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  • in reply to: Bad is winning over Good? Do you agree #122848

    Hi Rebel,

    is absolutely spot on about the karmic philosophy.

    Especially in this cycle of time (The Iron Age), settling of karmic accounts between two people, places and nature are happening at a very faster rate. This settling of debt accounts can be in the form of relationships between two people turning sour, divorce rates, intense emotional pain, a child is dead as soon as s/he is born, health issues, loss of job, an incurable disease, bombings, natural disasters like earthquakes, volcanoes, and much much more most of which you have already mentioned.

    This “bad” must happen. This bad is destruction. It is the destruction of the old. And only the destruction of the old is going to give way to formation of the new.
    For example- By only experiencing a painful relationship, one can get rid of the old unwanted feelings of hurt, grief, sorrow, resentment, bitterness that is deep deep down in our hearts/souls from a very long time since the time the soul has traveled its journey. And only by this way one can cleanse his/her soul. How would a person who is jolly and happy in his life cleanse his soul? He doesn’t need to, because he is already full and complete. Only one who has pain buried deep down is going to experience pain.

    Another example – Only after the total destruction of an old house when the land is clear, a new house can be built in its place. And here we are talking about the whole earth – so imagine the intensity of the destruction that has to happen (and is happening).

    The formation of a new earth is happening simultaneously along with the demolition of the old.
    And we can see this formation by people becoming more aware of the environment, formation of trees, planning for various ways and means for reducing pollution, planting of trees, lots of life healing techniques like EFT, Reiki, Chanting, Mantra meditation, Crystal Healing, Quantum Healing, an introduction to us about ‘The Secret’ Law of Attraction which we never knew earlier, Acupuncture, Acupressure, more an more spiritual masters coming up, teachings about the Present moment, several ancient techniques are coming forward, more of psychotherapy, so many books on Self-Help categories, various Energy Healing modalities, Chakra Healing, plenty of articles on Love yourself, and this very website TinyBuddha which is “healing” millions of people on the planet. (Over 2 million friends and followers as mentioned on this website’s homepage). All of these are soul cleansing techniques.

    A new earth where all souls, living beings are in perfect harmony with each other, with the environment, with their own mind, body and soul. A paradise on earth, heaven on earth, Garden of Eden, an ego-less world, The Golden Age is awaiting for all of us, but formed by us.
    That was originally the gift of God to mankind. But we with our egos have come down from the Golden Age (then) till the Iron Age (now) and our own egoic acts/deeds are causing us trouble, which is nothing but our own karma.

    But the good news is that we are not going to stay stuck in the Iron Age.
    This is because Time is cyclic –
    Cycle of Months – January to December always follows the same cycle,
    Cycle of Days – Saturday to Sunday,
    Cycle of the time of the day- Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night and the next day the same again
    Cycle of Seasons – Spring, Summer, Autumn (Fall), Winter
    Cycle of Life – Birth – Death – Birth – Death
    Can you see the cycle? Nothing is changing – everything is following its own cycle.

    And so is going to be the Cycle of Earth – The Golden Age – then the Silver Age – the Copper Age – and now the Iron Age.

    Be glad that you are part of the formation of this new earth and entering into the Golden Age! Ride the wave and sail smoothly by following any of the above healing modalities.


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by VJ.
    in reply to: Social anxiety will end my life #122759

    Dear Jake,

    Here is more information in line with what coltbratcher has suggested on Tapping which is another great ‘Life Healing Technique’.

    Tapping OR EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques is useful for freeing yourself from any negative energy or emotions (also used for physical issues too).
    There are lots of videos and articles over the web explaining how to do EFT

    Since you are new to it, and are already frustrated with the problem (end my life in the title), here are some tailor made EFT tapping scripts at a small paid amount.
    The one you may be looking for is the ‘Social Anxiety Tapping Pack’ on this website below.
    Also look for other titles on the website under the ‘Social & People’ section.

    The owner of the site Sonal Pandey will help and respond in case you have any queries/questions/doubts.

    Take care,

    in reply to: Caught in a Bullying Situation #122758

    Dear joanna,

    Good you believe in karma. To break the negative karmic link between the both of you, follow the below. Do it at all other times but especially during those unfavourable moments with the person. If it gets uncontrollable at certain times, do this, take the necessary action or say whatever you think is required to be said at that moment, again do this.

