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  • in reply to: Question Are we born with a Purpose or do we create our own? #90318

    I sense you might think I am being too ambitious? 🙂

    in reply to: Takes two to tango #90317

    Pious is Pete is easily shamed, easily embarrassed, easily made to feel guilty. Guilt-ridden Graham is another character I haven’t introduced you to. He is good friends of Pious Pete and Ruminator Ron. Guilt-ridden Graham, likes to take nostalgia trips with Ron, only dwelling on the events, where Jack didn’t try hard enough, gave in too easily or treated other people with contempt.

    in reply to: Not about me, Tag you're it! #90316

    I wasn’t really thinking about you, WHO. As usual, I was thinking about myself first. 🙂
    How are you today?

    I think your intention is good. Starting a chat thread? I am maybe the worst offender when it comes to asking how the other is, making conversation, so your reminder is useful.
    Anita probably thinks I am rude and unfriendly sometimes, not asking how she is faring. I am not noted for my small talk ability. But I shall try harder now.

    Well, rather than….How is who? how about…..Who is who? I believe who and Jack are more than their current situation. They are potential heroes in a bestseller novel. What will the next chapter reveal? This novel has so many twists and turns. So unpredictable. But I firmly believe there is a happy ending in store for both. They will be at peace one day. Finally confronting their own self-doubt, their inner demons. They mightn’t make a huge impact on a lot of people. One or two is enough. Quality over quantity. Amen.

    Sorry to hear about your job-hunting.

    in reply to: Last thing on my "Bucket List" #90314

    Jack the hero yeah!!!
    sorry who, please forgive my egotistical self-absorptions. How are you today?

    in reply to: Question Are we born with a Purpose or do we create our own? #90313

    I think my purpose is to learn to accept myself unconditionally and therefore other people. Tolerance for my tendency to quit when the going gets tough, tolerance for my lack of courage in the past, tolerance for past sins of treating some people with arrogance and disdain. Tolerance for my current situation, however imperfect. This especially. If I can fully accept my current situation without self-judgement, I can learn to accept future “current situations.”

    in reply to: Last thing on my "Bucket List" #90249

    and the overweight aussie, is he the hero of the fantasy story?

    in reply to: Last thing on my "Bucket List" #90238

    off the planet earth fantasy?
    star trekian?

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by jock.
    in reply to: Takes two to tango #90237

    hope the fantasy is not about a guy in a santa claus suit….

    in reply to: Am I forever a screw up? #90235

    a barbecue on Christmas day? you’re joking!
    No I’m not joking but we are going to a restaurant this year for Christmas lunch

    in reply to: Am I forever a screw up? #90233

    Imagine me, Santa Claus, riding a surfboard. But Jack can’t ride one so how could Santa?

    in reply to: Last thing on my "Bucket List" #90232

    the source, that’s right

    in reply to: Takes two to tango #90228

    200 bucks everytime you pass “go”.
    that’s one of my fantasies Anita. Similar to yours?

    in reply to: Last thing on my "Bucket List" #90227

    rain check is fine but no chance of rain where I am at the moment.
    that’s a good woody allen joke, the one you mentioned. 🙂
    Another one:
    “I don’t want to be a member of a club that would accept someone like me as a member.” Actually that might’ve been Groucho Marx.

    in reply to: Last thing on my "Bucket List" #90223

    I vote for Steve Martin for President. Or Woody Allen , but he is getting too old.

    in reply to: Am I forever a screw up? #90221

    my santa butt !! 🙂

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