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  • in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #428238

    Dear Seaturtle:

    “I wonder if I can speed up this awareness. ‘Retroactive awareness’“- you can speed it up by slowing down.  We see (3rd eye) when calm, not when under the influence of stress.

    wow, this (“he wasn’t able to give you more, and you weren’t able to stop wanting more”) should be the quote of our relationship”- I share your wow sentiment! You are welcome to use this quote in your book Unseen.

    Why wasn’t he able to? I guess it is just his limitations due to how he grew up“- yes. If you had his identical growing-up experience, you too would start adulthood not being able to talk about emotions.

    You asked Why. You and I are similar: for us, there is more stress in not asking why?. For him, there is more stress in asking. Just as for you, there is more stress in not expressing your emotions, for him, there is more stress in expressing and elaborating on his feelings (if for no other reason, then because he is not in the habit of expressing and elaborating).

    In our society the emotionless side of the spectrum, is more acceptable and even desired. Desired by people like F and N, they are proud of the Teflon“- if only I was able to Teflon my mother growing up… my childhood experience would have been way less miserable.

    Why did N awaken this (the desire to be seen) in me?“- because you hoped that he will see you, you had those dreams/ images that he’s the one to see you, the first man in your life to see you.. and he didn’t.

    “One major point is this, recognizing my need to be seen by a significant other, before N I didn’t realize I wanted that, or what it even meant to me“- I read this sentence after I wrote the above.

    I woke up and went on a couple mile walk this morning, recognizing new beauty around me. I woke up feeling angry unfortunately, it went from peaceful wake up, to suddenly realizing I needed to mourn my lost snow gear…  shoes that fit just right and a snowboard I actually liked the look of, even my goggles and jacket, they all took me a few years to collect“- it angers me that he denied that your stuff is in his place, refusing to return it to you.

    I’ll continue to reply in the morning, good night, Seaturtle!


    in reply to: Intrusive and Anxious Thoughts #428237

    Dear Kshiti:

    You are very welcome! I don’t have a particular emotion regulation workbook in mind. I just googled and this book seems, by its title, promising. It’s called “The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook“.  It includes not only emotion regulations exercises but also mindfulness and interpersonal effectiveness exercises.

    I have tried to align myself with my true values and goals, and would like to have your advice over how to develop these patterns along with that of purpose“-  are you looking for advice on how to actualize (to put into practice) your true values and goals? If so, would you like to share about your true values and goals?


    in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #428235

    Dear Seaturtle:

    I read just a bit of your recent posts and am looking forward to read and reply.. probably Thurs morning, maybe partly before that. I noticed you asked a question about what I meant in a particular sentence, the answer is in the short Edit I added yesterday, maybe you missed it. Back to you later!


    in reply to: I love my girlfriend but im not happy #428234

    Dear Anonymous:

    I don’t know if you are reading this, being that you deleted your account a few minutes after you submitted your original post. I suppose it’s anxiety that’s behind deleting your account, and that it’s relationship anxiety (and anxious-ambivalent attachment style) that’s behind your distress in regard to your girlfriend. If you are reading this and would like to return to your thread (via a new account), please do.



    in reply to: So confused #428222

    Dear Lynn:

    You are welcome! When an original poster (you, in this thread) posts a second time, I usually go back to the original post and see if combining the two posts, I can learn something new, I will do it here as well:

    The two of you are recently divorced and living far away from each other. You met him five months ago in your home location where he was on business. You “talked constantly” during the 5 months, and met in-person a total of 3 times. The talking and meetings were of a romantic nature. After the 3rd meeting, a decision was made to be friends only. The two of you kept talking as (labeled) friends, but there was an undeniable romantic connection between the two of you, “and even though we said we would put a halt to it, neither one of us really did”. After the 3rd in-person meeting, he sent you a message “saying he needs some time to figure out his feelings and if he wants or needs to be in a relationship right now”.

