
I am so scared of being hurt by others I have no one at all.

HomeForumsEmotional MasteryI am so scared of being hurt by others I have no one at all.

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    Dear Anita:

    Thank you I hope so. I do the farm work- on weekends my parents now the grass and such. The only reason we live on a farm is because I really wanted to. We don’t have crops or anything- just my cows. I make a bit of income from milk. I enjoy this greatly though. The work is very enjoyable for me.

    sincerely, Lea


    Dear Lea:

    You mean.. your parents were not interested in living on a farm, they moved to a farm for no reason other than YOU wanted to live on a farm?



    Dear Anita:

    that is partly correct. My parents didn’t like the city and my dad wanted to have a garden and a big shop. In terms of ‘farm work’ that is all me. They never wanted animals of any kind. They love the dogs now but the cows- they support- but they aren’t interested in them. If I wanted to go on a trip or something my dad would feed my cows for me. But I do the work.



    Dear Lea:

    It is a shame that although your parents must be making a lot of money working full time as PhDs in their respective fields, that none of their money is used for psychotherapy of any kind, not for your sister who you say is in a great need for it, displaying heavy-duty temper tantrums, screaming at your mother and calling her names, in your mother’s face… You being socially isolated.. and… no therapy for you or for your sister.

    And yet, you said today that your mother is “very emotionally intelligent” – emotionally.. intelligent?



    Dear Lea:

    Regarding your mother and 12-year old sister: “My mom had a meltdown because my sister screamed at her in her face and called her names. Then my mom complained to me about how she was abused by my sister… I think everyone in my house has a personality disorder. I think my mom has borderline… my mom always makes comments like ‘Everyone in this house is so selfish, but’s that’s kay, that’s why I’m here’. She’s the type f person who cannot have any sort of conflict in her family or she snaps and has a tantrum all day” (June 3)…  “My mom has no boundaries and (she) gives and gives and gives and gives and then resents others when she is exhausted from giving, She plays victim… She feels she doesn’t deserve good things” (June 9)…. “She is verry intelligent… She is very emotionally intelligent” (June 10).

    I am experiencing a cognitive dissonance headache, Lea.



    Dear Anita:

    I’m sorry! I meant to say intelligent. I just accidentally put emotionally intelligent. I’m so sorry about that! I missed it. I’m so sorry for the confusion!! Ahh- I was writing an essay and writing that post at the same time. I should have focused on what I was doing. Im so sorry- I feel bad about the discomfort I caused from a simple error.
    sincerely, Lea



    Dear Anita:

    my correction:


    Ive never asked her honestly though I would assume she assumes herself to be in the not stupid half. I (if this did exist) would consider her very intelligent (not stupid). She is highly educated, (medicine) used to work on vaccine development for highly contagious diseases for almost 15 years (she did not work on the COVID vaccine) . she is very intelligent as she used also teach university chemistry at one point (she has her phd) . My dad I don’t think I mentioned is an aerospace engineer (also phd) So both of my parents are highly educated. This is in regard to COVID- since my mom is very familiar with vaccines- she believes COVID could be gone if everyone did their part and got vaccinated. I believe that COVID could be gone- but there’s nothing I or her could do about it and she cannot control other people and their decisions. calling them names and stupid doesn’t help the situation in my opinion.

    once again I’m so sorry!
    sincerely, Lea


    Dear Lea:

    You were writing an essay for school and writing to me at the same time, multi-tasking that is, and therefore not focusing on your communication with me or on your essay.  Here is what I suggest: focus on your studies, on meeting your deadlines. Please don’t submit any post addressed to me before June 2 (the date of your school deadline).

    You are welcome to post in this thread or in any other thread, express yourself and vent as much as much as you’d like, but I will not reply/ submit any post to you before the day after your deadline (June 22). Please focus on your studies!



    Dear anita:

    I know multitasking was a bad idea. I will write to you then. I hope you have a really good week and weekend. Sending best wishes.

    sincerely Lea


    Talk to you next after you submit a post for me after your deadline, June 21. Best wishes back to you!!!



    Dear Lea:

    I spent a lot of time studying our May 6, 2022- June 10, 2022 extensive, quality communication this Saturday morning. I think that there’re lots of good things in it and I highly recommend that you review and record parts of our massive communication- sometime, when you have the time and patience, so that it is not lost to you.

    I believe that it is best for me and for you to end our valuable communication today because I have already offered you all the insights and suggestions I have for you, and there is nothing more that I can offer you. My purpose in these forums is to learn and to encourage learning, and I believe that in the communication with you I have done both to the best of my ability and there is nothing more.

    I wish that you make a friend, then a few, and grow to have meaningful, honest and rewarding friendships and relationships with people you are yet to meet. Best wishes to you!



    Hello Anita:

    I will look at those. Thank you for all of your help and advice, I’ll probably come back and look at it often.. best wishes to you. I’ll try my best- can’t make any promises about friends though.

    I have decided to delete my account now- though I will leave the thread of course.

    As you have requested in your post our communication ends here and I will not talk to you or contact you further.

    sending the best to you Anita. Thank you.

    sincerely, Lea again


    You are welcome, Byelea aka Leaagain aka Lea. Keep getting better and better, good night.



    Dear ‘ I’m So Scared Of Being Hurt any Others That I Have No One At All’ Forum. I, Lea, Leaagain, byelea, am deleting my account. My second account.
    The date is June 11th 2022. I am sad and disappointed to have to end communications on here. but it is time.
    Before I go, I  to wanted to thank others who have helped me on this forum. Helcat and HoneyBlossom. Thank you to everyone who has given me advice and support.

    signing off for the last time,

    Lea, Leaagain, Byelea.

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