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You wrote :”-right there could be your motivation to rush into marriage (at only 19) to a “hard working guy with a promising future.”
This is correct. I am very scared that I will end up alone as I already mentioned before, this is the root of my fear of being alone. Because my mother does not approve of me being alone, that ended up making me desperate to get married as soon as possible. Correct, Anita?
You wrote : “why is it her money, I wonder. Why not their money, hers and her husband’s? Was and is there no Partnership/ a We and Our, in that marriage?”
I understand that after marriage, your money becomes his money and his money become yours as well. That was besides the point. Financially, the marriage wasn’t equal between the couple. If the gap is not very big, it is understandable. I come from a country where most man must be the main provider for his family so for a woman to be the main provider instead, it is a bit odd. I am not saying that it is wrong, it is just not a common practice here.
You wrote : “couldn’t that well off family finance her stay in a hospital when she needed to give birth?”
Her family used to be well off. Her parents owned a store or something and since they are getting old, their store isn’t doing very well anymore. Both of her parents already retired now, so they cannot help her much – I think the fact that she can even give birth at that small clinic is because her parents helped her a bit with the money and let her stay in their house for a few months.
You wrote : “this is my point about being in a dark room with your mother having a flashlight, pointing to this or that detail. Without the whole picture, the way you put the details together may form a picture that is not true.”
I agree with you on this. There are a lot of points of the story that I must have missed. She can be very much content and happy with her husband and life, who knows?
You wrote : “Look where the flashlight is pointing: it is pointing to a handbag.”
Can you give more more details about this?
The handbag story was not told by mother. She does not even know about the handbag story because I never told anyone about it. As I told you above, we had an annual trip to Singapore every year, I often shop with her. This story is recent, probably a year ago. We went to a store and there is a bag that she wanted to buy so she bought it. I shared a hotel room with her, and she had hidden the bag inside some kind of a bag, and I asked her why did she do that. She answered that she is scared her husband will get mad if he found out that she bought a bag in Singapore.
I found it very sad. I do not know why but … to the point where you have to hide stuff that you bought? Isn’t it too much? I personally think she is free to buy whatever that she wants since it is her money.
I am not denying that the fact that I have this kind of mindset is influenced by mother`s teaching throughout the years. I became very aware of the things that she does not approve of and started to maybe really see the logical reason why. I think, she is trying to make me have the same mindset as her
I understand your point clearly this time, thank you for being so precise.
The friend story, I think I wasn’t being very clear about it.
The friend came from a pretty well off family BEFORE her marriage. Her family had warned her not to marry this guy since he is uneducated and did not have a stable job back then and currently still does not have a stable well paid job. Her family told her that her life would be so hard because instead of her husband, she would be the one bringing in most of the money.
She at that time of her marriage did not mind. She had LOVED to travel and shop when she was still single, and since she was still supported by her family it was still do-able for her.
She was working at the same firm as my mother so she used to get paid quite well too. One day, the firm where my mother and the friend worked at went bankrupt. My family were fine because my father has a stable job. The friend`s family went through a very hard time after that due to the husband not having a job. Not to mention that the friend got her car robbed too (this is irrelevant to the topic, I know that being robbed has nothing to do with having a bad husband)
Other than that she couldn’t travelled during that time, and she had to go into labor in a small old clinic, etc. I do not know all the details since I was quite young. But I do remember visiting her baby in that clinic while wearing my ballet costume very vividly, that is when my mother told me why I need to listen to what parents has to say in a marriage relationship. It is important to look for someone your equal if you do not want to ended up like that.
I remember this incident so well in the back of my mind.
The friend now is working again at that same firm because the firm re opened after a few years. Since she has her job again, she can “breathe” a little. She can travel with cheap plane flights to a nearby country that is only an hour away by plane. She can put her kids to a private school too. This is all because of HER – not her husband. The fact that they can even go overseas once a year? it is almost all her money, I believe.
What makes me mad the most is that why can’t she spend her hard working money on ONE bag? It does not even cost that much, 300 dollar at most. It is not like she buys bags every month. I know because she only buys bags every time she goes overseas with me and my mother in Singapore, before our annual trip to Australia (which the firm paid for)
I pity her very much. If the firm isn’t doing well, she would go back to her old life since she cannot count on her husband to make a living.
