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  • in reply to: Being better at accepting depression #220129

    Also do you have any advice for sleep? I’m still only getting 3hours a night. I’m going to cut out caffeine altogether. I’ve been using melatonin, chamomile, and Valerian root in a tea every night but still only manage to get 3 solid hours. Last week I was like this and then managed to sleep 8hrs after 5 days of 3hrs. This is driving me crazy, especially because it’s not like I have anything to do with all these waking hours except be tortured by my  thoughts.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by noname.
    in reply to: Being better at accepting depression #220081


    Once again you are spot on. Anger is absolutely what keeps me uncomfortable with being in a need. I get angry with women who have treated me disrespectfully and it seems sometimes to be the only ones I choose. Then I sat to myself I don’t need them. Which is not true I need affection, and love from another person more than I care to admit. I fake strong by isolating myself when really I’m just avoiding the possibility of being hurt again. It hurts me to have hope though. It’s something to loose. I’m not sure how to navigate this pain though. I don’t want to give up I want to believe but as you wrote my heart has grown hard, and I can’t keep living this way. Should I be opening myself up to keep getting hurt? I struggle with feeling safe vs. Feeling loved the two feelings have never been simoltaneously present within me. I’m not sure what to do about this constant aching need. I just don’t know if I have the strength to keep taking risks. But not taking any risks at all is almost worse. I need to find a way to accept the pain that comes along with being alive. I just don’t know how.

    Edit: I guess I didn’t read thoroughly enough. You’re saying directing my anger at the cause will help (parents) alleviate the anger I carry around. I just feel so inadequate compared to others. Like an outsider. And I slip into depression over any small disapproval from an other. Is it really a possibility for me to be experience happiness as a loner? I know this pain is telling me otherwise, I just think if I can make it through some more pain I’ll eventually grow out of it. But I’m not sure that’s true. I hope this is making sense, it’s really hard for me to articulate.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by noname.
    in reply to: Being better at accepting depression #219961

    Hey jarred,

    I’m sorry to hear about your troubles. That being said I would advise you to ask your mom if you can see a psychotherapist. Also you may want to create your own thread on this forum as this one has kind of become a personal thread at this point.

    I hope you understand using weed before your brain has fully developed has unknown effects on its growth. If your having these thoughts of suicide that means you are in great pain, and the thoughts are an attempt to regulate the pain, to gain control over what seems to be a life that is out of your control.

    Weed helped you regulate the pain, but there are better ways than drugs. All drugs do is push down (depress) what needs to be felt and understood by us. You need to feel this pain, and you will grow into a strong man because of it.

    Please get help immediately, there is hope for you as there is for me without drugs.

    in reply to: Being better at accepting depression #219939

    Hey Anita

    I wish I could express in words how grateful I am for this. Since I had been feeling well after this weekend I decided to get back on a dating app. I get frustrated with women who give me their number and say yeah let’s go on a date tommorow then never text back. So I deleted it again today as I do on a regular basis. I might still go on a date this weekend but I’m not getting my hopes up that she’ll remember to contact me. This cycle of flaky people quickly throws me back into a place of feeling unlovable. Angry that it happened again I rode my motorcycle to the river today and sat on the shore and cried and watched the sunset over the city until it got dark and I had to leave. I tried my best to tell myself just because I am not loved in that moment doesent mean it’s not possible. I thought back to what you wrote about just because I wasn’t loved by one woman (mom) doesent mean I’m unlovable. I sat there and cried and thought about 6 year old me hiding in the cabinet neglected as my parents fought. I tried to imagine if I came across that kid walking by the river how I would hold him until he felt safe. This really helped for once. I thought about myself now as a man and asked what’s the difference? Why can’t this man be loved. I thought about how I give love to people in my life who need it. I thought about how easy it is for me to read through people’s facades and see their pain behind their smiles. I wondered why no one sees me this way. Why no one sees my pain. I felt i need to be seen, I need attention. Real attention, not the type I get from friends who sometimes use me to boost their own egos. I need someone to care about me I thought, and is that so bad? To need another human being sometimes. Am I asking too much to want to share my happiness or sadness with someone else? Either way I took it upon myself to do this and didn’t leave the river until I told myself “there’s nothing wrong with being in need” I treat people all the time in need and don’t think anything is wrong with them. I asked myself why do I feel I habe to be doing more than I’m doing now just to be loved? I told myself I don’t have to a damn thing to be loved, not change my body image any more, not make more money, win more races, get more degrees, not a damn thing I told myself. I could love just about anybody so what makes me an exception.