    (I am adding the boldface feature to the following): “I have always tried to give him his space, hardly ever text this man first and am generally non confrontational, not because I don’t care, I just don’t want to push him out of my life completely… All I can do now is give him time I suppose. I don’t want to potentially miss out on something great with this man but I’m also not going to wait forever if someone can’t make up their mind how they feel about me”-

    – you are giving him time and space, but what is the content of his time and the nature of his space? Having talked with him as much and as often as you did in the last 5 months, you probably know his daily routines, if he often meets new people, new women, if it is easy for him to form connections, or is it difficult. You don’t want to push him, but is there someone else pushing him where he lives (perhaps a woman pushed him to end the friendly labeled contact with you..?)

    While your time and your space is about waiting for him, the connection you feel to him uninterrupted; his time and space may not be about waiting for you, and his connection to you may be interrupted and diluted by connections with others. I don’t know, of course, but what you do know about his personality (extroverted, introverted, etc.) and his routines can give you a strong clue as to the chances of a future romantic relationship with him.

    ” My friends are a little biased and think I should just stop with this man but that’s not where my heart is just yet“- the heart wants what the heart wants, but is the heart wise? There is a mathematical equation in regard to wisdom: wise mind= emotional mind (the heart)+ rational mind (the ability of the brain to see the bigger picture).

    You are welcome to post again anytime you feel like it, if you do!



    in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #428214

    Editing: ” But I was too afraid to be authentic around others most of the time because my mother so effectively shamed my authenticity. I was so out of practice,  didn’t even know how. I wasn’t able”

    in reply to: Dealing with Bad Managers and sabotage #428213

    Dear shordeel:

    Amazingly, you first posted here on Feb 17, 2017, seven years and ten days ago (I replied to you on that thread the day after, Feb 18, 2017), welcome back to the forums! Would you like me to study your previous 5 threads and see how the are connected to your current 6th thread, posting about it next, or would you rather I don’t?


    in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #428212

    Dear Seaturtle:

    As the week went on I asked myself why I really texted him and concluded that there was a wishful part of me that wanted him to have considered what he did wrong and be a new communicative person that wanted to speak…“- as the week went on you became aware of a part of your motivation a few days before. Retroactive awareness. It makes sense to me that you were wishful, of course.

    I knew there was a 99% chance he would not want to talk, but I wanted to give him a window without pressure… when he said ‘words can’t describe..’ …I knew I wasn’t going to hear anymore elaboration, that was it, he could not describe it. Just as in our relationship, he does not have the words or capacity to express himself beyond that sentence, that short sentence“- like you said right here, he doesn’t have the ability to express his feelings in words any more than he did.

    “This was the pattern of our conversations, me trying to get him to express and him lacking the ability to volunteer information on how he felt, I have run out of ways to get him to express himself…’words can’t describe’ that was the only answer I was gonna get“- he wasn’t able to give you more, and you weren’t able to stop wanting more.

    My apology was certainly heart felt, his sentence of how he felt made me feel bad… I hurt a friend and I do feel badly about that“- empathy for N.

    He asked me to leave him alone so for him, I removed emotion and stated factually what I needed, that is since he did not desire to talk“- I understand.

    he didn’t see a need to fight for our love because he thought it was all fine and dandy, which also hurts me because he really just did not regard the things I said to him“- he wasn’t able to regard the things you told him in the ways you wanted him to. He fought for your love in the ways he was able.

    I have wondered if I have a personality disorder before…I wonder, are people with those disorders capable of being authentic?“- I like the quote I sent you earlier on Narcissism (Wikipedia), we’re all on the spectrum/ continuum of each and every personality disorder, even when we don’t fit a diagnosis.

    During all the years that I fit the BPD diagnosis, I very much cared about being authentic, I very much wanted to be authentic, it was very, very important to me. But I was too afraid to be authentic around others most of the time because my so effectively shamed my authenticity. I was so out of practice,  didn’t even know how. I wasn’t able.

    It is true, I have an overcompensating impulse to be seen by others and recognized as an individual. I was so unseen growing up, by my dad, but then also in high school. During early high school, or even middle school I don’t remember having this intense desire to be seen for my individuality, it developed and became more intense later in high school, my soccer team literally ignored me in high school… The bullying had a huge impact“-  yes, I remember you sharing about it. It is very painful for a teenager to be ignored by peers, it is quite traumatic.

