Forum Replies Created
January 13, 2024 at 7:38 pm in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #426943anitaParticipant
Dear Seaturtle:
“Even as I broke up with him, I couldn’t look into his eyes, because it made me want to change my mind and hug him, give him my empathy“- heart chakra going wild, unsupervised (by the crown chakra).
“Will I never find a healed person? But then, my next thought was I don’t need a healed person I only want someone who is trying to be better, healing. This exists right? I feel like I need the confirmation at this moment haha”- yes, confirmed: you can find a healing man, a person like you, a person like me.
“I like this a lot, and is what I want, to have my own standards, and not be confined by my childhood experiences“- throat chakra giving voice to crown chakra.
“I went out with my roommate last night, actually we spent the whole day together, went to the library where I sat and replied to your messages yesterday. We then did a little shopping, then went grocery shopping for dinner and she wanted to dye her hair!… it looks so good, and we had so much fun, we made little cocktails then after getting ready went to a fun bar and ordered espresso martinis and planned a future vacation together haha. Anyways I bring this up because I am a bit hungover, and it makes me a little loopy, so I wonder if it is because of that but, all this to say, I don’t quite understand the bolded quote above, could you explain it more? I am also curious as to why his heart chakra vibrations are lower than mine and why it is unchangeable?”-
– his heart chakra vibrations are lower because during his childhood, his vibrations were dulled more than yours were dulled during your childhood. It would not have been unchangeable that his vibrations are low, if he was motivated to change them.
“I am excited to know this! I fear being manipulated again, so I am glad my third eye muscle is strengthening so that I won’t be. I wonder how the manipulator feels, when they are scrambling for their next manipulation tactic.. why they do this rather than just be authentic?“-
– they have TOO MUCH FEAR that their authentic self is unacceptable. No matter how much you love them, they figure that if you knew them, you’d hate them. So, they hide and deceive.
“I enjoy being inspired to be better, and for that reason I believe, learned to find joy when I discover something I did wrong, so that I can look inside and discover something new about myself!”- I don’t think N feels this way.
“if you keep your mind open to hear your mistakes and correct them along the way, it is much easier than shutting them down and then getting so far from who you are, that you are unfamiliar with your truest self.. my nightmare!”- Your nightmare; N’s reality
“Wow I love this insight. Doubting my own tears… that is very sad. So then when I had those tears, when talking with F about intense things, usually such as money or the ‘housecleaning’ meetings where he would list how I had shown my ungratefulness… those tears, what did they mean?“- tears of fear? Of desperation, of misery? Of a girl in a cage wanting out?
“It is technically my fault for shining light on parts of him that he did not like“- not your fault, not a wrongdoing. it’s a loving thing to do. But when he rejects it again and again.. time to stop shining that light on him and move on and away.
“You know what Anita, I have had the sense recently that I need to forgive myself in some ways for things in the relationship, and I have been trying to discover what they are, and this is certainly one! So far, I had just come up with forgiving myself for not starting work earlier… despite his words, I think I knew I was pushing it as far as how long it was taking me to find a job that I wanted to be at. I look back and I wonder if I could have sped up the process if I put more energy into it, but I need to forgive myself, knowing I did not have the energy, or I would have done so. Trying to change him/us, took up that energy. So, he was double suffering, had someone he loved trying to change him and not having a partner contribute to rent. I wonder, how do I forgive myself?”-
– (1) if you need to, you can calculate how much rent you objectively think that you owe him and plan to pay him that amount. (2) “he loved”- what does it mean, his brand of love..?
“Exactly, I saw him through everyone’s eyes, cause I needed help, I needed more eyes, and by the time mine opened I ended the relationship the next day. That day I remember just seeing a different person in front of me all the sudden, as I put it in an earlier post ‘my rose-colored glasses were suddenly removed.’”- SEE with your 3rd eye chakra, the only eye you need.
“I need to strengthen this third eye before getting involved in other relationships, because right now my sacral and heart are way more developed and make more decisions than my third eye“- I concur.
“What is the heart’s role in this?“- its role is in letting him be just as he is, closed 3rd eye, low vibrational crown chakra and all… simply because this is what he prefers and what he chooses. And stay away from him, don’t bother him with what he doesn’t want to be bothered with, what he chooses to not be bothered with. Live your life by your choices, allow him to live with his.
“Now he has a home here and started a business with his friend who lives here. Our relationship certainly guided him to better places whether he wants to admit it or not“- how much money would you place on this guidance (maybe you can deduct if from the rent you think you owe him..?)