    I’m very uncomfortable with the idea of being in need of love or another person and I’m not sure why. But i feel the need right now for a connection and don’t know what to do about it. For now I try to just accept the pain and told myself life will be painful at times no matter what.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by noname.
    in reply to: Being better at accepting depression #219535


    I went out with some friends from school friday night and brought some of my friends along, although i rarely go out drinking maybe once a year, i actually enjoyed the company of some of my classmates. I definitely drank too much and paid for it with a hangover and fatigue, probably because i was in a anxious state to begin with since stopping smoking, and have barely been sleeping at all. Nonetheless i discovered through that night and my other group class that i am not alone in struggling with stress from school, depression, and feeling inadequate. This was eye opening to me as I feel isolated and lonely more often than not. After getting home at 5am i woke up at 730 took a cab back to my car and drove an hour back to my hometown to use my dads garage to work on my car.

    At one point me and my dad talked about what happened last weekend when my parents came over unannounced, and for a change my dad said something different than i expected. in regards to the blunt way i talked to them last weekend he replied “well son it needed to be said, and i hate that it took me this long to realize that i need to change and work on myself. That it took this many mistakes.” i was shocked to hear this. Also during this same weekend i went to visit my grandmother with my mom and discovered my grandmother had tried to kill herself once, my own mother didnt even know this. I learned that my great grandmother (who also raised my mother) was apparently very uncomfortable with difficult emotions and taught both my mom and grandmother that the family needed to always look well put together even if it wasn’t. it clicked with me that this is where the sugar coating of problems began.

    I talked with my mom briefly before i went to sleep, i could tell she was sad the entire time i was home but i knew i couldn’t let myself try to take care of her in any way, and i didn’t to protect myself. It wasn’t easy either, it took alot strength for me not to say “mom are you okay?” but i didn’t. When we talked she acknowledged and agreed that i shouldn’t have and never should have to worry about my parents feelings, and she acknowledged the effect this had on me. I told her to her face i never felt the love as a child, if i did i wouldn’t have tried to kill myself. She agreed. Again i was shocked, and while i know that i either way i can’t be worried about how my parents are feeling, I can say that i am grateful that they finally understand why i need distance. Although, i was already in a good mood and knew better than to care if they approved of my decision or not, it meant a lot to me that they are supporting me now, and sped up the process of lifting off some of the shame i carry. Again this eradication of shame was happening in me either way, but i cant sit here and pretend like having their approval didn’t help any. And i’m also relieved that my mom is going away for a while to get intensive help, for the sake of my sisters well being if nothing else. At this point all of my family members are in therapy. Something i am grateful for not because it means i will receive love i missed out on, but if nothing else to have healthier human beings on this planet in general.

    Aside from those interactions with family, i continue to be more open with friends and find it being reciprocated and it feels damn good. With that being said i’m afraid of losing what i have been building and have a fatalistic anxiety feeling as if my confidence and feelings of self worth cant last too much longer before i fall back into the way of being like you’ve quoted above. Im still not sleeping well and 3hrs a night is just about what i’ve been getting and it’s taking a lot of mindfulness to get through these 14hour days of work and class.

    I still feel a bit worthless though. im just trying not to let those feelings run my life at the moment. But i can’t lie i get jealous of my friend who i introduced to my classmates(all women) and they wont shut up about how good looking he is. I think well nobody feels that way about me. I also feel inadequate when his friend pulls out his phone and shows me a list of all the women he’s slept with which is probably 10 times as many as mine. The rational part of me knows he’s probably got a problem with himself if he feels the need to pursue women as such driving across the state sometimes just for sex. But theres a part of me that is very jealous of guys like that, that seem wanted, as i still dont feel desired or wanted. Though the thought crossed my mind when were out drunkenly dancing  how easy it would be to convince someone to come home with me, then even in my drunkness i thought to myself “you already tried casual sex and it didnt give you what you needed”.

