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  • in reply to: I will never understand men's dating behavior #107409

    Hi Dreaming75,

    There is nothing more attractive or beautiful than to see another person living in the now! This shows a culmination of things, and it is truely unique to just that person, in that moment.

    To be in the now means to not be living in your head. Not to be caught up in thoughts like “Am I good enough?” or “Oh no… here we go again!” Not to be concerned of the judgement of those around you, and be comfortable with who you are.

    Who are you? You can be two people…… You can be your mind, with everything you have learnt, read, researched, and all that thinking, judging, manipulating, concerning, and of course self criticising.

    Or you can simply stop focusing on your thoughts, and just feel the moment. Feel what ‘is’ within you, feel the joy, feel the life surging through you, feel the freedom of your expression in this world. In doing this, you become your authentic you!

    Once you are practised at this, then take note of how people react to you. Do they just share themselves, or try to shape and change you? Are they open, or retreating? Simply observe, then return to how you feel. Heaven or Hell is right where you stand. You can those which one you are in!

    Lastly… do not look for something. Just Be! By looking you have already filtered so many options, because that choosing to look references your past. Just see…. just be….

    The person you attract then, will be someone who is part of your journey, as you are ‘be-ing’ together.

    That to me sounds like a lovely date! 🙂



    in reply to: Would you be suspicious if if were you? #106704

    Hi Confusedandsuspicious,

    I truly understand the desire to know….. and you will find a level of madness by obsessing over trying to prove something you feel is true within. I question if it really is a issue in P, or an issue within you.

    When you know….. you simply know. How committed are you to trusting your innerself? If you can honestly say the P is up to something, then you need to have a discussion about separating. Why? When trust is dissolved in a relationship, the relationship dissolves with it. Even if you are wrong, the trust is already beginning to diminish. What future is there if you never trust in him again? What kind of future do you have, going against your inner senses, to remain in this relationship?

    I say this, not as an encouragement to seperate, but to really look past your fear of the situation, and to see what is beyond that. You fear he is not being loyal….. I’m asking, how loyal are you to yourself? You may already know the answers, but too afraid to acknowledge them. What will you do if you never know the truth you seek?

    Although many details are different, I had a feeling that my wife of 20 years was lying, and I believe every lie erodes trust, and therefor the relationship. I had no proof, nor did I find any, however right toward the end, I did discover a few small things that I asked directly. I asked three questions, two I knew the answer for and one I didn’t. The energy was the same, for all three things, and each answer was a lie.

    I mention this as I may still have some unresolved sensitivities around this subject, however I do wish to share how important it is to listen to yourself…… not just listen, but listen with every ounce of your essence as if your life depended upon it. You may be hearing your fears above your inner voice. You may be unwilling to hear your inner voice. You maybe hearing clearly your inner voice, and disagreeing with it…..

    This issue is within you, and it is time to listen to it!



    in reply to: Wife does not contribute #106701

    Hi Kirk,

    I feel for you! Through your words, there is a clear situation here that is unfortunate to read. This is a painful place to be in!

    Living in the relationship, and being invested so deeply has its rewards, and tends to come with blinkers, unless you are very self aware throughout the relationship. It is difficult to see many things, and once children are a part of the picture, the tendency to overlook traits becomes even greater. So much more leniency involved for the sake of your child.

    I will focus this on part of your original comment. Symbolism!

    Peoples lives (living situation), are a reflection of their mind. To be around someone for a length of time daily, allows an insight into their thoughts and feelings. As you get used to the living situation, you forget that its a reflection of their mind, as it becomes ‘normal’. As an example, a messy car usually means a messy home, and a messy mind.

    The wedding ring:- A symbol of the relationship, and the commitment to it. This says a truck load of things…. Note though, if you have chosen to wear yours still, or agreed not to whilst farming etc….. If it is agreed, then the action is understandable. Taking a ring off without discussing it, losing it without batting eye, and not wanting to replace it, is a clear indication the commitment to the relationship is over. Is this resolvable…. yes…. as long as both people want to! Where did she lose the ring? Whilst at work or home?

    Contribution:- A relationship is sharing…. sharing of time, space, love etc… Relationship = How you relate to something/someone. The symbolism of taking care of your inner word, which shows in your outer world. I understand there are two sides of the story, but I also see a clear situation here. How you relate to your life/lifestyle reveals how you relate to yourself. You work hard on the outside, and also on the inside. I see a resistance in your wife to do anything unless she has no choice. How would she be without your self discipline being shared everyday, and your demonstration of hard work within and in the outside world…. Is she a good Mom when you are not there? Is her work that important to her? If so, why not be motivated to get her licence herself, and drive herself? How would she live having to run a whole house by herself? Is she committed to herself and her evolution as a being?

    The above is more about you gaining a different perspective. Look at the symbolisms, to see through your emotions, and engrained habits, and previous accepted traits. Symbolisms take the blinkers off what we choose to see, and allow us to see what actually is.

