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ParticipantThank you Anita
I do not know what it was that calmed me. But I imagined it all last night and I imagine anyone holding me most nights. I am on my period and it tends to get worse during this time. I am a woman and have not been with a man since my ex. I miss him. I miss having a man in my life. In my bed at night. Helping me with providing. My cat is so needy, I need someone to help me with him at times. I miss someone to go to dinner with. I miss someone to go to the beach with. And so yes I have extended myself to groups and even tried to date but its so hard to make new connections when I still have so much trauma built up and I feel like I keep adding more by trying to do everything alone. I am sorry I feel that I am having a little melt down today. Am I being unreasonable?
ParticipantHi Anita,
Am getting back later than I’d like to have again. A lot has changed since we last spoke. Although I’ve been consistent with work and have caught up financially, it has become so stressful. I’m working in a call center. The pain I feel and sense here is extreme. People intentionally triggering people all day long like a zoo! I’m sorry if I seem more angry than usual. But I have had it. I’m overwhelmed. I am burned out. I don’t have much enjoyment in my life. It is just work work and healing. I feel so alone again.
Last night I made a decision to email my ex.
I simply asked if he would like to have dinner and that I needed a hug so tight.
He replied that he would love to do so and would be completely ok with holding me as long I needed but that he had to be upfront that he was in a relationship. He did not want to be a liar again.Now I 100 percent know this is a red flag but we emailed back and fort a bit more and just thinking about him holding me makes my body calm and my heart warm. I’m so tired of being alone. And every time I try to do something in connection it back fires. I have so much built inside because it’s always just me.
Please help me organize these feelings somewhat.
I have all this time never stopped to speaking to someone who hurt me so badly. Could there be any good come from this? I don’t trust my recent decision making.
I am doing well. I am not feeling well though. Very confusing but I also remember you referring to this at some point in our previous conversations.
How are you?
I have been working at the same place for 4months now. Never thought I’d be here again. I survived a lot to be comfortable here. I’m catching up on all of my bills and moving forward to a more relaxed situation. I’ve tried a lot of new things. Some that were fun and others not comfortable but slowly starting adventure again. Things were so stressful for a while. Everything is so expensive and doing it alone is very new to me. But I am doing it and hoping by the end of March I’ll begin a savings again and begin considering my big goal of owning property at some point in my life.
Other than that I’ve struggle connecting again. Connection comes so hard for me. I also don’t try as hard as I could. I assume once my finances aren’t such a stressor and things become well in my budget it will free up some space for more fun interesting things. That is my hope.
I have been single this whole time Anita. I miss having a man in my life. I think about my ex almost daily. I think about how much he hurt and then I stop. But sometimes I feel like neither of us were well in the relationship. Sometimes I wish we could give it another shot. But so many wise people tell me to move on. Sometimes I feel like it’s just familiarity and others the resources he has and the long life dream I have of a husband and children and beautiful home. But am I wrong for that?
I am sorry for another delay in response and then a totally all over the place response lol. Just my thoughts
I look forward to hearing from you
Nichole 🙂
ParticipantAnita! Thank you!
It has been a while again. I’ve thought about you. But Sitting down and writing ive been resisting for some reason. I’ve had to catch up a lot financially so I’ve been on the go go go! But I’m finally starting to slow down a bit. It’s one of my goals this year. I hope you enjoyed the Holiday season despite this new Covid stuff.
Things are going good Anita.
I think I’m doing better with fear and loneliness. Although I struggle still sometimes.I’ve been at my new job for a month now and that’s a good time for me. I have struggled feeling comfortable anywhere. I don’t make alot here and it’s not exactly what I had in mind but I am sooo grateful to feel useful and good at something again. I enjoy my work and am hoping I can commit to a good length here while continuing to catch up. It feels nice to breath again. I’m not completely caught up with my bills but I’m at a place where I can slow down a bit and I almost forgot what it was like to relax and feel confident in my ability to handle things for myself. Am so happy for that Anita.
I know we made a new thread with intention but I still struggle with my Mothers death. I am more wise and understand she was not my responsibility but damn the lack of support she had in her last days was uncalled for. I know how that feels now. To feel like you have no support. It takes a strong individual and higher power to keep you going on a straight line. My mom had too much illness to have the strength. I miss her Anita. I miss the kind of love she offered. Only a mother can offer. She really did have my back the best she could. The saying you don’t know what you have until it’s gone could not be more true.
I am learning so much about life lately. How much pain most people are in. How many lies we are taught. And we can change them slowly but surely.