“I hope you have a happy Saturday Anita“- just had my 2nd red wine glass this evening, listening to a guy singing to no one, as no one showed up for his performance. I thought I might as well answer you, good night precious, wonder-ful sea turtle (7:38 pm here, 8:38 where you are at).
anitaParticipantYou are welcome, Blazkowich!
“She dropped me“- If she dropped you, it means that she carried you, and then she dropped you, and you fell.
“I could never think of dropping her“- meaning you carried her, and you wouldn’t think of dropping the person you were carrying.
How did she carry you? How did you carry her?
January 13, 2024 at 12:32 pm in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #426936anitaParticipantDear Seaturtle:
I will reply further to what you already posted and what you will post later, Sun morning. But for now:
“I wonder why this is? Can I not develop this safety within myself?“- never underestimate how much we need other people for a feeling of safety. For a social animal, like a human, safety is about being with other people. So, let’s say you feel fine and dandy as a single woman, an image of N by itself (on the freeway, for example) is enough to tap into that innate feeling-safety-with-him need.
“Did it take trial and error with partners before you were able to find one that met your standards?“- I was too messed up, more messed up than you can imagine.. to be able to experience any continuity of thought and feeling that will allow a learning process which includes trial and error.. I just erred continuously.
More tomorrow, have a good rest of Saturday!
January 13, 2024 at 11:39 am in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #426933anitaParticipantDear Seaturtle:
“Both of my parents were CCP’s, not sure who was worse but probably pretty equal. Then I upgraded to living with only F, saw my mom’s errors, removed her from the pedestal. Then I had only one CCP, compared to two. Then I upgraded to N, a CCP, but lesser of one than F. So I am swimming in the right direction. Hopefully all this ’emotional predation’ is making me stronger and not wearing me down.., what do you think?… This theory evolved as I wrote it, interesting what I came up with though and I am curious what you think”-
– My crown chakra loves it when you ask what I think (crown chakra vibrating emoji). Well, (1) I think that as an adult, you are way less affected/ harmed by (most) emotional predators than you are as a child growing up with an emotional predator. If you had a child with N, your child may feel upgraded as an adult with her own romantic partner, (2) You are swimming in the right direction, removing people from pedestals right and left (“kicking a** in the morning and taking names in the evening”, from one of my favorite all-times songs), and getting stronger!
“You quoted: Emotional predators. com… As I was first reading this, ‘they…make emotional displays to influence…charm, disarm… others,’ I thought of myself. I feel I behaved this way with F at times. When he would come to me with an issue he believed I had, it was often those moments that I conveniently decided to share something that would make him sympathize with me.. For example… See when I first read your response… I thought maybe I had been like that before, emotional displays to disarm… and I wasn’t ‘claim[ing] to be the victim…of the person [I was] in fact victimizing'”-
– your example was that you told F about M’s infidelities for the purpose of manipulating him, moving his attention away from the fact that you lied to him about your location. You then paused on that theory (“actually pause on my theory here”) and expressed that you told him about M’s infidelities because you felt closer to him following him forgiving you in that instance, and felt that you “owed him emotional honesty”-
– first, every human manipulates and lots of manipulations are NECESSARY for the well-being of the individual and society. An effective, good parent is one who successfully manipulates their child to behave in socially desirable ways by giving them a purposefully manipulative “treat” like saying “thank you” to the child, smiling at them with approval when they behave in a socially desirable way, and on the other hand, expressing disapproval (not in a severe way because a child is very sensitive to a parent’s disapproval) when the child behaves in a socially undesirable way. Necessary if you want to promote the well-being of the child and the people he/ she interacts with.
When as an adult you treat a person you don’t know politely, part of the reasoning, an instinctive reasoning perhaps, is to promote a positive exchange with the person and avoid a negative exchange. That’s manipulative but necessary because we are social animals.
So, “they…make emotional displays to influence” (from emotional predators. com) is something every person has to do for the benefit of all: it’s what good parenting and being polite is about.
If whenever you felt anger at people, you’d be honest about your anger by expressing it just as you feel it, you’d be in jail sooner than later. To be honest while not abandoning our crown chakras,.. we have to THINK before we express or act: what would be the consequence of this or that behavior, and then choose a behavior that will give us what we validly need in the situation while being fair to the other person.. manipulative, but necessary.
