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October 26, 2018 at 2:38 am #233423
ParticipantI am meeting a friend tomorrow morning to go to the amusements! I’m not remotely excited but at least it will pass a few hours. Then I have to find something to occupy Sunday and what’s worse I have Monday off too – urgh.
I find lately trying to distract myself with stuff doesn’t work that great, but if I do something to help other friends or family who are in need at the moment, that’s the best way to spend my distraction time.
I can’t wait for Halloween to be over and Xmas for that matter too. And my birthday in December…and what would have been our anniversary in January…..they just keep coming!
I know, wouldn’t it be funny if we became a right little Bridget Jones group watching cheesy films and drinking wine and eating everything that’s bad for us, trying to right the world’s wrongs! I doubt we’re too near though, I’m not even based in the U.K 🙁
October 26, 2018 at 2:53 am #233425Kkasxo
Don’t worry you’ll live through it! If I could then so will you!
I had my birthday & then anniversary days later and look at me alive and kicking! Although yes I am not looking forward to Christmas, just so happens its his birthday on Christmas Eve but that’s not my problem 🙂
I’m glad you’ve got the weekend sort of planned away. I’m trying to make some last minute plans myself just so I don’t end up alone and miserable.
He txt me this morning asking if we could meet up this evening. UMM NOPE! Feels like I’ve got deja vu, didn’t he do the exact same after his lads weekend? I’m starting to see the funny side to all this, and even more so I realise how much of a fool I’ve been so I’ve gotta laugh at myself!
October 26, 2018 at 4:43 am #233437Shelbyville
What do you plan to do? The last thing you want is to go down the rabbit hole again I’m guessing…
October 26, 2018 at 4:52 am #233439Kkasxo
Big fat nothing if I’m honest. I’m not planning on responding because that’ll lead to having to explain myself etc and I just cannot be bothered and I most definitely do not have the energy for it.
As far as I’m concerned we do not need to be in contact right now.
October 26, 2018 at 5:58 am #233453Shelbyville
That’s probably the best decision to make at this moment. There is no point in getting into it again. You know what he has asked for/wants and you have to figure out whats the best way forward, so it’s best to just try and work that out so your life doesn’t have to be in limbo for too much longer, one way or another.
I’m feeling dreadful this afternoon, been busy all day but have this cold sense of loneliness and detachment from the world right now. I met my sister on lunch for a few minutes and she was saying I’m doing great and I explained that I’m functioning, every day, but that’s literally it. My thinking and feeling hasn’t changed one bit. I’m staying functioning because people tell me to, but my thoughts are not changing. In fact, the desire to try and reconcile is getting worse!
October 26, 2018 at 6:17 am #233461Kkasxo
Well you know what they say, it gets worse before it gets better!
I think unless you’re going through this yourself people don’t quite understand the concept of just functioning. They take that as a sign of moving forward and coping somewhat with life as it is. Your sister also doesn’t see this side of things, the heartbreak and having to pour our hearts out on an online forum because nobody else understands or can relate!
Give yourself a pat on the back for how well you have been doing so far! In the space of 5 weeks you only caved into your need to contact him once! That is amazing progress and much better than mine anyway!
For the time being, keep functioning girl! You’re doing just fine!
October 26, 2018 at 6:44 am #233469Shelbyville
That’s so much for the words of support. I feel like a fraud though because I feel like it’s inevitable I’m going to contact him. I can’t come to terms with it at all. I don’t know what I think will happen, maybe he won’t even speak to me, I’d have to cross that bridge when I come to it. I don’t know. But I don’t know what exactly is happening…am I in denial now? Or is the pain or reality realllllllly starting to seep in and I can’t bear it?!
When first I starting communicating with you, you very much seemed that you could not live without your ex, you had him on such a high pedestal. Perhaps he’s still there but definitely in the past few weeks I have seen more and more of you being fed up and not thinking so highly of him and snippets of you thinking you’re better off in the long run. However fleeting.
I wonder are you processing, are you moving along? Will I get to that stage? Because at the moment, I definitely feel as though I’M the one who has lost out, not him. I feel like my life is worse off because he’s not in it. I’m nowhere near thinking I’m better off yet or having an f** you attitude. What if I never do?! Will I die of a broken heart……ok……here goes the spiral!!!!!
October 26, 2018 at 6:51 am #233471Kkasxo
I do think this whole thing comes in stages – you’ll probably agree. There are hours in which you are functioning just fine and then there are hours of complete desperation where you cant bare the thought of continuing life without him!
I don’t see it quite as you have described above but it is really nice hearing that I sound like I’m doing just that tiny bit better. I think what hasn’t helped in my situation is the back and forth of everything. The fact that he has tried to reconcile and failed and now he is doing the exact same thing. Yes I am fed up, yes I am tired of it all BUT yes he is still on that bloody pedestal. Maybe that’s exactly what was supposed to happen to help me move on? I don’t know I guess time will tell.
I think you need to breathe for a moment and take all of these motions in. Don’t worry about what if you never get to the fed up stage, worry about the here and now. How can you help yourself right now? The rest will follow.