    Also note…. there are two people demonstrating in your house, and your Son is learning from both. He has his own journey to travel, and you can not take his steps for him. However you can guide his feet whilst young, to allow him to experience a sure footing before the next step.



    in reply to: How to handle a friend's rejection #106346

    Hey Adam,

    The truth of your heart, is not there to back up your wants and desires…. It backs up what is! The unfiltered reality…



    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Evan.
    in reply to: Caught him watching… #106345

    Hi SmallPieceOfLife,

    Tough spot! No doubting that. Summarising my own thoughts, and some comments above…….

    You left for a reason….
    Why leave? If watching porn is not ok, and he will not change, then you have followed your heart. Or have you? Is him deriving sexual gratification from others a negative? How do you feel about porn yourself? Did you leave out of anger, or a value within yourself?

    Why watch porn…
    You are in a relationship. If porn is a part of that, and you can both derive something out of it, then the porn in not harmful. If only one person enjoys the gratification, then that gratification is formed outside the relationship, and is not healthy.

    Why Return…
    No doubt walking away is extremely tough, and as you said, he is there for you when you need it. That sounds like a great friend! A partner must be true to himself, but also acknowledge your feelings. I would allow him to choose between the two, but if porn is part of who he is, and not a part of you, then put that energy and momentum of the relationship into building a friendship, and allow yourself to be true to who you are.

    What do you want for yourself…
    You are with yourself to the very end……. Relationships come and go. The only true relationship that requires your utmost attention is the one you are having with yourself. If that is not a healthy one, then you can not expect the external relationships to be healthy either.

    I hope this helps 🙂



    in reply to: Issues letting go after a break up.. #106342

    Hi Brittany,

    I can only offer one thing….. accept what is! If you have feelings for him, then accept that. If you still love him, accept that. If he drives you mad with anger…. accept that.

    What ever you resist…..persists!

    I’m not saying you should rekindle the desire, and love him wholeheartedly, and send him flowers etc…. I’m saying accept what is within you. Be soooooooo honest with yourself, and know your feelings as real and true. Only then, once you completely accept what is… can they be released.

    There is no skipping this step – accept every feeling, every fantasy, every desire, every truth. Then allow it to be within in you, and allow it to be free….



    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Evan.
    in reply to: Feeling no trust #106279

    Hey Harry,

    Great question! Who does that?……

    Answer…. many people! This is the simple truth.

    Question for you – What will you accept? If you live true to you heart, then this is not an issue. Yes, there will be a break up, and you will hurt. Yes there will be doubt over what you did. Was this an impulsive decision, and have you ruined a chance at a great relationship? Answer is yes…..

    What matters is whether you are living your life, according to you principles, values, boundaries and ethics! Does this relationship embrace these? Would you do this to another person? Is how you are treated, a reflection of how you treat others?

    Ok…. yes…. this sounds harsh. I understand your pain! Many other people also feel what you are going through. Alas this is far too common…..

    Now you need to make a decision. Does this relationship align with you? Can you swap places with this person and see yourself doing the same thing? Is this a person who exonerates your ideas of a relationship?

    What you do from here, is revealed in the answers to these questions. Remember….. Don’t look back…. that is not the direction you are travelling.

    I hope this a help to you.



    in reply to: Job Interviews Discouragement #106221

    Hey Mnml,


    Interesting questions to ponder…..



    in reply to: Spiritual confusion/wannbe #106220

    Hi Spen,

    Well written – and yes you are not seeking another framework to believe in. This journey is not based in the mind, but the heart. I would suggest Eckhart Tolle – Power of Now as a great start. I am sure you will receive many replies, so I will keep mine brief.



    in reply to: Job Interviews Discouragement #106217

    Hey Mnml,

    It is nice to hear an update. From your last thread, you were looking of a new job or career….. It appears you are on your way 🙂

    Firstly, lets take the attention from the cause of the issue, and refocus on what you can do at the moment. Stewing in things outside your control is the answer to find depression and anxiety. So this process sounds nice on paper, but because you are ‘doing’ something about it, your mind will not be happy as it means change from the known to the unknown. The unknown is already your reality, but your mind is not accepting yet. That’s completely normal 🙂 We all crave safety and security.

    When you visualise a young guy, sitting at an interview with little skill, what would be the reason a business would pick him over other candidates? My suggestion would be attitude. Keen as mustard to dive in, and enjoy the ride. If your heart is not engaged, you may as well have a sticky note on your forehead when you go into the interview.

    Whilst the process for finding a job will continue to occur, and eventually acceptance into a new role, why not find that spark again, and earn a few dollars along the way.

    Begin your IT business – Find some small SO/HO businesses that can not afford a full IT staff and offer to sit in for the day at an agreed rate. Fix things up a bit, make a list of tasks they may need to address in the future. Alternatively, you can try the Home PC client, however be prepared to have many cups of tea, and some great conversations 🙂

    Underlying what I am suggesting is to find that spark of helping people again. This is a massive attitude top up full of joy and happiness. You are not offering an ongoing commitment, but a helping hand to those who are doing their best out there. You will find very quickly that a few dollars will be earned, and a freedom of your own IT expression will be released. You have everything you need to do this already…. So the only risk is deciding wether to really put yourself out there, and test your skills.

