Forum Replies Created
ParticipantHi Peyton,
I would send him a quick e-mail or text that says “please don’t contact me anymore” and leave it at that. The way he has treated you, he deserves no further explanation. The more you say, the more chances he will get to start bashing you again or start an argument, or make you feel bad about yourself. Then after you say that he will know and should not contact you anymore. If you want you can change your number and block him on Social media. Stay strong.
August 20, 2017 at 4:34 pm in reply to: Did he ever love me? After 2 years he breaks up with me so harshly! #164856Eliana
ParticipantHi Nina,
I too, have been in long distance relationships. One man from India, Another from Pakistan, and the other from Iraq. The one from Iraq, I was head over heels with, but it turned out he was Catphishing me, so he could get to United States. My own fault, for getting too intense so quickly with him so soon. I invested everything in him, time, attention, romance. He invested nothing.
The guy from Pakistan..well things were great at first, I came to care about him a great deal. We spent hours video chatting. Said as soon as he got out of software engineering, he would come to States. Then he did a complete 360 and wanted me to send pictures of parts of my body and pictures of parts of his body. I immediately put an end to that. But I was deeply hurt and humiliated. Most men from other cultures think and are raised with different values, views and perspectives than people in our country. It usually, unfortunately does not work out. I don’t think it had anything to do with you, but like he said, a difference of cultures. I too have had men from long distance “ghost me” or I will see them flirt with other women online. It’s all a game to them because of distance and rarely seeing each other. I think it’s best to meet someone locally. A happy, stable, loving and emotionally available man.
ParticipantHi Amy,
Thanks☺. Sorry for any confusion on my part. Please keep us posted.
ParticipantHi Craig,
I would just give it some time, give her the space she needs. She is very young..only 24. At 24, getting married, going to school, and everything else can be very overwhelming for someone so young. Are you her first love or relationship? Does she have a support system, or perhaps a therapist she can talk to with overwhelming emotions and depression?
ParticipantYes. Did not submit properly
ParticipantYes. 2 reasons. Texting, or calling you at Midnight, even if it is your birthday is rude. You could have been sleeping. He could have waited for a more appropriate time. 2nd. He could have said what he wanted to talk about since he had already contacted you. I think because it was your birthday, he was just thinking about you, but I don’t think he is probably wanting anything more. If he did, he would have contacted you before your birthday. I think it is right what you did.
ParticipantHi Ataraxia,
How are you doing? Just wanted to check on you to see if you were feeling better about things. Feel free to post anytime.
ParticipantHi Wyn,
How are you doing? I hope you are feeling better. Please feel free to post anytime.
ParticipantHi Keith,
Do you know if she had a traumatic or dysfunctional childhood? Sometimes unresolved issues from a vet traumatic childhood can manifest itself into adulthood, causing defense mechanisms we used as children, but we still use them in our adulthood, but they no longer work. Pathological lying, can stem from defense mechanisms that were put in place in childhood, and it is an unconscious act that follows us in to adulthood unfortunately if left unresolved.
Has she tried Psychotherapy to get to the root of the problem? The lying is a symptom of an underlying mental illness or personality disorder and will not go away with being screened for mental illness and professional treatment.
ParticipantHi Amy,
I don’t think, it is the case where people are “unhappy” therefore are giving you negative advice on here. I consider myself to be a happy person, and if I feel a relationship can work out, I will try to point out some possible solutions in my posts. The advice I gave you, came from my heart. Many of the advice on here was positive. You came on here asking for advice. It is up to you, and you only, to either accept or reject the advice, but please don’t “blame” well-meaning people for issues in your relationship.
ParticipantHi Keith,
I’m sorry you are having to go through this. I see alot of red flags in your post. The first: once trust is broken, it is almost impossible to get it back. Resentment sets in, and you are left always doubting her, the relationship, whether she is with other men on “what’s App”. This builds and builds, it’s a vicious cycle and destroys a relationship.
The 2nd: the lying and manipulation on her part. Again, if you stayed with her, you would most likely not be happy in the long run, as she does not sound emotionally stable or available for a long term commitment.
3. You both seem to be long distance, relying on Social media as a form of communication. She enjoys the attention of other men on “What’s App”. It does not sound like she is going to change, wants to be in a stable, long term committed relationship. Only she can change if she truly wants, you can’t fix her, yo you deserve better, a stable loving woman who knows what she wants, who is healthy, honest and happy.
ParticipantHi Mary,
The more distant and no contact with them you have, you won’t have to worry about showing facial expressions. But I can certainly understand where you are coming from because I struggled with resentment with people, I came to trust and love, and they hurt me terribly. So, what I did and still do, is when I feel resentment coming on, or thinking about them/the situation, I would feel sorry for them instead. Sorry, that they had had such small hearts. Then after time, the bitterness would leave, and it would just turn to empathy, no contact at all, but forgiveness, but this is a long process. So, please don’t allow these people to let bitterness and poison, resentment fester. Think that they are sleeping soundly, and going about their day peacefully, and you are fuming with resentment. You do not want to live your life this way I am sure.
If you have to walk by them, pretend you are occupied with something, look in your purse for something, look at notes, look down, look in your wallet, cell phone. What I did was put my friends pictures on my bathroom mirror and practice my “pity smile”. That way, if I ever ran across them instead of my heart pounding like crazy, and resentment, I would look in their face just like I looked at their picture on the bathroom mirror and give them the brief “pity smile/smirk” and keep walking. Just avoid them at all costs so you can let the sunshine in.
ParticipantYou are welcome, post anytime. ☺
ParticipantHi Jen,
If it were me, I would go ahead and take the job. You stated things with your boyfriend have not been going well. Maybe this break is what you both need to regroup. Keep us posted.
ParticipantHi Mary899,
I know how horrible this is and the struggle and pain you are going through. Did you know “best friends” can turn into bullies? This happened to me. I think because “I’m the nice girl, sensitive, who is giving, kind, wears her heart on her sleeve” and unfortunately, best friends who turn on you, or become narcissistic and bullies see right through this and you become “their target” and they will continue unfortunately, because what bullies, narcissistic people want is a reaction. It’s like a high to them. They love to hurt people and when they get any kind of reaction from you, like anger, fear, etc..they will continue.
It’s when you stop reacting..they will soon give up and move on to their next target. It will and does get better. I got bullied from people I thought were my best friends in grade school, Middle School, High School, even today. People change, they get with another toxic person or wrong crowd, and they do a complete 360. Best thing to do, is to change your number, make all reasonable efforts not to sit by them, attend the same functions, and by all means, don’t show any reaction, fear, anger, retaliation, trading insults, because that is what they want. Block them from any social media. If you walk by them, just keep going. Just a quick nod and smile. The less communication and more distance you put between them, they will soon tire and give up. There are good people out there, that want to be your friend. Go where the sunshine is.