October 26, 2018 at 8:00 am #233487Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Kkasxo,
Im on the brink of tears at all times the past couple of days. I have therapy this evening but i feel like saying- is this actually doing anything or am I just going to continue like this ad nauseum?!
Dramatic fashion this evening I know, it often happens like this on Fridays. My life has no direction and no direction seems attractive me, no matter how I often I look up salsa dancing classes or blog writing! I have no joy. That’s the main feeling. My life is without joy and for all the talk of giving joy to myself and loving myself, I just don’t think I’ll ever get to that stage.
I loved everything about my ex except for his commitment phobia. Everyone might say- that’s enough! That’s a pretty big thing. Yes it is. Yes they are right. But nonetheless, here we find ourselves on this forum with very broken hearts and a need to see them, speak to them, etc.
I think maybe I need a good cry- weird thing to say i guess. But I don’t cry that often. Trickles of tears prick my eyes at times but since we’ve broken up I’ve only bawled crying a handful of times.
I can’t wait for work to return next week- dear God, how sad a person I’ve become. I hate that I’m feeling like this, when he’s functioning fine and probably even gone travelling at this stage if I had a guess.
October 26, 2018 at 9:12 am #233517Kkasxo
Having a good old cry can’t do no wrong! Do it, if you want to cry then cry. If you’re angry shout and scream. You’ve got to let these emotions out somehow, it’s no good keeping them inside.
I hope that your therapy this evening makes you feel a little better.
Don’t worry – i’m back with the motions myself! Feeling upset and tired this afternoon. I want nothing more than for him to come home and we just have a chilled friday night with movies, tea and biscuits like we used to. Then everything will be okay. But it cant happen unfortunately so off I go to deal with the motions!
The up and down is so tiring, I hope the down passes soon!
October 26, 2018 at 11:06 am #233543Shelbyville
ParticipantI’ve definitely have had a tough one today emotionally. The pain has been immense.
Therapy helped somewhat but he says I need to really work hard on not beat the crap out of myself cos he says I’m doing a pretty good job of that at the moment.
I called to my sister this eve and broke down again and told her I’ve lost meaning and basically the desire to do anything. Now I realise how bad I must come across, cos she practically wants to stab my ex and this eve said if I need to go back to him, then she won’t be an impediment if that’s what I need. God, it’s bad when SHE’S suggesting that.
However, I’m feeling a bit better now so the feeling to contact has died down a little. Not in mood for dinner but had some toast. It really is the food of every kind of struggle!
Im gonna head home and maybe watch some tv, or I might just head to bed. Did you make it to the gym today? I’m hoping to go for a really long brisk walk tomorrow. Some days I can do 8-10k, other days I don’t do anything at all.
I’ll keep taking the advice of R&R2018 and Bell and all the others and try to like myself a little more of love is a bit of a stretch at the moment!
I hope your ex leaves you alone and doesn’t pester you with contact at the moment. X
October 27, 2018 at 1:20 am #233617Shelbyville
ParticipantMorning all,
Ive had the most horrendous night. Lack of sleep and dreams of him. I definitely feel I’m in immense pain now. Perhaps now it is only truly hitting me. I genuinely have no idea how I’m going to cope with this. I can’t seem to accept it at all, which I know I have no choice but to, but tell my heart and tummy that.
I’m so lost in a world of pain right now that I wonder how will I ever get out of it?
October 27, 2018 at 3:32 am #233621Kkasxo
ParticipantMorning Shelby,
How are you feeling now?
I must admit, at the beginning of the post break up phase I suffered badly with insomnia for about a month. Perhaps this is normal?
I’m not quite sure what to say to make you feel remotely better :(. But keep writing, keep journaling, let these emotions out!
Are you meeting with your friend today? That should be a nice distraction for you!
October 27, 2018 at 5:40 am #233635Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Kkasxo,
Do you remember what helped you sleep after that month? I am indeed out with my friend today and my life has become so sad I’m pretty sure I’m now addicted to the bingo machine in the arcade.
Im sure you all will be disappointed to hear I texted him there to talk. I don’t know what I expected but I just felt the overwhelming need to. He’s going to call me back in a while when he’s free.
I’m trying to and prepare myself for the worst outcome but it’s hard.
October 27, 2018 at 8:52 am #233691Nellie
ParticipantSoooo…. Me and my ex broke up because his feelings for me basically just disappeared overnight, I think it has to do with his mental health. Anyway, He loved me very deeply and really wanted to be with me but just couldn’t due to the insecurity of his feelings. Although we broke up It didn’t feel like a goodbye, more like a ” see you later”. It’s been 5 months and he has been partying all the time ever since! I tried to move on, I even met somebody but I just couldn’t get him out of my mind and I realised that I’m still inlove with him :(. He wrote to me on my birthday congratulating me but other than that we’ve had no contact. I don’t know what to do?? I feel so hopeless!! If he wanted to talk to me, wouldn’t he had done that by now or is he scared? I’m going out tomorrow night to a club and I know he’s going there to and I’m nervous.. I haven’t seen him since the breakup