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  • in reply to: Conquering Ego #325849

    Hi Kaylen,

    Your story reminded me of the ‘don’t think about the pink Elephant’ thought exercise that proved trying to suppress your thoughts doesn’t work. Zen, meditation, mindfulness teaches the same lesson. The harder we not think a thought the more likely such thoughts will persist.

    Meditation we practice observing our thoughts without attaching to them. We notice that the mind is full of thoughts, that’s its job. We also notice that its when we attach ourselves (ego) to a thought that thoughts create more thoughts….

    When we first learn to meditate, we might think that the goal is to have no thoughts and so we try to force the mind to be quiet. But that never works.  Allowing the mind to be the mind we learn to detach our sense of self from the mind allowing the thought to flow. (unless we chose to fallow a thought to see where it might lead)

    Ego gives us a sense of safety and security

    I’m not sure I fully agree with that definition of ego as I might argue that when we are overly attached to our ego its usually because we do not feel secure.  But perhaps that semantics as to overcome that sense of insecurity the ego will try to prop itself up to feel safe.  For example, observe others negatively so that we might view ourselves as being better then them.

    Jung once made a comment that it takes a strong healthy ego (sense of Self) to let go of ego (detach from ego as the defining sense of self). Thus, we see that if we start a practice or enter into therapy we dig deep into our past the purpose being that the better we know ourselves the less likely we will be to repeat the past but something else also happens, we begin to notice that the we are not our past, or our thoughts, or our emotions… we are not our ego.  The ego is the bridge of which we communicate experiences to our self and others. (Notice how difficult it is communicate experience without reference to a ‘I’. When we attach our sense of self to the ‘I’ we are more likely to mistake the map for the territory and tell ourselves I am that.)

    The goal is not to vanquish the ego but to detach the sense of self from the ego, allowing it to be what it is and play it’s part.  The tricky part is not allowing this idea of detachment to become indifference.  The goal is to be detached and engaged with life as it shows up.

    Anyway, don’t be to hard on yourself.

    in reply to: Converting my love to hate to survive #324655

    Dear Michelle

    I have to hate him to breathe. I have to hate him to survive.

    I love him. I still love him. I believed in our marriage and I believed in us.

    I’m sorry for your loss.

    My approach to your problem may be more philosophical as it concerns love and hate so I understand if you’re not interested. These are only thoughts.

    A notion in the wisdom traditions is that there is a time for all things. A time to love and a time to hate. In this moment of time your realizing that its time for something other then hate but how to move past that?

    We live in a world of duality and in the wisdom traditions it is identified with the problem of opposites. On the path of becoming, seeing past/through the problem of opposites is the last obstacles to be overcome. (Life will constantly present us with opportunities to confront the problem of opposites)

    Here is a paradox for you… there is only Love. I know how odd that sounds especially as you come to terms with your experience of love and hate.  However,we learn by confronting the problem of opposites, which gives birth to consciousness, that the opposites are not ‘two sides of a coin, an either or, but intimately intertwined and connected so that neither exists on its own nor can they be separated from each other.  When opposites are experienced in this way, they ‘disappear’ and in that space… Love.

    Asking you to work on getting to a place of saying YES to your experience of love and hate can seem mean and unfeeling. It is not my intention to discount your experience. I understand that when you’re in it, attached to it, its difficult to see past.

    Buddhism suggest a starting place is the art of detachment and mindfulness.  Detachment is not indifference to the experience but remaining engaged in life as it shows up while not attaching a sense of self to the experience. You, your experience of SELF, is not your experiences. You are not your emotions, you are not your thoughts.  In this way detachment creates space to be mindful where you may better observe your experiences of Love and Hate – not the reasons you have for loving and or hating you husband – but your relationship to love and hate.

    In time you might realize a new consciousness of love as it is, life as it is, and find yourself saying getting to a place where you can say Yes to it all.

    I wish you Peace

    in reply to: Can't commit to life #321613

     I am curious about this:

    The thought ‘I should just kill myself’ could be the subconscious suggesting that your stuckness may be due to an attachment or your sense of self/ego whose time has past.

    And also this:

    What would it feel like to engage with the life that shows up and see where it goes? 

    What does this look like? I think I sort-of understand, but would like to better understand what you mean.

    The two thoughts may be connected. Something about the story you have attached your sense of ego/self to is stopping you from ‘showing up’ to your life.  The practice of mindfulness (noticing without judging or labeling – we tend to attach our sense of self to our labeling and judging) and meditation (watching the cluttered mind while not attaching to it) can help in the task of letting go of our attachment to ego. (An ego remains, it what we communicate our experiences through, however the realization is that You are not your ego.)  The death of this attachment to ego frees you to be you.

