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  • in reply to: What kind of music do you like? #87901

    Thanks J for starting this post!
    really made me smile”…memory lane, music has always been there for me in any type of situation or mood…Especially when times weren’t all at best”…

    in reply to: What kind of music do you like? #87899

    Hi” everyone, I enjoy listing to: underground hiphop (Murs/Grouch/Eligh/Atmosphere/Mos Def/People Under the stairs/The Roots/ J Dilla) etc….Trans/Chill music (Nujabes/A.T.B.) etc….Classic Rock (Steve Miller Band/Queen/David Bowie/The Who/Journey/Eagles)etc…Really any type of good music!
    My top 10 by artist and songs…

    Soul music 1) Luther Vandross: Never to much.
    2) Gregory Abbott: Shake you down.
    3) The Gap Band: Out standing.
    4) Rockwell: Some bodys watching me.
    5) Sade: Sweet taboo.
    6) Earth wind & fire: September.
    7) Michel Jackson: Don’t stop.
    8) Kool & the Gang: Get down on it.
    9) Marvin Gaye: Mercy mercy me.
    10) AL Green: Lets stay together.

    80’s music 1) Tears for fear: Every body wants to rule the world.
    2) The Clash: Rock the casbah.
    3) Cyndi Lauper: Time after time.
    4) Depeche Mode: Enjoy the silence.
    5) The Doors: LA woman.
    6) Talking Heads: Psycho killer.
    7) A-HA: Take me on.
    8) Drama Rama: Anything.
    9) Eurythmics: Sweet dreams are made of.
    10) Bananarama: Cruel summer.

    50’s-60’s music 1) Ben E King: Stand by me.
    2) Chuck Berry:
    3) Barrett Strong: That’s what I want.
    4) Buddy Holly & the Crickets: Everyday.
    5) Ray Charles: Got a women.
    6) The Chords: Sh”boom.
    7) The Everly Brothers: Bye-Bye love.
    9) The Chantels: Maybe.
    10) Johnny Cash: Folsom prison blues.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by Dernell.
    in reply to: So depressed…makes me feel like I just want to disappear… #87470


    Some worse” than others”, none-the-less still mistakes”… no ones perfect’… That’s the problem with the world today”…

    I’m tired of people” bashing” you down” for it”…or being cyber bullies”……….. who gives them the right” to even judge”…..You already feel” guilty’ and really hurt” about what you” have done”….

    For every action’… there’s a reaction”….

    And because of that, you’re going to have to expect verbal” slander from people”… If the shoes were turned around”, you might feel the same” way that they” do…. who knows”…

    I’m sad” to read that this has happened”… so please” just learn from it”… and move” on….You can not undo the do”…..

    But” right now actions” are better” than words”… meaning stay away” from your ex…. maybe get him a card”… and write him a true” sincere” apology”…. but keep it simple”…meaning only a paragraph”…and not a word” over”…

    ( And nothing about the relationship” )…… At all nothing”…..

    Then I would apologize” to his family”….no joke”…mother and father”…face to face”…

    Learn to LOVE” YOURSELF”…………………….and let time heel….

    You are still a…. person/ human/ women/ sister/ aunt/ grandaughter/ etc…….. who still should be showed LOVE” and treated” with KINDNESS”…..Just as much as you have fault”… in this…so is there some truth”…

    There is always” 3 sides to the story”… and the third is the truth”….

    Please” don’t let peoples rude views” about you, cause you” to hurt “yourself”… Enough damage” has already been done”….

    IT takes courage” and humility” to even express” something so serious” like that on here”….

    Take care of yourself” and from this point” on…. RESPECT” yourself” and so on to OTHERS”….

    Love to all”….

    in reply to: I am scared of myself? #87467

    I just want to start off, by saying Thank You! for posting Rebecca” and all of you”, who participate” in this…

    Maaan” this was really deep”…

    A few words for thought”

    SIMPLICITY”. -meaning less in life” is true” freedom/ no attachment to the physical/ material/ and the many random subconscious thoughts”.

    PERCEPTION”. -meaning all walks of life” have their own impression” of what the meaning of life” is to him or her… there is no wrong or right” answer… when it comes to the who/ what/ and whys… I believe” that no one truly knows”…It’s human nature for us to want to explore the unknown…

    And that maybe if we did know the truth”… It might not be what we want”…

    Example: what if, there is no real deep reason why we are here?…. Or maybe just because?…. only an example”…

    I believe to just let be”…for the reason that it’s way beyond” our understanding” as humans”…

    EXPERIENCE”. – That is life” which we are here”… and we are not in full control”… even life” has a unique crazy way showing us all this”… Just words for thought”..

    You are completely normal” what ever that is”… Much ( LOVE ) and time” heels all… ( SMILE ) it’s okay!

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by Dernell.
    in reply to: Attacked- #87464

    Not to sure” on what you are trying to say?

    Please” clarify”… so that I might be able to understand” and respond”…

    in reply to: How lonely are you? #87462

    I’m so lonely” ( I laugh” at my own jokes )…

    in reply to: Insomnia is Ruining my Life #87459

    One last thing, at times for me reading” a book you have interest in might” put you to sleep when needed… every one is different” what works for me , might not work for you”…

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by Dernell.
    in reply to: Insomnia is Ruining my Life #87458

    HI” Name…..

    I too have the same problem, meaning insomnia.”

    For me it’s not something that you choose”… It just some how becomes apart of your life”…

    If you notice the times” on most of my replies”, it’s always very late morning… meaning while people are sleeping I’m still up”….

