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ParticipantHi Anita,
Thank you for your perspective, its quite a problem for me, being mostly alone and trying to interpret what is going on around me. I also do not always follow what people are saying because of the language barrier so sometimes i know i come across as dumb, because i dont always understand. Its frustrating but ive become used to that. So the bullying and negativity are a combination i know fairly well.
I know other people who simply speak their own language and dont bother to learn but if im honest, ive done really well to get so far and having some knowledge, it is going to be an advantage when the world turns to shit, as it might.
And with regards to my friend looking for work and a place to call home, i feel a great deal of empathy beause i know how he feels even though he looks a lot like the local people and i dont. He says he has experienced a lot of racism but i know he is also antagonistic sometimes. You need the patience of a saint sometimes. Culturally speaking i think he is a better match for a country like the States. When i first moved here, it was a recession and no one had any money. There were literally no young people and i thought i had come to the end of the line….but…..i found through my patience, that people were kind, gentle, sweet and helpful. I just felt gratitude because i had nothing. I think im talking about older generations mainly though. I think the younger generation here is impatient, greedy and does not have time to understand other cultures. There´s a difference. And there are new visitors too, impatient, demanding….its sad sometimes but that is what an increasingly succesful economy attracts, no one has time to stop.
We now have a lot of wealthy older foreign people from all over …expensive cars and more increasingly younger couples who want to live a cleaner life by the sea. That is the marketing speak though. There is another side and that is the people who are searching for answers or running away from something. The ocean is a great attraction for the lost.
What im trying to understand in myself is why i am struggling through this life when, like my friend i could just say “this isnt working, im going”. I know its not as simple maybe, i have elderly parents i have to think of who are vunerable here but its more the fact that im already older, tired of living in different countries. It would have probably all fallen into place if i had met the right guy i think as most women fall into a routine that way. Being alone is very hard, i have to be very strong all the time.
Its good to hear your perspective that i am misinterpreting situations as this makes me hopeful that things arent as bad as they seem. But they still seem bad! I dont feel there is much doubt that the family member at work has made my job harder and so forced me to look at other options, he would prefer me to leave. Ive let other people´s issues affect me and its poison for the mind. Also influenced by my colleague, i guess we have come to our own conclusions. When in doubt you refer to your instinct about situations and coincidences rarely exist do they?
And my ex is long gone. Ive hung on and on with the dream-like imagining that i am special somehow. It seemed preferable, understandably when you consider the lonely reality, to believe that i have some hold on him. I guess i wanted to feel wanted by someone that i was attracted to. But there is no magic there, he is a narcissist who is probably abusing the woman he is with. In fact i think one of the best things i did was to talk to one of the women he left me for (the first time around) because i could then see the delusion in her for myself. I try to remind myself of that. She left him soon after and i must admit, i think i saved her from a lot of pain. But i suffered it. I got back with him and then he left me again for his current girlfriend. he was my drug like nothing i had experienced before. Crazy that this can happen and you think you are so rational as a person but around him i would lose myself.
ParticipantHi Anita,
I think i mostly feel sadness!
i never used to feel so intensly angry at situations..i guess when i was younger i thought things might change and things would happen differently but they didnt. Im not sure why i attract negativity from others but i do. And it just seems to get worse. At work some years ago i used to regularly get abusive comments from clients, some about me being foreign, some sexist, it was a relief in a way when i became, i guess..more unattractive to get that attention. But that was also probably another reason for my ex to you cant win.
I think im prone to being bullied because i dont speak up, cant seem to…its like i have a stupid fascination to see where its going, to fall headlong into the pain of rejection from someone. Maybe i create the disasters in my life but i dont seem to have the will to fight back.
i started to feel some years ago that people are expected to be a little nasty in one way or another: jealous or competitive. That this is healthy. I dont get that. i know i sound stupid. I dont really get jealous….i can see other people´s beauty and i can see the things they have…but my default is to think that they too may have problems. I guess that has kept me going in a lot of ways as my nose gets rubbed in other people´s fortune quite a lot. I know there are people who WANT to make me jealous but it wont work…im not wired like that. Maybe that makes them angry.
I´m not the typical average person in that i dont have a partner and i dont have kids, so a whole easy way of meeting people is lost to me. On the other hand i think that the way i live is getting more and more common. No kids. No man. Through my 30s i had the thoughts like most women do, that i may be judged for not being partnered up..but once you get past 40 people literally dont notice you anymore and it becomes less of an issue. I guess you could say they conclude you are a loser then. Even women who have been divorced are more desirable but to me i see some women´s desperation to find a man and its a little sad. But i dont really care anymore..i accepted a lot of things i didnt want to accept, i can deal with it. I would only be with someone if they were right for me, after all the experiences and the pain i suffered after, its just really not worth the effort unless the guy is 100% right. My mom constantly says i should meet some old guy so i can be taken care of. She has said that before but luckily she doesnt push too much.
I thought about leaving the country a lot of times. Just talking to my friend reminded me how HARD it is to make a success of being where i am. He started pointing out the negatives and it just got me down. But i dont see a path outside where i am just now..
I see what you mean about the anger, keeping me in a tense state of reaction. Ive tried to suppress my true feelings a lot i see. When someone hurts me, i dont react but pretend i didnt hear or that i dont care. But i do. I dont like people being disrespectful but they often are..i just want to get through the day. But being creative, enjoying a moment, these things seem to be slipping from me and that just makes life all about work and nothing else.
A colleague and I have been planning to start a business away from our work, nothing great…rentals. But we are both sick of the dynamic at our work place. So this is a slow project. This year is hopefully the worst. Only problem for me is that im not too excited about the work…id like to do other things but i just dont have confidence. I have to say that she has also complained a lot about work situations and probably we have sat with the negativity a lot. I felt bad for her too though, its unfair a lot of the things that have happened.