    So, what would it look like to let go of the stories you have been attaching yourself to that have left you stuck and instead engage with Life as it shows up so that you might write a better story of which you are consciously the author?

    When you engage with life as it shows up everything is a possibility and your path will show itself.  That does not mean saying yes to everything that comes your way.  It means being honest with yourself so that when you do say yes or no it comes from an authentic place.  Not a place of fear, or expectations, or should s, or what will others think….

    in reply to: Can't commit to life #321517

    Hi Janine

    I f*cking hate that I am this way. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I have been this way as long as I can remember. I feel like I can’t commit to anything…. I am worried that I should just kill myself

    I’ve only read you initial post and I’m sure Anita will address looking into the reasons you might have gotten stuck in acting in ways you do not wish to act.

    In the hero’s journey the idea of death is often a symbol for the desire of transformation, not a physical death but more often then not an ego death. The thought ‘I should just kill myself’ could be the subconscious suggesting that your stuckness may be due to an attachment or your sense of self/ego whose time has past. (Change is often felt by the ego as a physical dying and so its understandable we hang on to what we ‘know’ and fight when the task is to let go.)

    The title of your post, ‘can’t commit to Life’ struck me. Personally, I prefer the word engage with Life then commit. Words matter and for me, engage implies participation with what shows up.

    The reality is that Life happens to us with or without our commitment to it.  That may seem bleak however it isn’t as Life does not demand anything of us, its free. We are loved freely. Life does not give us meaning or purpose, it is we that give life meaning and purpose. We are free to engage as we are, the gift to learn and grow. We are not committed on one path, we get to discover our own.

    What would it feel like to engage with the life that shows up and see where it goes? Don’t get me wrong there is a place for discipline and goals and now may be a time to engage with discipline to get unstuck. Engage with your classes without labeling yourself. Forget try just do, detach your sense of self from your inner dialog and do. What doors might open?

    One step, then the next. That’s how everyone does it, even if you imagine they don’t. One step, then the next…

    in reply to: changing ourselves from within #321383

     ‘How do we walk around in a world full of shadow traps?’  As the individuals we were created to be.  Every being on this planet was born out of love.  That is who we are.  Gandhi is right.  Once we change ourselves the tendencies in the world will also change.


    Love, one of those words we think we ‘know’. I suspect that if our expectation of love is that we never experience pain, as the song goes, we don’t know love at all. Perhaps then, the shadow traps are not so much traps but gateways to a better relationship to Love ‘as it is’ the pain and the joy. A love transparent to the transcendent blossoming when we are it.

    There is a character in the TV show ‘A Million Little Things’ whose Husband had/has a drinking problem, cheated on her with one of their best friends which resulted in a child and has chosen to stay in relationship with her husband, family and friends.

    The expectation as we watch is for the drama of divorce and separation. She has been betrayed. We learn that over the last few years she wasn’t fully engaged in the marriage however that is no excuse for the betrayal.  She/we deserve better, society expects/demands it, justice demands it, the cost of betrayal is separation, everyone knows that.

    We watch puzzled, the character is determined to respond and make a real choice that comes from within, who she is. There have been no ultimatums, no demands or for that matter any talk of forgiveness.  Only Space. Is this a unrealistic character on tv or is it possible… We watch, She’s done something….

    The character has chosen to choose over ego.  This is not a sacrificing of love for love, but Love coming from loving herself. The experience of betrayal opening her up to herself, she is choosing… and has made herself more. She is expanded.

    There is a hermetic riddle. As above so below, as below so above. We are influenced yet in the same moment we influence. That is not a paradox. We are part of the whole, inseparable, smaller then small and bigger then big… we are the change we see.

    in reply to: Being Happy In the Moment #320581

    Hi Angel

    So Much of our anxiety is created not by what does or does not happen to us but by our thoughts on how we view the past and imagine the future. Nothing chases away the opportunity for the experience of happiness then paying to attaching our sense of self to our memories and fears of the future.  Identifying ourselves with these thoughts will most assuredly take us out of the present.  The possibility of the experience of happiness lies in the present. Seeking it in the past and what might be works against us. (Happiness isn’t something we create but something we experience. These moments can occur taking out the garbage or curing cancer.)

    “The car goes where the eyes go” without awareness the eyes tend to focus on our fears, and doing so that is what we crash into.  Mindfulness and meditation may help.

