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- This topic has 1,633 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 9 months ago by
Cali Chica.
August 7, 2018 at 7:46 am #220587
GuestDear Cali Chica:
You are welcome. I like how you presented it above, so clearly.
August 7, 2018 at 7:49 am #220589Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
Yes creating clarity for myself is important for things to sink and savor. I present material/ideas/learning in a way that it can be absorbed for ME.
With all of the thoughts and rush of ideas, when I point things out in this way – they can stick. I also am going back and reviewing a lot of what we wrote about – even back from the first posts! I know now that there are many things that stick out (which I will post about another day). From now on, on this path, if I outline things clearly – they can be apart of the handbook of my re- learning which is co-authored by both of us.
August 7, 2018 at 8:10 am #220593Anonymous
GuestDear Cali Chica:
“re-learning which is co-authored by both of us”- I like that. But the book will be authored by you, and I will be reading it with much interest.
August 7, 2018 at 8:35 am #220595Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
What has occurred to me now, after our thorough conversation about the topic above, and my subsequent clear outline of the learning points above is this:
i can not process and think clearly when I am distracted by others. I must MUST give my self permission to focus on ME (and my husband) and NO ONE ELSE.
Tell me Anita, isn’t this true. And I must allow it – I must give myself permission.
Call it whatever I may – cocoon living – protecting my self. It is not isolation – but I want to go back to it – I want to focus just on us. I did for a while there, but I stopped giving myself permission – but I want to – I need to…
This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by
Cali Chica.
This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by
Cali Chica.
August 7, 2018 at 8:41 am #220599Anonymous
GuestDear Cali Chica:
I think/ feel that you need a break today, some relaxation, walking by the ocean or such thing, something relaxing. Time to stop thinking for now. Come back to the thread later, okay?
I will soon take a break myself from the computer. It has been intense for me too.
August 8, 2018 at 5:56 am #220679Anonymous
GuestDear Cali Chica:
Isn’t it amazing how senseless this core belief is, based on your mother’s teaching, that safety is not with us but with them, that safety for you is with strangers, people in the periphery of your life and not with your husband? If you look at the issue of money alone, which is a huge drive in society, your financial safety is with your husband (the two of you working doctors, joined finances) and not with strangers (zero financial benefit to you). And this is only the financial issue.
In Disney World, if your other was sane, she would have known that safety was with us. And then she would make it safe for that us unit. But she created war and you longed for them, over there and lived your adult life that way, devaluing us and valuing them.
It got too much for me yesterday, the ridiculousness of this teaching and lifestyle, to devalue your husband whom you appreciate as a good man, clearly he has a great career and future career, one who loves you, is trustworthy, loyal, calm, sane and you value and invest in strangers whom you don’t know much about (and it doesn’t matter, according to this ridiculous teaching who they are, as long as they are …. not us), who may not be good people at all?
All the information you learned, the hundreds of thousands of details you learned so to be a working medical doctor and yet, so much time and emotion has been spent on one piece of information that is so senseless that it overwhelmed.. me yesterday, so that I needed to take a break!
August 8, 2018 at 6:44 am #220685Cali Chica
ParticipantGood Morning Anita,
Yesterday August 7, I moved on to the next level of my healing.
Do you want to know why? Because I recognized this false core belief (with the assistance of you) and let it sink in.
Later that day, I felt true sadness. It was momentary like a butterfly, it fluttered by and it passed. I reached out to grab it, but it was gone – just like that – with no sign that it ever came. And that’s just it. Feeling true fleeting emotions is a part of progress. I attempted to hold on to that feeling of something real, for longer than a millisecond, but it was not meant to last. No it was not. But it did create micro-healing, and perhaps create one micro-neuropathway that is new – and my own.
Yesterday was overwhelming yes, so much so that it was for YOU. This shows me that I was on the brink of a true understanding. And when I let it all sink in, it happened. I saw it.
It is incredible to see yourself wake up and feel ever so slightly different. Whether it lasts the whole day, or even more than the hour is no longer important to me – it is that it is POSSIBLE. It is that resilience and growth is there. It is that newness is budding.
I will re-read your post above and go through it in detail and comment more shortly.
August 8, 2018 at 7:09 am #220691Anonymous
GuestDear Cali Chica:
Healing is happening, “that newness is budding”, it definitely is!
August 8, 2018 at 7:43 pm #220749Prash
ParticipantDear Cali Chica and Anita,
Apologies for my post here but I wanted to express my gratitude for this insightful communication that you have been having.
Thank you
August 9, 2018 at 1:23 am #220811Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
Your last post after our mutual feeling of overwhelming-ness is pivotal. It is it’s own chapter in the book, highlighted and bookmarked. In fact it is it’s OWN book.
I want to take my time to go through it slowly as it is a difficult concept to process given the ridiculous ingrained teaching.
You wrote:
“and you value and invest in strangers whom you don’t know much about (and it doesn’t matter, according to this ridiculous teaching who they are, as long as they are …. not us)”
=value others, no matter who they are, as long as they are someone else.