Back to your example: you were caught in a lie by F=> your anxiety went up.. he forgave you=> your anxiety went down, you felt close to him, and grateful you wanted to.. no longer hide what you knew, to be on his side.
But let’s say that your motivation was to redirect his attention away from your lie: could you accept that you, Seaturtle, were not a perfect specimen back then.. and never will be one? Accept this while continuing to become (a process) a better and better human being?
Personally, I do not consider a child (of minor age or adult age) a bad person for lying to and otherwise manipulating one’s own abusive/ mistreating parent, one who never corrected or apologized for his/ her significant mistreatment. Not any more than I’d consider a person being robbed a bad person for lying to/ manipulating the robber into not going through with the crime.
“My confusion on emotional sincerity is literally making me question my own emotions, I do not want to be like my parents. The example my mom set for me was that when my dad was upset with her (for money or cheating) she would always cry, I think to disarm him. I wonder if this… has something to with why I would have involuntary tears come to my face quite often when trying to have a confrontational talk with my dad. Less now, it has actually been years since I have had a real confrontation with him so I am not sure if this is still a bodily instinct”-
– Having witnessed M’s manipulative tears aimed at disarming F while not changing her own wrong behaviors, you didn’t and you don’t want to be like her, so you question your own tears.. M took away from you the privilege of simply crying.
“It is just hard for me to accept that everything was N’s fault, that seems like a slippery slope, I must have done some bad too right? You know when you read information that is so one sided, and you wonder, well I wonder the other side of the story… I wonder this, the more one sided I present the relationship, as in he did the most wrong, then what is the other side of the story as to make it more reliable information.. the self doubt here..”-
-the other side of the story is that you tried to make N someone who he is not, so to get what you validly need in a relationship, all along thinking that it’d benefit him as well if he was.. someone who he is not. Your error is in doing this for too long, and so, in totality, you have hurt yourself and you didn’t help him, maybe you made him feel worse about himself than he felt before you being in his life.
If this is what happened, you have to forgive yourself because you weren’t aware back then. Back then (including when you posted here), you were overly impressed with his external looks (“He is a beautiful tall man…gorgeous“), with him being a hard worker (“he works works works..“) and with your (low vibrational and material) family’s opinions about him (“My family absolutely loves him… They say he (is) very financially savvy and aware of.. the business world“). You saw N through their eyes, not through your 3rd eye. So, you tried to make it work.
Forgive yourself. The only valid use of guilty feelings is to correct one’s behavior. So, in the future, see a man through your 3rd eye and if he is not what you need, let him go.
“Wow when I read this, it has N written all over it. This drove my crazy, I would ask the most direct and simple a question could be and he would act like I was speaking another language, it was infuriating actually.”- not what you need, to say the least. Let’s say he wasn’t able to answer your simple questions. In that case, you have 3 options: (1) to stay with him and ask no questions (hatchling/ Seaturtle in a cage), (2) stay with him and keep asking questions, and getting infuriated, (3) having mercy on the two of you, wishing him well and existing the relationship.
The 3rd option is the empathetic and crown chakra’s fueled answer, both heart and crown chakras vibrating in unison.
“He made me feel that if I did those things he would be more available, emotionally. He said specific things like this, I can’t remember exact words but just little comments that he would respect me more, have more to give me emotionally, if I brought home a lot of money”-
– he was dishonestly manipulative, and I doubt that he would have ben able (if you brought in a lot of money) to be more emotionally available to you. This right here is one of his wrongdoings in the relationship with you, something he did wrong to you. (It occurred to me a long time ago, by the way, that maybe part of his attraction to you was that your father is financially well off, maybe rich…?)
“We do! I welcome constructive criticism, I want to see myself!.. I want to see this correctly”- Seaturtle’s vibrating 3rd eye emoji .
I wrote to you: “N is not interested in being seen as he is, this is why he deceives”, and you responded: “Wow. you are so right he was not interested in being seen, and I wanted to see him so badly, I thought If I tried hard enough I could…. wow“- what a waste of your life (on top of the waste of his life), it would have been to support his deceit.
“This is so tricky because he would say mental strength advice, and it felt useful to me, so I would then believe he is a good partner because he is providing me with things that are making me better. But then his mental strength being rooted in interpersonal dishonesty appeared in other ways, I didn’t see him as lacking mental strength, he lacked honesty which is like a liar giving you nutrition facts… the nutrition facts might be true, so in a nutritional conversation they appear very smart and honest, then they lie in other areas of life so it is harder to make the connection to their dishonesty, because they were honest sometimes.“-
– very well said. Unlike portrayals of people in many cartoons and certain movies, people are not one way or another all the time.
