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I’m not sure if you have seen the 80’s movie the Never Ending story, but I feel like the boy in the movie. He has this flying pet dog? that takes him on parts of his journey. Anyway he goes through a dangerous swamp (that’s all I remember) and other places to reach a princess. The princess saves the land and he has to rescue her. I’m on this journey and I have a long way to go. I don’t think I’m drowning in the swamp (got past the crappy boyfriend/anxiety trap) but I might still be in the swamp. It’s not promising.
Do you think someone like me who uses men/relationship to forget other issues over time creates an addiction? Like my brain is wired for anxiety and it wants more and more (addiction) too.
It was really hard the first week or two getting over my break up with “S” but after that it started to get easier. Some days (like today) are harder than others. Especially during work hours. i start to want to reach out to him. I just kind of try and get through the feeling. Most of the time it’s like I just forget.
It’s pretty lonely now. How do you just get self-esteem and self worth enough to not have anxiety in a relationship? I ordered books on Amazon but can you help with how this works? I also have a lot of issues with my body. I’ve never really talked about it.
He did not make a significant difference in my life. The experience of being in a relationship with him (if you can call it that) made a big difference in my life. it showed me that 1. I can do better. 2. I’m not ready to date. I need to work on me for awhile. 3. I’ve got to be able to see red flags and move on.
I don’t honestly feel like contacting him. He really effected my mental health and my anxiety. Seeing his name on social media first made me upset that he reached out and second I thought there is no way i’m going through that crap again.
Hope you slept well over the weekend. I thinks that’s not the first time you have mentioned that.
I do believe you are right about thinking that I’m an oddity, maybe I make things a bigger deal than they are. I do think I was struggling for a week or 2. However, that could be hormones as that time of the month is soon. I do experience times when I’m more impulsive but again maybe it’s not as bad as I think.
I feel like I took a another step up on my healing climb with my ex. I’m starting to see more clearly not to take their comments personal.
“S” reached out last night via social media. I blocked him.
I hope you are having a nice Friday and ready for the weekend. The kids and I have lots of activities coming up. Pep Rally this evening and football game in the am. Ella is cheering and Aiden is playing football. Next Sunday I am taking them to a show next Sunday. Kind of like a Circus show with no animals, more pirates and mermaids. As time is going by I feel better with I’m with my kids maybe more than before-less stressed out I would say- In the last month or so I feel very protective of myself, more than usual. I don’t feel that I relate to many people. Again when I talk sometimes I think that other people know I’m different; that I have a mental illness. From an outside perspective this is wrong. But in my head these are my thoughts.
I don’t know if you could notice but I would say within the last month I was having a down cycle. I believe it was one of the bad ones that usually only happens once a year maybe. I believe they are triggered by stress. 2 weeks ago I started making impulsive decisions-I discussed texting and not making sense; seeming off and weird. I was doing well at work and with the kids but I was not motivated and got a little behind. I got into a text argument with my ex that doesn’t usually take place anymore. My best friend could tell-he stated that I was being odd the past week or so. that I seemed fixated on being lonely and continuing to message with the guy from the lake house. Looking back I felt dull, bored, and wanted to something exciting to do-like get a tattoo, (in the past get on a dating website) etc.
While I am able to see clearly my behaviors (yesterday and today much better) this is not good for myself esteem. It continues to be very negative and I know the consequences of low self-esteem. At this point I want to hide from people to a certain extent, no talk much.
I can tell you with certainty that I am love and attention deprived.
I think I’m getting the hang of this being alone and working on myself. I think what is happening for me is that I’m not having anxiety and hyper focused on that. I’m able to relax in the evening and do some research on myself and reflect.
Do you think that we subconsciously push things or people away? Like our brain knows something isn’t healthy and it tells your brain how to behave so that person goes away? There is a man that I speak with-he’s the one that invited me to the lake house-and while I am not interested in dating him, I talk to him (for attention I think-not attractive). So the other evening I started asking him personal questions about his childhood and to be honest one statement that was just weird lol. Like I couldn’t really explain what I was trying to say to him. I believe this was off putting to him. Especially since he’s not interested. This is really a good thing that he has not messaged since.
