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ParticipantDear anita,
Again you are quite insightful on this. Your first paragraph is so right. I just have to decide if the first reaction will be face to face or the control of being physically away when he reacts badly. The reaction will be what it is, just the choice. Thank you for making that clear.I do fear the reactions and the ability to make my life miserable from all those mentioned in paragraph two. I hate feeling that someone can control or hurt me, so I am pushing those fears away little by little.
I make good money and not worry about living, but the house in my name, either means I move back home and put it up for sale, or he doesn’t leave. He might not leave peacefully or be so distraught, that he wont leave because he is non-functioning. That is my concern, that I cant go back home and still liable for the bills. Cant keep two places going. I do know he could take the savings he has hoarded and use it to start his new life. That is, if he is functional with this blow. He is 65 years old and not sure what could happen. Cant control it, but its a thought.
I hate to see the tears of anyone in pain, and with the guilt I carry, makes it painful to see the tears. This man doesn’t cry over anything, except the one time he heard we had mad a connection and was deeply distressed that he might lose me. I am trying to harden up to the scenario, so I am less emotional and guilt-ridden to the idea of seeing a man sob.
Thank you for your insight again…………………you are appreciated!Nan
ParticipantYes, fear is a running dialogue in my head. I have a choice to make-
I feel I am going to leave on my own terms, Just not sure what those terms are. I have the choice to:
1- Have a conversation with R-2 that I am unhappy, dont know why, just not feeling that marriage is for me anymore. We have nothing in common, trying to be the meal ticket and not being appreciated for that. Try to leave after that, even though there will be begging, tears, maybe trying to phsycially keep me by holding me while he cries, cries cries…..
2- Very discreetly gather critical items such as some clothing, my computers and work files and my dog, drop a letter on the table with the above message, and have him come home from work in shock and horror. Tears and crying over the phone I guess, and the “How could you do this to me?” conversation or yelling match. My cell phone would blow up with call after call, with begging tears, etc.
I am going to a counselor who I have had a therapeutic relationship with, to determine what is best.
My question will be which of the two seems best? Also, do I make the reason of above, or just lay it on the table, that I am in love with someone else (he will guess immediately), and cant do this anymore. The tears and gnashing of teeth will quickly evolve to screaming of what a whore I am or such….He will go through the grief, anger, denial stage and make sure his anger will justify going after me and possibly R-1 for revenge. I do not fear physical violence, but legally, etc, would be his justification to hurt me. In prior posts, I had said my son would be informed and then he would be horrified and call me “skank” etc. He has never disrespected me before, never called me names, as I have never gave him reason to be angry or upset with me, even in his years of growing up. So, that is expected and I am accepting of that.
I will lay out the 2 options and with the counselor non-emotional guidance, determine what I can do with these circumstances.
Just asking, what do you think? I waffle between having “respect” for the relationship and talking it out, though dont know the immediate reaction, or leaving unexpectedly and that shock and reaction.
I don’t care about material things anymore, though eating is usually a good habit and a place to lay your head in safety, so am not afraid to ditch it all. And if I asdked R-1 to come get me, and lets disappear, he would. I know that in my heart, that he would come, leave a note and let the house and belongings go to them, he doesnt care. He only wants to protect me and keep his family from hounding me in their jealous and envious rage. If I threw down an ultimatum today, he would come. But I am the one who doesnt do ultimatums and will not ask, as I need to take care of myself first and my situation. I am going to live independently and not jump from the frying pain into the fire. My logical side is overcoming my emotional desire and want today!Nan
Participant40 years ago he did not approach, as he was told he mentally destroyed me (?) and there was a restraining order against him forged with my signature from my mother. He truly felt somehow he hurt me and never saw me, except at the divorce table. I didnt look up at the time, because I WAS hurt, feeling he didnt care, when he really did, but was restrained upon advice from his lawyer. My mother was there to make sure I was whisked away before any interactions. I did live with Mom so followed her blindly, since she was paying my tuition so I would finish school. His lawyer warned him that he would be arrested if he tried to find me to talk to me in the hall or anywhere.
NOW: He says he denied over and over to his family of any connections more than a dinner together while in town. The wife knew of me and the whole scenario from his divorce from me 40 years ago. Interestingly, I did not know the half of it….
She became very angry and worked with her sons to leave the home, and leave him there with the sons. The sons are the only ones speaking to the wife and there is no communication and R-1 doesn’t know where she is living. The sons did call me a few times a year or so ago, and threatened, and R-1 did nothing, because he was not supposed to know of the communication. If he said something, they would know we were talking…..
It seems he was trying to take the brunt of the storm and make sure they left me alone. He said as much, when I mentioned this to him. It seems sensible, he knew I could not disrupt my life or was ready 18 mo9nths to a year ago.