    Even when very tired” I’m up”…

    example: I’m up from 2:30 pm – 7:00 am ……. and… sleep from 7:15 am – 12:noon… it’s been like this for months…

    All I can say is, eat healthy”… And since you stay up late, when ever you do go to classes and know that you might not make it there some times, ask” your teachers for extra upcoming homework” assignments…

    So that you don’t miss out or neglect” your schooling… And it shows that you’re taking on responsibility” for your past and present actions”…

    Since the day is not good for you, maybe try doing your home at night” ( since you can’t sleep” )…

    For the job thing, depending on your age”, maybe try looking for a part time “grave yard shift”…

    And within time” your grades”/ and family” might change for the better”, because you are taking in action”…
    Good Luck” and Hope All works out for the Best”…

    in reply to: I need your insights on this one #87453



    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by Dernell.
    in reply to: The Pain Body #87328

    don’t know, and now I have a new book to read up on!

    in reply to: The Pain Body #87327

    I think” that the Pain Body” could have multiple meanings:

    first thing that comes to mind, is the struggle” of ones life” course in order to better the psyche” for the body”.
    ( like the saying, no pain “… no gain” )

    second: WHEN we put our selves in distressing” moments, our body goes through physical” and emotional” deterioration”.

    last: could be, the troublesome” of the world” and body” portraying” all of us as a one”…

    in reply to: Bad timing and fork in the road #87325

    HI” eitherway

    I just want to start this off by saying, that you might want to take in consideration on what ( Anita and JK-blue ) are conveying”…
    caring” words of true” enlightenment”…

    From what I have read, it seems like, all that they want is for you to have some form of PEACE” OF MIND”… which might save you from getting hurt” in the long run.

    Sorry” that you have to go through this, but be careful” on what you seek”… because you might just get exactly” what you want”…

    Not always a good thing!

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by Dernell.
    in reply to: Unconsciously Defensive? #87312


    in reply to: I can't find help, so I need to die #87267

    To : Jessica
    I read everything”

    your situation really touched me”….Honestly” I cried while reading”…..

    I don’t even know you”, and I have lots of LOVE” for you”…..

    Since you told us all something so deep” and serious”… ( a CRY-OUT-FOR-HELP” )…

    I too have been there exactly” where you are now at”…now older 37 years of age. I’m a black male, who endured” lots of hardship” from my mom, growing up as a youth”…

    Minus the father” figure and little brother part”…

    Just as your mom brutally” beats you”…The same for me as well. You name it, from knives” being thrown” at me, to getting kicked’, stomped”, punched”, and punished” for everything”… some times it felt like just breathing was a crime”…

    Then there was dealing with school”. Not something that I excelled in…
    But the one thing that hurt” more the any, was the VERBAL” ABUSE”….

    Some how the mental things destroy” who you are. AND create a negative” affect” of paths” in our life’…such as FEAR”/ ANGER”/ REGRETS”/ the feeling of SELF WORTHLESSNESS”/ DEPRESSION”/ WORRY” /DRUGS’/ and LONELINESS”/ even SUICIDE”…

    Believe” me, been there it’s a very dark” place to be at, and very hard” to get out of… And you are already there”…

    We are all very concerned” about you” and your little brothers well being”… Some are saying to leave” others hold out one” more year till you are 18 years of age”.

    But what if the year” doesn’t ever come? words for thought”…. Your mom could hit you in the wrong spot” and you never” recover” from it! or your little brother…( not that hitting is okay to begin with”). BECAUSE ABUSE TO ANYONE IS’NT OKAY”…EVER” VERBALLY OR PHYSICALLY”…

    PLEASE! SAVE YOURSELF”, AND FIND REFUGE” in order to be SAFE” and around your little brother…

    I wanted to die” and I’m still here, 37 years old” and ticking”..

    As you allow time” to pass by life” makes room for you” to smile”…Not that you will forget or won’t be scared by it mentally”, but you” will seek out positive” ways over come it…( even the deepest of wounds heel throw out time”) meaning cuts”/ example I’m sure that at a point of your life, you had a serious cut” weather it was by falling or something random”. It hurts so bad”, the pain”/ and the thought of putting rubbing alcohol” on it would make it feel worse”.

    But you did any ways only because you knew” that the pain from the rubbing alcohol” was temporary”, and that it would cure” the cut”, and within time it healed it’s self” leaving maybe only little scar” there for a reminder”… As you continued on with YOUR LIFE”…………………………..PLEASE DO’NT GIVE UP!

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by Dernell.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by Dernell.
    in reply to: Going through a lot of emotional pain #87263

    I’m not gonna sit here and tell you it’s okay to be alone”.

    Because I truly believe that we are put here for many of reasons, and one of those reasons is to experience true love”.

    At some point of our life”. weather it be a short or long period of time”.

    I some what understand where you are coming from, the whole age” thing/ not having enough money”/ living back with your family”/ and being depressed”. Feeling lost” or lonely”. plus I have a lot on my plate that I’m currently dealing with.

    I haven’t been with anyone in a years”.

    The time” alone I believe was given to me, in order to find myself”…. to gain… Spirituality”/ Growth”/ Development”/ Progress”/ and to Love” myself within”….while changing physical around me.
    Meaning ( putting in the action”, in order to achieve what I want out of life”. )

    Then maybe one day I will” be able to share it with someone who cares about me, as much as I will her”…

    A smile” goes a long way”…take care”…

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by Dernell.
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