I STILL think a lot about my ex. I am conscious of his problems and also believe it would not work, and yet…yet. still miss him, still feel that we are compatible in some way.
i know that being in my workplace has become unhealthy, and my colleague also felt that too for her…we just need to try and get out and maybe things will look better.
ParticipantHi Anita, Im back after being incredibly busy working around the clock. Ive tried my best to keep my head down and stay away from the rest. Its been the only way I can deal with my circling thoughts I guess but im close to burning out again from everything. Since Ive been back to work I’ve not been feeling very healthy (tired and sometimes unwell) and I’ve been struggling with this general emotional overspill. I think that I’ve unintentionally developed a trigger response to almost anything that can be perceived as negative. Im finding it hard to switch off and relax in any way, even if I take a walk something happens that irritates me.
But something else is weighing on me. Bad news. I just heard from my mother that my brother in law lost his sister to an overdose…this is the US and she was apparently already years into addiction. At first I was just shocked, she was 41 and I didn’t know her at all. Later on though, I started to feel really sad and emotional about it…trying to imagine what had happened to her and her life to make it so bad. I couldn’t get away from the heavy feeling and didn’t really know why it was bugging me.
I realised a bit later that the reason it felt so much to me was because my ex was an addict. Its not something that I like to admit. I only really understood that some years into the relationship and the signs were of course obvious but I was quite naive and also in a bit of an alternate reality myself, having suffered from depression and some bad experiences as well as a whole new country and culture. This triggered me to think of the issues that he may have been dealing with as well as hers, no doubt to do with family and childhood issues. This is of course worrying as my sister has a relationship with that family and we don’t know for sure the whole story. But when my sister ever spoke about her it was in negatives; that she was a total mess and no one could help her. To me that is sad in itself as I find it hard to give up on people although I know others do. I often feel a huge amount of sadness for situations or people I don’t even know.
After I had this news I had a zoom meeting with work and I had lost the thought from my mind at that point but just felt so angry and didn’t know why (probably that). I couldn’t smile and go along with all the fake compliments that were going on and I could see that some of my team were smirking at my apparent attitude. That made me even angrier as its led by this family member for sure influencing the new staff. Sometimes it feels like im being tortured in life…I wonder why its ME that has to continually be taught a lesson? Why can’t something go wrong for this guy at work? Ok, some things have but he bounces back and has now got a supportive little team going…that like to make fun of me I think, but this is just defensive thoughts. I still can’t speak the language and so mostly at the meetings I can’t join in, they seem to find that funny. But to me its abusive.
Today I met with an old colleague I used to work with. He knows the situation and also had his own experiences with the family member. I know this ex colleague would probably like a relationship with me and I’ve only seen him on a couple of ocaccssions but I just don’t feel anything. And although I like him as a friend, some of his behaviour irritates me as he was already giving up on another job he is in…I think he needs patience and he was talking about leaving the country which made me depressed. Maybe he is right? I should not hang on for so long but do something different.
I wish I had more guts.
ParticipantHi Anita, Thank you for understanding that sometimes its just…well writing it out but also someone seeing this is wrong. If i could write with hindsight i would say that perhaps a great deal of people´s mental issues can be caused by the negative choices made by others. In my case, my ex is a common situation but the work situation bothers me maybe more…because i dont feel i can do much about that. Ive had a situation like this before and now here i am again. Corrupt bosses who are weak managers and turn to people with underhand ways of doing business…it must be the norm.
Im try to look from the outside into my situation, to see how it looks from other peoples´perspective. I feel a lot of shame for complaining. I want to be a strong and successful business woman with a great life and a happy home life but i am not. I know that there are people going through a lot like me. And im lucky to still have a job but at times it feels like it could break you.
As i get older of course the people who are my clients get younger and i realise i missed out on a lot. Work has been at the centre of my life because i never make much money and always seem to be at a disadvantage. I can´t seem to break out of working for others when ive had many ideas for self employment, i never had the funding to start something or a solid idea or connections. I dont live in my native country so there will be no natural source of funding.
The unfair situation at my work i know includes some clear examples of discrimination but at a certain point you are faced with the ugly truth. Do you have the money to fight this? What will you gain from fighting this? and the answer is, im a small person with not much money battling it out against the kind of people who are big fish in small ponds. and its a small world. Im worried about burning bridges and i dont have many connections. But the anger i feel has been burning me up. Its unfair! but i have to keep my mouth shut.
I have to say that i already spent time off work due to the stress, and used that disability time to try and find another job. But the terms and conditions were not good. I weighed up the difference and it didnt seem to come out well. its tough to start again. One of my colleagues tried to leave, she had more years experience than me and a year later came back with her tail between her legs….
In my mind i can handle almost anything, ive been through so much. But when someone pokes at me on a daily basis like it seems this family member just has to, it sends me over the edge. He is playing with fire.
I am somewhat calmer today and had a good result at work but whenever i am around them at the office something is always triggering bad feelings. I need to find a way to not care at all about them.
I have to say that although ive read about other people in toxic work situations i dont tend to meet so many friends or people in one. I guess because they leave before it affects them! But right now i just cant leave without a decent amount in the bank.
ParticipantHi Anita, Its been a while…ive had a week of feeling totally exhausted and weak. And it has passed by so quickly while i have too much to do and worry about. im dealing with a lot of mental stress as you can tell but i feel it is transferring to various physical complaints. In the last weeks i also heard a lot of my colleagues complaints about the same, its compounding in a ball of angry frustration.
Life has been much like a fight lately. Im trying to swim but im dragged down and hit again and again. Things seem to keep going wrong. Today i left work with a head swimming like id been in an actual fight….thats when i knew, im really sick from this, i really have to do something and stop sitting and pretending i can manage, hoping it will go away.