“It is certainly concerning (the substances he used and probably still uses). I gain empathy for it when I think about how his dad is an avid cannabis enthusiast/smoker, like literally always has a joint in his pocket hiding it from his wife, who pretends she doesn’t see it“- imagine you being in her position if you were married to N.. supporting his deceit, history on repeat,
“he worked 10pm-5pm the next day! He worked 20 hour shifts back to back, he slept in his truck… I sort of rescued him, I showed him how ridiculous it was , he told me, after he quit that I am the one that got him out. He was in a loop and I showed genuine concern and showed him”- you helped to work fewer hours, for one. Good thing.
“Are you saying to not wish him well? I think you are saying to wish him well but I just thought to ask haha.“- I am saying to wish him well, as in to send him a positive though and sentiment because it’d make you feel better about yourself and help you move on (I am really bad with sarcasm, so I don’t use it).
This is a long post, but well. It took me a long time to post this because of technical issues with my computer, it keeps doing strange things…
January 13, 2024 at 9:20 am in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #426932anitaParticipantDear Seaturtle:
“Anyways, my point is, F was my worst CCP, believe it or not N was an upgrade from him, which is why I think I put him on a pedestal for so long”-
– imagine choosing your own Aware- Seaturtle’s standards of what a good partner means is in your life vs relative standards, (relative to your father, in this case). A highly vibrating crown chakra will not be confined to one’s childhood/ past standards.
“Ending things with N, was sort of like how I felt when I moved out of F’s house… when I first left their home I released this enormous backpack of responsibility to wonder what they were thinking/feeling and how I could solve it”- imagine a carefree childhood where the child does not worry about what her parent is thinking and feeling.
“I do have a big heart, I know this about myself. My ability to empathize can be too much… My capacity to love is intense, I am very thoughtful when I love someone, this was something I wished to have in return from N… When I tried to bring it up, like ‘you know if you did …. it would mean SO much to me.’ But he would then make me feel badly for even mentioning it, like I didn’t accept him the way he was…which I guess is what it was! Little did I know he literally didn’t know how, he wanted me to accept that he just ‘didn’t know how,’ which I accepted as an excuse for a while until I realized he didn’t even want to try to learn, for me…that is true love”-
– your heart chakra vibrates intensely. His heart chakra’s vibrations are low. Not his fault. Thing is, no point in hitting a rock with a stick trying to get water out of it (not after a long-enough period of time of hitting it and then understanding what happened/ is happening).
“When I first sought therapy at 17, I thought I needed to vent about my mom, after she broke up the marriage, and was the more obvious wrong doer“- your motivation as a child/ teenager was to please your father (F) because of the two parents he was The Critical One.
“But what caught me by surprise, was my several years in therapy were 80% about F“- because he was the critical parent.
“I have not truly dug into my mom, M, what her impact on me was.. When I first read the bolded line above that you wrote, I thought of M. When I was home for Christmas, my sisters and I had a ‘Sister Disney Day,’ planned, hahah our thing. Anyways my mom tried so many times to guilt us for it, She gets VERY possessive of our time around Christmas… she drank wine and literally cried about it to us. What I learned that night: I felt bad for her… my youngest sister said ‘just don’t let her sway you… mom usually convinces you to feel bad for her.’ This was eye opening to me, was my mom emotionally manipulating me?? YES. I then went upstairs, keeping this mind, an ah-ha moment if you will. When I walked in she got very emotional (wine emotional). I was aware of her ‘tears’ THE FAKE TEARS I HAVE WITNESSED! No wonder I believed N’s little tears were genuine, I have been tricked my whole life, been confused on how to spot real ones.. I stayed strong and said ‘mom you know what we have had this planned it is not fair of you to be making us feel guilty about it,’ I could tell she was surprised by my lack of empathy for her, she sort of snapped out of THAT manipulation tactic, and tried another one… crying because she ‘felt bad’ that we ‘thought’ she was trying to guilt us. It was so eye opening, I saw it all with my third eye, just un-phased emotionally by her, yay! what a release. I got my things and left, saying a kind goodnight.”-
– an Amazing testimony of a 3rd eye- crown chakra highly vibrational cooperation and good work, I am deeply impressed! One lesson: when you spot a possibility of a manipulative technique in-progress, expose it to the possible manipulator. If she/ he expresses any introspection and considers your input, then that’s good. If he/ she continues with the same manipulative technique but with a twist (like M did in this example, making you feel bad about her feeling bad… over making you feel bad) or changes to another manipulative technique (like F does when he changes a topic, or when he lies), then you know who and what you are dealing with.