    “I just thought they didn’t like who I was, so I made an attempt to be as small as possible. Stopped talking, since I’d only be ignored, stopped asking for the ball, stopped basically playing soccer (my first love) and overall just wanted to be like everyone else and didn’t want to be myself, since that clearly was not accepted… Then I went to Argentina… they…  spoke to me like I was stupid and also ignored my requests, saying to go with the flow… I was just told what to do and out of my obedient character I just did what I was told not matter how uncomfortable it made me. Unseen.”-

    – The book you mentioned recently that you want to write, must be titled USEEN.

    “I had nightmares that shadows pinned me to the ground and covered my mouth, taking every possible way to express myself away from me. It was those last 4 weeks of the trip (5 months total) that I literally felt like there must be a God or else I was completely alone, so I talked to the sky… and when I spoke to the sky I suddenly felt hugged, I felt this overwhelming sense of light, comfort and a soundless voice in my head said ‘It will be ok, I am not alone.‘”- Powerful!

    Unseen and Alone are synonymous.

    “All this to say, yes, my craving to be seen is very intense, and I know it is an over compensation, and potency of the craving changes/fluctuates. But In my relationship with N…  I feel like his lack of seeing me, in a strange way, was attractive to me because of how comforting it was, felt like home“- N awakened your desire to be seen, the desire you had at home with F, and at school, middle and high school.. and in Argentina.

    I had to decide for myself what was ridiculous and what wasn’t. The toilet seat bothered me when I would fall into the toilet at night, and even after I told him that happened he didn’t seem to put much effort there… I really tried my best to stay aware of the difference between too high of expectations, and reasonable standards“- reads like you did.

    I am not saying this is not true but I don’t recall feeling that way, at home. Also that feeling of estrangement doesn’t happen with my other friends, currently I am not able to associate this disconnect with anyone else but N…  with him he just blank stared me“- it is amazing to me how much work it takes to SEE certain other people, like me trying to see you. So much time.. 31 pages and I am seeing something new today (actually, this particular seeing occurred to me a day or two ago, as in a passing thought), that it is N, in his stark Unseeing of you, who triggered your overcompensating, narcissistic like reaction.

    “As I came to you here in September, I thought it was all my fault and I was making incorrect correlations, but clearly he was being passive aggressive, so many times I told myself ‘no, he was probably joking, and I am making assumptions of him not caring about me when it is not true,’  just as a victim of gaslighting says to herself. I am open to being wrong about this assessment”– and I am open to having been wrong in some of my assessments of you. And of him.

    But it is just how I feel, and evidence is that I stayed with him that whole last year trying to make myself see that he cared, when I just don’t think he actually cared that much and instead knew how to act like he did“- I think, at this point (and I may be wrong), that he cared for you as much as he was ABLE to care for you. I feel empathy for you for needing what you needed from N, and empathy for him for not being able to deliver.

    I would not want someone to do everything I wanted, that would be such a fake relationship, I witnessed my grandma doing this for my mom and I thought it was gross. I did not/ and do not want to be this way so badly that I don’t think it happened without me knowing it, and if it did I know less about myself then I thought I did“- no, it’s me who knew less about you than I thought I did. Sincerely, it takes so much work, and humility, and persistence, and putting aside my persona biases, experiences, etc., to get to know a person as .. complex as you.

    “But I don’t want the love I received as a child, my mom’s over coddling makes me uncomfortable and my dad’s lack of it also makes me uncomfortable.  I am alone in a dark room, and something I learned through speaking with you is it is Seaturtle’s job to turn on that light so hatch can see herself. I associate light with seeing that I am an authentic person, a strong and witty/creative person (as my dad said I wasn’t), seen by myself and hopefully by my one life partner, the one person in the world that admires me for me. I just feel like N did not see me very deeply, he saw a square and fell in love with the square“- I agree and I admire you for having these words, these motivations! And again, what I am in touch with this evening, is how difficult it is, has been for me,  to SEE you as you are. It’s mostly the personal biases, the personal childhood experiences that create one’s vision of another.

