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- This topic has 92 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 3 months ago by
January 7, 2023 at 9:39 am #413340
ParticipantHi My Friend,
This was an awful experience for me a while back~I was in the grocery store and bumped into a man who was 80yrs. old. First too old for me except he seemed nice & lonely and asked if I wanted to have a seat in a small area the store has if you purchase food & want to enjoy your sandwich in the area.
We spoke & he gave me his number. The girl in the customer service area which I know because I usually pick up my groceries in the store said he comes in a lot and was a very nice man.
I called him and we spoke for a while and decided to meet at a restaurant. When I got there he said he wasn’t really hungry and he lived a few miles away & would I like to come by & talk. I also don’t like cheap people & I felt that from him. Also, his house was filthy and a mess~
He lived in an area I was aware of and had close neighbors to his home. I didn’t see any harm so I went.
He told me he rented one of his rooms out & his wife passed 16 yrs. ago. Then he asked if I wanted to watch a movie & I didn’t feel comfortable because he kept trying to hold my hand and touching my hair. I told him I didn’t like my hair to be touched and was uncomfortable. He asked if he could be honest and tell me something & I said sure. I almost fell to the ground when he said he had been dating and not found anyone he was interested in but had an attraction to me which gave him an erection and I was disgusted.
I told him I made a mistake by going to his home and felt what he said was very disrespectful to me & I was repulsed.
He actually asked if we could get together again and I told him absolutely not.
Why do men do such things? I know girls that sleep with men only because they felt an obligation because they paid for their meal or they thought the man had money and will sleep with them thinking they may get some type of security from the guy.
I have avoided all of these situations and feel I may be alone with my babies until the end of my life.
People have changed & most have no idea how to communicate or treat you like a lady.
Being old fashion, I want to be courted and respected. I would not feel any type of obligation to sleep with a man because we went out. I definitely don’t like being touched.
It takes a good 6 months or longer to really know someone you just met & I have no past boyfriends I would want to date again. Most may have passed because I have not seen them in so long. Guess I am a loner and sometimes I feel I am on my way downhill instead of spending my golden years with someone.
I have one girlfriend I trust and we are so much alike. She worked at the Sheriff’s Dept. and is disabled now. We talk on the phone. Besides writing to you and speaking with her on the phone I am basically a loner. Also, my trust in people has come to a halt due to all the deception I have experienced.
Back to the dating scenario if a man tries to get emotionally involved on the first date I can only imagine what their past was like and don’t care to waste my time sharing my life.
I didn’t sleep well last night, for some reason I feel so disappointed in people these days. Too much deciet and intitlement is what I feel from people.
Maybe it’s me?
Have a Beautiful day!
Your Friend Shookie~
January 7, 2023 at 10:42 am #413347Anonymous
GuestDear Shookie: I will be away from the computer for much of the day, but am looking forward to read from you and reply later.
January 8, 2023 at 8:33 am #413442Anonymous
GuestDear Friend Shookie:
I hope that you slept better last night?! “I called him and we spoke for a while and decided to meet at a restaurant. When I got there he said he wasn’t really hungry and he lived a few miles away & would I like to come by & talk“- lured by false pretense are the words that come to my mind. He offered to buy you a meal at a restaurant (a public place) with the intent to not deliver, and instead, to lure you to his private home so to take something away from you.
“I didn’t see any harm so I went… he kept trying to hold my hand and touching my hair.. he said he.. had an attraction to me which gave him an erection“- I mentioned above that he intended to take something away from you; that something he intended to take away from you was the use of your body for his sexual pleasure.
“Why do men do such things?“- of the many men who do such things (not all do), they do it so to use women’s bodies for the men’s sexual pleasure. Some men are willing to pay for it (directly as in prostitution, or indirectly as in paying for dates with the intent to have sex afterwards); others skip the paying part altogether.
“I know girls that sleep with men only because they felt an obligation because they paid for their meal, or they thought the man had money and will sleep with them thinking they may get some type of security from the guy“- the same old exchange, as old as the bible: money/material goods for sex.
“Being old fashion, I want to be courted and respected… It takes a good 6 months or longer to really know someone“- I would bypass the whole courting stage (a euphemism for the exchange of money for sex perhaps), and go straight to getting to know each other as two equal humans who need and deserve to not be misused or abused.