I will reply to your 2nd post from yesterday next.
January 13, 2024 at 7:55 am in reply to: The phenomenon of “helping someone excessively can make them turn against you” #426931anitaParticipantDear Arden:
Good to read from you first thing this cold, cold – (minus) 14 degrees celsius Saturday morning (here). I am glad that you found comfort in my reply. I am fine considering the cold and some other concerns. Like I wrote in my reply to you on Dec 24: ” the distance that matters most in the way we experience life is the short distance in-between our ears”, and I am keeping this distance as warm and as pleasant as possible for me, one day at a time. I hope you do the same.
Communicating with you, Arden, helps me keep that short distance warm, pleasant and interesting, so, you are welcome and thank you!
January 12, 2024 at 3:33 pm in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #426929anitaParticipantDear Aware Seaturtle:
“I will respond to your next message in another response since this one seems long“- it is easier for me to respond to shorter posts, and I think the same is true to you, so I will keep my replies shorter as well.
“The big question is when, should I get it over with or wait for more time to be between us, for the emotional intensity to lessen“- it is up to you, of course. Seems to me (and I may be wrong) that unless you get emotionally attached to another man and have a sense of safety in this future relationship, you might react intensely to seeing N again no matter how much time goes by.
“He certainly was a CCP, however he wasn’t worse than my father. I think actually that he was better than F, just enough to where I thought he was a good partner…“- my mother was the biggest CCP of any and all people I came across in my life, a HCP and a CCP. I have to be careful to not project her into other people and see her in them when they are not as bad as her. Again, no one in my personal life even came close.
“He (F) treated me like I was a bad kid when I wasn’t. Just accused me of things I didn’t do, and judged my intentions behind pretty much everything“- reminds me of the cash incident when N accused you of doing something you didn’t do and judged you for intentions you didn’t have, suggesting that.. you are a bad person.
I thought about it earlier: maybe he was paranoid on that day, didn’t smoke enough weed and was on edge.. maybe forgivable, a fluke but what is not forgivable that later when confronted with the incident he lied and said he was joking and wouldn’t budge over time, weed or not. The latter brings his behavior to the gaslighting level.
“Anyways, my point is, F was my worst CCP, believe it or not N was an upgrade from him”- I believe you.
“I am not sure how much this is wanting to run from a predator, versus not wanting to run into an ex ever, because of that gut wrenching awkwardness“- can you define or explain what I boldfaced (sometime, no rush)
Coming to think about it, I need to get ready to leave to the 18 degrees cold outside. I will read and reply (got your second post a little while ago) Sat morning.
Before I go, from the 2nd post: “It is just hard for me to accept that everything was N’s fault, that seems like a slippery slope, I must have done some bad too right?“- right, yes, surely. I used to struggle with this a LOT. It took me a long time to endure the fact that I did wrongs and hurt people, and understand that becoming a mentally/ emotionally healthier person equals becoming a better and better person. We live in a world where emotional sickness and hurting people is rampant and massive, no wonder .. no wonder we are all (almost all..?.) hurt people who hurt other people. This state of the world is not a license to do bad, of course. It’s just that we have to look at the bigger picture with that 3rd eye and process it with a vibrating crown chakra. I’ll write more tomorrow,
anitaParticipantDear Blazkowich:
“supporting her made me happy, because it made me feel that I am able to do something for her“- it made me smile to read this, feeling that I like you for wanting so much to help her.
Problem is when we want to help someone so much that we want to possess that person, wanting her “all for myself“, like you wrote. That possessiveness adds to the burden of the person you are trying to help.
Key when that happens, when you feel jealous and angry, is to calm down before you act, because when we are hurt and angry.. our intelligence goes down and we act against our own interests and against the interests of the person we are trying to help.
anitaParticipantDear Blazkowich:
“I just told her you’ve all the time for your guy friends but when it comes to me you need space, also I vented to her friend how she dumped me just because I offered support when she’s grieving her cat’s loss and her exact wordings… the fact remains the same that I tried to offer support and in-turn I got dumped. It just felt so unfair, like what else I was supposed to do? Watch her suffer alone and do nothing about it?”-
– sadly, your expressed support didn’t come across to her as support. I suppose that you needed her more than she needed you. Does this read true to you, that you needed her more than she needed you?