    “He missed a whole side but he was ok with that and I wasn’t. I just believe my real lifetime partner will see those things, I don’t want them to do everything I want. In fact, if someone sees who I am, I would likely stay with them through them doing many things I don’t like, because of how hard it was to find a man who saw me. Leave the toilet seat up every day, and be late as long a… you do see me“- a real lifetime partner is possible for you to find and have a lifetime with. Give him time though.. the task of seeing a complex, fascinating person like you is not easy, says I.

    “Yes exactly. I am sure some of my expectations were unrealistic, but I was open to being told that“- most people would have disappeared from their forum after told certain things, after told certain things that were the wrong understandings, but you are back here, remarkable, I am humbled.

    Exactly, I feel this way. When I texted him, part of me wanted to hear from someone who was willing to do this, but that was wishful thinking. I would be. I have had the song “I wanna know what love iss…”; haha“- love takes a lot of work when it comes to a complex person such as you, a Seaturtle with an open third eye and an active crown chakra. It takes me opening mine and activating my crown chakra to understand.

    it is now 7:36 pm my time, 8:36 pm your time. Good night Seaturtle, and (haha… ) add distilled water to your tears, so that your sea turtle’s tears don’t irritate your human eyes. In case you cry or laugh too hard.


    in reply to: So confused #428210

    Dear Lynn:

    After we saw each other the last time we decided we should be friends“- before you saw each other the last time, the two of you were either more than friends, or felt like more than friends.

    We kept talking, the whole time I am thinking we are just friends then I get a message saying he needs some time to figure out his feelings and if he wants or needs to be in a relationship right now.. I’m sorry.. I thought we were just doing the friend thing!? When did a relationship come back to the table??“- it was probably never off the table, not for long. Just because you labeled the relationship “friendship”, as in placing the relationship in a box labeled “friendship”,  does not mean that his feelings or yours fit that box. Feelings have a mind of their own; as the saying goes, the heart wants what the heart wants.

    We are both recently divorced… I just don’t want to push him out of my life completely. So here I am, once again wondering what is going on in the mind of this man who drives me absolutely crazy because I can’t figure him out to save my life!.. Could he just be terrified of the whole situation?“- fear probably has a part in his behavior. I say this simply because fear/ anxiety is so prevalent. I personally don’t know anyone who is not afraid. I am.

    I am thinking that he has feelings for you, and he knows that you too have feelings for him (beyond friendship and regardless of the label). Maybe he felt pressured to be in a relationship with you even though you didn’t pressure him, simply because he knows that you have a romantic interest in him. Do you think this might be the case?


    in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #428202

    Dear Seaturtle:

    Years ago when I was starting to spot narcissists, in my parents and on tv or on occasion my friends, I looked up what made a narcissist. I decided I couldn’t be because when someone explained to me how I hurt them I genuinely looked at myself and changed…“-

    Wikipedia (I am paraphrasing some) makes an interesting distinction between Narcissism, destructive Narcissism, and Narcissistic personality Disorder, the three existing on the Narcissism Spectrum, or Continuum, and each one of the three existing on a spectrum of its own: “Narcissism exists on a continuum that ranges from normal to abnormal personality expressions… Some psychologists suggest that a moderate level of narcissism is supportive of good psychological health… Destructive narcissism is the constant exhibition of a few of the intense characteristics usually associated with pathological narcissistic personality disorder … <sup id=”cite_ref-APA_2-1″ class=”reference”></sup>On a spectrum, destructive narcissism is more extreme than healthy narcissism but not as extreme as the pathological condition”.

    * I want to correct a mistake in my last post of Feb 24: “The diagnoses are categories of symptoms set by the DSM staff for the purpose of designing therapies to fit each category” (symptoms, not personality disorders).

    For some reason recently when I have tears, my eyes burn, it just happened again..“- it’s the sea turtle tears, more sea salt in its tears… Seaturtle is turning into a real-life sea turtle…

    “this is funny I laughed out loud, I hope that’s ok“- yes, it’s okay.

    “the gaslighting was the label of how he would be emotionally dishonest“- yes.