Also a very weird situation happened this past Friday. It was Aiden’s baseball end of season party. I got there and I brought my dog and it seemed like everyone was so excited to see him etc. My ex-husbands girlfriend was right there with another parent and my daughter. “The ex girlfriend” told my daughter give your mom your backpack so she can take it to the car. (their clothes were in the bag) and I said to her just wait let me set everything down. I had food, the dog etc in my hands. So after that I didn’t think much about it and was talking to the kids. Now-the back packs were sitting in a area with other bags about 1/2 a car length away. After a few minutes the ex girlfriend says to me here’s Aiden’s back pack and walks over with it. I look at her and say I saw the backpack over in the other area as I take it. She goes ok just making sure you knew and walked off. I don’t know how to explain her tone other than mocking. As I write this I don’t know if the atmosphere of the situation comes across. I know the other parent standing there picked up on her behavior. So I walked over to the kids and sat there with them. I looked over and all the parents were standing in a crowd laughing and talking with my ex and his girlfriend. So I just got up and left. There is more but this is a long post.
So basically doing the same behaviors over and over again hoping for a different result-different behaviors from men. Notice the theme of “men” and my mother. Example, talking to her for advice or just a shoulder of comfort-same results. Usually lack of empathy, suggesting a different behavior in a critical way, conditional support depending on her stress level. Yet I still do it over and over again-
I am going to look into this more. My counseling session is this Saturday. If you have any advice or suggestions for me I’m all ears. His name is Aiden lol.
Why do we do the same things over and over again if there are not positive results? Why do I engage with my ex knowing the outcome? Why do I ignore red flags? (my brain sees it. I say wow that’s not good) but I keep going in the same direction. Like the red flag is dirt I’m sweeping up and throwing away. Almost like continuing to swim in a lake full of alligators. Then I don’t think about it anymore. I have had for some reason a rough 2 days. To be honest I know that I cannot be in any relationship I think for a long time. It’s like smelling something that gave you food posioning so you stay away. I believe from reading my posts that my fixation with the 2 men really show my disease. Why do I feel like I talk about this stuff over and over. Partially because I want a resolution that’s not there. Partially because I want some type of explanation for their behavior.
I just want explanations for why these things happen to me. I’m the cause and I don’t like it.
On the bright side it is my son’s 8th birthday today. we are going to do something fun after school and go to dinner.
I wish I would I would not have deleted the text chain. I would definitely have sent it too you. I kept reading and was like I have to get rid of this I’m embarrassing myself by reading. I do think that I interpret things negatively when it’s just a normal text.
I was feeling very lonely this morning and it’s kind of still there but getting better. I’m not sure where this loneness comes from. I’m embarrassed to say this but I feel like I need attention from a man to feel better. It can just be texting it doesn’t have to be meeting up with someone. I’m not sure why.
I will definitely do that I think it’s a good idea. The neighbor may never text back. I sounded like a weirdo. But other texts I will too.
I have a really good male friend-he’s way younger-who has pretty much stuck with me when I had some serious issues last year that I’ve improved upon, especially with panic attacks and reactivity. He cares about my well being, almost like a brother. There is nothing there beside friendship. He has always given advice regarding men’s behavior and has always been right. Although I haven’t taken his advice with the last 2 men I’ve dated in the past year. I’m taking his advice now.
I am worried that I will not be able to have a healthy relationship with a man anytime in the future. While right now I am taking a break for an unknown period of time and going to a counselor, I’ve read up on the internet ways to not have anxiety while dating and I can tell you now none of those things work. I have confirmed with my friend that I always pick men that are not good for me, ignore red flags, start to have anxiety and worry when they pull away-which is what happened with the last 2 relationships. I then in my opinion- probably start to seem a little too nice or needy? I’m not even sure how I act.
I do not know how to pick someone that will be good for me and healthy. I have not idea how I can change these habits. I know it’s all about self-love and self-worth. I can tell you I have none of these. I don’t really see these issues improving by repeating how good of a person I am or reading self help book. My neighbor asked me out last week and I told him no but that we can be friends as I’m taking a break from dating. I’ve probably known him for about 2 years. I’ve noticed that my texting seems odd and all over the place. I was being weird. There’s no doubt about it. I don’t know what’s wrong with me but it feels like some things are getting worse not better.
She is strict in the sense that the kids make their own breakfast, not allowed to get up or exit their rooms in the morning until a certain time. Bedtime 8:30 even on weekends and holidays, Only allowed 30 minutes of electronics a day, sit straight up at the table during meals, don’t slouch. Do everything themselves…I can’t remember more. She threw? tossed a plate across the kitchen counter when Ella went to give the plate to her at the sink. Ella is a challenging child and the 2 of them butt heads. My parents found her intense when they met her once at Aiden’s baseball tournament. They stated she seemed very insecure but covered it up by acting and saying things about women should be independent. My dad told me he thinks there is not something right with her but he wasn’t sure what it was.
