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ParticipantI know what you’re saying and thanks for that anita. what an encourager!
It is easier to be courageous online though. Not quite the same as face to face, when you have to say something immediately in response.jock
Participantbrush with fame anita
ParticipantThat’s what I forgot to say.
We don’t know what we’re truly made of or who we are, until we are tested.
We can learn a lot about ourselves, when out of our comfort zone. Trouble is, instead of treating it as a learning experience, we tend to go into survival mode, shaking like a nervous nanny-goat.
public speaking
workplace task such as dealing with a customer
standing up to harassment and the harasserI try to escape the monstrous moment, the maddening minute
“get me out of here, I’m not up to this!”
Appease the intimidator
No time to be a gladiator
It’s my turn to say something
But I’ve forgotten my lines
I lose my perspective
and just want out
Flight over fight
every time.jock
ParticipantJack is strong now! (to the tune of the Rocky movie soundtrack)
or (Eye of the Tiger)
It’s the eye of the pussy cat
it’s the eye of the wimp
rising up to the challenge of his rivalsjock
ParticipantThanks avocado anita, you are a female version of Rocky. (or is that sexist?)Which reminds me that I have to see the new Rocky movie. Stallone is supposed to be at his best. Rocky 1 was such a motivator. When it came out, I remember going for a run the next day, scurrying up a long flight of stairs and flexing my muscles victoriously on the top. Not quite the same these days as I huff and puff up the stairs just walking. I realise now, that running was an excellent outlet for stress and rebuilding confidence.
A friend of mine, after watching “Chariots of Fire”, went for a 10 km run, straight after. And he became a born again Christian, refusing to play Rugby on Sunday, the Sabbath. Now that’s what I call a life-changing movie. I loved that movie too.jock
ParticipantSorry to hear this news. My partner got cancer a few years ago but recovered. So it depends on the grade or level. The problem for her is the 3 monthly/ 6 monthly check ups to see if it comes back. Cancer can come back and cancer survivors have to live with uncertainty for the rest of their lives.
My advice would be to be there for your father if you can. Make it a priority. Try to take a pragmatic approach if you can rather than an emotional one.jock
Participanttoo far out you mean?
ParticipantYou might be over-analysing, blaming yourself too much. Oversensitivity?
Then lighten up, have a few beers, pretend to be an unphased extrovert. That worked for me to some extent. Until I realised I was drinking too much, becoming an alcoholic. 🙂jock
ParticipantSee if I’ve got this right. Your room-mate bugs you? Her little habits or idiosyncrasies annoy you?
I imagine then, that you are young and not used to living with strangers, other than your family.
This is something we all have to go through sooner or later. If you get married one day, you will need patience and tolerance for your partner’s idiosyncrasies. Some of your habits may bother her too.
Now having said that, if these habits are unreasonable such as not sharing cleaning duties, then you need to confront your room-mate about them. You don’t have to put up with an untidy kitchen for example, her not washing pots and pans. Another annoyance might be her bringing noisy friends over or her practising a musical instrument. I can’t stand someone putting their feet up on a coffee table whilst watching TV but I know some people it doesn’t bother them.
Otherwise, can you afford to live alone? If more people could afford to live alone, I’m sure they would. Good luckjock
ParticipantI hope to be like Bob Hope, as I near death. Apparently he was asked towards the end of his life where he’d like to be buried. He answered “surprise me!”
Participantbut don’t delude yourself into thinking you are some saint just because you “respect” people by not making jokes about their insanity
Just call me Saint Jack from now on. 🙂
If I remember correctly, some Muslims didn’t like the Charlie Hebdo French journalists satire of their God. Sometimes it is wise not to deliberately upset people.jock
Participantfunny as hell but I hope I never find out if it is actually funny there. I always imagined hell as bloody hot. Nice in winter but unbearable in summer.. 🙂
ParticipantThe original joke about the carpal tunnel is more about my hypochondria than Christianity. But I guess people who have really suffered a tortured life, don’t find hypochondria jokes funny.
Participantok thanks anita
yeah I’m back, not sure for how often or long but we’ll seejock
ParticipantGawdblessya too Glenda! Welcome back….I think!