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  • in reply to: Becoming too clingy #172511

    Hi Jean,

    I do not think he is emotionally available at this This time for a committed relationship. He is too busy enjoying being single, doing his own thing, being with his friends. He is disrespectful of your needs. We all have basic needs in a relationship, and he is not meeting any basic needs. Not investing any time in you or your relationship, shows no empathy for your feelings, and is inconsiderate. You deserve better.

    in reply to: Scared of never recovering from cheating ex #172273

    Hi DM,

    I felt sad when reading your post. I too, have been in LDR’s. They have unfortunately never worked out. Too much distance, doubting, uncertainty, guessing, anxiety. It’s not worth it. Especially after reading what this man is putting you through. Sounds like he is having all the fun. Well, no more. Make him work for you. It’s you or the other girl. Make him fight and work for you. However, I think you should find someone local. A non-player, someone who makes You number 1, their first priority. You deserve better.

    in reply to: Starting too fast? #172221

    Hi Eitherway,

    Sounds like things are headed in the right direction. Keep us posted..

    in reply to: When to Cut the Cord on my Relationship? #172219

    Hi Amanda,

    I apologize, I just read where things were broken off after I wrote my original post, and I’m sorry to hear this. Break-ups are never easy.

    in reply to: When to Cut the Cord on my Relationship? #172217

    Hi Amanda,

    It sounds he may be confused..and not emotionally available, and fully committed to a relationship at this time. He feels he may be consoling you by “saying” he wants to be in a relationship, only if the grass is not greener on the other side on Tinder, he will at least know he will have you a a back up plan to fall back on.

    A man who truly wants to be in a relationship shows it in action, not half hearted promises and vagueness and keeping you guessing and doubting. The fact that he is on Tinder knowing you don’t like it is disrespectful to you. So, is not showing any attention to you or communication. We all have basic needs, and he is not giving you any basic needs at all. Nor investing any energy in the relationship or moving things forward, preferring to remain stagnant.

    in reply to: You guys know what this means #172007

    What type of advice are you looking for?

    in reply to: Starting too fast? #172005

    Hi Eitherway,

    Even though she may not like to text, I still would try not to lose a little of the momentum you shared..and perhaps talk on the phone a bit. The calls don’t have to be long or intense. Just show her you can be around her or talk to her without all the intensity. I wouldn’t break contact all together until you may or may not see her again. I would just have a friendly, casual friendly chat with her, nothing too intense or emotional. Just friends..build a foundation of friendship first.

    in reply to: Hard to let go of past relationship #172001

    Hi Kylee,

    About a year ago, I had a break-up. I wasn’t with him very long, but I became emotionally attached to him very quickly. I thought he was “the one” even though he was quite a bit younger than me. Things were great in the beginning. I couldn’t imagine life without him. Then, I felt him distancing himself. He was on Facebook, and I noticed he was instagraming other women. He even “friended” one of my friends..and put her on his home page, where he had me “hidden” with his other friends I guess. I never really knew. But I liked him so much, I was too afraid to question him alot for fear of him thinking I was clingy.

    Fast forward, we started communicating less and less where he was investing nothing at all in the relationship. I asked him to leave me, if he did not want to be in a relationship with me. He did not try to put up a fight, instead he got mean and said “what do you want???”. I tried to tell him..but he never responded, and things ended right before his birthday in October last year.

    I cried over him for weeks. Wanted to contact him on his birthday. Even had to delete my Facebook Profile so I wouldn’t go to his page, because it showed romantic quotes about other women and it tore me up. I even prayed to God, to bring him back to me, I kept analyzing my decision to walk away for months, beat myself up, I even sent him a New Year’s eve wish, to which he never responded. I kept thinking of the good things, not the bad ways in which he treated me. I was bored, lonely and empty. I missed him terribly. Then one day in June, I woke up, not thinking about him, and if I did, nothing. No yearning, no crying, no analyzing. I was **finally** over him. I then wonder what I saw in him in the first place. His birthday just went by beginning of October. I thought I would surely think about him, I did a little, but no yearning, nothing. Instead, I thanked God for the short time I had with him, and the beautiful feelings he brought me.