First i felt unwell, so i knew i had to survive a full day with a headache and sore throat, then my dog ran away on our walk and i spent most of an hour to get her back.
Then i had to go to the office and be around the fragile air of uncertainty that i have felt there more keenly recently. I know i keep repeating myself here but its almost like i dont believe what i already know is happening, like i need someone else to tell me…the family member is replacing the old team. This is a hostile takeover within the company while the boss pretends she doesnt know what the problem is and denies everything.
It may not be illegal but its still not ethical to take someones job anywhere in the world, so the alternative option is, if you make it so unpleasant that they leave….no one will raise an eyebrow and the victim wont have any support. Meanwhile since i started in sales i have had a very hard time with the work, it takes time but i also have years of experience and i know its a bad time right now. So money is incredibly tight and meanwhile my colleague, the family member, is thriving and making a lot of sales….Some of these sales i believe are due to him taking advantage unfairly…not all but definitely some.
So today, as with other days when i have had to be around him and other staff..he created a situation he knew would be uncomfortable for me. If i was a psychologist i could tell you exactly what he was up to but i dont have the words, i would call it “psychological bullying” because nothing happened and you can reason it away but it is intended to cause stress to a particular person, me.
We have a rota that means each person takes a day in the office. Today was my turn and within half an hour he turned up, in his usual behaviour of being very busy doing nothing. He started a conversation across the room with our new office assistant who replaced my old job, he hired her and they spend a lot more time together. The way our office is laid out, this is very distracting for the person in my seat as you can´t concentrate. I knew it was leading up to some “moment” he had planned.
A short while later in walked an old colleague who had always got on very well with him, she acted very casually and said hi to all of us before sitting down with her back to me and had a rapid fire private, yet public conversation with him about something or other..I blocked it out as much as i could because im supposed to be working and obviously i was not included due to the conversation in their language and the way she was sitting, blocking me. If they speak to include me, they always switch to english as i cant follow everything which puts me at a disadvantage. I must also say, usually he goes in the other room to meet people but today he didnt. The reason that this is potentially upsetting is because my friend and colleague who has fought recently with him about various things, is away having a surgical procedure and the impression was very much that he was interviewing/bringing this old colleague back. Incidentally, while my colleague is away, he has allowed the other “new” staff member (his best friend) to work in her job temporarily. So now you can see why this is threatening to a number of us.
I always understood that this old colleague didnt want to come back to her old job but now im not so sure and they were very friendly in their meeting, chatting and laughing like good friends. I also got the impression she had visited before, as she waved hi and called the new assistant by name, you dont normally do that if you dont know them. I got on ok with this person but she was a cold energy, like him, driven for success and status..not open to empathic behaviour. She once told me for example, that she thought it was ok that one of her friends was dating a married man. Its totally different to how i feel. And yet…yet, i know she was cheated on and already had a child with that person. She quickly found another guy..a foreigner with a lot of money and seemingly little between the ears as she got pregnant immediately. The first days she joined us all i heard was her shouting down the phone at her partner. She is a no nonsense functional human being…basically pretty cold.
I felt very strongly that this was a show intended for me…to push me again, out of the company. Even the boss came out and was chatting with her very friendly and casually. I asked the boss afterwards what the meeting was about as he quickly left after that and she said she didnt know, all very light and innocent. But it certainly was not just a “hey, how are you doing” visit.
Again, i felt like i should speak to a lawyer. If they pressurise me (done), degrade my role (already done) sabotage my work (done), demean my work(done)or bully me into leaving (seemingly) then should i fight this? im no longer friendly and open…they got that out of me. I have nothing left to give the poor new colleagues as its just too much for me, another round of the same. But i want these family members to pay for the damage caused to my peace of mind.
Then, as if i wasnt already disturbed by that…later in the day the older business partner of my ex came to collect a key. He caught me in a moment of being flustered…and for some reason, i never could remember his face. He didnt start much of an introduction but just said he wanted the key to “nr….” so i was trying to find out what that was and when it dawned on me i was filled with humiliation. The keys had attached a fob from my company and i couldnt remove it so i just handed it to him and asked him who sold the house, to which he OF COURSE replied that it was the company of my ex´s new girlfriend..of course. We had it for sale also but my ex refused all the offers we got…i couldnt understand it. then when he told me who his girlfriend was, i realised why he made it harder for us.
This small moment has set me back at least a week of anger, tears and sadness. But mainly rage at my misfortune. I can´t explain to anyone how messy it is in my brain due to the cold hard cruelty of this Ex and my boss..the two of them working overtime to try and totally destroy my mental peace. that is what it feels like because it doesnt seem to stop!?
So i was glad for him to take the key away…but why did he come on my day? As he left he also said something strange, ” ill see you soon”. Not something you say to someone who you KNOW had been treated badly by your business colleague that you are UNLIKELY to see again, not something you mistakenly say to someone you NEVER see otherwise? what?
Im left confused and more angry again. I thought about sending a nasty text to my ex to say why he would never see me again but i stopped myself…but every time this happens, when i see him somewhere or some car of her company goes past, im reminded of my misfortune and failure. I feel i need to leave, go somewhere where no one knows me. And where i can get away from the pain caused.
When i was younger i had some serious depressions, after one boss was putting me under enormous pressure i had a nervous breakdown. I felt suicidal. Recently when i took time off work, it was because i felt that familiar feeling of losing my mind and a shaking feeling that meant i had to stop CARING about the work. A friend shouted down the phone i was heading into a depression and i was angry back but knowing he was right. There are people who dont understand why its a big deal, why cant you have a beer and just let go? for others they understand, i want to do a good job..respect means a lot to me. So to have that torn away from you is cruel. To get demeaning comments is cruel. To downsize or demean your role is cruel after loyal and continued support and commitment. I broke down to a doctor and she wrote a note for me but i didnt want anything to go on record…due to my last stigmatized experience. Instead, my body broke down and i suffered the back problem which basically “solved” the problem. You see how it works?