    1) Do a variation of Ho’oponopono

    Continously chant/say,

    Note you are not saying this to that person.
    Don’t bother about whom you’re saying to. Simply say it! Say it over and over. Mean it.
    You may say it to whoever you believe as God, or to Nature, or to the Universe, or to Life, or to the Source of Creation, or to your own self, or simply in the air to nobody.

    Just say it either verbally, mentally, loudly or softly, however you want to.
    Say it as many times as you can/want.

    2) Another similar variation


    Keep saying this the same way as explained in No.1 Either mentally, loudly or softly or however it works best for you. You can even frequently write it and then burn/tear the paper.

    While saying “YOU PLEASE FORGIVE ME AND RELEASE ME”, put greater stress/emphasis on the words “FORGIVE ME AND RELEASE ME”.

    These energetic exercises are to break the negative link or to cut the negative energy cords. The end result would be harmonious and in alignment with you and for your greater good.

    Remember to say it as many times as possible. You can even say it involuntarily (meaning: just like alphabets ABCD… without thinking much about them, or like singing a song). If you are doing something else and you are disturbed by his memories, then immediately start chanting and do it continuously till you are OK.

    Either the other person will not bother you much OR even if he is bullying it won’t trouble you much OR life will put the other person out of the situation in some other place/circumstance OR life will put YOU out of the situation in some other place. Whatever it could be will be for your highest good.

    Best wishes of Positivity and Light to you,

    in reply to: Should I Accept Being Single Forever at age 23? #122664

    Hi Aiyana Henderson,

    Could you please take a look at this post to see if it is of help.

    direct post link:

    Take care,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by VJ.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by VJ.
    in reply to: Social anxiety will end my life #122663

    Dear Jake,

    I suggest you to do a web search on ‘Bach Flower Remedies’ to know full details on what they are. If it interests you then among the several flower remedies MIMULUS is a very effective flower essence for your situation.

    Read on to know more…

    BFRs are available below along with several other online sites-

    Take care,

    in reply to: How to deal with change #122662

    Dear mariamomo,

    I suggest you to do a web search on ‘Bach Flower Remedies’ to know full details on what they are. If it interests you then among the several flower remedies WALNUT is the Remedy used for adapting to change.

    You can start taking now so that you are fine by the time university starts next year.


    BFRs available below along with several sites-

    Take care,

    in reply to: Depression comes and goes and I'm tired of it #122661

    Dear Chanel,

    Do continue with your Friday’s appointment and if you want to recover from depression or if you are looking for some practical techniques to do by yourself then I will suggest you to take a look at ‘The Healing Codes’.

    Dr. Alex Loyd developed a technique after his wife Tracey “Hope” Loyd had severe depression for several years and couldn’t find anything to cure it.

    She speaks in this video..

    The full details of the technique is available in The Healing Codes book-

    The book has everything you need but if you do not have the time and patience to wait till you finish the book (because, apart from the actual technique the book also explains the how/why of everything) and if have the required financial capabilities then you can also consider Personal Coaching on this process, which is done by a Certified Healing Codes Practitioner. You will get all of that information from their official website (below). Read out the number of positive reviews on the Amazon link above to know how it is helping people.

    Official Website:

    Moreover, the same technique can also be used for the issues you wrote above – social anxiety, Low self esteem, past unpleasant memories.


    Below is something faster for social anxiety and ‘I’m still not over him’ feelings

    Bach Flower Remedies are known to work faster on negative emotional states of mind. I suggest you to do a web search on ‘Bach Flower Remedies’ to know full details on what they are. If it interests you then among the several flower remedies below are the ones for your situation.

    Honeysuckle – for people living in the past (for ‘I’m still not over him’ feelings)

    Mimulus – social anxiety (Mimulus is a very effective remedy for fear of social situations, speaking in public etc. Try this and see the courage you get)

    Larch – for low-self esteem and self confidence issues, for inferiority complexes caused due to being called fat and ugly

    Please patiently go through each of these and if you feel they resonate with your situation then you can take the flower essences. They can be combined and taken and not necessarily taken separately.

    They are available here-
    The ones that you need to take are the ones with the name of that remedy (Honeysuckle, Mimulus, Larch) written on the bottle.

