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  • in reply to: Discovered he is attracted to minors #422939

    Dear Faith

    “Once bitten twice shy” give this man a wide wide berth. His porn choices may not be illegal and whether or not the brain tumor has compromised his judgement. He is not a person that you want around your daughter, so be thankful that you have found out about this issue before you got sucked back into a toxic relationship.

    You may need professional counselling to help you heal from this.

    Best wishes


    in reply to: Help with coworker and my moral compass #422938

    Dear Share

    I guess you “could kill 2 birds with 1 stone” by asking your boss “Is what the CW is saying about the business being sold is true?”

    This way you will know whether you will have a job to come back to next year and your boss will know who is seeding worry and gossip in the company.

    best wishes


    in reply to: Wife not into practicing #422935

    Dear Steve

    How wonderful that you have found the Dharma.  It is natural to want to share the joys you are discovering especially with our loved ones and it can be frustrating & lonely when they don’t seem interested.

    I am the only buddhist in our family but I too look for similarities in my family & others so that I can connect with them.

    When I get a chance I go to Quakers meetings as I find  it a quiet, contemplative & friendly atmosphere.

    You should also rejoice that your wife is wise and ethical and maybe when you notice her actively putting these things into practice comment to her positively ie: you really used wise speech in that situation.

    I am guessing that she supports you when you take time out to study or practice prayers or meditation if so thank her.

    If & when you are struggling with your practice or studies try asking your wife for her input.

    Is there a dharma centre or meditation group near you who can offer you a sense of community & support?

    Wishing you both all the best




    in reply to: Clueless #422174

    Dear Searching

    Congratulations in putting yourself out there. I hope your trip meets your expectations and that any curves or bumps give you new horizons. Look forward to hearing how it went for you.

    in reply to: Living by my values – causing me internal issues #422123

    Dear Danny

    I agree it is good to have a foundation or framework to give your life meaning & guidance. Aspirations are there to help & guide you , not a big stick with which to punish yourself or others.

    I also think that Helcat is on the right track with your inner critic running the show.

    I have struggled with things that are phrased in the negative like commandments. That shalt not kill so I prefer the offerings of Thich Nat Han. May I keep sentient beings safe, May I be mild of thought speech & manner, May I have integrity in all my relationships, May I keep my judgement clear. Also the phrase May I is gentle and allows for contemplation to think deeply about how that works in real life.

    Taking inspiration of the Muslim idea of stopping and praying throughout the day I try to remember to review my actions of the previous few hours and if & when try to rectify where I have been a bit clumsy with myself or others. A slower, gentler, quieter life helps keep me on track with my ideals.

    I hope that you continue on the journey of bringing your inner & outer life into align with each other.



    in reply to: no riends who really get me #422028

    Dear Paul

    I am sorry that the realtime relationship was but just a shadow of what you had virtually.

    You say you are returning to your home country are you also returning to your home town?

    What kind of spirituality are you looking for?

    Although I have not travelled for a few years now, I always tried to find a meditation group & or Quakers in the vicinity of where I was visiting meaning that I have encountered many kind & friendly people in my travels.

    Best wishes


    in reply to: Clueless #422025

    Dear Searching

    You are embarking on a new stage of your life, take time to find your joy, being in a relationship isnt the be all and end all.

    One can still be extremely lonely within a relationship, where as when one becomes comfortable with their own company even when lonelyness rears it ugly head means that you will not be anxious or overly clinging when relationship/friendships do happen.

    Are there any courses or group activities in your area that you might like to give a go?  Walking or wild swimming groups are not usually overly large and being outdoors is good for physical & mental health. Also night school classes might have the numbers of people that you would feel comfortable with. Voulenteering is a good way to meet new people and helps to feel connected with your community.

    Wishing you all the best

    in reply to: My Yoga Gatekeeping :( #421754

    Dear Arden

    In that one short paragraph you have managed to raise several age on conundrums.

    Here are some possible answers to ponder on

    Not looking for others to validate ourselves

    We are urged to give without expecting anything in return and to let go ownership of the gift.

    All beings want happiness and freedom from suffering.

