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ParticipantWise Jack is the twin brother of Llama Jack.
Llama jack without humour. Thus you don’t see him very often. Only on special occasions, when other inner selves can stand Wise jack taking himself seriously. he can be kind of boring actually.jock
You’ve had a bloody hard life but you survived.
You’ve learnt a lot and fortunately, you still have a heart.
You’re an empath. An excellent empath, who is doing a mighty job on here.
Maybe you should make your skill/talent available to a wider base than just TB.jock
Participanthow kind of you to summarise others’ comments, anita 🙂
ParticipantOK to answer my own question…
humour occasionally but gee I’ve been in an unfunny mood lately. I can’t even laugh at my lack of humour. I’m humourless! 🙂
ParticipantSince my mood is not ideal, it is better I don’t reply then.
ParticipantFed up Fred
He sees too many cries for help on here which are only half the story. They make the author look like a pitiful victim which they are sometimes he admits but…..
Hey I must look like one of these people when I’ve cried for help. We all need sympathy, people to agree with us no matter what. We don’t really want to be challenged. We just want validation. Not specific advice either. Just to be listened to.
So I’m projecting. I’m fed up with myself in fact.. 🙂-
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
ParticipantExpect too Much Eric
This guy would like to see Tiny Buddha Forum more lively.
He is too easily disappointed.jock
ParticipantNo judgement then
Participantah but cowardice is sometimes mistaken for caution. Nothing wrong with caution. Being careful. 100% courage is sometimes lacking in wisdom and discretion.
Courage needs to be well-placed or it is wasted. You have 100 soldiers with unbridled courage can be like the lambs before the slaughter. Look at world war 1, when troops had to go over the top, just to get to the next trench. They were just mown down. Wasted courage by idiotic generals/superiors.
Brains and courage. Now there is a force to be reckoned with. You spend a long time preparing a speech, on a topic you really care about and you know it will make you vulnerable (because it is personal)and risk getting you offside with some of the audience. You go ahead and give your speech from the heart anyway. But if you didn’t prepare, it would be wasted courage as you haven’t thought it through.jock
ParticipantSo his evil was actually his shadow that needed expression. His real confidence coming out. Maybe there is a lesson there for all of us. Don’t be afraid of our apparent darker side coming out. It needs expression and may be our lifesaver……but that doesn’t mean you become a drug dealer… 🙂
ParticipantNo I haven’t Anita
I noticed you said you watched Breaking Bad. That was an interesting study of human nature and its potential for good and evil. interesting that the main character maintained popularity(with viewers) despite becoming a demonic drug dealer.jock
I’m 57 and the definition of “love” has changed for me over the years.
I look back at my younger years with amusement really.
My younger self became infatuated with a girl/woman who became my wife.
Love now is less giddy, less addicted to thrills and spills of a whirlwind romance. We don’t get insecure if we are apart. We have full trust in each other that our feelings won’t change from now on. It’s a relief to get over that insecure stage of “am I good enough for her?” Our love has depth and breadth, I believe. We are soulmates.
So don’t panic. if he is the one, he is the one. It will happen naturally either way. No need to force the issue. Excitement is a drug like adrenalin. It took me a while to learn that. I mean that you need to feel excitement in order to feel love. You don’t. Love is more than a feeling and more than logic or even magic. Love is sometimes not pretty. It can be hard work. But it is worth the effort.jock
ParticipantI didn’t read the whole lot Matt.
I can’t begin to imagine how dark, serious depression is.
Hope your good moods become more frequent.
Take care.jock
ParticipantAdam the Adult
I see less of him these days. He was everpresent in my 20s and 30’s. He got the job done. He made sure I got to work and persevered despite the odds often against him. He bought and helped pay a house and car off. Kind of heroic but he ignored Ruminator Ron and Analystical Alan so much so they ceased to exist. He denied there was any chaos in the room. He often said “Man up Jack” He was more interested in appearances but also pragmatic: the bills always paid on time.
He needs to come back so I can find and keep a job. But on different terms. he needs to lighten up and not be so tough on the other members. he needs to have a more democratic approach, instead of a macho “my way or the highway” approach.jock
Participantmidnight cowboy with dustin Hoffman and jon Voight (father of Angleina Jolie)
that was a classic, showing the insanity of city life versus the naïve country boy and the sadness of Ratso Ritzo (Hoffman) -
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by