    in reply to: Being better at accepting depression #219455

    Dear Anita,

    Thank you for continuing to post and help me, I had a good long weekend I want to tell you about. Unfortunately I have been so busy and sleepless (less than 18hrs last week combined) that im kind of in a zombified state at the moment and will read and respond to these very soon!

    in reply to: Being better at accepting depression #218909


    I would be thrilled to know what you’ve learning about me! I find it absolutely amazing how perceptive you are through only reading people’s words, without affect or body language to guide you. I hope to be as attentive to detail as you are when it comes to listening to people.

    Speaking of past posts, I think I will always remember something you wrote about my dating life that was something like wait for a woman who is curious about me. I really started paying attention not just on dates but with people in my life in general. I have since discovered many people in my life are not curious about me, I even noticed this with my mom we would see each other once or twice a month and upon first contact the topic of how I was doing wouldn’t come up until she talked so long about herself that she was able to wonder about me. If I notice this phenomenon on a first date, it’s the last date. It’s not that I don’t want to give people a chance but I think that curiosity is a way to care for someone. It’s like saying I want to understand you and be close to you.

    Not the most recent woman I was with, but the one before I was with for a few months I began to notice she could care less about my life, and i remember thinking back to your advice and feeling that something was wrong with the relationship. That wasn’t the only thing I ignored about her either, kind of indicative of where I was then.

    Since I stopped smoking weed monday I’ve been noticing my depressed thoughts and feelings are surfacing. This happens every time I quit smoking, I’m forced to listen to my body and mind again and shut off autopilot. That’s why it’s 2am and I’m typing this. Although I feel less anxious than the first couple days of sobriety, I find I can’t sleep. I got 2hrs last night and I’ll get at most 4hrs tonight. It’s really hard for me to relax and my mind wanders back to the Times when I was held and how comforting that was. If only I were somehow able to hold (accept? love?) myself I think my anxieties about life would lessen even more as I feel more secure, and I can sleep again. I remember I got great sleep the first couple years of my relationship with my first gf even though we didn’t live together or sleep together every night, there was something comforting about knowing and feeling attached to someone that made sleeping so easy. No pills just love.

    in reply to: Being better at accepting depression #218737


    Thank you i will try your suggestion, and i agree time and continuous effort is what it will take for me to heal.  I saw my therapist today and he reframed the events of the week with my supervisor and my parents as me stepping into my authority or my truth. Of course he didn’t condone cussing people out, but it was helpful to realize that I am (painfully) growing to be my truest authentic self. In regards to my motivation he noted that i come to therapy because i love myself enough to want better for myself, even reframed suicidal thoughts as self love in the sense that it is a desire not to suffer if i understood him correctly. Again, i would say the same thing to a client who presented like myself, I just don’t always see myself in a loving way.

    On a side note today was not bad, I was able to setup an interview for another internship and class was good. The topic for group class tonight was imposter syndrome or feeling like a fraud. Loaded topic that has a lot to do with self worth. I don’t story tell or self disclose too much in this class because i am the only male, and i don’t necessarily trust everyone, but i do offer insight into some of these issues. The discovery i made tonight is that most of my class mates are just as if not more insecure than i am and share some of the same worries. I have noticed that people frequently quote me in these groups, even things i said over a week ago, meaning that i probably have more of an effect on people than i think, and i might be causing people to think critically. Im shocked at this, someone even let me know how great they felt hearing a compliment from me about their intellect during the group today.

    This is good evidence for me of my worth, and discussing the topic of self worth made me realize i have made huge strides in my healing because i am easily able to identify cognitive distortions in others that i have been able to overcome for myself, though i still struggle sometimes nonetheless. I think i left class today feeling as if i am worthy. I know this may wear off, but for toady I feel as if I made a positive impact on others, because of the way i am, not because i tried to help or anything like that but just being myself was good enough today.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by noname.
    in reply to: Being better at accepting depression #218597


    I’m realizing I can hurt indefinitely by the way I am coping (weed, dissociation, withdrawal, & other self harming) and it is not working for me. I don’t know how to ask others for help, nor am i used to it, i always help others and do everything else by myself. Since im not good at connecting with people I believe the only way i can have the needed experience is to create it within myself similar to what you described above.