“If a man tries to get emotionally involved on the first date“- I recently paid attention to the term Love Bombing. very well health. com/ love bombing (Feb 2022): “‘Love bombing’ refers to behavior patterns where, at the beginning of the relationship, a partner showers the other with over-the-top attention and affection… They’re already talking about introducing you to their family. They’re showering you with gifts. They might even be starting to say ‘I love you.’… If we think about the development of relationships, they’re built on a series of interactions and connections, ruptures and repairs... The problem with love bombing, Steele added, is that it doesn’t leave time for that development. Rather, it’s a projection of a bond that doesn’t yet exist...
“There are at least two major reasons why people love bomb: Because of a conscious desire to manipulate, or due to unconscious… someone with an insecure attachment style may love bomb in an effort to ‘secure’ the relationship quickly, out of fear the partner will abandon them.. On the other hand, someone with a more avoidant attachment style may love bomb to feel in control over the level of intimacy. But once the partner reciprocates, they may feel overwhelmed by the closeness. Then, they may begin to resent them and push them away, leading to what Steele calls the ‘flipside’ of love bombing: ghosting”- interesting!
“I have no past boyfriends I would want to date again… I feel so disappointed in people these days. Too much deceit and entitlement is what I feel from people. Maybe it’s me?“- there’s a lot of deceit and entitlement, male entitlement is what we discussed here. Was your father the only man you’ve ever known who was not deceitful and entitled?
February 23, 2023 at 6:18 pm #415706shookie
ParticipantHello Anita,
It’s been a while. I hope you are doing well.
I have been a bit stressed & seem to be turning into a recluse. I like being alone with all the bad things going on.
When it rains, it pours.
I want to move so bad, I have no friends here except 1 & we mostly talk on the phone. She treats me better than my sister ever did.
My neighbor which I thought were friends invited me to come over to a Football Party she was having a few weeks before the party date and I told her I would come. I got sick with a 102 temperature & had gone 7 days and couldn’t eat. My Dr. called in something for me and it took a few days. I am feeling better now.
She hasn’t called since the party. I am not playing games with her. She is 70 and is acting like a spoiled teenager. I am glad I found this out sooner than later.
And I don’t and haven’t called the 20 yr. separation friend. He still texts me every day telling me he misses me & he always has a smile on his face when I text him back. I want him as a friend. I guess that’s what we are. Friends that never see one another.
He did stop by a few weeks ago and we had small talk. As he was leaving he paused and turned around and said you have no idea how hard it is to leave you. I want to rent a place and get out of the mess he is in except he can’t due to his choice to stay.
After that I did hurt for a few hrs. and put my big girl pants on and told myself enough is enough.
I feel safe knowing he is there even if I don’t see him.
My washing machine quit working & needed to have someone come look at it. I called 5 different places and was told it would be at least 6-8 weeks. I did text him and asked if he knew anyone and he said he would stop by on his way to work and look at it.
He said it was not an easy fix but maybe someone could fix it rather than purchase a new one. New ones are so cheaply made and don’t last. With his call, someone was here in an hour.
I have discovered it’s his power I like. He knows everyone in town and he makes a call like waving a magic wand & someone is available for him. Even if they know I am friends with him I get better treatment. Sad, but true.
Does that make me keeping him at arm’s length by texting him back when he sends a text using him? I know the answer “YES”.
I take Stash my sweet baby that has a heart condition to have him bathed and shaved. His hair is so long that he throws up hairballs. I know he will feel better once he gets it taken care of. He will be scared but happy when he gets back home.
Take Care My Friend,
September 15, 2023 at 8:02 am #422134anita
ParticipantDear Shookie:
I don’t know if you are following the activity on your thread, being that it’s been almost seven months since your last, unanswered post. If you are reading this and would like to communicate again, please let me know.
September 17, 2023 at 7:13 am #422171shookie
ParticipantHi Anita,
I was so excited to read your message. Ecstatic, is better.
I replied to the one I just received & don’t see it on the thread, I am going to write, send & see what happens.
How have you been? I can’t tell you how lost I felt when the messages stopped.
I never stopped wondering what you were doing & how you were.
So much has happened in my life since our last message. Good, & bad, many changes.
I have missed our messages and hope this will go through.
