
I thought he was my forever til the end

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    Hi Anita,

    Thank you. I will never understand.  I will continue with my therapy; he with his.  Who knows where it will lead us.



    Dear Katie:

    You are welcome. I think that I understand a few principles regarding how his mind operates, but it doesn’t change the fact that how his behavior has been unfair to you, and it is hurting him as well.



    Hi Anita,

    I hope he does realize what will be lost.  It’s so sad for me to think of us going our separate ways.  It would not be my choice to do so, but he has changed.  I believe it’s mourning the dream of the future.  The talks we had of living in a little beach house, having our coffee on our front porch, in a double swing rocker of course so we could be next to each other.  Helping each other as we age with simple things like putting on socks.  And as I  write this I cry for the sweet dream of a future that now can be lost.

    Hoping for better days.



    Dear Katie:

    You wrote about “mourning the dream of the future”- a future he will not have with you for as long as he doesn’t mourn his past. It is common to OCD people, to circle the past, again and again, trying to change it, as if the past can be re-lived in a different way.

    He doesn’t understand that the past is gone, that it would be gone and lost to him even if it was an amazingly pleasurable past.

    The dreams you had are nice dreams, having coffee in the front porch with him. Try to drink your next coffee tomorrow morning in a different part of your home, in a different cup, find a new way to enjoy it.




    Hi Anita,

    He texted me last night.  He told me he thinks about me all day.  We chatted back and forth. He didn’t mention anything about the past.  He mentioned things he thinks about, loving things we did for each other…creaming each others hands, me putting lip balm on his lips.  It was a welcome change from the badgering I would get in the past.  It’s nice to hear him thinking about me and him, and not me and the other guy.

    Perhaps this is because he misses me.  Perhaps it’s because his therapy is getting him to a new way of thinking.  Whatever the reason, I felt like I was chatting with the person I knew a year ago.   I know the therapy isn’t a quick fix and it will take some time.

    I’m still cautious and, as always hopeful.  I know he has to continue on with his therapy.  I don’t expect perfection, just respect and kindness, as I have always given him.




    Dear Katie:

    Cautious and hopeful, I understand.

    “I don’t expect perfection, just respect and kindness, as I have always given him”- that’s fair to ask back, respect and kindness. When you say that you don’t expect perfection, what do you mean by it, in respect to his behavior/ misbehavior toward you?




    Hi Anita,

    I mean I don’t expect anyone to be perfect.  I’m not and he certainly is not.  His behavior toward me, I expect respect and kindness.  I understand in relationships there are disagreements, but conflict does not have to be unhealthy, or abusive.

    I don’t want the relationship of this past year.  I am hopeful that his therapy is working, and I’m being cautious.  I guess in my  mind I am thinking of two paths…perhaps a future with him; perhaps a future without him.



    Dear Katie:

    By not expecting him to be perfect, you do not mean then that it will be okay with you if he sometimes asks you again about your past, or that he calls you names from time to time, even if rarely- you do expect perfection in this regard: zero questions and zero abuse, correct?




    Hi Anita

    It will not be okay for him to ask about my past.  It will not be okay for him to call me names.  No questions about high school guys, no questions about past relationships, unless they’re about my family (no romance).  No boyfriend related questions, and certainly not about my trauma.  No abusiveness.

    I’ve never called him names, and I expect the same.  I do not believe in unconditional love unless it’s for your child.  I believe there are conditions to my love…respect, kindness, empathy, compassion.

    I can recall in the past he would ask me, “Will you love me no matter what?”  My response would be, “No, not no matter what.  There are expectations that I have of you, and you should have of me.  There are deal breakers.”

    If we did get back together, if he starts tormenting me again and getting angry with me because of the past, I know that then the relationship would end.



    Dear Katie:

    It  is a good experience for me this morning, to read how clear, logical and sensible you are. You do understand that a voluntary relationship between two  people should be conditional on respect/ zero abuse. You specifically stated what you are referring to as abuse, or deal breakers in the relationship with him.

    This clarity should give you some peace of mind: being this crystal clear, and able to communicate to him this clearly. Does it?


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by .

    Hi Anita,

    It would be clear.  I am thinking at some point he and I will have to communicate in a face to face manner.  Hopefully this will be with his therapist.  I’m not a big believer in text messaging; there is no visual or tone of voice.  A conversation about the expectations of the relationship should be talking with each other with eye contact.

    I expect going forward I will still have good days and not such good days.   Weekends are hard, but I do get housework done and manage to get outdoors for a walk.  But still I do miss him.



    Dear Katie:

    Reads to me that you are ready for that face-to-face meeting where you will state to him what you stated in your earlier post so clearly, edited just a bit:

    (1) I an not okay with you asking about my past: no (zero) questions about high school guys, no (zero) boyfriend related questions; no (zero) questions about my past relationships, unless they’re about my family (no romance).

    (2) I am not okay with you asking about my trauma: no (zero) questions about my trauma.

    (3) I am not okay with you calling me names: no (zero) name calling.

    — Maybe it is a good idea for you to ask him to meet you face-to-face for a short time, for the purpose of communicating this to him?



    Hi Anita,

    I was kind of waiting for his therapist to suggest the meeting.  She was the one who said that he should not meet with me for awhile due to his anger.  I would like him to work out any issues therapeutically.  But I will definitely think about the meeting. I would like it in a therapeutic setting though.

    He is actually texting me right now. Showing me pictures of his house; he painted the outside.  Telling me his cat threw up from the new food he bought him.  I think he is missing our communication.  I know I do miss the communication with him.  But I do wait for him to text.  I’m more taking the approach that he needs tools in his toolbox that he can pull out and use to keep his OCD under control.   I’m not sure if he’s at that point yet and would rather hold off a bit.  Even though I miss him, I don’t want to have him not using a mouth filter; thinking before he speaks.  That’s why I was waiting for his therapist to make the meeting suggestion.  Thinking she would know when he’s ready.  And I’m not quite ready, if he’s still working through all the OCD issues, to hear his unkind words.  I’m not sure where he is in his therapy, but can see that, at least for now, he doesn’t talk about the past.

    As you can tell, I’m being protective of myself.  I’m not sure that I’m ready to meet with him.



    Dear Katie:

    “I was kind of waiting for his therapist to suggest the meeting… I do wait for him to text… I was waiting for his therapist to make the meeting suggestion”- you make certain assumptions regarding his therapist/ therapy that may be true or not true. You are waiting for his therapist to suggest a meeting with you, but I don’t know if his therapist  thinks that it will be good for him to have you in his life at all.

    I know what I think, I know what you think because you told me, but I don’t know what his therapist thinks.

    You are waiting, and that’s okay, of course- but if you need to be clear about what it is that you are waiting for, maybe you can find out from him. Or not.



    Hi Anita,

    True, at this point I am making assumptions and am only going by what he told me when he started his therapy.  If he is being honest with his therapist, I cannot believe that she would think that it would not be good for him to have me in his life.  Because that to me would mean she’s telling him to just continue to live with his OCD and not try to break his cycle.  Of course, I don’t know her qualifications either.

    I know I can only wait for so long.  At some point it’s a relationship or not.


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