    Over countless lifetimes we have been & done allthings, accumulating & feeling the effects of  karma as we go

    in reply to: Friendship breakup help #421609

    Dear M

    I am sorry that your relationship did not pan out the way you first hoped for and you are going thru this confusing time of the thoughts are of wisdom & compassion for both you and her and yet the emotions & feelings arise of wanting the situation to be other than it is.  It appears that she feels comfortable & safe with you, but maybe you can get her a lovely soft teddy bear to cuddle up with instead of you.

    The teachings and meditations on Loving Kindness are the ones that helped me when I was in a similar situation for which I am so grateful for and these teachings are now  hopefully part of the foundation of my life. Helping to keep me in align with my aspirations to live a kind & caring life.

    in reply to: My Yoga Gatekeeping :( #421263

    Dear Miyoid

    You are right the only person we have direct power over is ourselves, but this does not stop us wishing the best outcome for others.

    Many years ago I read a book by Valerie Mason John “Detox your Heart” I and others in our group have found it insightful.

    I have never come across the phrase streaks in conjunction with Yoga. I would be grateful if you could explain it.

    Best wishes


    in reply to: My Yoga Gatekeeping :( #421251

    Dear Miyoid

    Gosh what venom you are poisoning yourself with. No one owns yoga ( people have tried to patent it to no avail).

    Hopefully yoga will transform this frenemy and she will embrace the spiritual aspect to grow into a kind & loving being & someone you would be proud to call a friend.

    in reply to: My depressed girlfriend left me #421167

    Dear Adam

    Thank you for posting your update.

    You have come so far and I am glad that you are persevering with your own healing and are realistic about amount of effort & timescale it can take.

    All the best Roberta

    in reply to: I want to live, not just exist #421166

    Dear Pooja

    I hear pain & tiredness in your comment. It is easy to loose oneself when being the primary caregiver.

    I am a primary caregiver too but at the other end looking after an elderly father ( big nappies instead of small nappies)

    back in June I got my fist 24hrs to my self in 7+ months I was able to do a 24hr prayer practice ( my joy).

    Also booked ( back in May) was 3 day respite for each weekend of August. 3 days before I contacted the care home to confirm time of arrival (of 1st weekend) to be told that there was no room for him and i would not be getting any of my  booked respite this month! It took me a further two & half days to organise a replacement location which was available only for the first weekend and that too could be cancelled before or during my weekend off so I had to stay attached to my mobile phone!. Up shot was that I did not have the time to prepare & organise a retreat for myself and others ( my joy).

    I had to let go of my perceived idea of what would bring me satisfaction and instead worked with the weather and any other opportunities that arrived over the weekend. I got many mini moments of joy, contentment & had time to watch a workshop on non violent communication which was very thought provoking & has given me something to work on in realtime as well as downtime.

    I hope that you will get your needs met soon.

    best wishes


    in reply to: What is the best age for daycare? #421124

    Dear Henry

    Firstly of all there is no one answer that fits all.

    Be clear why you are considering daycare. Work, financial pressure etc or is it to give your daughter a social life or there can be more than 1 reason why.

    Where we live we have a babes & bumps and mother & toddler groups which connect parents &  their young with others in the same situation. This is affordable as the parent is responsible for their child during the sessions and helps with socialization of the children and also helps parents from feeling isolated and unsupported.

    Some daycare units are based on specific ethos such as Steiner, Montessori , Forest Schools so research what is available in your area.

    best wishes

    in reply to: How to forgive myself for kissing someone else #421075

    Dear Amelia

    Dealing with the practicality. Discuss with partner whether he would prefer you to contact the 3rd party asking them not to contact you & then block his number or just block his number. This will give your partner a sense of control and help start to rebuild trust.

    What is interesting is that you jumped out of the fat & into the fire.  You may want to have a long cold hard look at what is going on with your relationship to alcohol as it is obvious that it impaired your judgement and also when you are out with your girlfriends is flirting a normal part of an evening out.

    You may also want to consider couples counselling to give you tools to help your relationship grow in a healthy manner.

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