    I hope this helps mate 🙂




    Hi Inis,

    My instinct here is he is playing with you. I am sorry if this hurts…….

    If it is friends, then so be it – but do not cross the line into flirting, creating ‘alone time’ or allowing you to believe more exists.

    If it is more to him – then he would not ignore you. After so many dates or get togethers, it is common courtesy to say hello or acknowledge you. That non-acknowledgement – unless previously agreed – reveals he is not true to his feelings, and to be done in a public arena…. makes no sense.

    I would question the company of the person he was with, as he was willing to offend you, and disrespect you, for the person in his vicinity….

    You deserve better already…….



    in reply to: how to mend my broken heart?? #105719

    Hi Susannah,

    I say accept it!

    Accept you love him, that you long for his return, that he is the love of your life. This is how you feel, so accept it. You love him and thats ok! No need to run away from this fact.


    Dont confuse your wants, desires, dreams, fantasies or demands for these are imaginary, and not your truth. Your actual truth is you love him.

    Start there because this is present within your heart. Also know that true love is freedom…… Free from restraint……



    in reply to: Identity loss #105437

    Hi Anoniem,

    Welcome aboard 🙂

    For me there is so much to say on this topic that books are indeed already filled with ideas and opinions….. So I will skip most details and share my understanding.

    Most religions and belief systems all point to the same thing. Something the brain/mind can not understand because thought is itself a form, and the messages all point to a formless.

    The religions/beliefs all have a framework around them, which enables a certain language to be shared, so the messages can be transfered without having to reinvent the communication level – over time, distance, cultures, etc….

    Regardless in what belief or religion you follow, the purpose of these frameworks is to enable you to realise who you are. Follow your heart, as that is the path to a greater understanding of yourself, and discovery within that all religions, belief, philosophies, traditional stories etc point to anyway.

    There are a thousand paths that lead to the same door. The most important part of this, is that you are walking on one of them.

    From Aikido – seemingly unrelated, you can feel the truth within the words….

    Morihei Ueshiba – The Art Of Peace

    The art of peace begins with you. Work on yourself and your appointed task in the art of peace. Everyone has a spirit that can be refined, a body that can be trained in some manner, a suitable path to follow. You are here for no other purpose than to realize your inner divinity and manifest your inner enlightenment, foster peace in your own life, and then apply the art to all that you encounter.



    in reply to: Lost and Hopeless #105098

    Now we are talking! 🙂

    Awesome summary by the way!

    For me personally, as soon as I accepted that I make mistakes, and I am wrong about loads of stuff, etc…. then admitting “I don’t know, but will find a solution” came naturally with confidence once again. Like you, you have always found a solution, even if it resides in someone else’s head!

    Your parents – yep. They are human, and make mistakes. Your choice is to forgive yourself, then them, leave it in the past, and learn to ‘un-learn’ what you accepted as true during those times of doubt.

    I can sense you have already altered your direction some time back, self correcting back toward your true path already. Yes there are a few pebbles in the shoe, and somewhat painful, and we have plenty of time to chat about those.

    I am really happy to have connected with you.

    Touch base again later today – my inbox is active….. and…… breathe……




    in reply to: Lost and Hopeless #105095

    Hey Mnml,

    As heart wrenching as what this is at the moment, know that you are not defined by what happens to you, but how you react.

    I am self taught, and had for many years thought to myself I need certifications. It’s a recognised standard of understanding, and people will respect my talents, and knowledge and I can pick and choose you job. Funny thing is, as I go along, I see highly qualified people making complicated solutions that do not work efficiently, and need more IT skills and knowledge to maintain it.

    I also see people refusing to to work ‘outside’ their training, even down to a basic level. Outright rejection to help and refine their skillsets.

    Ask yourself why you started IT! You are a fantastic problem solver, enjoy a challenge, love to help people and experience/share the joy of a solution, intelligent inside and outside the proverbial box. Kind hearted, giving, compassionate toward others, enjoy helping wherever possible etc……

    You are amazing! Believe it, know it!

    So some tech talk now. Your Anxiety App V2.3 is in overdrive filling up your HDD with corrupt data. There is no space left in the Swap partition to process new data, so your CPU is limited to reprocessing what is already stored within.

    We need to terminate the ‘process’ of the Anxiety App before it upgrades to V2.4.which also triggers the Guilt App V9.7

    Time to open up your Self-Love App and upgrade it. Reinstall your Compassion-for-oneself App V15.1 and Download the “Space’ and ‘Breathing’ add-on for Inner-Peace App V.0000004

    When you give yourself some space to ‘not-think’ for a bit, 5 breaths between emails, 1 breath before picking up the phone, 10 breaths walking up the office stairs (or relevant office distance), you will have a moment of clarity to start from.

    It may take a while to know this internally, as your thoughts have such momentum at the moment, but trust me, it is there.

    Your inner peace is there waiting 🙂

    Your heart is patiently awaiting to be heard again.

    Grab a cuppa, read this and breathe.

    I love and accept myself right here, right now!



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