This story became one of the “root” of why when most 19 year olds wants to date good looking guy, I am looking forward to date a smart and hard working guy with a promising future.
You asked : “Can you imagine, Mina, that what your mother taught you is not completely true?”
I agree with this statement. The thing is, most of the remarks that my mother made – in a sense was proven to be true.
For example, my mother has a good friend, they have been friends since my mother was pregnant with me so they went a way back. This particular friend of my mother married the “wrong person” according to my mother. The friend married someone financially unstable, I remember very vividly my mother telling me at that time when I was quite young around 10 or 11 years old that her friend is suffering because of this. My mother told me how her friend
s family had warned her NOT to marry this guy yet my mother
s friend did not listened and went through with the marriage. Well, the friend has 3 kids now and had to worked her ass off for her family to eat. She loves to shop and travel, and there was an occasion when I travelled with her and it was so sad to see her hiding her expensive handbags from her husband because he does not agree with her buying bags. I do not want to imagine having to do that with my future husband. The friend also had to have her third child not on a hospital but on a small clinic because she lacked money. My mother told me that the moral of the story is to listen to your parents when it comes to partners.I still have quite a few scary stories that my mother told me, that are definitely proven to be true. Most people that does not have her approval does live miserably, I personally tried to checked.
Reading your feedback, I understand where you are coming from, Anita. You mentioned that I should have evaluated her teaching, I tried. You think that I believed my mother words as it is when I heard it? I believe it when I am also seeing it myself. and most of the time, I am seeing the same things as my mother had told me.
I cannot shake off the mindset that being a nobody is scary when I have been told that it is not ok to be a nobody in this world by my own parents. I trust them, and I love them, I am sure they want me to live well and not be miserable due to marrying the wrong person.
I wonder, if you have any feedback regarding this? I am always open to advices.
ParticipantUpdate :
I am not innocent in my relationship with my ex partner. I was “using” him to let the pressure from my parents go to him instead of me. I have no ambition to purse a degree in Business or working in my Fathers company. I was using my partner, hoping that if we marry – he would be the one having to do that. Making my parents wishes come true. I can stay at home while taking care of the kids and the house, and he works outside.
Now, I have no choice but to pursue Business degree as well. It is very tough since I am planing to do a double major. It is also a known fact that my university Business school is the best in the country, so it will be really hard to get it in as my second major. I have to get a perfect GPA next semester. I am determined to get a perfect GPA though. I have no one but myself to rely on.
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by
You always managed to write amazing feedback.
You wrote : “I think you want to get away from the pressure by your parents to study and make a prestigious, well paying career for yourself.”
This is 100 percent correct. And I think you should also put marriage inside those categories other than studying well and earn a prestigious career. My ex was the perfect partner for marriage, not to mention his major is Business – my father had wanted me to study Business but I decided to “rebel” for once and went against him so currently I am studying a different major which my father opposes until now.
My ex speaks three language, very smart, is the student representative of his major, and he is also going to the same prestigious university as me, basically he was everything that my parents had wanted in a son in law. Do you remember me mentioning my ex boyfriend mandatory military service? Mostly couples break up during the 2 years period of the service. I actually was willing to wait for him. I told him that and he was so surprised. He told me that he won’t let me wait. I know that waiting for 2 years isn’t easy but I was willing to go “all in” with a hope that an engagement plan will follow after the military service. I was that desperate to get married. I am probably still desperate even now because if we are still dating, I would still wait for him. I would visit his city every weekend if he really does move college.
Clearly now – the whole marriage plan has failed. So my only way is studying well and pray to earn a really good job after I graduated. It would be better if I had find a guy before I graduated.
Well my relationship with my parents are good. We get along very well. I mentioned how much they spoiled me on my last thread, but I did not realise that the pressure was unbearable for me until you mentioned it here. My parents are quite judgemental on people, maybe that is why. My mom especially made a lot of remarks towards those “nobodies” – what I mean by nobodies are those who married the wrong people (poor, abusive, or uneducated partner) or those who is in their 30s and still haven’t married anyone. Or basically anyone graduating from a university and did not get a well paid job.