Anita I hope to be more consistent in my responses. Another goal of mine. I still tend to isolate vs reaching out to people who bring wisdom and joy to my life.
but I am in a woman’s group that meets bi weekly and I haven’t missed yet. Little steps.
ParticipantHi Anita, I just saw this and I did see your last post as well. I’m sorry just running behind on things but I am ok. Maybe a little better than ok these days. I will write back in more depth very soon!
I hope you are well AnitaNichole
ParticipantHi Anita!
I am sorry I have fallen into some major procrastination again. It seems to be my biggest struggle lately but mainly when it comes to connecting. I have been successful at keeping up other things. I am back on the horse and I fall off again often but never hurts as much as the time before and I get back up. I think my medication is helping a lot. Finally consistent and it has been well over 6 months. Also consistent weekly therapy with a therapist that I am trusting. She is good. Looking back at our notes I notice it has been so long since we spoke. I had been in contact with my Aunt and went to see her in May when life got really difficult. It was not as successful as a reunion as I would of liked. But a lesson well learned. I put myself in that blender you warned me about again. As far as reuniting with my father that wasn’t so bad but also a little scary and still has me uneasy. When his mother died (my Grandma) I felt it necessary to go see him. My sweet Grandma, one of the people in my family who loved me the most unconditionally as she could. Such a loss. This medication makes me a bit numb so I am not sure how deeply sad I could have felt but I was very heartbroken. Things have been a littler smoother in my life for about 2 months now. It is nice. I have been more in touch with gratefulness and joy versus only that constant fear. I am so grateful. I think my procrastination on connecting more is my fear of moving on. But I dont rush myself anymore. I simply told myself I had been thinking of you since I seen your reply and that today is the day I wouldn’t procrastinate. No more bashing myself. I really am learning not to be mean to me anymore. And take life as it comes. A lot I need to still achieve. I recently lost my part time job that I had been doing Full time and that was stressful but I have been searching for a more traditional position again with better pay. Oh and I got a kitty! I love him. It has been a week and he is really evoking that love button in me. Lots of work though.
How are you Anita? I hope well despite our world still going a bit crazy.
ParticipantHi Anita,
I am sorry for my late reply. A lot has happened in my life. I moved locations, my grandmother died, I reunited with my father for her funeral, I started a medication and have been consistent. It has helped in ways but also has had a negative impact as far as motivation. I never feel like doing anything. Even writing this email was a challenge but I am trying to get back on the horse. I am drained and a little lost.
How are you Anita?
ParticipantHi Anita,
Ok, your right it is a fearful place to be. I decided on more money. I already started to feel taken advantage of within the other company first couple of days. It was kind of a low pay and I thought I deserved more when I am literally at my witts end exhausting my energy to work. Am I thrilled with the other job? I dont know yet. It seems to be up in flames personnel wise but i do not want to complain. I am trying to look at work only as a means to make my livelihood versus a place for emotions. But boy that is hard when my emotions are haywire.
I am having a little trouble accepting life as it is. I want things to be easier. The little girl throwing a tantrum for her family as you painted a picture for me before. But little Nichole has to grow up.
Yes you Asked about what I meant about Psychoses. Yes intense fear and anxiety followed by numb/dissociation. And once in a great relief. Sometimes it makes me feel crazy.
ParticipantHi Anita,
I am glad I can make your day!
I am glad to be in touch.
As always you are so right, I usually take the easier road or more appealing only to learn it was too good to be true and problems arise. But this decision is different in the sense that I need more money, I would barely make it alone on the pay from remote. I could make it but just about and as for the other position I would be comfortable and be able to start paying for professional help again, which I need desperately. I am confused on this one. It is causing me to shut down and not want to do either. Beautiful about new beginning. I didn’t read this before Church. I will check Genesis tonight or tomorrow. I am scared to begin again. But I do know it is possible. For now I am lost. I still often think to calling family. Because although functioning some days I feel like have moments of psychoses. It gets scary.
ParticipantHi Anita,
Sorry for the delay in response. Hiding away from the world has been a norm for me. I do remember the rooster and glad he has stopped causing trouble.
I did put my trust in the girl who helped me with the tire. The relationship hasn’t gone far though. And that is ok. She was helpful and I am grateful. I do my control issues likely play a role in my relationships not going far. Unconsciously I tend to try and control my experiences in various ways so I am accepted and don’t get hurt and to appear to “be ok”. I have this strong guard up with everything recently. It is so stressful. Riddled in fear most days still. I am starting to recall what you told me over a year ago. Be prepared to be uncomfortable for a while. Or something of that nature. I have been this way my entire life and so changing this stress response and patterns will take time. I guess I am just hoping for a bit more relief than I have had.