    I do take issue with myself in respect to this lovability issue because i know many people would be sad if i died, but that doesen’t mean those people are connected with me right now, not because they don’t want to it’s just a matter of me having moved away from home for necessary reasons. I also did a therapy group a couple years ago before i started grad school for about 4-5 months and i felt very accepted and loved by that group, i felt so loved during and after that experience that i started a social group with over 200 members, applied to grad school, and asked a woman out i had been scared to. I was definitely running on all cylinders and felt like i could do anything. However, that feeling wore off a few months after the group was over, and i had to dissolve my group because of school.

    I think back to that experience often, because it showed me how i could connect with almost anyone. For some reason for the past year or so i haven’t been able to draw on the lovability i felt then to convince me of my current lovability. I feel guilty about this because i feel like im complaining about a problem that doesn’t actually exist and i’m somehow lying about feeling unlovable. But i actually do feel unlovable. Again because of that experience i intellectually know i am lovable, but i can no longer think back to that time and feel it like i used to. I think of that experience as a rare opportunity. I have since tried to find any groups like it , and have been unsuccessful, i think its a terrible phenomenon that there are not support groups for people who are just going through hard times in my area. It’s like i have to be on drugs or chronically mentally ill to get any kind of social support.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by noname.
    in reply to: Being better at accepting depression #218539


    Thank you for believing in me. I struggle with focusing on myself and dont even really know what that looks like. I don’t really understand how I can heal myself at this point, I mean I have made progress but most of it has been on an intellectual level and I seldom feel emotionally safe with others. I think the thing I keep coming back to is that I need some kind of motivation for myself to keep trying, for me. I dont know what i need. Having someone to love, being loved, and the idea that I’m I could be loved are the only things that have ever motivated me. In the absence of love I’m depressed and dont try. I will say talking with you is helping more than talking with a friend because you do more than say “you’ll be fine man” which is what I get from friends I never get “what’s bothering you?” Which is really all I need. At the same time sometimes I think Ignore the small samples of love and empathy people do give me telling myself “they will just leave, they can’t be there for you, you can’t depend on anyone but yourself” I’m not sure if that thinking is helping me or not. But i just don’t feel the empathy when people are trying with me and that is so frustrating because I think if I was able to feel a little bit of that love that could help alot.

    in reply to: Being better at accepting depression #218507

    I’ve never taken money from them as an adult and I dont really depend on them financially until recently needing a loaner car from my dad while I get my other car running, and being on their car insurance because it’s cheaper but I still pay. So I kind of depend on my dad to help me with transportation since he has a really nice garage I help build. But that’s it. I don’t have to see them if I don’t want to and I live in another city so it wouldn’t be hard.

    My mom and dad are divorced, my sister has her own house, and my mom lives with her. My dad lives alone in the house I grew up in.

    My supervisor triggered something in me that reminded me of my parents as I was cursing at him i had a flashback to talking to my parents this weekend, the anger felt the same.

    I don’t intend on contacting them at all. I’m worried about my future right now. I don’t know if I’m up for doing counseling as a career anymore because I’m too unstable and dont have a much support. Unfortunately I’m 50k in debt and lack very little to finish my degree, so I don’t think it would be in my best interest to quit now. But im very unmotivated to keep going through my life in this pain right now.