This is almost criminal to me. They have plenty of money. But their older staff are worth nothing to them. Shameful. I have had such hateful feelings, wanting to destroy things..then all i can turn to is karma. Hoping to teach them a lesson.
ParticipantHi Anita,
What you wrote here, i think is probably the core of it…which i sort of realised when i looked back on the relationship with my ex and then compared it to the relationship with my mother.
“Why am I attracted to witty and entertaining people only to find them mocking me and making fun that turns into hurtful cruelty?”- you were born to a witty and entertaining woman who mocked you and made fun of you and was cruel to you. Next, you see her in other people, often assuming that they mock you and make fun of you when really, they don’t.
But how do you move away from that negative yet attracting pattern? I get so tied up in my thinking. For instance, when i first went through the breakup with my ex..i poured over so many explanations and landed on the conclusion he was a narcissist. Because he fit the description well.
But with time and age, i was seeing other sides to the story as well, and then am not so sure of my diagnosis again. For instance, if he was such a narcissist why would he visibly seem regretful and say sorry to me..even if it was no grovelling apology. Someone with a lack of empathy would not even notice that anything was wrong. Is my mother a narcissist too? she has also shown she is sorry or once or twice apologised even though that was very rare. or are they both bipolar? Ive believed there is mental illness in my family, undiagnosed because people feel shame and want to hide it. Ive faced my problems without hiding anything because mine has been much more disruptive and to the surface but the rest seem to ignore and shove things under the rug. Sometimes i feel people would rather not know and switch on a movie, pretend its not happening.
I feel a bit better now its weekend. More drama today but im tired out by it. My boss did something yesterday publically in a meeting that left me so angry…i avoided writing a serious email to her today…i was feeling so awful as it was about discrimination.. i felt powerless and belittled. But somehow ive made it through without cracking. Another time.
ParticipantHi Anita,
I feel like the last months I’ve been like a person on a bumper car ride at the fair…I crash into one thing and then another and another. I turn around and someone hits me in the side and the back. It feels physical and maybe manifested as the back pain. It hasn’t ended but with each crash I tense up more and more. Every day brings a new problem, every day I feel im hanging on..barely able to stay sane or even wanting to continue like this.
I met a client who has gone through divorce recently, she is struggling with money and has also sustained a back injury or pain…this is not really a coincidence is it, the same things. My colleague was also inconsolable about arguments she had with the boss, the difficulty the abusive pressurising. There is nothing more to say except leave. My neck became so stiff from the stress of keeping in anger, of trying so hard to keep it together.
If I could let go of the injustice and anger with other people’s behaviour, maybe I could deal with it. My ex I´m sure is fine with his decisions. He will say he just moved on and because no one questions the actions of a man (sorry its true) he will get away with the cruel details of how he did it. As a man he will feel guilt but also won’t spend long feeling that way. My boss will say she “had to make a decision” on the future of the company and that is why I have been bullied and sabotaged in my work. Fake concern with colleagues and then being “broken down” in public at our meetings.
I just want people to be held accountable for their behaviour, as I sure have in my life. Instead it seems I am being beaten down by all of the evil side of people. Today I just feel so angry. I have felt like that most days that I have to interact with them.
Ironically my parents have been supportive and now I feel bad that I would complain about them…its all bitterness building up in me due to all the horrible things that have happened. They are not so aware how hard it has been for me.
Wow, another awful day.
ParticipantHi Anita,
I think my lumbar pain has been localised on one side …this has been something that flared up last winter..i really think it was me doing too much lifting of heavy things by myself. Its hard to avoid computer work for hours on end, but i try to get up and move around..In fact i just had to change my job to accomodate this problem. I used to sit in the office 5 days a week glued to the desk and i knew i couldnt do it anymore, not mentally (with my combative and non communicative management) and not physically because of this..its like it made the decision for me! Im now a sales agent, so i can do most of my work from home but have much less income security on commission. It seems like a nuts decision in this market but i just couldnt do it anymore.
im also worried because when i was a teenager i had a serious traffic accident and my hip/s was fractured (i dont know for sure but not enough for surgery they said) I was about 16 and was under concussion, couldnt remember the accident. After this i remember i had back problems (shoulder and neck pain) years after, at different times in my life..i never really put it all together. I have only a file of papers that described my injuries generally but i may have to call up a hospital if i want to find out exactly what they were.
Regardless of that, many YEARS later, i now have a lower back problem that when it flares up…my hip joints and lower back are just awful, its hard to describe but its like a burning aching like fire and no position seemed to ease it. Its calmed down today a bit more so that has only been 2 intense days thankfully. I had been visiting a chiropracter but it was not improving…just a day or two after visiting them, i would have back ache again but nothing major. I stopped going because although he helped alignment of the spine it was really expensive and then i had experienced a lapse when i couldnt walk for a week…i decided to stop and just recover at home.
This time, i think i overdid my exercise routine, doing some leg lifts (only incremental movements) which means the hip joints are stretched. I dont really know which specialist to see anymore. A friend said see an osteopath maybe worth a try or back to the chiro.
On the subject of my mother, i think i have a hard time crystalizing and clearly viewing what the problems are. At times we bond well in certain ways but in many others she had a lack of understanding, empathy and seemingly would turn any event back to focus on her own life and problems. You could start talking about something that was bothering you …and find yourself once again, going over her childhood issues with this friend she used to know, or something about that person or family member etc.
