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ParticipantHi srk,
It’s great to hear from you and about your progress.
You are on the right track.
“Even when the thoughts do arise I do not become anxious or ponder over it. It just passes away harmlessly.”
That what you said above is the secret to all of life.
Best wishes,
ParticipantIts wonderful srk, to hear from you and about the positive progresses you have made. You are really setting an example to people with addiction by the choices you are making.
ParticipantHi Stuart,
I read your other post too. I will suggest you to start by jotting down what do you think what will make you happy.
Yes you have just been through the break up and initially its not going to be easy. It is understandable. But you will have to do this. For yourself. Especially during this time one lives too much in the head. So engage your mind by doing what’s satisfying, not what’s right. (Not alcohol, drugs, smoking and likewise). See what will least make you begin to feel happy, peaceful and joyful again. See what can you do for fun. What do you usually do to relax? What you normally do when you feel bored? Discover which activities are fun and engaging to you personally. These activities engage your mind and body the most, and they can take you into the present most effectively.
Eckhart has rightly said – “Wherever you go, there you are”. Wherever you go your mind will also go along with you and what’s on your mind at that moment will determine how you are feeling at that time. See that you don’t live too much in the head.
You can start by preparing a list and sticking it to your wall instead of asking the mind what do I next to make me happy. I had submitted these in another post and pasting them here.
Start to shift your mind by doing things where there is less or no interaction with other people….just in the beginning.
• Go and watch the sunset or simply go to a beach (sounds cliche but is really worth the visit)
• Go and buy something to eat for yourself that you like very much
• Go for a walk simply to a place where you have never been before.
Of course go to a safe and known place. Keep walking and walking just for the heck of it. No particular agenda in mind, no destination to go, just keep going. Once you are tired or feel like you have gone far then return back. Make sure that you know the road to return back :). This is a perfect thing to do to empty our minds.
• Simply go to the roof, lie on your back, both hands under your head, and watch the sky
• Sit down and take ten deep breaths. Make these breaths absolutely conscious.
• Take a different route to your workplace. Just for the heck of it – for no reason at all
• Be still for a while
Sit somewhere in the greens or on a park bench, and be quiet for a few minutes. Nothing to do, nowhere to go. Simply sit.
• Inhale a fragrance that you like
Maybe Lavender or maybe Peppermint or maybe Rose……or whatever you like. Whatever that boosts your mood and makes you feel nice.
• Watch the sunrise
If you have watched the sunset (in #1); now for a change, wake up early on some morning and watch the sunrise too.
• Have a good and hearty laugh.
Put some YouTube videos that make you laugh and giggle or read a comic book if you like it that way
• Go alone to a museum or a gallery
• Become more conscious of your health
Add at least one healthy item in your breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Then add two. Continue as you wish.
• Stroke a pet
• Take a “self-spa” at home (or maybe even at an actual spa).
Take a long bath or shower, sit long in the tub if you prefer. Apply something of nice fragrance.
• Strike something off from your to-do list
Either something that you have been postponing for a long time or something that is easy and quick to do.
• Disconnect yourself for an hour
No phones, no messages, no social media, no emails, no internet.
• Shake yourself
Put your favorite track and dance your heck out of it. If you do not like dancing then simply put your favorite songs and listen to them.
The list is going to be endless and these are just starters. Prepare your own list.
“Happy people plan actions, they don’t plan results.”– Dennis Waitle
Make sure instead of focusing on the target (of being happy), focus on the process itself, and start enjoying the current moment.
ParticipantHi Jim,
I have done EFT and have also done its several variants from different practitioners. But for some strange reason I did not find it to be so much useful probably since my issues were of severe nature. My suggestion would be for you to go for it. The punchline for EFT says “Try it on everything”.
Best wishes
This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by
ParticipantHi mightyconcorde,
” I seem to be on my own path of ego death”
Would like to know what is your path of going into the death of the ego?
” I am thrilled to see this in my research”
How exactly are your research ways?
I am aware of the “shift” that happened to Eckhart when his ego dissolved several years ago. Also at times I do follow Eckhart’s teachings. So you could discuss his words here.
I guess once people know that the death of the go is the most important thing that is required in life, then one would want to know what the 7 steps are to achieve them.
This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by
ParticipantHi Camilla,
You might want to take a look at the yogic practice of Ujjayi Pranayama.
It is especially best for those people who are in singing profession, prevents thyroid problems and makes voice sweet and melodious and works on all throat related issues.
ParticipantHi gj,
I see from your post that you are doing the “action” part right “by focusing more on the process”, “taking help from colleagues”, “I feel like I can definitely improve”, “I hope I’m getting there”. But not doing the “thinking” part right.
Just today this image is on Tinybuddha’s home page.
You are being too hard on yourself. Take it lightly.
Let me tell you the reality of life. You (me and everyone else) are going to face several people in our daily lives that are going to put us down, criticize us (either constructively or destructively), pull us down whenever we are progressing or doing something right.But your job is not to get pulled into their storm. You have to keep life simple – by following the below.