So you’re walking down the shopping mall holding your mothers hand in awe of everyone that walks by – seeing wow look how nice he is, like how pretty she is, look how happy he is, look how lucky he is, look!
may sound innocent enough. But no. Look at them. Look at what they have – and as above also assuming things about others that are likely entirely untrue! Looking back at my life – most of these people were not what they seemed, as happy as they seemed, or content/“lucky”.
It was me glamourizing at every juncture. Just because they were someone else. Automatically. I’m going to Spain. Oh great. Oh WOW she’s going to France and her husband is taking her isn’t that INCREDIBLE! Yes, but aren’t you going to Europe too? Oh ya I am… entirely blind to this.
Now this concept was not hard to conceptualize as it is the first layer. And goes along well with the Disney world (TDW) example.
The next layer, which we uncovered over the last few days is much more complex. The value in others over ones self (including people that you include with yourself). It is multifactorial and so beyond the concept of “wanting what you can’t have” or grass is always greener.
1) I am used to attending to danger. Danger does not lie within me and my most loved ones. No. But Danger is pausing too long to focus on me. Because I must attend to danger. It in fact is dangerous to just stick to me and us, thus I have to focus on them. In fact the Danger is not being one of them.
2) safety does not lie within me(us) it lies within them. So once again:
dangerous to be me/us = safety to be them.
Ill let this one sink in.
This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by
Cali Chica.
August 9, 2018 at 4:09 am #220817Anonymous
GuestDear Cali Chica:
I do feel this is worthy of a whole chapter or a book, pivotal, most significant understanding. Definitely requires time to sink in.
“dangerous to be me/us= safety to be them”- like you wrote before, it isn’t envy that has been the motivation to abandon us and focus on them. Envy is a mild motivation in comparison to the strongest motivation there is, to escape danger (us) and seek safety (them).
This is definitely a warped “ridiculous ingrained teaching”.
August 9, 2018 at 5:36 am #220829Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
- dangerous to be me/us= safety to be them
- escape danger (us) and seek safety (them)
This is so powerful it shakes my surroundings. To overcome this will be victorious.
It is safe to be me, it is the safest place in the world. Me, myself, and my husband.
And I will live this…in time.
This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by
Cali Chica.
August 9, 2018 at 6:18 am #220843Anonymous
GuestDear Cali Chica:
It is very powerful. Take the time to let this sink in. Got to give it time, and post anytime you feel something new or different. I will reply every time I am on the computer, aware that you posted, as I have done so far.
August 10, 2018 at 7:19 am #220985Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
Happy Friday, I want to share something I wrote.
Dear Child,
A Narcissitic(N) mother’s emotional abuse.
Insidious is the perfect word. Disguised as love.
This is the most harmful aspect of it. As children in nature we have a basic human instinct to be bonded to our mother. This is without thought. For an NMom to take advantage of this innocent dedication and dependency – there could be “almost(not comparing)” no greater abuse.
Mother’s know that no one depends on them more than their own children. A young infant can not truly LIVE without his mother – without her nourishment. Humans and the wild.
So Imagine a baby Lion getting kicked daily after his feedings from the lioness. Allowed feedings on some days but not others, with no consistency. Sometimes finding that the lioness is nowhere to be found, and sometimes finding she is smothering.
Odd to think of it this way. And unlikely in nature. Yet this is what our mothers did. They took advantage of the innocent dependence of a young child and manipulated it to Feed their fragile narcissistic soul. A soul that can not be fed. And thus it was a bottomless pit. An endless cycle.
Moreover this abuse was disguised as love. Yes. And sure there were time where the mother did show “love and concern.” Motherly traits. But all to throw it back in our face years later. So by definition that is not true love. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. So If any positive behavior did emanate from her, it’s because it just so happened to.
She disguised her behavior as being good for us, for being caring, for being an exceptional mother. For being something special. They always do see themselves as elite and special, but also battered and hopeless.
There is nothing quite like emotional insidious abuse from a mother. No matter what the language, culture, socioeconomic status. The mother – child relationship is the same. No child should have to grow up with fear and inconsistency, the burden to appease their mother, with conditional love.
Unconditional love from a mother is not a prize. It is the standard.
August 10, 2018 at 8:01 am #220993Anonymous
GuestDear Cali Chica:
Excellent thinking, I say. Very well articulated. Again, I see it in that book you will author one day.
I often see fawns following their mothers into the woods. I never saw a mother deer turning towards her fawn and biting it, injuring it. Yet, it happens so often with humans. I often saw human mothers turning toward their young children who walk behind them and scream at the child, angry voices, angry looks, and I saw spanking too. I saw heavy duty hitting too (before it became more illegal/ unacceptable).
You wrote that unconditional love from a mother is the standard.
I noticed that the mother deer does not often look back to see how her fawn is doing, if her fawn is okay. The fawn is focused on the mother, not the other way around. I remember watching nature movies where the commentator was saying how the mother deer was risking her life protecting her fawn. But isn’t true: the mother will do just so much to protect her fawn. She doesn’t risk her life because she preserves it for other fawns she already has or the next time she gives birth, future offspring.
In humans too, it is the child who has unconditional love for her mother, not the other way around. We only imagine it being the other way around.
This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by