He remains in the marital home since it hasnt sold as yet. (Proceeds to be split). My concern is that if she finds about us, she will go back to court and demand total proceeds and more. His sons are there and go through his stuff, and watch him as well as monitor calls and emails. One is an IT background so he was able to discover deleted history, knows my email of work and home, and between them could make so more calls and blow up anything anytime, but we have not done anything but communicated at work phone numbers. I will be meeting him in April and this could be the Big Blow…. He remains calm and meek, so that until the whole thing is finalized, they will not explode and make life miserable for me and make him pay dearly. He says he will defy the situation, if I ask, and is prepared to stand with me to fight the coming storms.
His meekness does hurt me sometimes, and I get mad at the situation with his sons, but he reminds me that he is only doing it for me and not to have me hurt financially or emotionally from R-2. It sounds logical, but sometimes I worry if the sons will be an issue after this is all settled. I fear they will be jealous and angry and will try to interfere.I will not marry or live with him, until I am sure he is no longer bull-dozed by his family. He wants to marry me once I am single, but this will need to be played out before I would commit again. I do love and cherish his sweet ways, but realize there are very few knights in shining armor. A woman has to be strong these days and I am overcoming the fears I have had my whole life, about serving others and not hurting others even though dying inside. (Francesca?)Nan
ParticipantFrancesca felt things she had not felt in a long time! She felt passion, sexuality, being adored, admiration, and this so excited her! Just like a usual extramarital affair does. I know the feeling. It has been 2 years now, and the complications are somewhat practical. Here is my biggest dilemma- I own this house and make the payments. I also pay all the house bills such as cable, car insurance, Cell phones, land phones internet, all of it. I have enough money to live in a low budget motel with my little dog for 3 weeks. What happens when he doesn’t move out, keeps sobbing his eyes out and is non-functional? I dont have a real back up plan. I dont have a friend here who would open their door to me for a several week stay. I have friends for lunch and casual stuff, but this could be the talk of the town, so I don’t divulge. I am feeling overwhelmed with this “what if” becuase I feel like I need to drop a letter and run. Also, do I say I am in love and that is why I am leaving? Or do I bring the generic ” I need more” to the discussion and leave it at that. I feel the generic version may leave the window open for R-2 to beg, plead and promise to make it all better. In my heart it is too late for that. What had he been doing for 30+ years? Just because his meal ticket is threatened, NOW he is paying attention. Too little, too late. How long can I keep that up? Gratefully, my job is telecommuter status, so I can work from anywhere in the states and still function. As long as i have my computer, of course!
The daughter saw the wasted lie of a life and then split from the husband, so she wouldnt waste her life, like her mother did. I am more motivated than Francesca, in that once free, I would hunt down Robert immediately and stop being so passive and just wasting away on it….I am fueling anxious today, like the days are ticking away, but my work is getting very busy right now, so keeping my eye on that for now as my focus. Tears come to me easily when I am alone, which is more than 10 hours a day…….Her
ParticipantOne of my concerns is that R-1 has two sons in their 30’s who are up in his business constantly. Since they had found out about our connection, they have overtly threatened me and him about blowing this up for me. They had called my home phone a year ago and threatened to tell my husband and call my son at college and make it bad for me. ( You can google anything these days….). So I backed down and made sure they thought it was over between us. I wasn’t ready to blow up my life at the time. I have been putting steps in place and able to make the move, once I am assured that his sons are on their own and R-1 has stopped enabling them. They were living with him as they were unemployed and he enabled them for years having them live in the marital home for more than 8 years and still unemployed. I have told him I wont make a move until I see that they are on their own and out of his business. The ex is using them to report on his activities and comings and going. We only talk at work and he has no cell phone as they took that from him at the time of discovery. He relented as he was protecting me from any hassle and injury to my life as it is. This is what is stopping me from pulling the trigger right now. I want to see them out of his house and there are some tepid plans of them moving out at end of March. I refuse to marry the whole family…….
ParticipantHi Anita,
Interesting perspective you had about the husband. He knew she compromised and settled for the life they lived. And that he was OK with it, means it was quite convenient and comfortable for him, huh? No guilt or concern she might have wanted something “more”, because it might disrupt his tidy little life. Did mention on his deathbed,….how convenient….couldn’t bring it up before since it might open up a whole can of worms. On his deathbed, she is still his caretaker and cant even leave then for the deep responsibility she has for caring for him.