She made it clear since I was very little that being those “nobodies” are the worst thing. I admit that I am very scared that I will turn into those people that my mom talks about.
You mentioned a few times that you have “no information” – I wonder what kind of information that you are looking for?
I agree with this point : “For example, your ex boyfriend might be feeling very good this very moment while you perceive that he is suffering this very moment. As you suffer at any one moment for his (perceived) suffering, you are the one suffering while he is feeling very good.”
I know that this probably all in my mind only and maybe he is very much content with how the relationship ended considering I gave him my very own blessing to be happy and move on. I am pissed that his blessing does not work as well as I wanted it to be.
I guess that every recovery has its own ups and downs, it has been difficult for me to let it go completely. I am still struggling but I can feel that time does heal. A new person will come again and I will love again.
My fall semester will start in less than 2 weeks, I am scared for a new beginning – but at the same time, I can feel that I need that beginning to start again. I will take care of myself, I need to stop this stupid self torture.
I think I understand your first point better now. Thank you.
Regarding the 2nd point, I mentioned how difficult it was for my boyfriend during the relationship due to his studies and future plans. It was also emotionally difficult for him to break up with me. He feels a lot of guilt, the fact that he even had to feel guilty about me during one of the hardest time in his life … I feel guilty about it. That is it.
Regarding my parents, I can see your point. My parents has been married for 20 years and they are still “there” for each other no matter what. They fought and disagree but they never leave each other behind especially during hard times. Maybe in a way – I learnt a lot from their marriage relationship. Never give up on the person that you love during hard times.
Any thoughts or advice?
ParticipantHi Connie,
You wrote : “I have this urge to contact him and apologize but afraid to stir up all feelings again, especially for him.”
Apologise for what?
I was in a very similar situation, I was trying to use any way that I know to contact my ex partner during no contact period and I did contacted him using his birthday as an excuse. I did not regret it, it was a closure for me. and maybe also for my ex partner to know that we wished each other well (you must have read about that thread because you commented back then)
I think that you are having troubles letting go, there is a quote that helped me get through my break up, it is a quote by a Korean novelist named Tablo, and he wrote this in his book :
“The thing that you are hanging on to may becomes the things that hang you.”
I would like to help you but I need to know the reason why you hold on so tightly to this person. I read that he is very unresponsive and does not help you with moving on because he never gave a clear answer regarding getting back together or second chances. His “not a clear answer or no answer” gives you a glimmer of hope. I think your ex partner is very inconsiderate of your feelings and well being by doing this to you.
Other than the fact that you loved this person very much, is there any reason why you refuse to let go and move on? Are you perhaps afraid that you won’t meet someone better? or are you afraid that you will never get over him in general?
From your thread, I assume that you told almost everything to him already and did almost everything to win him back too – so do you still feel like it is not enough? I have a friend, she loved someone (it was a one side love) for almost 10 years. She tried everything to make it work, and on Valentine Day – she was going to confess it once for all. The person did not come at all. After that, she cried it all out and smiled. She told me that she felt “free” and she has no regrets because she had tried everything and even though it did not work out, it felt good knowing she tried hardest.
You are trying your best, Connie. Sometimes it does not work out for some reasons, but in my opinion, you already tried your hardest. You are torturing yourself by not letting him go. It is yourself that you are hurting. I hate to be the one saying this but your ex partner does not care about you and has no intention of getting back together with you.
If he has such intentions, he will never ignore your pleading via email. He must have known how hard it is for you. He might have loved you in the past but he clearly does not anymore because in my opinion, you do not treat the people that you love like that for any reasons. The least that he can do is to be a mature man and wish you well. You both can move on peacefully and maybe stay friends if he had the nerve of even the conscience to do that. But he does not, correct?
I would love to hear your feedback.
1. You wrote : “I suppose you sacrifice what did not get you approval already, what got you disapproval, such things that seemed to your parents as incongruent with getting that education, career, income, material goods.”
Can you explain more about this?
