with your partner. Don’t try to change yourself in order to create what you assume was perfect when that perfection ended.
    What do you think?

    I wish the best for you, and hope i helped you in some way,

    in reply to: Obsessions, Compulsions and how to stop!? #97181

    G’Day Dina,

    I agree with Anita, with organisation comes the knowledge that everything has it’s place, where you know it’s safe and waiting for you. Right now, by posting here, your mind is trying to ‘consciously’ figure out what it’s been up to ‘unconsciously’. You mention your ex, so reflect on the circumstances when you began buying ‘crap’ back then, is there a pattern? Right now, try to step outside of yourself, look around yourself and within yourself and do a manual check; is it work? what’s happening at work? Is it because of this……that….? Maybe you will notice something a miss. It could also be a preemptive. Maybe you’re worried about something and you are buying these things as not a way to organize but a way to distract yourself from whatever reality your not consciously aware of?
    What do you think?


    in reply to: Digestion issue and coming to a resolution soon… #97180

    Hi Elletinker700,

    If i can ask, not trying to pry, what kind of digestion/ intenstine problems are you having? My mother had similar problems, and still does, and everything like cleaning out her colon made matters worst. My mother was diagnosed with diverticulitis and suffers from it daily. It sounds like a similar problem, however i’m no expert, so i could be horribly wrong. Obviously, best of luck and look forward to seeing you here soon.


    in reply to: Is this break-up for the best?? Help! #97179


    What do you guys think? Did I jump the gun and break it off too fast?

    I’m sorry to hear about your break up. Although i have never been through one, i do know what’s like to second guess yourself, to make decisions that you really wish someone else made for you so you could direct your anger outward. I don’t think you jumped the gun, you have made it clear that you two were on the same road but with two different destinations. There are a couple things i hope that i can write that help you understand your decision and overall help you move forward:

    1) I believe that love can be broken into two categories = Right timing vs. bad timing. Love is as much if not more about timing than anything else. You can love someone, but unless you are both going towards a similar destination, the relationship will not survive. Of course, this is not to say your love for another won’t diminish or extinguish. In fact, right now your still in love with your ex-partner. You could go back, try to start afresh if you are able to contact him, but at the end of the day, the destinations are not the same. The relationship won’t survive unless someone sacrifices what they want. You weren’t prepared to sacrifice your goals, and there is nothing wrong with that. Any partner or anyone who cares for you wants the best for you. Your feeling guilty because your decision has affected another, affected him in a negative way. But if you were honest, if you were truthful to him about why you felt the way you do, he should respect your wishes (even if he doesn’t agree with your choice)

    Will these feelings ever go? Have I made the right choice in the grand scheme of things????

    2) You went with your gut. If you have to blame your gut, though it may not talk back… just warning πŸ˜‰ But you can’t go wrong, no matter how painful, in following your inner feeling. This feeling doesn’t manifest itself because it wants to. It’s the ‘brakes’ if you will, it’s purpose is about survival, and it felt that the relationship was going to undermine your future. We don’t know that, and we never will. But you shouldn’t dwell on what could’ve been. Because in your current frame of mind, it will always morph your perspective. In a week or so you may be hurting, but the feeling of regret will start to slowly seep away. Regret what you have lost, but do not regret nor pine for what you did not have. You are feeling guilty over a future that may or may not have been. You have lost a friend and a lover, something anyone would and should experience, and it will be hard, you will struggle with your emotions and choice, but remember your future is unwritten. You never know, maybe in years to come you two will meet again and start a new. The end of a relationship is nothing more than the chapter coming to a close, it’s not the epilogue. The thought of another woman making your ex happy should not make you feel bad, although, granted it could make you jealous. Jealous that someone else is on his road with the same destination in my mind. It’s hard, but you should be happy if he is happy and vice-versa, if he loved you the way you feel he did/ does, then he will be happy for you too. And you should both be thankful for meeting one another, after all you now know what you love about another person, if only the timing was right. Remember the love, don’t forget experiences you had together. Now let go, let your road take you to your destination, let it be.

    I hope this was helpful, i hope the very best for you and your ex,

    in reply to: Struggling to fit in and connect #97178

    Dear Anita,

    Once again I agree with your assessment. I will definitely take up your suggestion about, aiding my brother when he wants me to, not before hand.

    You are one of the most honest, authentic, well articulated, intelligent and … humorous person I have come across.

    Thank you so much. Thank you for valuing me, when we have never met nor truly know each other. It means a lot to me to be appreciated by others. And i certainly don’t think i will change for others. Of course i will always learn new things about life and myself, so i can only hope i improve, but not change who i fundamentally am.

    As for a partner, thank you for your suggestion. Personally i haven’t given my thought to how i would, when i’m ready find or pursue a relationship. I think i was reading on Tinybuddha about setting your criteria and waiting it out. I mean my standards, as you have outlined aren’t the biggest deals, just a couple of parent tests that’s all πŸ˜‰ But seriously, i will consider your advice on the matter. I’m not like my peers, i don’t really feel the need to date every woman i meet, nor am i inclined to. I would definitely rather meet than date. As dating nowadays to me, seems to mean you’re already pursuing a relationship rather than a 10 question casual interview style. As you have said, i have to be comfortable with her as much as i am with my parents. Everything you have said on this matter has made the issue clearer to myself. It’s like for the first time i have a requirement/s or a set of criteria and at least have an inkling into what i’m looking for.

    I really like your puzzle analogy, it helps me a lot visual who i am and who i am in relevance to others. Anita, thank you for taking a serious interest in myself. I often see you posting on others and always asking questions, genuinely interested in others well beings and compassionate about people’s situation. You have impacted my life profoundly, before i started this post, i was serious in my conviction to understand why i was the way i am. Instead, i have discovered, through you that i already understand myself well enough and can learn from myself an awful lot, which seems illogical if not a complete back flip. When do we truly sit down and decide to learn from ourselves and not others? Your assessment of me is correct, i see nothing that makes me want to curl up into the fetal position πŸ˜‰ I’m going to be on tinybuddha for however long. I have used this site for many years, and now i want to give back. So i assume i will see you quite a lot throughout the forums.

    As for wanting to communicate, if you still have an interest in me, i won’t stop it. I will communicate and answer your questions with happiness until you decide you have had enough.

    I don’t wish to prudent or prying of you Anita, nor un-grateful, but why are you on tinybuddha? I haven’t seen you post a question or a start a thread (maybe you have, but i haven’t seen it, sorry), of course you aid and help others everywhere! So my picture of you is non-existent. I just wanted to know what your story was, it seems unfair of me, for someone like yourself, to listen to my life story and issues and for me not hold an interest in the helper. I guess…who are you, Anita? Of course you don’t have to answer this, your decision to do help others is completely your own business. And it is of course not my place to bite the hand that feeds.

    I truly look forward to writing to you again.

    in reply to: Struggling to fit in and connect #97092


    By all means continue. What you say is correct. However it does make me feel vulnerable. Reading about my small inner circle makes me wonder whether or not this will prove an issue later on, when my parents move on from this world (as we all do), although i will not dwell on this matter, it does show that with content there is also great vulnerability. Maybe when that time has come i will be better at connecting with others, searching for missing pieces to form my puzzle.

    I look forward to continued response.

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