Once you respond back I will tell you more.
I have accepted what comes in and out of my life, there is a reason why everything happens,
Your Friend,
September 17, 2023 at 7:33 am #422173anita
ParticipantDear friend Shookie:
I am happy to receive your message, so glad to read from you again! During the more than six-months of my absence, I’ve been busy working outdoors, but still following the activity on the forums here as a guest (not a participant) and learning from it. I am back as a participant, but still busy outside working the land (apple orchards, corn fields.. cutting the invasive blackberries and more).
“Once you respond back, I will tell you more“- please do tell me more…?
September 17, 2023 at 9:56 am #422175shookie
ParticipantMy Friend Anita,
I have been reading a lot & have taught myself to accept what happens and move on,
My 20 yr, friend has been working out for months, We had a talk, and he explained things which of course I already knew.
I told him, friends, only & it has been exactly that.
My house was struck by lighting Wednesday night and after months of no contact, I called him because I have a a fear of fire & he is also an electrician and the only one I will let touch any electrical outlets. He called within a minute and asked if I was home, I said yes, and he said I would be there in five minutes.
He arrived, checked the outlets and said “Yes you were hit & don’t let anyone touch or try to fix them.
He only had minimal time because he was on his way to Florida. He said he would be back next Thursday to fix them.
I had already checked the breaker box and the reset outlets throughout the house, he laughed when I told him because he knew I would check everything first.
He came and checked all the outlers & we found the problem. One reset receptacle had no reset button. He said he had one at the office and would change it out.
He made me promise not to let anyone touch it & he would take care of it.
My girlfriend was here for an early Birthday visit. She adores him and says she wished we could have a life together. I told her that was a big “NO”
Divorced or not, he has too much drama in his life & I want to remain friends. He hugged and gave me a kiss.
I popped him on his shoulder & said go & have a safe drive, see you next week. It was a nice feeling to know we still have our friendship.
I am really feeling so much better and have missed you dearly.
There are no words to express our contact again. I am so happy!!!
My babies are all doing well. Stash seems to be getting better, he is acting like a kitten again.
My roof also had damage & when the adjuster came out he fell in love with blu, the sweetheart I was trying to find the perfect home for. I love him so except Stash was scared of him.
The adjuster said he was looking for a Blue Russian and couldn’t find one. I told him if he wanted him and would give him a good home he could have him. Blu followed him around the whold time he was here.
I came inside , and got Blus carrier/bed/toys/food and water bowls, a bag of treats, and food. I gave him all his paperwork with vet trips for his neutering and all vaccinations. He took Blu when he left, which of course I teared up and felt like a traitor.
I know in my Heart I was doing it for Blu. Winter will be here soon and I didn’t want him in the cold. The guy sent me pictures of Blu riding in his lap looking out the window. The next day he sent several more and said he slept with him the first night. I am so happy for him. The guy is single and said he would treat Blu like his baby. I told him for any reason if things changed, I would take him back.
I have probably blown up this message and given you too much to read in one reading.
I will touch base again tomorrow & tell you more~
Good afternoon My Friend,
September 17, 2023 at 10:48 am #422177anita
ParticipantDear Shookie, My Friend:
Your two posts today are making my day! So good to read that you truly moved on, having a true friendship with this man, and nothing but friendship. You are a woman of integrity: you mean what you say and say what you mean, and your actions and words are congruent.
Your house was hit by lightening only four days ago? Amazing, my goodness! Did it ever happen before (I wonder if it’s one of the extreme weather events plaguing the U.S and the world at large)?
Good to read that your babies are all doing well, that Stash is acting like a kitten again, and that you found a good home for Blu. You’ve always been very dedicated to your babies, very caring.
“I will touch base again tomorrow & tell you more~ Good afternoon My Friend“- good afternoon to you too, Shookie, a pleasure talking to you again.
September 18, 2023 at 6:49 am #422201shookie
ParticipantMy Friend Anita,
YES, the first time, my home was hit by lightning. Only mine & my neighbor, which had their televisions and some electrical knocked out.
I have a dead pine tree close to the back side of my house & thought it was the tree. That little sucker is going to be cut down as soon as my other neighbor goes to Florida for the winter. The tree is mine & he says it’s his. When he gets back it will belong to the wildlife.