    You will get to this point too. Just be patient, and let yourself grieve and heal. There is no time limit. I was only with this man 3 months and it took me 9 months to “get over him” like PearceHawk wrote so well, everything happens for a reason.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Eliana.
    in reply to: Need some space to vent and maybe a shoulder #171883

    Hi Matt,

    I just now read your post. I see that you received alot of replies. I have not read them, but I will give my short perspective. I could not do it. If I were married, I could not share my husband with another woman. The thought of even thinking about my ex with another woman kissing or having intercourse makes me nauseated, or wanting to have a panic attack. I feel God made marriage between one man and one woman, an open marriage is out of the question, to me it’s not a marriage, just a roommate situation, no matter if they are the love of your life. I couldn’t even think about it. Its It’s all or nothing for me. I can’t or won’t share my husband. It’s wrong.

    in reply to: Is this a huge red flag? #171867

    Hi Dreaming715,

    I have read many studies of where they have done research on people who lived together before marriage, and people who got married before living together. The divorce rate was twice as high, or engagements broken off with the people who lived together before marriage, versus the people who waited until they got married before living together.

    The times, I lived with my first love and fiance before marriage, it did not work out. It started off well, but then things got weird, and we started fighting over petty things. It then started to feel like we were roommates, rather than a loving couple. I would come home from work, he would never come up to me and miss or hug me, just was on his computer doing work. I barely even got a “hi”.We also started to go to bed at different times, when before we would snuggle and be romantic and make baths for each other. It seemed moving in together paralyzed things and we lost the spark and romance and only saw the negative and constantly fought.

    This is why I don’t believe in living together before marriage. Wait till you have that wedding band on your finger.

    in reply to: Ex being friendly #171243

    Thank you, I’m glad I read this. I almost e-mailed him. I hope things get easier for both of us. I am ready for today to be over.

    in reply to: Letting Go Of A Toxic Relationship #171239

    Hi Archum123,

    You were alone and doing fine before you met him, and you will be alone and find if you leave him. Just because you will be alone for a while and maybe a little lonely, take this opportunity to do good things for yourself. Learn to love yourself. Develop some outside interests and hobbies. Men like women who are independent and happy. You can’t expect a man to “complete” you. Look for happiness within you, not with a man or being in a relationship. Work on some goals, take some classes, do something you have always wanted to do, but have never done. Go hiking, travel, enjoy life without a man. When this happens, you will find yourself growing and maturing. When men see you are happy and fulfilled the healthy ones will gravitate toward you.

    You found this man. But it is a toxic and very unhealthy relationship. It’s probably best to part ways. You don’t have to be “alone” forever. You deserve to be in a loving and healthy relationship with an emotionally available man who can love. First start by loving yourself, and good things will start to happen.

    in reply to: Solitude the company of one #171157


    Awesome post. It even helped me, as I have no family, pets, children, boyfriend. Thank you. x

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Eliana.
    in reply to: Ex being friendly #171155

    Hi Connie,

    I can relate, tomorrow is my ex’s birthday. Its been a year. I have finally gotten over him..but now, I don’t know why I am thinking about him again. Will this ever end? So frustrated with myself. I deleted my profile on Facebook, because he was friends with some of mine, so I would see him in my feed. He had moved on, while I was crying over him every day after our break-up. He looked so handsome, happy. He had posted a new photo of himself. The photo he had when we were together was not that good, he was looking down sad. Then to top things off he posted a quote about “being in love”. It about killed me seeing it. I had no choice but to delete my profile. What’s worse is that post if that quote for 34 “likes” including my friends. Now, I want to get on there and wish him a Happy birthday. But he will just delete it.  It’s a sad day for me too.

    in reply to: Emotionally Unavailable Partner #171151

    Hi Struggling,

    I re-read your post, others may not agree with me, but I feel all our opinions our valid, but you should read them carefully, and always decide what’s best for you. We are not in this relationship, you are. I feel there is a difference between “good ole kidding around” “and sarcasm” and emotional abuse. The words “take a hike” to me is not sarcastic, it’s emotional abuse, because it hurt your feelings, made you sad and lonely/ confused, and then when you said “where do you want me to go” again, he was unkind. I don’t find anything in the form of kidding around, he was disrespectful. This is no way to talk to someone you love. If someone talked to me this way, I would have packed my bags and left. I won’t tolerate being talked to like this. It’s emotionally abusive.

    Nor he did he try to make amends, cuddle with you, nothing. Pain or no pain, it’s no excuse. If you are in that much pain where you are going to mistreat someone, then he needs to let you go, so he can get his pain taken care of, physical therapy, steroid shots or whatever the case may be. I feel he needs time alone. He is not capable and can not Give anything to a relationship. I think you deserve better.

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