Forum Replies Created
Participanthi @Big blue..
thanks …wid ur reply i got a chance to look at the situation from his angle.
im sorry for ur pain… i hope u r healing now….
friend i belive in my situation ..he was already well informed by the girl that she is not interested in any such things ,as she is totally into her carrier… n my care towards him was more like as a friend… he used to talk abt his personal life…he used to make me feel soo bad abt his condition that now i think..that it was a complete emotional blackmail.. he cried in front of me…he lied to me.. he did everythng to impress me.. knowing that whatever im doing is because we wer frnz.. and moreover..he has seen me taking care of our oder it guy or a girl.. i hav never done anythng special for him..which wud make him blame me dat i hav made him to fall for me.. he has seen me being der for our very dear mutual guy frnd..when he was going thru a tough time… and that guy(our mutual frnd) never came wid a proposal..he consider me a very good frnd..n shares his secrets wid me.!! i think i hav become defensive now 🙂 but thats how things wer…
im praying for him.. but yes im still practicing compassion.. hope we heal.. n move ahead in life..happy wherever we r..
thanks friend ..ya we are beautifully complex:) God Bless 🙂Purpose
ParticipantHello everyone..thankyou so much for replying to this post 🙂
hi @Matt SIR(sir because due to ur wisdom..i consider u elder to me)
thanks for ur words.. Yes im not very good when it comes to writing..that too when im expressing something personal n emotional.. my friends complains the same abt what u wrote.. i agree i might lack some knwledge..but it has more to do wid d adrenaline rush as my my blood pressure shoots when im thoughts run faster than my fingers n i miss many words..vovels..even sentenses… i promise u..i will do my h.w. from now on..n will practice writing like u all write here.. really im a fan of ur writting skills.. pls add me in d fan list 😀
thanks.Hello MY DEAR @Jasmine-3 how are you.. i knew u wud reply on this post.. thanks for that..
i seriously felt i hav a connection wid u..a deeper one.. after reading this particular reply of urs… i now imagine u more like a elder sister to me.. though till this day i hav imagined u as a person..:) but now we are sisters 🙂
Yes i agree wid all what u have written.. but der is a change in me..a positive one..which i dint mention in d post.. that ealier i used to think that i can change people..der mindset…der behaviour..particularly of those who were suffering due to lack of trust in themselves n in GOD. I used to believe if i leave a person who is suffering..i wud not be able to live peacefully ever in my life.. i used to take up d responsibility of his/her pain n problems n wud devote my time , efforts, energies,thoughts..unconditionally to his/her problem n life…
i hav been a person who believed dat we meet people to bring positive changes in der lives…
yes al des thoughts n actions of mine in d past hav made me feel very low n depressed but in last few weeks..i have not a saviour..even with my best of intensions n care ..i cant be a saviour to person who is himself/herself not willing to change.. now i practice compassion n pray for them..n dont push them…neither push myself to change everythng overnight.. im seriously having tough time seeing many suffer,, despite knwing the problem n a way out to der negativity.. now i practice self talk..i tel myself dat….all i can do is just make dem feel im der for them ..whenevr they need me… n i pray for the clarity n happiness in der life..!
thats it..but this particular situation..when al dis started..i was still d old me..who wanted to bear the pain..punishments ..n shed tears for the one suffering…i used to suffer more.. may be i was tooo emotional..
but trust im not like this.. n EB has hurt me….but not dat too hard.. because i hav become a little better.. all thanks to people here on Tiny Buddha.. those who post here..n dos who reply wid der wisdom … all the speaking motivational videos..tedx videos..self help a better person everyday..
im hurt because of his abusive way of ending the so-called friendship..
thanks once sending some more (hugs) n yes i hav promised @Matt that i will improve my writing 🙂 i knw i need to ..:)hi @Big blue..
thanks …wid ur reply i got a chance to look at the situation from his angle.
im sorry for ur pain… i hope u r healing now….