I feel guilt in saying these things too. My parents have done a LOT for me, they´ve had to because for some reason everything has been difficult for me. No one hit me and at times theyve been very supportive saying they can always help. As an older woman now, i have doubts sometimes about my mothers honest intentions and behaviours. Can it be a strange jealousy of her own daughters? This competiveness and need to control that reveals itself in fights where she suddenly asserts, “this is MY home, MY car, MY etc”.
Its age old to me now, im used to it. But i know that my mother puts on a best behaviour around non-family members…which to her includes friends, boyfriends/partners of some years. I think my sister has knowingly and understandingly kept her partner from interacting too much…because of this problem. But in a funny twist, i feel my sister is developing a similar know it all behaviour…
For my parents, i dont know what their issue is with “other” people. But im sure its that they cant control us if we are with someone else. They have a need to be the authority.
So i guess it comes back to failures again, this suits very well…these failures in my life mean they will stay the authority. They have more money than me, a successful relationship, children. I have not. Somehow i feel if suddenly it changed and i met some guy and we had more than them…it would bother them, they would shrink in size maybe. Its sad isnt it, to think you have a sinking feeling of introducing your family…because your mother might end up sulking and/or crying in the bedroom because its not her spotlight?
My parents have only met 2 of my ex boyfriends parents…including this last ex. other times they have ever met “other family” there has been what feels like nuclear fallout from what i hear about it afterwards. My former ex partner´s parents were very different to us socially and my mom really felt instant dislike ….which she still reminds me of to this day, 15 years later. She also had a big problem with my sister´s ex father in law, they seemed to get on at first and then there was an incident at her wedding which was unforgiveable that i never saw. They also instantly dont like my sisters current inlaws because they are living marginally closer to my sister and their grandchild. I think all of this is about control. They feel enormous jealousy.
So with this backdrop in my mind, when my parents met my ex´s parents i was really nervous…to my surprise they seemed OK with each other, no insults thrown by way of the wrong thing said or anything…just..ok. My mom did something really weird though. They were sitting around a table and talking and she suddenly, like a young girl, got up and sat on my dad´s knee as she talked to them and laughed girlishly. As i was there, i thought it was highly bizarre behaviour. No one reacted like anything weird had happened but she had never done that before.
Bearing that in mind, his parents did well just to take it all in their stride. I liked them very much as well. Since nothing horrible happened i thought it was like a miracle.
ParticipantHi Anita, Thank you for the tip for back pain, im fairly sure i overextended due to doing some leg exercise a bit too much. Big mistake as i have been suffering the consequences. I really feel like an old woman with this back problem…of all the things but im too young for that. I did go to the hospital had a check up and they think its facet joint pain..their solution was to give me an injection of steroids to see if that alleviated the pain, then they would know for sure…im not keen to do that though.
Well, about ex had a grown son, and when he met my mom he told his dad that she wasn´t very kind to me. I think what he was referring to was the teasing that my mom liked to do. For example it was usual that when i had a boyfriend over and i was making something in the kitchen my mom would tease me and the boyfriend (as it happened with more than one boyfriend) would join in. In this instance i had made dinner for his family (i was extremely stressed because it was not typical for me to cook for so many people) and likely my mom was teasing again. This would be seen as a sort of bonding experience for them at my expense. It seemed innocent to me but looking back i can see that maybe there was something else there.
Since i was with my ex for some years he would hear me complain about my mom´s unreasonable behaviour whenever she was acting up and would also see it for himself time to time and i think he concluded that she was a difficult person. but i know he also liked her as they were similarly sharp and could bounce off each other. Since we had broken up, i had called him once out of desperation as my sister and parents had caused a rift and i couldnt handle their behaviour..i felt i was going to have to just leave them behind. It was typical for my sister to visit, build up a tension between her and my mother, cause a fight and then take her flight home and forget about us for a while..leaving me with the pieces. The only person i felt i could talk to was him, since he knew me a long time and my family problems.
I feel im rambling on and can´t structure my thoughts at the moment.
About feeling upbeat- im so used to my downward looking depressive nature but would like to be more hopeful. I think the influence of my mom has always been depressive. I have a friend who said she didnt think she had ever been depressed. She can get angry and upset but she doesnt ever seem to stay in a low mood. I have times lately where i just want to stay in bed all day.
ParticipantHi Anita,
I think it was a largely carefree childhood but i certainly noticed the similarities between my ex and my mom. Ive met lots of people who blame things that have happened to them on their parents, their upbringing and things that happened out of their control. I think i feel my childhood was great because ive heard stories from other people i knew and they were so much worse.
But i have still got a mother who is pretty unsatisfied with what she has, and in my eyes she has had it fairly good. Certainly compared to her daughters, as my sister and i have both struggled with money. My sister is now doing better as she has a partner and they have been able to build up their own business..but its not been as fortunate as i think my parents had it. Part of the boomer generation stereotype, they sometimes dont understand why its so hard for us. But circumstances have changed.
My mom has gotten somewhat worse in her self-righteousness with older age. My father is obsessive with her, totally focussed on her well-being. But this makes her grouchy and irritable. She says hes driving her nuts. He has always been like this though in later life without work, his focus is now just her. Ive always thought that was creepy and weird. They are always together, which sounds nice but i wouldn’t want it like that. I know my mom would like to do her own thing sometimes but she also plays the victim, and gets him to do most things for her. So the complaining is just part of a game really.
My ex said when he left me that he didn’t want to end up like them, but neither did i. He seemed to resent my dad´s straight laced approach to life, more of a salary man than my ex who was an entrepreneur. I know my dad didnt really like his loose concept of right and wrong, certainly in regards to me. My ex always got on very well with my mom but he was able to charm most women, but he didnt like her bullying way with me.
