Posts tagged with “wisdom”

Why Your Positive Attitude Might Be Hurting You
“Positivity is a dogmatic insistence on turning away from what is painful.” ~Susan Piver, Wisdom of a Broken Heart
What if I told you there may be a flaw in positive thinking?
How could being positive possibly be unhelpful?
To some extent, positivity can be beneficial. In my life I’ve found optimism to be quite wonderful, crucial even.
Being around people who are generally positive is just far more pleasant than being around people who are constantly negative. Life seems a little bit more manageable when you can practice gratitude. Smiles are had and spirits are lifted with simple platitudes …

Why My Chronic Illness Can’t Stop Me from Making a Difference in the World
“We are each gifted in a unique and important way. It is our privilege and our adventure to discover our own special light.” ~Mary Dunbar
What is one eye-opening experience should everyone have?
I stumbled upon this question a few weeks ago and it got me into deep introspection.
The first thing that came to my mind made me feel both happy and sad. The smile faded as soon as it crossed my face.
Let me explain…
My Eye-Opening Experience
One eye-opening experience I had and believe everyone should have is spending time with poor kids.
I love children.
I’m …

You Have to Feel it to Heal It: The Only Way Out is Through
“Emotional pain cannot kill you, but running from it can. Allow. Embrace. Let yourself feel. Let yourself heal.” ~Vironika Tugaleva
I plodded up the half-mile hill that led to my house, my backpack weighing heavily on my shoulders in the insistent summer heat. The mild breeze that drifted off the Boston harbor was a cruel joke, hinting at coolness but offering no respite.
Recently heartbroken, I felt tears streaming hotly down my cheeks for the third time that day as the pain of my ex-partner’s absence crashed swiftly on my heart.
I reached out to a trusted friend seeking solace. …

The ABCs of Personal Growth: How to Live a Meaningful, Fulfilling Life
“Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely.” ~Karen Kaiser Clark
Throughout my life, I’ve moved countries, studied a foreign language, changed careers, launched a business, run a half marathon, written a book, faced agonizing loss and grief, won awards, been deeply hurt, created awesome charity campaigns, lived with huge uncertainty and pain, found love and friendships to cherish, and given birth to three miraculous humans.
Throughout these and plenty more crazy, insane, complex, and utterly beautiful life events, I have collected treasured building blocks that help me live a life of meaning, purpose, and joy every single day.…

How Yogic Breathing Helped Me Overcome Chronic Panic Attacks
“If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.” ~Amit Ray
I’ve battled chronic anxiety and PTSD my entire life and am no stranger to that tight pressure grip that dread and panic can have on the body and mind.
On my worst days, I’d feel my chest and throat tighten as I struggled to breathe.
Chronic panic attacks would leave me curled up in the fetal position, unable to move or stop panting.
On my best days, I’d manage to get by, thanks to my numbing out with food and alcohol, …

How to Get in Shape When You Feel Lazy and Unmotivated
“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” ~Jin Ryun
Can I be brutally honest with you for a moment?
I was the “fat kid” growing up, and I’ve struggled to find the motivation to lose weight and lead a healthy lifestyle my whole life.
I first realized I was fat when the teacher asked for a volunteer to play Santa in the third grade Christmas play, and Aaron Valadez loudly blurted out, “Tim would be perfect for the role since he’s already got the belly!”
I literally died right there. Mortified.
This was the …

How to Love Yourself Through Cancer or Any Other Terrifying Diagnosis
“If you want to see the sunshine, you have to weather the storm.” ~Frank Lane
One minute your life is just humming along, and out of nowhere you’re hit with a devastating diagnosis. Cancer.
Believe me, I know what it’s like to get the news you have cancer and to live with the trauma that follows, because I’m not only a licensed psychotherapist, I’ve been treated for both breast cancer and leukemia.
I know how that diagnosis changes everything. I know how the world around you can still look the same, but suddenly you feel like a stranger in your …

How I Learned to Trust Others by Learning to Trust Myself
“You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment if you don’t trust enough.” ~Frank Crane
I’ve had trust issues for as long as I can remember, but didn’t realize it until after my divorce.
Divorce can be a traumatic experience, and in this case, it made me begin to take stock of my life. I began to reflect on my failed romantic relationships and why this was a repeat pattern for me.
I realized then that I never let people in for fear they will let me down, belittle or make me feel …