January 11, 2024 at 12:04 pm in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #426911anitaParticipantRe-submitting:
Dear Seaturtle:
“Similarly I feel this way about getting my things from N. My roommate tells me to just get it over with. But I feel like I will know when is the right time.. Do you think this is true? wow as I asked this to you (and myself) I heard the title of my thread again ‘is it gut or fear‘ that does not feel it is quite the right time, or is it intuition or fear? Still hard for me to tell this difference..“-
Wikipedia: “The word intuition comes from the Latin verb intueri translated as ‘consider’ or from the late middle English word intuit, ‘to contemplate’. Use of intuition is sometimes referred to as responding to a ‘gut feeling’ or ‘trusting your gut’”.
Intuition/ gut means knowing something without considering or contemplating it.. you just KNOW it.
You ended your original post on Oct 6, the day you chose the title of your thread, with: “Idk maybe we are perfect for each other and I am self sabotaging, or maybe its the inner voice of my higher self telling me it’s not right“-
– I boldfaced what you referred to in your title as fear, and boldfaced+ italicized what you referred to as gut. What you had in mind back then as fear was the fear of making a mistake and letting a good man go. What you referred to as gut was the part of you that felt that he was not a good man for you.
Fast forward 22 pages, 3 months and five days from the date of your original post to today, your gut is stronger but the fear that you are making a mistake and letting a good guy go still lingers. I think that not trusting one’s gut is a result of emotional predation, what I started talking about yesterday: the emotional predator starting preying on your heart chakra making his way tup to your crown chakra, promoting fear and self-doubt and robbing you from trust in your gut.
Emotional predators. com: “they claim to be the victim, usually of the person they’re in fact victimizing; they fake sincerity and make emotional displays to influence, intimidate, charm, disarm or seduce others; they pretend to be innocent and ignorant; they trap others in no-win binds where the other person is damned if they do and damned if they don’t… they isolate and ‘gaslight’ their targets, eliciting in the targets unmerited guilt and doubt about their own sanity; they create havoc, confusion and chaos, and disrupt other people’s natural rhythms… they relentlessly manage their public image, often by omitting relevant facts (lying by omission).
”All Emotional Predators hide, deceive and avoid. They conceal their true nature and objectives, presenting a false image, often very convincingly. They can’t be safely relied upon. They misdirect your attention away from what’s really important with words and deeds that rarely reflect the full truth. They lie by assertion and omission, for amusement and gain, or simply out of habit. They shift the topic when you try to talk about anything they don’t want to address. They avoid giving direct answers to simple questions or requests, and offer excuses and justifications, rather than change. Often there’s more accurate information in what an Emotional Predator does not say than in what he does say.
”The more you can commit these traits and behaviors to memory and recognize them in others, the better protected you’ll be. It takes repeated review and experiences to remember new information, so don’t worry if you forget. Books like Protecting Yourself from Emotional Predators are resources you can make notes in and refer back to as often as you need. And rest assured, an Emotional Predator will repeat her behaviors and traits many times.”
On July 29, in your first thread, you described N this way: “He is supportive, he encourages me to do what I LOVE. We are getting better at communication every day…willing to be a stay at home dad or be the bread winner, whatever I want!! He is truly a stand up man, he is so kind and deeply cares for those around him“- he presented himself as these things, his presentation was convincing as far as your family goes (“My family absolutely loves him”, July 29), but in your gut, you felt small and big disconnects in his presentations of himself as a stand up guy:
“I don’t think we are soulmates… I have been dealing with these small disconnects for a long time but they keep coming back to me. OR is this all just me running away from the most genuine and loving/caring/kind/PATIENT/ would-do-anything-for-me man ?????????????? I really have been having this entire debate in my head for a straight 6-8 months now” (July 29, 2023)- he presented himself in these ways but there were significant disconnects in his presentations that you couldn’t exactly put your finger on.
Back to your yesterday’s first post: “There was a little voice in my head that wasn’t sure if he meant what he was saying. I wondered if it would lead to passive aggression, it lead to me feeling awkward when he did pay for things, such as dinner, park passes or at the grocery store checkout. It is almost like I could feel the energy a bit, but then his words said otherwise so I would ignore the energy I felt”-
– WOW! I read the paragraph right above for the first time this late morning, AFTER writing about deceptive presentations of the emotional predator! His words didn’t fit his energy- you said it yourself. His words were not sincere.