Listening to myself im already bored with how dull my life sounds. I know what it looks like to others. I wish i had a fantastic social life and felt upbeat all the time and had a bunch of kids and looked and felt “normal”. But i know i dont look and feel normal.
Today my back and hips have been killing me and this chronic pain is something ive never experienced before in my life. It makes me depressed and tearful. The pain is dull like period pain but strong and constant in my hip joints and lower back. Sometimes i feel sick. Sometimes the pain ive felt from missing my ex has been similar to this. So this feels like a punishment of some kind, for not being brave, or moving on or something. I know im sounding irrational and i have to be patient, i think i overdid some exercises and its set something off i dont know what…but its scary to think this could get worse..i suddenly understand how people became hooked on painkillers ..Im not taking anything, ill try to improve with exercise.
ParticipantHi Anita,
Nothing has turned a corner yet, im feeling either tired or angry most of the time, the anger keeps me going without which i just fall back into depression. I realise that i can never get away from thoughts of my ex, he is part of the wallpaper in there. And at work things just continue to shoot bullets so they ricochet around the room. I feel like im watching a desperate struggle for power from this family member, its a bit insane.
My colleague had a fight with him the other day and he started playing victim …its plain by the actions that he is just greedy, he wants all the money, all the power and is highly controlling. im tired of the games.
Ive avoided contact as much as possible but it will be hard to do.
I don´t miss my childhood, i miss my adulthood! i wonder so much why im so bad at this. I have not had success in any area of my life. Ive needed financial support from my family without which i would just drown. Ive worked so hard to build something up but somehow im paid just enough to live. Its hopeless.
I guess it means that i can´t take care of myself…at all. Even if i try. For most women i know, they get married and then some of the weight and responsibility is shared, life is easier if you are in a partnership for sure, financially but also emotionally. But im also aware, if not just from my failed attempts, that sometimes the stress is just not worth it and there is no guarantee that your other half will want to take care of you in the same way. That was my situation in at least 3 relationships, so maybe i came across as too independent.
My childhood was more carefree yes. I had a lot of freedom and i was in a secure home. No physical abuse. But my mother was depressive and certainly in my teens i remember spending hours sorting out her problems with her. I think i believed in my early teens that i could fix these things. She must have felt very alone herself but is also a very complicated and demanding person. My dad travelled a lot so effectively we were raised without him around much. My sister was also out most of the time, avoiding the family and sulky when she was at home. I felt like she didnt like being around and judging by little comments later in her life, that would be correct. I also took my councelling hat to school with me and when people needed to talk i found it interesting to learn about how they thought about things, trying to iron out the problems and find a solution. My mind is always searching to understand the intentions of other people.
My ex reminded me of my mother a lot. They were very similar in character…easygoing and playful and then able to be sharply unfair or unkind, both Air signs.
ParticipantHi Anita, I tried to write again and then kept running out of time.
Everytime i write something down i seem to write about things from a different angle, its not consistent in mood or subject and i think its because my life seems to be in turmoil all the time lately.
Right now its evening so i feel slightly safer, better, calmer. But today was another tricky day for work and that seems to be a rollercoaster for me at the moment of resentment, anger and just…suffering. What can i say, i want to leave so much but i can´t, its a bad time, it was never a good time! And in leaving, i will have lost everything ive worked for over the past 7 years..its just awful and unfair but thats life when you work for other people.
Today, the family member mostly avoided me and whenever i saw him he was slightly menacing/ proprietorial. He kind of mocked my inability to follow the conversation in their language and said something then switched to english saying “isn´t that right Sossi?”. I somehow stayed calm all day, replied without any malice to his questions and was almost laughing to myself at how i could hold it all in, how did i manage not to rip his stupid head off? But no doubt he felt some kind of resentment himself, judging by his behaviour. I know it hurt his ego badly to lose the big prize sale he thought would impress everyone. But it was a fruitless day for me and i need a chance to make some income this month so im very worried.
By the end of the day, i felt really deflated from the lack of anything concrete for me and meanwhile our phones were pinging with news of his getting 2 new sales agreed, lucky for him.
Right at the END of the day when we had all gone home, he sent a public message to me asking with a fairly demanding tone about a property. I wont go into detail but it was particularly aggressive i thought because the owner is very ill in hospital and i am fond of her AND he knows this. So i replied as calmly as i could that it was not the time to ask….i could see that he had intended to call me out in front of all the others instead of asking me directly, which i would do…and instead came across as callous and greedy.And i know its because he felt victorious after a good day so was probably high on adrenalin.
A little bit later he hastily wrote a kind of failed catch of the ball, “i just wanted to know the status etc”. But i know it has not come across very well and possibly infuriated him even more because he can’t seem to get past me or rile me in any way.
The tone of the text has left me feeling sick, furious and crying from frustration that this nasty person is given so much success by my stupid boss. I know she is scared to face us and just doesnt want to hear about it. This particular client is another longstanding customer of mine who has been loyal to our company, my boss knew them before me, thats more than 7 years ago.
This has really kind of eclipsed my feelings about my ex today. It seems im surrounded by everything negative, it feels like they are trying to destroy me.
Maybe now it seems more apparent…that thinking about my ex is a kind of escape at the moment when i dont feel strong. I didnt see it that way when his news hurt me but now i do. I know that with previous times having good news or really bad news…i want to talk to him. Now that feeling is also taboo. So i just feel trapped and frustrated.
I know that i have to speak to my boss about this, AGAIN. But can predict the outcome will be denial and defence of her family.
My colleague told me early this morning she had decided definitely to leave..we have both suffered from the way things are now at the office.