Whenever someone criticizes you, take it as 2 options-
i.] If someone says something about you and if they are right:
Then stop thinking about what they said and start working towards it. For eg; If someone calls me a fat person. If will think for a while “Am I fat, is my weight not according to my body”. If that comes out to be true then I will say “Oh yes, they are right”. Then I have to start working on it by exercising, having a healthy diet, taking appropriate rest. etc.” This is for my own good. I will become a healthy person if I work on it. I will take their opinion as a feedback from life and do whatever it takes to bring about an improvement in my situation.ii.] If someone says something about you and if they are NOT right:
Then how does it really matter? If I am a male and someone calls me a female do I really need to go ahead and prove that person that I am a male. They are wrong about me. They need to make themselves right. It is their headache. It is their problem.Keep it simple. Don’t allow the mind to over complicate things. That way you will live a peaceful life no matter what happens around you.
Best wishes,
This reply was modified 6 years, 12 months ago by
ParticipantHi Rainbow,
Yes I have found ho’oponopono to be effective and especially in these situations. This technique is based on Repentance – Forgiveness- Gratitude-Love, it is exactly what you need at this point of time.
Only a healing technique is going to help you achieve to come out of your situation. I have found the technique to be effective but after I add my own variations to it which I am also going to tell you.
Go through the below points in the order as it is mentioned below.
i] Simply go through the articles with an open mind –
iii] At times I do the formal technique using the regular words. But during the chanting the negative memories, the relationships, or the bad situation start to keep coming up on the surface. I then shift by saying several variations and I suggest you to do the same.
For example;
Multiple times I begin with I’m Sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you.
Then – I’m sincerely sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you.
Dear God, I am really sorry for all that I have done in the past. Please forgive me, Thank you, I Love you.
I’m so sorry for all the mistakes that I have done in the past. Please forgive me, Thank you, I really Love you.
I’m so very sorry for all the mistakes that I did in the past. It was all out of ignorance. So please forgive me, Thank you, I really Love you.
I’m sorry for what I have done. Please forgive me. Please bless all those people whom I have hurt. I thank you for that. I really love you.
…and so on.
And you need not worry much whom you are saying this to. If you have a God like figure in your life then say it to God. If not keep all those people, that website, that forum on the screen of your mind and do the chanting. Or simply say it out to nobody. You can do this anywhere – while standing in a queue, while cooking, while washing dishes, and especially during those times when the thoughts bother you. If I do not have the energy to chant loudly then I whisper silently. I sometimes even write it out on a sheet of paper repeatedly from the top to its bottom and then tear it out.
You have to stop or at least minimize going to the website and the posts. Whenever there is an intense need to visit the posts, then don’t go immediately. Pause for a while. Move somewhere else. And Start the chanting.
iv.] Tonight just before going to bed put on your headphones and listen and chant along with the below video.
Don’t take a look at the below right now. Do it tonight before going to bed or if it is early morning for you by the time to read this then do it now.
This is just for the first time. Later on you can listen the video anytime you want.
No it is not at all wrong for you to start with any expectations. But you simply have to do the practice. Do it continuously and diligently for 21 days as that is the minimum number of days required to form a new habit.
You can let me know your progress and I will suggest you if anything is needed.
Take care,
This reply was modified 6 years, 12 months ago by
ParticipantHi Rainbow,
I was also going to suggest you ho’oponopono. It is a perfect solution to all of your problems. How is it going with you? How are you doing it? Since how long have you been doing and how many times a day?
ParticipantDear Rainbow,
If it is a mistake, at least you learn something, in which case it’s no longer a mistake.
I will suggest you a healing technique depending on what you are experiencing right now.
So what is the exact issue right now – is it only troublesome thoughts or do you experience certain negative feelings (perhaps somewhere in your body like chest, stomach, head etc.) or both of them partly.
Let me know your inputs and I will suggest you accordingly.
Don’t worry. Your healing has already begun since the time you realized that you did something wrong.
ParticipantHi Jim,
Read the lines on the below hooponopono video.
ParticipantHi k.k.
You can do it along with the below on your ears
ParticipantHi k.k.,
Mark has suggested a good technique for forgiveness.
Along with that I suggested you to practice Ho’oponopono to help restore harmony within yourself and with others. Please go through both the articles entirely.
Best wishes,
ParticipantHi k.k.
Hope you got a chance to take a look at both the links in its entirety.
As stated “it doesn’t really matter who you are asking or saying”.
It is up to you. If you have a God figure in your life then say it out to God. If you want to visualize your nephew in the screen of your mind then do it that way. It doesn’t really matter. Whatever you are comfortable with. Or if you want to simply say it to nobody just like you would say the alphabets A to Z then you can do that too but say it with those feelings. Your intention for repentance, forgiveness, gratitude and love is enough.
So simply chant as and when you want, wherever you want and as many times as you want.
Practice this for a while and let me know how/what you feel.
ParticipantHi Jim,
All you ever need to come out of your situation (mindset) is Self-Love. First, love and forgiveness for the self and then extending it back to others.
For this I will suggest you the simple and powerful ancient Hawaiian technique of Ho’oponopono which is based on Repentance, Forgiveness, Gratitude and Love.
Please go through both the articles entirely. Practice it for at least 21 days (which is the time required to form a new habit) and post back here how you feel about your situation.
Best wishes,
VJ -
This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by