    “Since I did it, I just hold on to this idea that if only I could explain it just right they would be like ‘oh my gosh, who am I?’ And so begins the journey...”- there is pain in the journey, and people are afraid of pain, therefore many don’t start or start and give up. Explaining things intellectually does not dissolve fear, if it’s intense.

    are you saying I demanded too much from him specifically, but not that my standards are too high for my lifetime partner who’s still out there? I hope so haha.”- at this point, I mean that you deserve a man who can carry on a deep conversation, one who does not Teflon and gaslight you, one who sees you and you need to lower your expectations in regard to a man seeing you and attending to you in all the ways you need to be seen and attended to.

    I’ll read your 2nd post today and reply later.



    in reply to: Intrusive and Anxious Thoughts #428164

    Dear Kshiti:

    You are welcome, and no need to worry about when you reply: no such thing as a late reply here, as far as I am concerned!

    Sometimes, especially during that period, it all felt insignificant (compared to) the circumstances that were sort of out of my hand. What to do about this thought?“- the daily practice of emotion regulation skills (you can research this term, there are books and workbooks on the topic) will help lessen your daily anxiety, and make it possible for you to focus on the small but significant steps you need to take toward healing.

    There is no such thing as one giant- step solution to “Intrusive and Anxious Thoughts” (the title of your thread). It takes many small steps day in and day out, steps taken patiently, over the long-run, one day at a time.



    Dear Robi:

    You are welcome and thank you for your wishes! I hope you cool down best you can, one moment, one day at a time, practicing what is known as emotion regulation skills.


    in reply to: My dream about trying to open the third eye or crown chakra #428159

    Dear Laycee:

    I was in my meditation room trying to open my third eye or crown chakra, and in the last dream… I remember seeing something like a purple lotus flower before waking up feeling that intense pressure in my head… This happened waking up from every dream. Is this just a result of me focusing so much on trying to develop claircognizance that night“-

    – from learning minds: “The word clairvoyance is taken from the French word ‘clair’ meaning clear and ‘voyance’ meaning vision. A clairvoyant, therefore, is someone who is believed to see information about a person, an object, a location, or an event through psychic means”.

    .. Or is there something else to it, like my third eye or crown chakra was actually trying to activate?… The pressure in my head was so much more intense than when I feel it during my meditations. There was no pain or headache, just intense pressure in the dream and upon waking up“-

    – it could be both (not one or the other): “focusing so much on trying to develop claircognizance that nightand your  “third eye or crown chakra was actually trying to activate“. Bottom line, you are motivated to open your third eye and to activate your crown chakra further and farther, right?

    I’m certain my third eye isn’t open nor my crown chakra, as I haven’t experienced really any of the signs or symptoms that would be associated with these“- putting the signs and symptoms aside for a moment, did you not see more into reality (ex., to see people’s motivations behind their words and actions), and understand more (ex., to realize things you did not realize before.. those aha moments and otherwise) since you’ve been motivated to see and understand more?



    in reply to: Working with Anxious Attachment: what now? #428158

    Dear G:

    (I am adding the boldface feature to the quotes): “I am experiencing a dynamic that I recognize as habitual to me… I am committing to ‘holding the baby’ of anger, and letting it scream and cry without allowing the feeling to turn into action on my part- lashing out or otherwise reacting to these old emotions still needing care and attention”-

    – an emotional- behavioral habit has been formed in the context of relationships: experiencing the emotion of fear and anger and expressing them behaviorally by lashing out, or otherwise saying or doing something you don’t think that you should.

    “I have noticed that as I am trying to attend to my triggered emotions internally, without seeking external validation in my relationship (not ignoring my feelings, but self-soothing and focusing on caring for myself) I am getting angry more often! It’s only been a couple of days but I feel like my anger or fear is a little kid who I am changing the rules with, and they don’t understand so they are ramping up their attempts to test the boundaries”-

    – the child part of you, aka the inner child, is in the habit of soothing herself by lashing out and otherwise expressing herself behaviorally in ways that the adult part of you disapproves of. She doesn’t know any other way. She is not in the habit of soothing herself according to new rules and regulations introduced to her by the adult part of you.

