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- This topic has 42 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 8 months ago by
May 23, 2016 at 10:54 am #105383
Participanthe has around 4 million from all over the world most of them are females and a lot of them are mothers and even grandmothers I don’t know how many are unmarried yet but he said that his fans tend to be older fans and I also as I can see from some(only some) of the recordings of his concerts that the fans are old enough to be mothers, the fans that I have dealt with are mothers and grandmothers as well. some overseas fans expressed it jokingly but I can’t tell whether they are truly joking or really mean it, I will not let the competition stop me from trying.
I know a lot of fans on facebook with a specialized account for him but the ones I dealt with them personally are mothers.
all the fans have that love and support for him no matter what we are truly so strong in this. I don’t know for sure how many or who has the same desire I have.
I only expressed my wishing to be his girlfriend jokingly, he drew a character of himself and a friend and a girlfriend, I expressed my feeling jokingly through wishing to be that girl friend character only once, I am shy I prefer to not express my feeling online he might be getting a lot and I prefer to be face to face with him so he can truly know what I feel because I believe text is not a substitute for talking face to face, it just can’t show feeling much.
I understand the competition is big and I want to be the best for him and that can’t happen unless I understand him very well which will come by being close to him to understand his wants and needs, when I meet him face to face I want to open up completely and tell him everything and also ask him about what does he want in a relationship and make myself attendant to those wants and needs and exceed them that’s how I plan to be the best for him.
May 23, 2016 at 12:12 pm #105393Anonymous
GuestDear tina1:
I understand your feelings for this man are deep and intense. Your intentions are to love him as thoroughly as a man can be loved; to love everything about him and show him unconditional support. Your feelings are strong indeed. Of that I have no doubt.
Your statistical chances to have a lifetime partnership with him, to get married with him are extremely small. Out of the 4 millions there are .. I am guessing 10, 000 women your age, unmarried, at the least who feel in love with him romantically. And in reality, he may get married with a woman outside this group of fans.
It is like playing the lottery. It is possible that you win but the chances are extremely small (0.0001%, a rough, rough estimation).
Are you at this point determined to move to South Korea or do you have doubts?
* I will be soon away from the computer for a couple of hours but will be back to your thread.
May 23, 2016 at 1:58 pm #105406Eris
ParticipantHi Tina
I don’t know of many celebrities who have had long term relationships with fans. Maybe you should think about how he can see you as an equal and not one of the many fan girls.
It may be hard to even get near him to speak to him as he will have people to protect him from fans.
You say you have an artist in you which is one of the reasons why you are drawn to him, perhaps if you allow that artist inside you to develop and become a success in your own right he will see as a potential life partner and not a fan.
It must be very difficult for him to be worshiped all the time, to find someone who sees him as a real person and not the media persona. This is why most celebrities marry other celebrities, because they understand that the media person is not the real person, and they understand how hard it is to have so many people in love with them.
I think learning Korean is a great thing to do by the way.
I hope you do get to meet him one day.
May 24, 2016 at 7:59 am #105487Tina
ParticipantHello Anita and Eris,
First to Anita:
to me yes if there is 0.0001 % chance I am determined to move to korea and tell him and if he rejects at least I can attend concerts as a fan and give him fan support as I am not really able to do so from Egypt, also I really like korea as a country and its culture so I’m not really going to feel like a orphan there, also I can stop working there and move back to Egypt, the only reason I didn’t consider leaving Egypt before was because nothing was worth leaving my family for, but with him and my love for him it’s so worth fighting for and if I succeed we will be a great family and if I don’t at least I tried, the ultimate pain for me is not trying the next is him rejecting my love but still would be easier to stay alone than be with someone else (it will feel like getting raped).
Second to Eris:
he is not that type of celebrity who wouldn’t allow fans to approach him, he likes playing football with other celebrities and normal people who are friends with him and a lot of fans went to these matches and took some fancams of him very close like standing right infront of him kind of close, he is very humble and doesn’t act like normal celebrities do and everybody says that about him friends, fans, and just about everybody he deals with.
He opened a restaurant for his parents to run and a lot of fans go there and they can see him and talk with him and be assured about him from his mother, family, or friends, they are all very humble and very respectful people.
you talked about raising that artist inside of me, I agree with you and actually thought about this, I love graphic design and love doing fanart with photoshop and photo manipulation, he had one of his album covers made with photomanipulation and graphically manipulated, I thought about doing that job with him, I also thought about getting a job that will allow me to work with him as a celebrity but I don’t know what these jobs are and how to get them and whether or not I can get them without a degree, I’m just afraid of wasting time on getting a degree or finding or doing a job that will not get me closer to him, my thoughts are if I just go to Korea then I can figure out the rest I mean Korea looks like a great country to me just because it cares so much for art as I am in love with art too.
Thank you Anita and Eris for being responsive and I am sorry for taking so long to respond back.
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
May 24, 2016 at 8:26 am #105490Anonymous
GuestDear tina1:
You are welcome. You are aware of the statistical aspect of getting married with this man. You are willing to take that chance and continue your life if you fail. Well, I do wish you the best of luck, but more than luck, I hope that your clear focus, persistence, clarity of what you want to do, I hope these will carry you to a better life. I am curious as to your future.