Here is my latest dilemma causing me to go into overdrive. I was on unemployment for the past 3 months. I started my job hunt and landed a remote position. This is what I wanted. I also interviewed for an office coordinator position making 7 dollars more. I know I am more than competent for the position, however, I am the furthest thing from feeling confident. I feel like a worthless human being lately so it’s hard to trust myself enough to function.
I had accepted the job with the remote company last week. Today the owner of the local business called me and offered position. I took it. They both start Monday. I do not know how to juggle this decision. My heart is telling me to go for more money as I definitely need to get caught up but I was thrilled to find a remote position. The position is new and being creative and thought I could really express myself. There is a lot of structure there with direct planning and projects daily which I love because not really any guessing on what is happening. Also, the local business is a screen company. It is unique to the trade and I would be in charge with most all administration. It seems like a lot of work. They both do. Which is fine but I am nervous because of course I have memories and flashbacks to the old job with my old boss. Demeaning and cruel at times. Discarded me and acted like I did not exist in the end. I do know I played a role in this as well. But how can I trust I wont create this in my life again when I am in such distress and fear still.
You told me and I lived by it for a long time. Don’t judge my day on how i felt but more on how I functioned. I always carry that with me because it is true. I feel hopeless most days, sometimes so overwhelmed and lost. But my bills are paid. I am showered. My clothes are cleaned. I am fed. I am attending Church tomorrow God Willing. I will go on a walk today. So I keep wondering why my feelings wont align. But then I think back to all the unfelt feelings. And the disconnect from the people who were my tribe. I am alone beside some really kind virtual friends and pen pals like you and Tiny Buddha and my facebook people and a therapist and a group I belong to. But I guess this is my new beginning. I guess my fear is trying to hold me back from moving on.
ParticipantMerry Christmas Anita!!
I have yet to fully read through your last few observations. They became a little triggering. As you stated being calm and reading would work best but that just has not been my narrative lately. Anything but calm. Including my tire blowing out last night on my way home from Church and having to call someone I had met months ago at Church. Fortunately she was so very kind. Picked me up and took me home no questions asked. Offered me to sleep over so I wasn’t alone and brung me some water. So very stressful but also was nice to have human contact. The Lord works in mysterious ways. Of course now we have plans to stay in touch and start walking together possibly. And of course my fear alarm is going off like a riot. Should I trust her? This is scary! This is different! Asking for what I need and having it be met is foreign and the only time I can think of someone doing that is when they in exchange wanted to abuse me. So how do I prevent that from happening again? I am the least common denominator! Change is so hard but staying the same is harder! So many many thoughts and questions consuming my brain. These were all rhetorical by the way. Just venting my current.
I hope you enjoy your holidays and hopefully your neighbors roosters I believe? did not wake you up this Christmas morning.
ParticipantYou are right. I just got some more information on it today. And looking outside of myself it is best to get it for our society. Stronger Together.
The last time I spoke to my aunt on the phone was in April. I called her desperately and divulged the details of my sexual abuse. At the time in was just grappling over in my mind and body. Initially she was very compassionate. She validated my feelings offered to help me with anything I needed. Offered to buy me a plane ticket or to call my cousins who live two hours away from me to pick me up. I declined both at the time. Because after the fact I got scared. My anxiety rushed in and I remembered all that happened to us before this.Now a few days later this was our interaction. She called to check in. I told her I was still feeling bad. I wanted more from her. I wanted her to hold me in that moment but I know she couldn’t. I did want to take her offer on the plane ticket and go with her and I wish I had at the time. I needed someone so bad. I still was semi full of life at the time. But doubt over took me.Then came some shame. Asking me why I had stopped contact with everyone if David was my reason of being afraid. I don’t know if she meant to be shaming but I felt shame. And I wished I could communicate better. But I just shut down and blocked her again. Which is not cool on my part. I can’t trust what is wrong or right. I’ve literally blocked so many people after an interaction like this. My issue is communication. Really, it’s confrontation. If I felt shamed I need to speak up and say hey what you are saying is making me feel bad. If I don’t I’m left with assumptions and fear of what could have beenNichole
ParticipantHi Anita,
I am not sure if I would get the vaccine. I am usually skeptical about what I put in my body. Especially now in 2020. I know the situation is demanding but I still have to consider.