After I had Ella and she was 3 months old, I got up in the middle of the night. My ex came in the room and I said something rude and he got beside me and raised his fist as to hit me. After that it became “I hope you die, go kill yourself, go jump off a cliff, shup the F*** up, your a bitch, etc.” Crowding my space when I walked by, rushing up to me (Aiden was 3 months old one of the times and I was holding him. ) Pointing his finger and jabbing it at my chest. Extremely jealousy, going through my phone, going through my things, asking me who I was meeting up with when I got dressed up, accusing me of going to met someone when I walked the dogs.. Putting his hands on my once by hitting me extremely hard on the top of my legs/butt during an argument when I was bent over throwing away trash.
He knew I didn’t like sex with him because I would make excuses a lot. It was more coersive sex versus sexual abuse definitely. He would yell I know you don’t like it why not, who are you sleeping with, I can’t get ha** because you are not interested. You won’t kiss me or touch me why not? He would sit on the side of the bed and sometimes I would get up and he would follow me around saying things about sex.
So my husband’s girlfriend “A” is very…intense and strict with the children. I have become friends with her ex-husband’s wife. A little complicated I know. The wife has had really bad interactions with “A.” There is some deep seated insecurities. My ex and she seem very much alike. I do not agree with how she treats my daughter. However, my kids both want to be there in the home. So for now I have to be ok with it because I really don’t have a choice. It is impossible to discuss with my ex her behavior-not surprising.
So I’m trying to remember the sexual issues with my ex as I write. I remember from the very beginning of the relationship not enjoying sex with him. I was not attracted to him. Why did I marry him then? I’m not sure. I can say part of the reason was I was taking an anti-depressant called Lexapro at the time. It caused me to be very tired all the time and foggy headed. Also getting married was easy and I found that he would never leave me based on his behavior. I didn’t have to work and I just did part time employment at animal shelters. Of course the sexual issue were ok until we had my daughter and he became abusive. The sex continued to be a chore throughout our marriage. He was very unhappy with the issue. Over time as the abuse continued and we went to counseling we have a scheduled night to have sex. there was no connection or enjoyment for me. Over time he would yell at me during or before sex because he could tell I did not enjoy it. Before kids there was an attempt at communication as to what I liked during sex and I tried to show him. It neve really worked as I got the impression he really was not interested in me enjoying sex, more the amount we had it. Thinking back I’m not sure he enjoyed it which is odd. It was almost like he pressed the issue so that he could control the situation? By the last 2 or 3 years, I started having sex with him because for 2 or 3 days after he was pleasant and did not verbally abuse me. Afterwards I would go in the bathroom and cry. I felt that I would turn off my brain during sex and that I was being used. It was extremely unpleasant for me during sex. It’s honestly hard to describe the feeling. To an extent I felt used? Then it got to a point where I refused to have sex because there was no respite in his behavior for 2-3 days like before.
I believe he may have cheated. During my pregnancy with my son I did not have sex with him because of the hormones due to my pregnancy made everything very painful down there.
I can give a more clear picture of my ex husband. I think you may understand more. What are some of your questions?
I think he is might be more of my issue than my mother. Or at least 50%. It was very bad with him. When I close my eyes, things that happened are blurry unless I think of a very specific thing. It’s weird because if you were to say a word I would remember an incident.
I believe your theory is right with some additions.
I think the key to getting involved in these types of relationships is somehow I am picking up mixed signals from the beginning. And I am pulled towards that behavior because of my mother. I was pulled to “S” because of the attention he gave me in the beginning and how he was always complementing me, texting me good morning, sending love songs, etc. I loved the attention because I was loved deprived in my marriage. When he pulled away I got anxiety-kind of like my mother pulling away?
Yes, my good friend says I pick men as projects. I don’t know here. I would keep going back to my mom, sometimes rejections, sometimes not.
There is an obsessive component in a lot of my posts that I write to you. And it’s about men. My brain seems to got back and forth and around-erratic really when talking to you about them and my anxiety with their behavior. It is my brain not wanting to work on what I need- self love and self worth. I think because it’s easier? But what I go through with my anxiety is harder.
This man “S” is not a good man and has not treated me well at all. I sit back and I am embarrassed. I believe now that I have some significant trauma possibly from my marriage. I have not discussed in depth this trauma or how it has effected me. It’s troubling because it seems to be an every day battle with my thoughts. There is this short video on a social media app called Tic Toc about moving on. I listen to it a few times a day.
Why do I get side tracked when I have 2 great kids and a pretty amazing dog. Why do relationships and dating men who are unhealthy take over my life at different times? It’s almost like an addiction.