Please do post anytime, from Egypt, Korea or from anywhere else:
May 24, 2016 at 8:37 am #105492Tina
ParticipantThank you Anita for everything and for keeping coming back to respond to my posts, I too wish the best for you.
It was really nice to talk about this it’s only me, God, you, Eris, and whoever read this topic who know about this, so thank you I really needed to talk about it.
May 24, 2016 at 8:44 am #105493Anonymous
GuestAnytime, tina1. I am here. And thank you for wishing the best for me.
anitaMay 24, 2016 at 9:05 am #105494Wisdom
Participantyou know, i thought that i was the only one with this kind of situation, so much so that i figured that i was probably crazy. all i’m gonna say is good luck because i don’t know how love works at all, but i’ve seen it work. like even on this one episode of true life this guy fell in love with a girl that lives in japan, but now they live together and i think it’s been like a year or something since and they’re still together so, yeah it’s possible, but that’s all i can really tell you. if you know how love works, then i say just go for it. why let fear or your parents stop you? go for what you feel is right because usually that’s the right thing. especially if no one else is in your way.
May 24, 2016 at 9:17 am #105496Tina
ParticipantDear Wisdom,
Thank you for your encouragement, actually love to me is all about giving and he was the one who teached me that through his work of art, before him I couldn’t fully understand it.
My parents are worried about me and they want to see me happy with someone but they won’t understand my love for him and that to me it’s either him or nobody at all in an attempt to shake me out of it, they will probably react really bad if I tell them and will try to prevent me.
Are you also in love with a celebrity? would you tell me about it?
May 24, 2016 at 9:54 am #105503Wisdom
Participantno problem! and i’m glad that he could teach you that, that’s something that everyone should learn so it’s good that you even learned it, and since i believe in destiny, i think that it’s important that you learned it through him.
with your parents and anyone else, they shouldn’t be turned away by your dream. it’s nothing malicious or silly and just because he’s a celebrity doesn’t mean that he’s on a royal level. he’s human just like anyone else. so it’s definitely possible for you to be with him and be happy with him just like you could with a “regular” person. and if you ever do tell your parents about this and they happen to close off to your dream or degrade it, you shouldn’t be discouraged at all. only you will know what’s truly right for you. they made your heart, but not what it carries. only you will know what’s truly right and wrong.
i have someone i’m very interested in (he’s not a celebrity), but i don’t know how to reach him necessarily. he always seems to be focused on people better than me or just prettier and have more to offer. and so if that doesn’t work out, (which for some reason, i feel that that won’t happen, that this will truly work, i just have to wait and find out until god reveals that answer to me), i’m willing to spend the rest of my life with a celebrity which i feel could be one of my soulmates. it’s almost silly because i’m neither one of these guys types per se, but i feel this really close connection with both of them. and although i have more in common with the celebrity, there’s this extreme connection or attraction i have with the guy that isn’t famous. yet it could just all be me living in my own world because i’m a homebody and the closest thing i have to real life is daydreaming. or going to school i guess which places me out of daydreaming. but even daydreams feel real.
May 24, 2016 at 1:49 pm #105517Tina
ParticipantHello Wisdome,
Thank you so much for encouraging me, I too believe it can be possible.
But I’m curious, are you friends with the celebrity? And don’t you have anyone who can introduce you to this infamous guy so you can tell him how you feel?
May 24, 2016 at 2:54 pm #105522Wisdom
Participanti really wish i was friends with him. i’ve been trying to meet him since i was like 15 haha! (i’m 19 now though) he’s 5 years older than me. one day it’ll happen though. either that or i’ll be able to get in contact with him. i still can’t even get through with fanmail somehow, but one day.
and with the guy that isn’t famous, unfortunately i don’t have anyone that can do that. he actually lives in another state not too far away from me, but i’m gonna have to work it all myself as of now. and i don’t even know how good of friends we are as of now, but i’m trying my best just to even make it to that point. i wouldn’t be afraid to tell him how i feel, but i’m afraid of his reaction. plus it’d be weird if i just poured my heart out to him after being offline for about a year. sometimes i think he probably just forgot who i am.
May 25, 2016 at 4:05 am #105590Tina
ParticipantHello Wisdom,
woow I feel your confusion, but which one of them do you really want? if you can’t tell then I guess you just need to know first who to pursue.
Have you asked yourself which one of them you would rather be intimate with? which one of them you would rather accept everything about him and love no matter what?
May 25, 2016 at 5:55 am #105592Wisdom
Participanti want to be with the one that isn’t famous, but i really can’t tell if he likes me or not. and i always feel like a bother to him, but it’s probably my own anxiety. but he’s the only one i really want above all else.
May 25, 2016 at 6:06 am #105594Tina
ParticipantHey Wisdom,
then do like what I want to do, figure out how you are going to confess to him and make sure he knows and also make sure you have a plan if he rejects you, how are you going to go on with your life. Atleast try don’t be afraid of rejection at least you put your mind at peace when letting him know how you feel.
Oh and don’t wait do some kind of action starting from now anything don’t waste time, okay.
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by