friend i belive in my situation ..he was already well informed by the girl that she is not interested in any such things ,as she is totally into her carrier… n my care towards him was more like as a friend… he used to talk abt his personal life…he used to make me feel soo bad abt his condition that now i think..that it was a complete emotional blackmail.. he cried in front of me…he lied to me.. he did everythng to impress me.. knowing that whatever im doing is because we wer frnz.. and moreover..he has seen me taking care of our oder it guy or a girl.. i hav never done anythng special for him..which wud make him blame me dat i hav made him to fall for me.. he has seen me being der for our very dear mutual guy frnd..when he was going thru a tough time… and that guy(our mutual frnd) never came wid a proposal..he consider me a very good frnd..n shares his secrets wid me.!! i think i hav become defensive now 🙂 but thats how things wer…
im praying for him.. but yes im still practicing compassion.. hope we heal.. n move ahead in life..happy wherever we r..
thanks friend ..ya we are beautifully complex:) God Bless 🙂hi @Maureen.. thanks dear for ur words.. you are correct in writing abt boundaries n love
i need to be more clear wid d boundaries which i think i hav n i practice.. i should not hurt anyone including myself..
hope you are doing well.. 🙂Purpose
Participanthehe..sorry for missing words in btw,, 🙂
ParticipantHi @Jasmine-3 how are u..
thankyou sooo much for your kind words..ahh..i feel soo gooood..i cant tel u..
jas i can just tel u that i believe that we all just a smile or ‘hello’ away from each oder.. we all are made of same ingredients..we all want love safety n fun in life….. in this quest some become littel different some indifferent n some compasionate…. we dont knw each oder ..but see how u replied to me..n trust me..i felt very nice..i felt i was taken care of..i felt somebody was der to listen …to knw how i was feeling.. we all one… so no point in hatred n jealousy or any negative emotions.. though i become sad manyatimes when i feel left out by people i care for..but then i bring peace to me by practicing Compassion…
n jas i wud like to tel u dat u r a wonderful person..despite of ur claims of not being caring n me.. i hav read ur other posts here..n im glad we hav u here.. a person wid balanced thinking an dapproach towards life.. u use heart n mind wisely in situations… 🙂
thanks for healing… yaa pls keep in touch 🙂Purpose
ParticipantHello @Jasmine-3 how r u doing.. thankyou so much for caring..
im good.. health is fine..
im little worried abt his gf.. n my frnd..
i dont knw how he is feeling rite now..hw they wil deal wid dis..m empathizing wid dem.. n praying for strength n der lives…
U knw @Jasmine-3 i felt so gud dat u asked me.. I wish i cud meet u n give a hug.. { } { hug}
thanks.. m fine..n taking care
u tel..all well O:-)Purpose
Participanthello @sammykins and @Jasmine-3 🙂 thankyou for replying..
i was in so much of emotional pressure..that cudnt write properly coz i wanted to write n tel so much..but was not able to do so..
@jasmine-3 im really not that young..i think u r tooo young..( im not taking age as my base of writing this) becoz u hav such a fresh thinking n way of seeing things..i saw ur posts earlier also..n i want to thankyou from bottom of my heart for replying to those who really need the push..:) thats really sweet of you..
in my situation..i have explained him that his gf is his priority..if he is wid her..that means he is happy in this no point thinking on oder things.. i prayed for him..i m trying to be more compassionate towards him.. but all this has made me think too much on Human Nature..i mean.. how can we be wid full commitment with somebody..apparently happy n enjoing n yet have a special feeling n place intact for someone… i m shocked.. its been long that they r committed,..still he had d guts to tel me abt his love n feelings for me..he said he has never missed anyone in his life he has missed me.. twas strange ..n its harder to think hw people r ..n complex relations r made..just by ignoring our thoughts…
im thankful that he confessed..i think this will bring him some peace in coming days n he might start forgetting me n al d related things…
my prayers r wid both of them…
thanks 🙂Purpose
ParticipantSammykins.. thanks so much.. u r such a kind soul
im really thankful to u dat you read n replied to it…
ya i dint mention dat.. he was always a sweet frnd..n i always took v good care of him… but feelings wer never der…
i dont knw how can someone say this after so long…n dat too being in a relationship in which he is happy…
i will keep ur advise in my mind n wil handle it calmly
If anythng else i can tel..pls let me knw..
n once again..thanks for al ur words
may Universe brings best things in your what u want rite ur life.. God Bless YouPurpose
ParticipantSorry for d poor apologies…
Participanthello kind soul Edwin Ng
Thankyou for writing… Thanks for being such a nice person.. 🙂
God Bless You.. Always…
take carePurpose
ParticipantHello Kim.. frankly when i was reading your post i just thought u have written my story.. !