    In Mindfulness you learn to notice when your eyes/thoughts are focused on the past and or future and how your sense of self is being influenced by that focus.  Ask yourself if you notice feeling bad about feeling bad. That would be an indication that you have attached your sense of self to how you feel. Try not to judge or label yourself for doing that. The practice is to notice. Eventually you may notice you can experience your feelings and thoughts about your feelings without “being” your thoughts and feelings.

    In Meditation you learn how to detach yourself from thoughts and emotion. You are not your memories, you are not your future, you are not your feelings, you are not your thoughts. There are thoughts, there are feelings, there are experiences… You are not that.

    The “quite mind” is not a mind that stops chattering, but a way of being that does not attach identity and or sense of self to the chatter.  Your mind is doing what it was designed to do, you are not your mind….

    Best wishes

    in reply to: How to become responsible for your own happiness? #320391

    Hi Harshita
    With regards to the question: How to become responsible for your own happiness. I really like today’s blog


    in reply to: Lost Passion in Life #319687

    Hi Priyanka

    I suspect many of us on this forum have found ourselves experiencing this loss of passion at one time or another. It’s a thought spot to be in. Such experiences can also be linked to depression so talking to someone could be helpful.

    You write about looking for that job that spark joy. I don’t think you can know what will spark joy unless you’re in it. The good news is that you’re at a point where you don’t have anything to lose so all doors are possibilities.  To find what your looking for you have to engage with life. A place to start may be in dropping the should s that seem to be dominating your internal dialog. Should’s suck the life out of life

    Joy is an emotion that comes as a surprise, not so much as something we create or can cling to. Only by engaging with Life can we be surprised by Joy. Hope is the art of being passive as not forcing things, while active as being ready to pounce when possibilities present themselves. You can lean on this type of hope.

    Be kind to your self. Everything starts by taking a step.

    You may enjoy the movie ‘Brittany runs a marathon’

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Peter.
    in reply to: A poem #314049

    Nice. Even the God part.

    All words are symbols and unpacking a word  like ‘God’ has resulted in millions of books and billions of words so its understandable that each of us relates/triggers to it differently.

    in reply to: LETTING GO #314043

    Hi Alecsee

    When you say “Letting Go” what does that look like to you?

    For the longest time when I was given the advice to Let go I misunderstood and felt like I was being asked to forget and or pretend nothing happened.

    I’ve learned that ‘Letting go’ is not a forgetting or indifference to our experience but entering fully in the flow of the experience. Even if the experience was the memory of the event.  Letting Go is a release from blocking experience to allowing the even or memory of the event to be experienced as It Is in the present. Through the concept of ‘letting go’ we ‘Detach’ our sense of ‘self’ and or ‘ego’  allowing moment to flow as it is in the moment.

    We Let Go or Let Flow our attachments to our thoughts and memories. In this way we avoid dwelling on a thought or memory which often includes emotions such as regret. Regretting = dwelling = Blockage vice flow

    I also don’t think I’m as open to change as I use to be.

    The thing with change is that it happens slowly then all at once. We tend not to notice all the small stuff of change until we notice a result. Change is also a flow.

    in reply to: Feeling Like a Fraud #312745

    I suspect that everyone at sometime in their lives feels this way. There is this idea in phycology called ‘persona’. A persona is a kind of mask we put on as we interact with other. Persona’s are not fake. While at work one would not put on the persona of Husband, Wife, Brother, Sister, Son, Daughter…  that would just be weird.

    When we first become aware that we have persona’s, masks, roles to play, its natural to wonder, oh I must be fake.

    In Buddhist teaching we are reminded that we are not our persona’s. we are not there role we take on, we are our emotions, we are not our thoughts…  It is however when we over identify with a specific persona, emotion, thought that we are not being real.

    For example, ‘I am a businessman’ Everything I see and do comes through perspective of the businessman. When I succeed in business, I’m good, when I fail, I’m bad. You can see how that is going to be problematic especially when the ‘businessman’ needs to relate to others as perhaps Father, Son, Lover, Friend…. The role of businessman is not fake. Its just not appropriate when relating to a partner.

    Anyway, you’re are a point where your noticing the various roles you have with the realization that you are not your roles. This is understandably uncomfortable, but not fake. It is through our roles and interactions with others that we learn about ourselves.

    My advice for what its worth is to pay attention, play a bit with the roles you take on, what fits, what doesn’t fit, what is helpful what is not.? Are you over identified by a role taken on? If so why?

    As you discover this thing that is you, be kind

    in reply to: Root Chakra Blocked – affecting my loved ones? #312125

    My understanding of the Chakra’s is that psychologically the root Chakra is the ID. A person who is all reaction, spending little time thinking for themselves or at all.