The neighborhood has most of the empty lots sold & all the wildlife are being pushed out. I still feed mine. I have many nests for the animals which have been since before my mother passed. I have seen several red foxes & their kits. Two mama skunks with her babies. It amazes me how the babies are mostly white & it doesn’t take long to get the black stripe on their backs and the little white caps on their heads. LOL~ I have a deer feeder, which of course, the mean neighbor does not like. It’s my property. I bought some watermelons for the fox and now they love me.
I was going to build an A-frame on my property except it would cost more to build one 1/2 the size of mine and the cost would be the same to build as I could sell mine for. The only reason I was thinking about it is I would have no neighbors, just wildlife.
I have my precious girlfriend which I don’t see enough and ran into a friend I haven’t seen in over 15yrs and we have been talking on the phone on occasion & text a few times a day. It’s fun games where I try to guess what color shirt he has on for the day. Silly, but fun. We have many laughs. We have known one another since we were 21~ He has many girlfriends. He is like my big brother & I believe that is why he treats me with respect.
As I mentioned in past messages, I prefer animals over most people.
I am learning to appreciate the life I had growing up instead of thinking about just getting older. I realized I had the best parents I could have asked for & an exciting life and fun jobs.
I watched Top Gun Maverick the other week and it brought back good memories of when I flew & worked on the flightline in the Military.
I am going for a walk and come home to box up and donate things I have been hanging on too long. Another good lesson I have learned. It’s only stuff. Memories stay with you forever & it makes me so happy.
I hope you are happy and doing well.
I will look for tomorrows read from you & will write to you tonight when I am tucked away for the night with my 3 babies.
I Love Stash, Izzy and Takeda so much. Since I stopped letting them go outside they have turned into Luv bugs…
Your Friend Always,
September 18, 2023 at 8:48 am #422210anita
ParticipantDear Shookie, My Friend:
“The tree is mine & he says it’s his. When he gets back it will belong to the wildlife“- are you afraid a bit of the neighbor’s reaction when he finds out that you cut the tree he claims to be his (partly on his property?) Or are you more afraid of another lightening?
“I have many nests for the animals which have been since before my mother passed. I have seen several red foxes & their kits. Two mama skunks with her babies… I have a deer feeder, which of course, the mean neighbor does not like. It’s my property. … I prefer animals over most people… I Love Stash, Izzy and Takeda so much. Since I stopped letting them go outside they have turned into Luv bugs“-
My little study this Mon morning- From better help. com/ people who love animals more than people (I am adding the boldface and italic features): “In this article, we’ll take an in-depth look why it sometimes feels like we care more our pets more than our next-door neighbors…Spending time with a pet has been found to lower blood pressure, reduce stress hormones, and release chemicals that trigger relaxation even when there’s a lot on your plate. As mentioned, pets also increase social support, which has been found to improve cardiovascular, endocrine, and immune function. Overall, pet owners are just healthier (both physically and mentally) than those who don’t own pets”!
<p dir=”ltr”>From being human. org/ what do you call a person who loves animals more than humans: “1. Animals give us unconditional love. They don’t care about our flaws or mistakes; they love us just as we are. Whether a dog wagging its tail or a cat purring on our lap, their affection for us is pure and genuine. This kind of love and devotion is hard in human relationships. 2. They are very appreciative… for even the smallest acts of kindness. Be it a treat, a gentle touch, or spending time together, they often display gratitude and respond with affection and happiness… 3. Animals don’t judge you. They don’t care about our social status, wealth, or appearance… 4. Innocence and Simplicity…They have a purity and naivety that is refreshing in today’s complex and often cynical world… 5. Unlike humans, animals aren’t always asking for something. They don’t have hidden agendas or ulterior motives. They are content with simple pleasures like food, shelter, and love. And this can be attractive to individuals who find relief in relationships without constant requests or obligations. 6. They protect us…The protective nature of animals can create a deep sense of trust and reliance, leading to a preference for their company over humans. 7. Animals are gentle... From a kitten’s soft purr to a rabbit’s warm snuggles, animals have a calming presence that can make even the most stressful day disappear. Animals often exhibit kindness, tenderness, and a lack of malice, which appeals to individuals seeking peace and harmony. 8. They are loyal. Loyalty is something many people cherish and look for in relationships. Animals, particularly pets, are known for their unwavering loyalty… 9. Animals can calm us down. The presence of animals has a calming effect on human beings. Interacting with animals, petting them, or simply being in their company can reduce stress and promote relaxation. 10. Lack of Expectations. Human relationships often come with a set of expectations and complexities. In contrast, relationships with animals are often more straightforward”.</p>