    in reply to: Being better at accepting depression #218351

    Thank you for your insight Anita i can agree that im  out of touch with what i (inner child) need. Evidently i don’t understand him. Today has been awful, I was in supervision for my internship and got frustrated with my supervisor because he never answers my questions and just asks me more questions instead of being direct with what he wants. Normally i would just brush it off but today i snapped for some reason and cursed at him after i asked to end our session a couple minutes early because i could feel myself getting agitated. He does it on purpose i communicated my frustration with the process but he thinks by pushing me and trying to therapize me its somehow gonna make me a better therapist, even though he is a student himself. While it was okay for me to be frustrated, i expressed my anger by telling him exactly how i felt about his style of supervision and using a few f-words in the process, which lead to a meeting with my site director which she basically said they could suspend me from the program. I think i can sweet talk my way out of getting suspended but it means i have to get another intership, and i have to quit smoking for drug test, and i need to take care of myself better to prevent this from happening again. Im so lost right now, and when i say i dont see the point, i dont see the point in trying anymore, sometimes people think im brave because i take risks, but really im just careless. After the first curse word came out of my mouth today i thought might as well just roll with it your already in deep shit now. A prime example of how i just dont care right now. I think i dont care because i feel no one cares about me, and i dont care about myself. Sometimes i want to know just how low i can sink in my life for some reason. I dont understand it, i dont understand myself, but if i cant feel the love soon im afraid of what could happen


    in reply to: Being better at accepting depression #218151

    I thought my focus to help others and bring good friends into my life was my way of attending the neglected boy who litterally wasn’t allowed to have friends outside of school. I grew up mostly isolated and ever since I broke up with my first gf a few years ago I have been focused on making and keeping good friends, hopefully so I won’t feel as lonely. Although I’m still lonely. This is becoming more and more frustrating. I don’t see how I’m supposed to be happy in isolation. I already tried intentionally not dating for a year and focusing on myself, I’ve tried being a loner, I’ve tried being socially active, I’ve tried everything including being selfish and focusing exclusively on myself. It always seems like I can’t do enough for me to be well. I’m so stuck right now and it’s becoming so painful to leave my house everyday. I’m getting worried i dont know what I might do.

    I just don’t think I can feel well all alone without friends or a girlfriend. I have no real sense of belonging or safety right now. I’m getting worn out trying to help myself, I’m trying to be kind and attend to my inner child but don’t know how. I’m really hopeless right now I wish I could just be held sometimes so I can know I’m lovable that usually makes me feel better at least temporarily. I need to figure out a purpose quick so I can continue to try, honestly I don’t see the point right now.

    in reply to: Being better at accepting depression #218113


    Thank you for having hope for me, sometimes i think i get tired of trying so hard for what seems like no reason. Maybe if i had a reason to live besides not making other people sad that im dead i’d be more motivated to try. Lately i’ve been trying to help people as much as possible to keep myself off my mind, and so i dont feel worthless. I tend to offer to help people at every single chance i get so i wont be alone, obviously this is carried over from my relationship with my mom. Unfortunately its not really working for me. I still feel worthless and sad and like whatever i do isn’t good enough. Im getting more frustrated as i type this because this is not new information to me or you. I feel like their is something im looking for in life that keeps evading me, and ill never get it.

    I was helping a friend who recently married do some TLC on his home last night, and again out of everyone their im the only single person and it feels horrible. When people ask me why arent you dating? it really takes me feel worthless as if its my choice to be this isolated. Im very jealous of my friends, classmates, and coworkers who seem to have no problem finding dates, or partners. And here i am lucky to sleep with one woman a few times per year if that. I feel like shit and i feel like there is some big secret about life i just dont know. Im getting angry with myself as i type this wishing i was better at life. And im scared now because im running on fumes, you and my therapist are the only thing giving me any kind of reason to drag through my days.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by noname.
    in reply to: Being better at accepting depression #218095


    I’m not in a financial position to cut contact with either one of my parents at the current moment. To complicate things more my mom lives with my sister who Is like a best friend to me. However I do understand your suggestion to cut all contact, as the thought of it makes me feel guilty in itself. Cutting contact with my mom would mean cutting off the majority of all my family, which I just can’t do because their one of the protective factors keeping me from suicide. I don’t want you to think I don’t understand why you suggested this, and I would encourage someone else in my position to do the same if it were possible.

    After yesterday though I’m still struggling with even wanting to keep trying with any of this. I just don’t see the point anymore. I’m seriously beginning to think I’m too far gone to heal, and I don’t care enough about myself to try anymore. My suicidal thoughts are getting bad again, to the point where if I’m alone at all Its all I can think of. I get tired of trying so hard all the time just to end up alone and the end of the day. I’m very grateful for your help but it seems like youve done your best to help me and I just don’t want to help myself because I’m not doing what you’re asking. I hate myself so much it’s hopeless

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