Kim my dear i would love to tel u that from now onwards u r too in my PRAYERS
trust me i can really understand what you are going through
Kim you knw if i tel u in short few things..u will be able to relate
i m generally v confident n happy person..ok alone… but when it comes to frnz..m very caring..outgoing..upbeat..always der for each of at 2’o clock in d night..always der to lend my patient ear.. Showing empathy..cheering up
I always put my frnz recommendations for meeting olaces..days..time..always der on time…but i always see..weder dey turn up v i hav to wait for long..or they tel lets meet next time..or dey wud just cancel on the 11th hour!!
(but yes fewtimes al is gud..but dats rare)
Going thru al dis again n again put myself in a doubt of my ability as a frnd..i feel so bad.. Sometimes i cal them..thy do not hav time…
kim its also that i dont get my texts replied…
so now u can see we both are sailing on d same boat..and please are not alone my dear… we all suffer…we all go thru such struggles n emotional problems…
kim wid al this…u knw i hav gained some inner strength..which developed slwly gradually… now i dont expect.. I do ask for meet ups..i do cal..but not to talk my side…i talk little n then listen to them.. i hav stopped expectibg from anyone…and it has given me immense peace..
This made me little touchy initially…as i thought why shud i talk or meet when its not abt me equally…but then…i slowly started enjoyng my solitude..i started writtng..journaling… positive self talk… This has made me to knw myself better wid myself..leaen abt myself..and love myself… i see it as like this..that they al hav given me a chance to knw myself more..had i been a person who wud be understood by oders..but not by my own self…what a waste it wud have been.. 🙂
thats how life teaches…!
you too take it that u r a great human being..u r definately a superb friend.. u truly deserve frnz who appreciate and respect u… So my frnd…better wait for those who desrve you.. im also waiting for dos onez… 🙂
God is Great..he is watching..all will be fine…
hope i helped in some way..
please smile Kim… u luk great wid it very sure abt it 🙂
ParticipantHello anyone… just relax in dis state of yours..and dont think about past experiences..
i wud suggest u not to make any contact thru mail or text to thank her
let your happiness and peace of mind be your priority rite nowTc
ParticipantHELLO Kelly .. Welcome Dear.. 🙂
Im glad to read it and see that u r such a positive person.. world needs such souls..waow… m happy you joined 🙂Purpose
ParticipantHi Lily.. thats so kind of you .. THANKYOU ..{ hugs}
i wish all the blessings ..good luck and smiles for you..!! AWESOME YOU ARE 🙂
ParticipantHi RBD sorry for how you are feeling these days… anything said by anyone anywhere ..doesnt help us sometimes ..just because we are too much concentrating on the issue.(.lets not say it a problem) please for this moment when u r reading this..think .. how u are..what u think of yourself apart from academics n proffesional stature… ” IM a confident guy..very good in sports..voo..i have sportsman spirit too.. i have a sound married life…friends feel great in my presence.. (please think all your personal achievements which you can remember…) so here you are… did u feel little better.. Im sure you did..!! 🙂
you knw we all go through and grow through such tough times… sometimes we need to see whats within us…not outside..this time is testing your patience,…let u be again confident as u ve been always… let that sportsman spirit come back n you wait for ur strike…. let there be no doubt on your own self….
you are perfect even if u dont have a great job or struggling thru this time… DONT attach your self worth with job monitary gains… you would always be awesome…come what may… your salary n bank balance has not made u confident n good friend… trust yourself that u will build your life better..with these struggles as stepping stone…
in the end i wud like u to tel u that.. all successful people went thru what u r going consider this al God’s plan to make u better 🙂Im hopeful that u will come out of this soon..will wait for a reply wid smiles from u 🙂 tc
February 24, 2014 at 10:40 am in reply to: my heart goes to all those who write here in Forum #51647Purpose
ParticipantSorry for the spelling mistakes …pls ignore them 🙂