<p dir=”ltr”>I’d like to be more of these things (words taken from the above article): to love people just as they are, with no preference for some over others because of social status, wealth and appearance; to express pure and genuine, innocent and simple affection, to be straightforward (to have no hidden agendas or unexpressed motives, no demands… no unnecessary complexities when interacting with people); to be appreciative for the smallest acts of kindness; to find contentment in the simple pleasures of life; to protect others and be loyal, to promote the trust of others; to be gentle, kind, and tender; to promote peace and harmony (no malice); to have a calming effect on people.</p>
Back to your recent post: “I am learning to appreciate the life I had growing up instead of thinking about just getting older. I realized I had the best parents I could have asked for & an exciting life and fun jobs… Memories stay with you forever & it makes me so happy. I hope you are happy and doing well“- it makes me happy to read that you are happy. Your happiness promotes my own!anita
October 3, 2023 at 3:47 pm #422691shookie
ParticipantHi My Friend,
The wait has been due to being hurt.
I didn’t go to the hospital, I haven’t been able to eat or drink & got dehydrated.
I made it to the store and picked up needed essentials and already feeling better.
Your question last time was about me cutting down the tree. The tree is dead and if we have another bad storm it will land on my home. I love all of nature.
My house was struck by lightning 2 weeks ago & all of my electrical outlets blew & today my kitchen lights went out.
I will not say what next, due to I am expecting anything can go wrong at any time.
Going back outside to seal my front steps. I am picturing myself falling. Someone is coming to help so I’m sure I will be safe.
I hope you are doing well & I still picture you walking your dog everyday with a Beautiful Smile~
Your Friend,
October 3, 2023 at 8:10 pm #422696anita
ParticipantDear Shookie: I will read and reply Wed morning, have a good Tues night!
October 4, 2023 at 10:19 am #422718anita
ParticipantDear Shookie:
You got dehydrated because of high temperatures.. working in the yard too many hours without drinking water?
Good to read that you are feeling better! In regard to the tree, no matter on whose property it is, it is your right to have it cut down, being that it is likely to destroy your house/ your property, right?
“Going back outside to seal my front steps. I am picturing myself falling“- because you didn’t fully recover from being dehydrated?
“I still picture you walking your dog everyday with a Beautiful Smile“- Hunter the beagle passed away Dec 2021. Talking about lightening, he passed away at a time when lightening and very strong winds were happening, lots of trees fell down. I still see the many trees that fell down on my walks/ when driving (a significant change in scenery). It’s a reminder that nothing is the same since he’s been gone.
October 5, 2023 at 1:54 pm #422743shookie
ParticipantHi Anita.
I am so sorry to hear about Hunter. I am sure he is having fun with all the other fur babies which have crossed over the Rainbow Bridge.
Stash is still hanging on with his illness’s. The vet told me 2 yrs. ago he had six months & he has passed that by 1 & 1/2 years. I have all my babies indoors now. The vet was telling me to keep changing & trying different medicines which started making him sicker. All babies in the house and I no longer take them to the Vet for shots. I never did like giving any of my babies shots the vets say are a must. Not saying I know better, Vets these days are all about the $$$. My old 2 vets which were great have retired.
I feed Stash what he wants, of course watching his salt intake. I purchased a grooming kit & keep him shaved so he wont get hair balls. He gets where he breathes hard sometimes except with all 3 of his illnesses I am happy he has made it this long. I love all of my babies so much. Izzy is friskey as ever & my Balinese is not the sharpest knife in the drawer but his keeps this little baby face on as if he is telling me, “Mom, I’m never growing up”. Stash loves playing with him and I believe that contributes to Stashe’s health.
Stash doesn’t have much choice when Takeda jumps on him wanting to play.
I am still working on sealing my steps & wanted to read your message. It makes my day!
Take care Sweet Girl & I will message you tonight or tomorrow.
Your Friend,
Shookie <=^..^=>