“It was subtle, but I feel like I predicted him eventually admitting he felt a certain way, but I also hoped it wasn’t true and that his words were honest“- again, I am reading this for the first time: his words were not honest!
“His lack of expressing himself caused me to be on guard for something blowing up eventually. As it seems obvious to me that when you hide a feeling for so long it will eventually come out in a burst of energy… later he disregarded what he said, calling it a joke and so forth“- N is a dishonest man in the context of supposedly intimate relationships, the one with you.
You can’t fix interpersonal dishonesty and you couldn’t have fixed it back when you lived with him. Even if you paid the whole rent and all utilities and expenses for the whole time you lived with him, he’d still be him.
“I am more sensitive that anyone I have every met. For example, nicotine, it’s spiritual affects on me was enough for me to never be tempted into it again, even after lots of drinks on NYE when my roommate, M, was using one. I was tempted then remembered the affects on me and that was enough to release the pull on me. I asked her if she feels spiritually attacked in any way..”-
– thoroughly understand and remember the affects N has had on you and will continue to have on you if you go back to him (continuing to be emotionally attacked by an emotional predator), and it should be enough to release the pull he has on you. You will not be tempted to go back to him.
“Her crown chakra is a little beaming light, I love it, I am smiling as I write this, so sweet”- I am smiling too as I read about your younger sister.
“You see me Anita, it is something that gave me the strength to believe that there is something to see“- you want to be seen and so do I. We are willing to see what is inconvenient to see about ourselves, don’t we? We care about being honest with ourselves and with others for the purpose of seeing and being seen.
N is not interested in being seen as he is, this is why he deceives.
“Well then Anita I hope I have you for a long time to avoid that third condition”- I would like that! (big smile emoji).
“Is little girl seaturtle the same as hatchling?”- yes.
“Thank you for providing me your cannabis disorder research!”- you are welcome.
“This reminds me of myself, I feel the consistent use alongside N, was beginning to cause me to have more anxiety than usual… I stopped doing it regularly with N because I noticed it causes me more anxiety… I think I was on the verge of developing cannabis use disorder myself..”- good thing you stopped.
“– I didn’t understand the above “it prevented him from having dreams“- what kinds of dreams?”
“He told me once or twice about a time in his life he had terrible sleep apnea and sleep paralysis. I think it is because of his football career… part of me admired his mental strength…”- problem is that his mental strength is rooted in interpersonal dishonesty, dishonesty with you. but remember, just as a broken clock is honest twice every 24 hours…
“… I worried that he needed so many substances.., His use of weed in the morning, then coffee, then energy drinks plus nicotine for lunch, then he would get home and said he hadn’t eaten all day.. it physically aged him and mentally depleted him. He wasn’t always like this, it was more towards the last couple months of our relationship. Because in the first year of our relationship he quit a lot of these things..”- this made me feel empathy for him, and concern.
“I wondered this before too, him saying he would stay home with kids if I wanted. At first I thought that was thoughtful of him to offer, to offer to support whatever I chose. But then I wondered about the weed and worried for future children that he wouldn’t attend to them properly, then lie and say everything went well..”-
– best you can do is to not get back to him, including: to not bring children into a relationship with him, and to wish him well. Accept what you cannot change in life, and change what you can, as the Serenity Prayer says. You can’t change his past, who he has become, and who he will continue to be, getting worse, so it seems. It is very sad, but if you went back to him, you’d hurt yourself further, possibly bring children to get hurt… and all along not helping him at all.
January 11, 2024 at 12:01 pm in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #426910anitaParticipantDear Seaturtle:
“Similarly I feel this way about getting my things from N. My roommate tells me to just get it over with. But I feel like I will know when is the right time.. Do you think this is true? wow as I asked this to you (and myself) I heard the title of my thread again ‘is it gut or fear‘ that does not feel it is quite the right time, or is it intuition or fear? Still hard for me to tell this difference..“-
Wikipedia: “The word intuition comes from the Latin verb intueri translated as ‘consider’ or from the late middle English word intuit, ‘to contemplate’. <sup id=”cite_ref-Webster_dictionary_2-1″ class=”reference”></sup><sup id=”cite_ref-7″ class=”reference”></sup>Use of intuition is sometimes referred to as responding to a ‘gut feeling’ or ‘trusting your gut'”.
Intuition/ gut means knowing something without considering or contemplating it.. you just KNOW it.