    For example this is for Mimulus:
    – (https://www.amazon.com/Bach-Original-Flower-Essences-Mimulus/dp/B00016QT5S)

    or any of the other websites
    – (http://www.directlyfromnature.com/The_Original_Bach_Flower_Remedies_Information_and_Sale_s/1818.htm)
    – (https://www.luckyvitamin.com/m-309-bach-original-flower-remedies)
    – (http://www.vitacost.com/bach-flower-remedies-1)
    – (https://www.evitamins.com/bach-flower-remedies)

    Take care of yourself,

    in reply to: The downward spiral of my relationship with myself & partner #122494

    Dear violet22,

    Firstly I will say that what a wonderful partner you have got from all that you have described about him in both of your posts. I do not think anyone would need anything more from a partner. Please do consider yourself fortunate for that. So then where lies the problem? I am sure that you have heard and are very well aware that it is never about “them” but always something about “us”.
    I read at a post that “it is true that we can only love others to the degree that we love ourselves.” So if you get rid of the layers of jealousy then more of love will come in which then can be extended towards others.

    At first I will recommend you to do a web search on ‘Bach Flower Remedies’ to know details on what they are. If it interests you then among the several flower remedies ‘HOLLY’ is the remedy for your situation to eliminate jealousy.

    Below links on HOLLY Bach Flower Remedy-


    After patiently going through each of these if you feel they resonate with you then you can take the HOLLY flower essences and make way for love.

    It would be a lie if someone says that he does not look at beautiful women/girls in public. So accept the fact that he is going to do that in front of you or in your absence. It is natural. But the greatest factor is the love and trust that you share between each other based on what you said – “I know he would remain loyal/faithful ’til the end.” That is the main thing even if one looks at those beautiful people out there.

    I hope and wish that you reach a stage where you come to the understanding that your partner is looking at those girls just like one would look at a beautiful flower!

    Take Care,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by VJ.

    Hi Zita,

    “I need help, I want to hear from you guys, how do I find myself ? Where do I start? where did you guys start, people who are or have been in their late 20ties. I don’t know what motivates me or excites me to get up in the morning. I haven’t found that thing yet and I hate myself for not knowing….I want to live my life with drive/s passion/s and zest. I want to ” find myself” and what I want out of life. I am stuck in this maze of mediocrity and I don’t know how to push myself anymore. Please please share your experiences, insights, anything will help.”

    What is required from YOU will be known only to YOU and from YOU.
    Only your heart will know what is best for you at this time. External factors of life, negative emotions, life experiences, and several other things suppress this inner guidance system that we have in our soul.

    I will share with one such wonderful technique that will allow your heart to guide you to the best that is required from you at this moment.


    Please practice diligently and be open to insights that you may come across.
    You can use this practice as and when you like on a moment-to-moment basis to know what is needed to be done at that moment.

    Best of Luck!

    in reply to: Can't Keep a Job #122237

    Hi Runningwithcats,

    I liked the love, concern and caring attitude you have for your husband.
    Is there a possibility that your husband (maybe along with you, if applicable) can start something of his own in the very same field that you said he loves and is good at, and is also a dream (job)? Can your hubby do something to share what he is good at by creating more employment opportunities for people on the planet? Not sure what kind of work that is, but something of an own setup (business) in the same field that will teach/do/employ other people.
    As an example what I’m trying to say is – If an Investment Consultant has become the best in his field of work and is good at and loves that, and there is nothing to do further, then it is time for him/her to start an Investment Consulting Agency.

    Not sure, but something to think about if the Universe is trying to say “don’t keep doing the same thing in what you are good at (else I will give you signs by causing you trouble wherever you go). Share it with people, now that you are good at it. What can you do to use it for the benefit of humanity that which I (God/Universe/Life) have allowed you to be the best at?”

    Best Wishes,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by VJ.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by VJ.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by VJ.
    in reply to: Fear of losing loved ones. #122235

    Hi presynaras,

    Please ignore the below two links that I pasted by mistake in your reply. They are ‘Oak’ and ‘Olive’ remedies.. The remedy for you is ‘Red Chestnut’

    Links to ignore.
    – (http://www.vitacost.com/bach-flower-remedies-essence-oak)
    – (http://www.vitacost.com/bach-flower-remedies-essence-olive)


    in reply to: Fear of losing loved ones. #122233

    Dear presynaras,

    Yes it is understandable if it is a concern for a loved one. But if the concern turns out into a worry then that is bothersome and which is why these troubling feelings are bothering you and you have come down to post here. You did the right thing.
    At first when reading your post I thought the fear of losing the loved one was only for your grandma who is 87, but then it is also extended towards people who are yet to come in your life – gf/spouse, in-laws, kids or who knows may be an upcoming neighbor who is very caring and loving towards you.