2. I think about these self sacrifice thing for a while, there might be a chance that I am currently doing it to “punish” myself for somehow moving on from the past relationship while knowing how hard my ex life is right now? Maybe deep down I feel a lot of guilt for not feeling so sad.
What do you think? Is it a possibility?
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by
Yes, I remember very well.
Does this have anything to do with the whole “sacrifice myself” thing?
Maybe because of this … I feel like I always need to sacrifice something in my life to get approved by my parents or to be happy in general?
August 21, 2017 at 8:05 am in reply to: First Relationship Breakup, 8 months later still in love #164954Mina
ParticipantHello Rideeta,
You wrote : “Are relationships this difficult for everyone? I feel devastated.”
I cannot speak for everyone but for me, my recent break up crushed me. I was depressed. I felt like I lost a best friend, a boyfriend and a soulmate. I was very attached and dependant on my ex partner and it was really hard to find myself again.
It will get better, if you let yourself to think more logically. Some things aren’t meant to be. You can be in love with someone, and they will love you back but sometimes if its not meant to be – you will be separated anyways. That is what happened to me. I realise that the term “love” itself isn’t enough for a relationship to continue.
I am 19 and you are 20. We are very close in age, you must have heard a lot of people says how lucky you are for being so young and how it is not worth it to cry over a break up. I am hear to tell you : you can cry and you can grief.
Time will slowly heal you, if you let time in. You will be able to see things more clearly in the next 3 months. Relationships does not work out sometimes, and that is okay. There will be another relationship. This another one will probably be a better one for you too. This ex partner of yours isn’t the one for you for all those obvious reasons you have stated. If there is anything that I can give you advice on, please do not let a break up turn your dignity into dust.
Stop contacting or hoping he would go back to you. Do not hate him either, think about him as a friend. Or someone that you used to share a lot of good memories with. Being with him was a blessing and a lesson. You were happy to be with someone that you truly loved, but turned out – being with him also taught you a few important lessons in life.
First break ups are always hard, I had mine when I was 15 and I thought that I was going to die. I clearly did not die, I lived my life again happily, even more happily than before and found my recent ex partner that I loved very much maybe more than my first love (or first break up)
You will find someone else that will love you very much, someday.
-Mina x
I did not expect you to remember almost everything that I had mentioned in my previous threads.
You wrote : “What your parents do demand of you is that you study hard so that you can be “someone” in the future, so that you can have the prestige and income of a respectable profession, correct?”
You are 100 percent correct this time.
ParticipantDear Anita,
You wrote : “You learned to sacrifice a part of yourself. Someone taught you. It is impossible for a child to understand this and it is very difficult for an adult child to figure it out, that a parent taught them to put away an important part of themselves.”
Is this necessarily a bad thing? At some point, all social human beings needs to make some kind of a “sacrifice” to live, no? We cannot get all things that we wanted our way. We have to work hard and sometimes we have to sacrifice something important to get the bigger things.
You wrote : “If you think about what your mother, let’s say, disapproved about you, what she still disapproves of, that will give you a clue.”
I can only think of a few things that aren’t very important. The big thing is probably her disapproving of me marrying someone that does n0t have the same religion and same ethnic.
1. So in order for me to feel “complete” again – I have to s0mehow “take back” of the part that I had sacrificed for my ex right?
2. I understand your point, thank you.
3. I am thinking so hard about this. I have never felt like I sacrificed anything important of myself to my parents. Although I do hide or sacrifice a part of myself when it comes to socialising with people. I do not really show my true side to a lot of people. Maybe this could be the reason?
Thanks for the feedback x
1. You wrote : “This sacrifice is the reason you wrote in that thread: “I have become a stranger, even to myself. The process of the break up CHANGED me.”
so because of this sacrifice that I made, I felt like I became a totally different person even to myself? correct?
2. You wrote : “During the relationship your focus was on him, his concerns, his pain, his secrets. That was one kind of living.”
was it a bad way for me to live? be honest please
3. You wrote : “Because of your age, it is most likely that you learned this in your relationship with a parent or parents.”
can you explain more about this? I am not really understanding. so one of my parent or both of my parents, are somehow teaching me that I have to sacrifice myself for another person if I love them?
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by