    The second Chakra would be the will to pleasure and the third the will to power. The first three Chakra’s or objective with the focus on the outer world.

    Chakra four is the heart as the focus moves inward, five the will to power directed inward as mastering the self, six will to pleasure transform as love inward and expanded, seven unification – problem of opposites.

    We tend to move from Chakra to Chakra, perhaps even within a single breath.  Unless you are really negative, controlling and demanding of those you care about follow the rules and provide for you I don’t think your stuck at the root Chakra.

    I didn’t get that impression from what I read. Continue on being the change you wish to see and the money issue will change

    in reply to: Do people answer on this site? #311941

    There are no answers only questions…. That said the following pretty much answers it all

    “I don’t get it,’ Caroline said, bemused. ‘She’s the only one with wings. Why is that?’
    There were so many questions in life. You couldn’t ever have all the answers. But I knew this one.
    It’s so she can fly,’ I said. Then I started to run.” ― Sarah Dessen , The Truth About Forever

    “You spend your whole life looking for answers because you think the next answer will solve all your problems: make you a little less miserable, because when you run out of questions you don’t just run out of answers… you run out hope.” – House


    The Riddle” – Five for Fighting

    There was a man back in ’95
    Whose heart ran out of summers
    But before he died, I asked him

    Wait, what’s the sense in life
    Come over me, Come over me

    He said,

    Son why you got to sing that tune
    Catch a Dylan song or some eclipse of the moon
    Let an angel swing and make you swoon
    Then you will see… You will see

    Then he said,

    Here’s a riddle for you
    Find the Answer
    There’s a reason for the world
    You and I…

    Picked up my kid from school today

    Did you learn anything cause in the world today
    You can’t live in a castle far away
    Now talk to me, come talk to me

    He said,

    Dad I’m big but we’re smaller than small
    In the scheme of things, well we’re nothing at all
    Still every mother’s child sings a lonely song
    So play with me, come play with me

    And Hey Dad
    Here’s a riddle for you
    Find the Answer
    There’s a reason for the world
    You and I…

    I said,

    Son for all I’ve told you
    When you get right down to the
    Reason for the world…
    Who am I?

    There are secrets that we still have left to find
    There have been mysteries from the beginning of time
    There are answers we’re not wise enough to see

    He said… You looking for a clue I Love You free…

    The batter swings and the summer flies
    As I look into my angel’s eyes
    A song plays on while the moon is high over me
    Something comes over me

    I guess we’re big and I guess we’re small
    If you think about it man you know we got it all
    Cause we’re all we got on this bouncing ball
    And I love you free
    I love you freely

    Here’s a riddle for you
    Find the Answer
    There’s a reason for the world
    You and I…

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Peter.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Peter.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Peter.
    in reply to: Nothing makes sense anymore. #311937

    Hi G

    I’m sorry to hear your struggling.

    “The most painful state of being is remembering the future, particularly the one you’ll never have.” ― Søren Kierkegaard

    Now that school is finished it appears your mourning the future you imagined before the illness. There is a time for all things and that includes mourning.

    Your reaching out so now may be a time to move on from where you’re at.

    Meditation and mindfulness may be helpful tools getting to a place where you can accept your situation. I might also seek out professional help in dealing with your depression.

    I wish you well. Be kind to yourself

    When in a similar emotional state, I found the book ‘Learning to Fall: The Blessings of an Imperfect Life’ by Philip Simmons. The book helped me put things in perspective.


    in reply to: How do you bring purpose into your life? #311603

    We tend to desire Purpose as an objective experience, a job a passion… but such experiences can’t last. The truth is the experience exists in the moment and like all moments flows by.

    Whether you notice it or not, all that you are, as you are, and do is purpose and gives meaning to life (life does not give you meaning you give meaning to life). What your looking to experience then may not be purpose.

    Some Quotes on purpose and meaning by – Joseph Campbell

      “We’re so engaged in doing things to achieve purposes of outer value that we forget the inner value, the rapture that is associated with being alive, is what it is all about.  – Joseph Campbell

    “People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances with our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive.”

    “Life is not a problem to be solved but a mystery to be lived.”

    “We’re not on our journey to save the world but to save ourselves. But in doing that you save the world”

    “We’re in a freefall into future. We don’t know where we’re going. Things are changing so fast, and always when you’re going through a long tunnel, anxiety comes along. And all you have to do to transform your hell into a paradise is to turn your fall into a voluntary act. It’s a very interesting shift of perspective and that’s all it is… joyful participation in the sorrows and everything changes”

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