Then she loses contact because Robert’s address, etc and doesn’t actively pursue it further. Kind of passive I think. She is so gentle (or passive) that she just withers away til death. Hurts my heart to feel that….Clean is good, but passionate hot and aromatic probably more exciting! Seeing my R-1 in April. Have not seen in 6 months. Will be celebrating my birthday and 2 years of the re-connection. Still in neutral at home, just waiting for the epiphany from the universe to enlighten me as to WHEN……
ParticipantThe first thing that came to her mind was that her husband was “clean”? Strange, seems kind of bland in what she said. He was obviously not exciting and she was another farm hand from what I interpreted. No excitement, lots of farm work. She didnt first say he was handsome, or gentle or anything sort of like that.The interesting thing was she was not actively looking for someone or something to rescue her. His coming up the road to her house because he was lost, appeared to be synchronicity to me. He needed someone to share his life with, she had resigned herself to the life she had before the chance meeting. I believe in synchronicity and divine interventions sometimes. He brought out her womanliness and her desires and dreams. She was married to a man who was as stable as dirt, not cherishing her and taking her for granted. Remember the brandy, never opened til Francesca offered to Robert? So many little things in our life makes us feel loved and special. When we are taken for granted with no sweetness or gentle gestures for us, we wither and become just a survivor on a daily basis. Robert demonstrated his appreciate for her beauty and coaxed the hidden sexuality she had inside her. She also had appreciation for the “art” of his photography, and understood his soul as he showed it through the inspiring pictures. She did not think she was attractive, til Robert did a picture of her on the bridge. She was a little surprised to see herself in that way. She had locked down her sensuality and dreams, in order to cope.What is your take on the relationship? Anita?
ParticipantThank you ElleTinker and Anita!
The Bridges of Madison County is a popular
book and also a movie….Here is what I had a thought about Francesca- She has spent her life WAITING…she came to the US and was plunked in the middle of nowhere, to be the dutiful wife and mother. Seems she had more sophisticated young life in Italy before meeting her American solder husband and being exiled to the farmlands of her husbands choice years before.. Wanting a little more charm and elegance than what became her lot. She did not fit in with the farm wives and had loneliness in her heart. Robert (Eastwood) recognized she had more sophistication and intellect and had dreams of a more colorful life than the grey skies of Iowa. He came along and made her feel like if she would only drop her fears and come with him, she would experience the life and LOVE she was seeking. The sadness is the rest of the story, how she didn’t open the door and flee. She continued her melancholy dreary life, being the good mother and wife, and allowing the fire in her soul to be extinguished. She had this ache for him for years after, and kept the secret in her heart.
Elle Tinker*** My backstory to this is under this forum of Relationships with post titled Past/Present/Future Dilemma. It spells out the dilemma I am under. Thanks for your kind and helpful thought!Nan
ParticipantI am 60 years old and have Trich since 16. Go to a website all related to this condition . I am worse, I pull hair out of my head. Am now with wigs, etc. The site has all sorts of helpful advice, and able to give great tips for lessening the habit.
ParticipantGo back to your very first post.
“I would only have to say something he doesn’t like and he wouldn’t talk to me for two or three days, ignoring my texts or calls. I tried to explain to him how this makes me feel……..”.
And you are worried about appearing rude? A taste of his own medicine? As they say here in the south “Lawd have mercy, girl!” Don’t forget what he has done to you in the past. Read that first post again, and feel that you are doing the right thing. A leopard doesn’t change his spots that easily……………
ParticipantEve trusted the snake since he was such a smooth talker. She lost Paradise, even though she was warned.
ParticipantAnother choice is to not read his texts anymore. You know what he is going to say, so you can control what you decide to read or not read. Good luck to you! The right person will be coming, believe it! Peace and real love to you!
February 19, 2016 at 7:28 am in reply to: Is it ever okay to "give someone a piece of your mind?" #96480Nan
Participant” Four days ago I sent him a polite text. I said, “Hey, I hope you’re doing well. I was wondering if we could still set-up a day to meet so I could give you your things. If you’re no longer interested in meeting, just let me know.” He never responded!”
The above information you stated indicates that he is not interested in meeting, His non-response is the response. Send the stuff to him Fed Ex or throw it out. Kitchen type stuff can be re-bought easily. The answer is the non-answer. Texting again may be perceived as desperate. Is he really interested in how you feel? It seems he is not. I agree wholeheartedly with Tami- write a long long letter of all your deep feelings, hurts and anguish to him. Then BURN it. It will be cathartic, and maybe the universe will tickle his unconscious with thoughts of contacting you.
ParticipantI hate to be cynical, but my gut is telling me he is a possible con man. Please be careful! They sweep you off your feet, then control and break you, til you have given him your money and your self-esteem. Please be careful and trust your gut. I have seen this rapid attachment and charm become a serious problem that can make your future disastrous. Something in your intuition is messaging you. Be attentive and be aware. I am also mid-60’s this seems somewhat odd in my book, I would have red flags springing up til I knew and background checked him. Anita’s post above is absolutely accurate on the hidden messages he is sending.
ParticipantDear Jennifer,
If there are so many things wrong with you in his perceptions, why is he still with you? Be careful and protect your heart. I married a man who always stated ” That is just the way I am”, and never took the time or interest to see my way or that he was hurting me in emotional ways.I felt that I wasn’t better than that, and I was lucky to be married and settled for less. I am leaving him now after 35 years, after being beaten into the ground of how deficient I am, in his eyes still. Took me a long time, but at least my eyes are open now.
You are a sensitive soul and need to not settle for less than a man who cherishes and respects you. Just thoughts from an old lady who has been there and settled for whatever emotional and relationship crumbs I could find. -