    Has anyone else experienced this?“- yes, I experienced this, a whole lot of it. And I finally got my inner child to take on a new habit. Every day, at least once, I repeat in my mind what I call the NPARR strategy: “Notice (when I feel fear or anger, or when I am ruminating and feeling distressed), Pause (push the pause button on the rumination/ the escalating anger, I  pause before I react behaviorally), Address (I ask myself: what is happening- internally and externally- what is the nature of the situation I am in, what needs to be done to address the situation effectively?), Respond-or-not (respond behaviorally- saying or doing something- or not), and Redirect (focus my attention elsewhere).

    Does anyone have and words of encouragement for me? LOL… validate me, strangers on the internet..“- changing old habits/ forming new habits takes time and repetition. I did it and so can you! And we don’t have to be strangers, G..!




    Dear Arden:

    You are welcome and thank you for your appreciation, you are very kind!

    It seems like you also live close to the north pole, a bit“- about 3,331 kilometers from the north pole.

    “Yes, I have been realizing more and more how others are able to ASK, without guilt, or shame… They just ask, act, live… I also always acted with a passive thought in my mind that is ‘resource can be limited, be careful‘… ‘you might not be able to find this thing again, or in this price, so act accordingly, with caution.’ Even years before we had this global crisis and war, I had my mind on stocking stuff… I realize my old habits of seeing resources and money. How that has affected me in every possible way. My mind practically had a war and a global crisis at all times”-

    -when we grow up in lack, in the absence of what need, we grow inward, more than we grow outward, meaning we minimize ourselves so to need less, so to get by with less. Asking other people for stuff is an outward expression; we don’t ask (I am similar to you, not asking for stuff!), we don’t assert ourselves, we try to accommodate others at our own expense.

    “Also the friend of me here… offered (toothpaste) to me. I kindly rejected… then she commented on that saying ‘you never accept things easily, just accept it for god’s sake’… it got me thinking even more. Instead of instantly rejecting a random thing that was offered to me, why my first instinct is not accepting? Those people that I have resented for being spoiled.. their first instinct would have been to accept it. Either it is money, products, anything”-

    -without knowing he was doing this, your father trained you to not accept/ reject things offered to you. Imagine if your father said to himself when you were born: I am going to train this baby to not ask me for stuff/ to reject stuff by punishing her when she asks for stuff, and rewarding her (maybe) for not asking for stuff,  Your father behaved as if he intentionally trained you this way, much like a person would train a dog: providing punishment (ex., talking to the dog in a harsh tone) in regard to behaviors the trainer wants to discourage, and provide a positive reward (ex., a food treats) in regard to behaviors the trainer wants to encourage.

    Other people who have no trouble asking for stuff did not receive your training.

    It feels like I am even more closer to my own-self here far away from practically everyone else.. my authentic self the most“-your authentic self is Arden before she was trained by her father to not ask for stuff. Continuing to reclaim your authentic self would include learning to ask for stuff.

    “I would wish that we could have came here together at the same time with my partner as I wouldn’t worry about finances or anything else this much, but as a result of my solitude here for months (already 5 months here alone… I can really feel how these job crises and other emotional hardships of moving here alone has contributed to my confidence...”- the reclaiming of your authentic self.

    “The only problem we have with my partner is slight jealousy stuff… finances since I don’t feel safe and he doesn’t have a job at the moment and still applies, and he gets depressive when he gets rejected by each job… I try to save up more for any type of expenses that might arise… Can I trust him that way, would he put the same effort as myself and work, earn… So far, I don’t think he would use me. But I guess I have a built in fear about being used… These types of thoughts make me feel stingy, or weird, but all I am trying to do is to make sure that I am not being used. I start having expectations of him earning more than me once he comes (hence the skills he has) and therefore I can feel more secure in the long run”-

    –  much of the ways we think is the result of the training we received, and not an expression of our authentic self. Try to accept your thoughts without shame because you didn’t choose them. If you had different parents, you’d have different thoughts ad different behaviors. Much of a child is a set of reactions to parents’ expressions, words and behaviors.

    From what you shared, your boyfriend knows that you definitely need him to be financially responsible, to find work and earn according to his skills. I hope that he moves soon to live with you, and that the two of you operate as one responsible financial unit.


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