I am not sure how calm my writing will sound tonight as I am in an uproar this week. I cannot pin point why such low times other than the holiday possibly. I am pretty far from myself. So I could not even say if I was sad or depressed just comes in waves of anxiety or shut down. I hate this feeling. I know it is so common in PTSD but I want nothing more than to be able to breath and feel connected.
So I have read all the past posts regarding my Aunt however I still think about engaging all the time. How alarming is that? Here is my explanations. My aunt definitely projects and she victimized in many situations and even denied smearing me. But I look at the good. The laughs. The way she stayed by my side during rough times. She is one of the few people in my life who has reciprocated. Now my immediate family not so much. I always felt comfortable sharing my feelings and processing things with her. I have not found that and I believe that is why I am so disconnected. I need to cry and vent and process the things that have happened. So much has happened since Florida and all of it is just floating around in my head. I hardly function these days. I have tried many times connecting in Churches and groups and it never works. I get it. because I am bringing my unprocessed trauma along with me. Also, I don’t feel like I belong anywhere. I am so alone, so isolated. How can I ground this way? Don’t we all need love and connection to survive? I have not much good coming in to combat the pain and so I am imbalanced for sure. It is scary to me. I am forgetful, I procrastinate, I am on unemployment currently because the job I have is only part time so I am still receiving assistance. I miss being financially stable. I am scared of my future. I know I can and will survive but I could surely use some help. Now yes, I understand my family did torpido my boat but am I really doing myself service not seeking help when I need it?
I am financially suffering, emotionally and even on a functioning level. I keep trying here alone in Florida. Perhaps my writing seems calmer but I am not better. I laid in bed all day today with a fear of moving. I am scared of people. I feel their energy and pain when I am working with the public.
My ptsd has been triggered by so many people since leaving my family. I have found that 90% of the people I have met are just as abusive as my family. I see it now all as fear. I think I consider talking to my aunt based on what I have found in the world. Is that terrible, that I see what is out here and I don’t think it is better? I wish I had someone to encourage me and just see me in my pain. I have dealt with way too much on my own. The moves, the job loss, the people I have come across, the financial plunge. How can I begin to function and move forward. Even if I try not to think about it the thought of communicating with family or just my aunt is there. I do still feel like that little girl begging for love. I have tried to self love during this time but lately showering is the only self love I have for myself. Considering meds again. I have a prescription just reluctant to take them.
Sorry for the rant. I am feeling lost tonight. Not sure what tomorrow will bring.
ParticipantThanks for getting back Anita,
I honestly wouldn’t have know about the pandemic statistics had you not mentioned them. I feel safe against Covid just because of my faith but honestly I have been working with the public a lot lately so I am highly exposed.
Thanks for complimenting my writing. I think through all of the pain and suffering I’ve become much more expressive in writing and in speaking at times. When you are in the midst of suffering sometimes your voice dies and when you are put to the test you have to dig deep and find the words. I’m working on this.
What a year! The isolation has made things worse and more confusing. I’ve recently considered contacting my aunt. The one I lived with. There are things I miss about her. But not sure if that’s just the nostalgia. I read back to some of posts last year and I was in despair in that relationship at one point. I’m lacking the support I need with all of the trauma coming up for me. My sexual abuse has been prominent but I struggle to go down that road knowing there isn’t an emotionally available close relationship I can rely on when that road gets bumpy.
ParticipantHi Anita,
Long Long time.
I was in the epicenter of the pandemic. You are right about that, I would have never guessed a pandemic when I chose to move states. It was quite a jab or push off the ledge. Life was really hard and then Covid came in with a roar! The old hard was nothing compared to this!Life has been a survival story. One day at a time. One breath at a time. For me and for many. The collective energy has made healing much harder. And very unfortunate that you cannot tell trauma to pause while there is a pandemic going on. What a nice thought though.
Gosh I’ve been on a bumpy road. I think back to reading your posts about your trials and I think I can relate. After leaving Chicago I’ve lived 5 places. I’ve clashed with many people. I’ve felt attacked, abused and misunderstood. I’m left with burnout, so numb but slowly dipping my toes into the muck with some much needed support from professionals and wise people. Time has passed and passed and I wonder what it all meant. How am I here? Feeling worthless, scared and no vision. I had some of that at one point.
I miss chatting with you. You were such a huge part of my journey. I hope to pick up where we left off. Trying to get back on a road to myself. Doing the things I used to do that made me feel better.