SO….it seems to be, that what i originally wrote for has morphed into something else. For both situations i just want to go and get away from them physically and mentally. Im trying to leave work sensibly, with a plan in place, working with my friend. But the harrassment is hard to take. As for my ex, he seems to show up physically or mentally at times when i feel im getting better..
I think back to how things were before i got to this country. It wasnt so much easier with work, i spent some time unemployed and that was just as frightening. Ive always had a hard time with work and so i get very anxious with this kind of situation.
From depression to joy? I don´t really know what to say. Im not used to excited joy, last time i may have felt that way would have been around my ex…and then never again. years ago.
Dark and intense – well, when i was younger i think i was introverted, shy, creative and sometimes funny. Humor was my way of diffusing situations, it worked with my parents whenever they were intense as my mom can be. I was soft and i think, kind and naive. I dont feel i was aware of myself but other kids were aware of themselves and others. I know that other kids may have wished they had a different situation or life (my sister too) but i didnt have that feeling, i just accepted what was and felt it was enough. When i look back, i feel that is kind of zen, that i grounded myself strongly in my own sense, and that has helped me later in life when i am dealing with crap alone. My time alone is important to me, and is my kind of meditation which helps me to deal with the outside world. I learnt how to comfort myself.
I see how for other people that is not the case. They look for outside stimulus to keep themselves happy, they are always looking for a solution to their loneliness, even in a relationship. I guess i can be thankful i have this.
At the moment i have found it very hard to focus though, all these things wearing me down. But the feelings i felt very strongly about my ex are slowly subsiding and going away. I think, i hope, that with the beginning of May there will be a better view on the horizon.
ParticipantHi Anita,
Some interesting things happened with this April supermoon. guess what? Karma DID pay a visit to the manipulative colleague and his big prize deal that had gazumped a good client of mine came falling down around him. On the one hand, I asked for it and it happened, On the other hand, I was still angry because once again, we would have to explain another turn of events to my client and I worried about losing their trust. This is the hard-nosed business that perhaps I knew would fall apart. The greed of my boss to have a bigger result has ended in humble pie for them both. Do I think they will apologise for almost destroying my relationship with a client? that I had to salvage to get a sale for their pockets? of course not, they will brush it under the carpet.
That made me think also about another situation, as since I found out about my ex´s true situation…that made me so upset and angry, the area in which he lives has gone back into a strict lockdown…not where i live… just his town. Another karmic event. perhaps not quite as aggressive as i had wished in my head but certainly a huge inconvenience for him and probably her as they likely can´t see each other for a while. I didnt have to lift a finger, no drama and no revenge, karma did it for me.
I hate to say it but these kind of things have happened to me before, when people have REALLY made me angry, something always happens around them and i don´t have to do anything. It makes me feel better of course like there is some justice in the world.
I think i said before that since it finished with my ex my life became very plain and boring. I work and work and there is no real other life. I never went out for dinner again, never went to parties, never travelled anywhere..i dont have money for these things. I dont want to blame myself for this and i dont feel sorry for myself. I just think ive had a very hard time, ive had to swallow my pride and ive had to be very humble, i accepted this is a kind of fate…if a guy was meant to come along and sweep me off my feet he would, it hasnt happened. I just get on with things, i dont try and trip anyone up, be rude and demeaning or steal from others…I just try to find moments every day. But life is not like it used to be when i had big plans, big dreams and a big future.
So if my mind struggles with this i forgive myself. If people laugh at me on the street because i look different, its on them. If my colleagues want to know what i am up to and are being nosy, maybe they should be kinder. If my ex wanted friendship he would have given it by now. I understand all of this. In my head maybe i dream up other things because the plain truth isn´t so pretty.
Ive always had a good imagination and have managed to entertain myself through worse times than this pandemic. I always think of myself as strong, stronger than some people around me who have never had to struggle with anything language, culture and people who would rather not deal with you. But perhaps now back to work….i have felt very much like the family member at work is trying to make me leave by making everything difficult for me (which is a high probability not delusion) and by undermining me and not sharing information or asking my opinion. Lets face it, most people would find this awful.
Not to mention the news i had from my ex.
So lately, i felt a sense of panic, today i was trying to stay calm before going to work and my heart was hammering, because im scared of not having enough money, worry…which is my default setting and depression because of my lack of love in my life and lack of knowing what this is all going towards. Yes, maybe im addicted to the excitement of something, anything happening that can take that heavy burden off my shoulders.
I know its a lot of introspection for most people to deal with. Im very dark and intense to deal with. I reckon most people have a dip in their mood, then just look for positives to come out of the hole, but im the kind of person who really wants to look around before i come out to understand it. Its always been this way for me.
I always thought it was better i was going through the waves of the emotions and exploring the dark corners before emerging stronger and calmer again..this could take a day or two…but these latest developments really have pushed my stability.
I fear stepping out of my job into the unknown (self employment or something else), i fear letting go of my ex and what i knew towards someone new (taking a leap of faith AGAIN). Its kind of what someone said to me fairly recently, he felt i was so afraid of everything. But saying that doesn’t heal you it makes you feel isolated.
ParticipantHi Anita,
I think i do suffer from paranoia quite a bit. But its a lack of confidence and also living alone that can make you that way.
I think im exaggerating saying “predators” but that is how it feels lately as a result of my experiences:My ex taking advantage of my lack of knowledge, abusing me & My employer taking advantage of my lack of options, abusing me. The latest thing being this family member getting his way with the company, abusing his position to make money..its so frustrating, i dream of karma doing its thing…but i have no power down on earth, im frustrated that after all these no further.
Ive learnt to be careful what i say to friends but sometimes i find it hard to hold back. I share too much and felt betrayed by one person at work. but i understand also that it comes down to money, to survival. This stupid power play.