    But do not worry. The Divine has given a solution for every single problem, and for an emotional one in this case, from his own garden in the form of flowers.
    There is a Bach Flower Remedy exactly for your state of mind. At first do a web search on what they are and if they intrigue you then follow below.

    Among the many Bach Flower Remedies, ‘Red Chestnut’ is the most suitable to you.
    The below link has the overall list of remedies. You may or may not go through the below link…
    ….but definitely go through the below links marked in sequence.

    1. (http://mudraguide.com/bach-flower-remedies-red-chestnut-and-letting-go.html)
    2. (http://www.bachflower.org/red_chestnut.htm)
    3. http://www.bachcentre.com/centre/38/redchest.htm

    After going through the links if any of them ring a bell to you then you may go ahead with the Red Chestnut Bach flower remedy.
    Of course not every single statement written in the above 3 links are going to be applicable to your state of mind, because they are for a generalized amount of population as we have different people with different mindsets.

    Below are some links where they are available.
    Make sure you select your country on applicable websites and also check their shipping policies. Alternatively you can check at your local pharmacy stores too.

    – (https://www.amazon.com/Bach-Original-Remedies-Supplement-Chestnut/dp/B000A7I8V6/ref=sr_1_1_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1481187916&sr=8-1&keywords=red%2Bchestnut&th=1)
    Zoom in on the image of the bottle and you will find allows you to love without anxiety or fear for the well-being of your loved ones

    – (https://www.luckyvitamin.com/m-309-bach-original-flower-remedies)
    – (http://www.vitacost.com/bach-flower-remedies-1)
    – (http://www.vitacost.com/bach-flower-remedies-essence-oak)
    – (http://www.vitacost.com/bach-flower-remedies-essence-olive)
    – (https://www.evitamins.com/bach-flower-remedies)
    – (http://www.directlyfromnature.com/The_Original_Bach_Flower_Remedies_Information_and_Sale_s/1818.htm)

    Flower Remedies are usually taken by putting 4 drops in a glass of water and sipping them at regular intervals. If you feel you have reached the extreme situation of your fear then you can also take 2-4 drops of the remedy directly on the tongue. This way causes the bottle to get over soon. So if frequently buying the remedies are a problem to you then go with the ‘glass of water’ method.

    ——-Below portion is optional for you——–
    “I hate arguments and fights and I’m too sensitive to people’s words and feelings”
    I first suggest you to heal your fear of losing a loved one.
    Later on when you feel better and in control of your strongest fear, then for a highly sensitive nature you can take the remedies after going through the below link.



    Heal yourself and you will show a positive sense of compassion, love and care instead of worrying about them.

    My best wishes for you to get married, raise kids as love is waiting to be shared to several people in and around you, from you and as you.

    Take care,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by VJ.
    in reply to: I need help. My skin problem cause severe depression #122132

    Hi euroka,

    Activate your own body’s immune system to heal your health issues.

    Start off with ‘The Healing Codes’.

    Used for a number of health concerns including skin issues.

    This will also bring down all the emotional issues that you described related to the skin problem – depression, feeling panicky, hating yourself, being ashamed of yourself and wanting to end your life and so forth.

    Take Care and you will Live Well!

    in reply to: Too afraid to let people in #121950

    Dear phoenixlight,

    1) Do you feel love towards these people with whom you interact and then repel.
    Note here, I am not referring to the ‘love’ between a spouse, but about a true, genuine feeling of love and compassion towards another person. The love where we do not need anything from the other person.

    2) Do you love yourself?
    At least by saying ‘I am terrified of myself’ I do not think that may be the case because fear is the opposite of love, but would like to hear from you.
    Note that ‘trying’ to love yourself or ‘I’m working on it’ does not mean that you are in love with yourself.

    3) Do you have at least one person/pet in your life whom you love?

    Note: All three questions are different. If you answer them I will think of suggesting something.

    Warm Regards,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by VJ.
    in reply to: We need help #121949

    Hi claref,

    Yes there is a book to read and it does not just contain reading material but contains exercises that will take you through the actual process if you do them as you read. This book/technique is especially useful when one has trouble in letting things go.

    Direct link to the post:

    The anger issues you explained are natural for anyone and especially around the monthly cycles, but do not worry you will be able to release them with the book/technique. Once you are at a good practice of the technique you will even be able to do it while speaking to some other person or “at that moment” when your buttons are pushed.

    Best Wishes!

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