Sometimes women are crueler to each other to get things they want. This woman coming after my boyfriend for instance when she knew he was attached. He is more to blame i know but i know for sure, she didnt mind. In this culture or perhaps even in this age…people want what they want and dont think about consequences as much as i do. A former colleague of mine shared that a friend of hers was having an affair with a married man, i felt disgusted, she said something along the lines of “why not? life is short”. Are we to think of ourselves as winners and losers? I can´t bring myself to do that…in my mind would be the suffering of their hidden partner.
To say i feel im the centre of attention, yes maybe but in a negative way like you said. I dont always feel that way. But i dont know how to ignore these experiences…they are just there.
I think sometimes, there is no just lonely, bored and i think of my ex because my life is empty. If i had to only believe that i would not want to go on.
Other times i feel there is some spark there, we connected. We were on a wavelength that meant i could think of him and the phone would ring. But now he is out of my life. Its gone. And since then, the people i have met, havent made me feel the same way. Its a simple and as sad as that.
I used to be a journalist for a brief time, it paid awful so in the end i had to find a salary job that i am doing now. It was exciting because it was demanding but it burned my out a lot…i wonder if i am addicted to the excitement. Now, i notice my brain just won´t quite light up…im not inspired by life much and am too tired to do more. My ex used to inspire me and make me want to be more creative.
As i said, yesterday i went through some free time is taken up with this baggage. I think today ive been exhausted because of that. I dont want to live like this anymore. Who wants to be struggling to let emotions out and then fighting to keep them in? Is it his fault or did i somehow do it to myself?
Ultimately..i want to find someone new attractive, i want to be confident enough for someone to like me for myself. But i dont think i believe it. I went through a phase once some years ago thinking that all my boyfriends left me for a blonde. And its true! And then, the other day my mom came out and said ” your ex always said he wanted to be with a blonde” and i thought, why is she telling me that…isnt that hurtful? I didnt bring the subject up, she came out with it and i wondered why. I assumed that my parents had seen him lately..and it could have been my dad´s encounter that i talked about. I feel they know about him since me but its a smallish place so they are likely to see people from time to time.
His girlfriend is blonde but it is dyed blonde. Another former ex who i loved very much, married a blonde women the moment he was free after our relationship ended…another guy i had a crush on married a blonde. something about that haircolour makes men want to marry them!
ParticipantHi Anita.
I dont dress provocatively or sloppily or anything crazy. Today i was actually wearing something similar to the woman who was reacting…leggings, a t shirt. It just happens a lot to me. There is no mistaking people´s actions and all you can do is ignore it but its hard to ignore when it happens so often. When you are alone and live alone, i think you are vunerable to this..if i was preoccupied with my partner, children etc, i wouldnt care if someone pointed and laughed at my hair, nose or whatever….but it is emphasised because when i step out the house i am always alone and humans are predators.
I know you are probably thinking, this person is suffering from schizophrenia. But i am always questioning what has happened to me, only for it to be confirmed later.
When i was out with my ex i noticed people would really stare at us. Strange women would come sidling up to him trying to get his attention…i always thought it was insane how outrageous some people were. I think i was so happy around him that they wanted some of it to rub off on them…literally. He emitted a warm friendly energy and people gravitated towards him. Ive never met someone so magnetic like that. But the downside was…there were always older women hanging around like lost schoolgirls. They would come looking for him at his work, stop him in the street…and their eyes would not leave his face as he held my hand. He would introduce me and they would coldly smile and then return to stare at him…it was insane. So i was always aware that people were after him.
For some reason today i have been struggling a lot today. I am exhausted. I feel like im on the edge of collapse, like my mind will burn out. im fighting to not obsess about all this but it wont go away. I cant focus properly on anything..i feel its defeating me. I had one moment today when my heart was beating really hard and i had to sit down and take deep breaths. I´m worse during the day, the evening i seem better, but i wake up in the morning and it starts again.
When my ex first cheated on me i at least got something positive from the woman he was with then.. at the time i became obsessed to know what she was like, i wanted to know what he was attracted to and of course, she was living my old life. I thought perhaps she was more, better was irrational. I looked her up online, trying to find clues of what he liked. She did tarot readings and i started watching my sign. Now years later im hooked on it.
Now, when im fighting the negative feelings, suffering by what my mind picks up on, i watch tarot readings and usually something delivers a message that finally makes me more peaceful. This works better for me than listening to music, which i find makes me feel too much and i get depressed. I have a need to rationalize everything until its no longer there. I need to hear what people think.
Today i watched a reading (i dont pay for them, they are just what appear online) that was exactly the things i have said to you, it really was accurate. And her overall message was, “this is hurting you but he´s not thinking of you, move on”
..i felt briefly, yes, i can let go …but i know the next day i can flip back the other way strongly and be under the impression that he misses me secretly, that he will realise he got the wrong woman..that he is in denial or any other combination…its sad and stupid i know. This is why i can´t figure out how to get rid of this.
One more positive thing after listening to that reading was (although its also negative) that i was starting to feel like actually, i could feel sorry for the woman who has him now. After my early feelings of rage and anger that were frightening me, its welcome to not care so much. There is no doubt in my mind, he is flirting with other women still and maybe even sleeping with someone…he already said she was jealous, so she will have terrible fights with him and doubt herself. He will refuse things she wants to do. Maybe he will pick on some insecurity. I saw her photo and i can imagine that she may be vunerable, no matter what she projects. He has that talent. That is how it was with me and i dont believe that will change.
The tarot reader also said ” this person doesn’t pick strong women, he is looking for weakness in people to exploit”. that’s possibly true. But if you met him you would be fooled too. Im a contradiction because while i write this i know, if he said it was a terrible mistake and was convincing…i´d probably go back. Its an addictive attraction.
Ive had moments before where i just believe. This is it. This is all you are getting in life.