You ended your original post on Oct 6, the day you chose the title of your thread, with: “Idk maybe we are perfect for each other and I am self sabotaging, or maybe its the inner voice of my higher self telling me it’s not right“-
– I boldfaced what you referred to in your title as fear, and boldfaced+ italicized what you referred to as gut. What you had in mind back then as fear was the fear of making a mistake and letting a good man go. What you referred to as gut was the part of you that felt that he was not a good man for you.
Fast forward 22 pages, 3 months and five days from the date of your original post to today, your gut is stronger but the fear that you are making a mistake and letting a good guy go still lingers. I think that not trusting one’s gut is a result of emotional predation, what I started talking about yesterday: the emotional predator starting preying on your heart chakra making his way tup to your crown chakra, promoting fear and self-doubt and robbing you from trust in your gut.
Emotional predators. com: “they claim to be the victim, usually of the person they’re in fact victimizing; they fake sincerity and make emotional displays to influence, intimidate, charm, disarm or seduce others; they pretend to be innocent and ignorant; they trap others in no-win binds where the other person is damned if they do and damned if they don’t… they isolate and ‘gaslight’ their targets, eliciting in the targets unmerited guilt and doubt about their own sanity; they create havoc, confusion and chaos, and disrupt other people’s natural rhythms… they relentlessly manage their public image, often by omitting relevant facts (lying by omission).
<p class=”has-text-color has-drop-cap has-dark-gray-color”>”All Emotional Predators hide, deceive and avoid. They conceal their true nature and objectives, presenting a false image, often very convincingly. They can’t be safely relied upon. They misdirect your attention away from what’s really important with words and deeds that rarely reflect the full truth. They lie by assertion and omission, for amusement and gain, or simply out of habit. They shift the topic when you try to talk about anything they don’t want to address. They avoid giving direct answers to simple questions or requests, and offer excuses and justifications, rather than change. Often there’s more accurate information in what an Emotional Predator does not say than in what he does say.</p>
<p class=”has-text-color has-drop-cap has-dark-gray-color”>”The more you can commit these traits and behaviors to memory and recognize them in others, the better protected you’ll be. It takes repeated review and experiences to remember new information, so don’t worry if you forget. Books like Protecting Yourself from Emotional Predators are resources you can make notes in and refer back to as often as you need. And rest assured, an Emotional Predator will repeat her behaviors and traits many times.”</p>
On July 29, in your first thread, you described N this way: “He is supportive, he encourages me to do what I LOVE. We are getting better at communication every day…willing to be a stay at home dad or be the bread winner, whatever I want!! He is truly a stand up man, he is so kind and deeply cares for those around him“- he presented himself as these things, his presentation was convincing as far as your family goes (“My family absolutely loves him”, July 29), but in your gut, you felt small and big disconnects in his presentations of himself as a stand up guy:“I don’t think we are soulmates… I have been dealing with these small disconnects for a long time but they keep coming back to me. OR is this all just me running away from the most genuine and loving/caring/kind/PATIENT/ would-do-anything-for-me man ?????????????? I really have been having this entire debate in my head for a straight 6-8 months now” (July 29, 2023)- he presented himself in these ways but there were significant disconnects in his presentations that you couldn’t exactly put your finger on.
Back to your yesterday’s first post: “There was a little voice in my head that wasn’t sure if he meant what he was saying. I wondered if it would lead to passive aggression, it lead to me feeling awkward when he did pay for things, such as dinner, park passes or at the grocery store checkout. It is almost like I could feel the energy a bit, but then his words said otherwise so I would ignore the energy I felt”-
– WOW! I read the paragraph right above for the first time this late morning, AFTER writing about deceptive presentations of the emotional predator! His words didn’t fit his energy- you said it yourself. His words were not sincere.
“It was subtle, but I feel like I predicted him eventually admitting he felt a certain way, but I also hoped it wasn’t true and that his words were honest“- again, I am reading this for the first time: his words were not honest!
“His lack of expressing himself caused me to be on guard for something blowing up eventually. As it seems obvious to me that when you hide a feeling for so long it will eventually come out in a burst of energy… later he disregarded what he said, calling it a joke and so forth“- N is a dishonest man in the context of supposedly intimate relationships, the one with you.
You can’t fix interpersonal dishonesty and you couldn’t have fixed it back when you lived with him. Even if you paid the whole rent and all utilities and expenses for the whole time you lived with him, he’d still be him.
“I am more sensitive that anyone I have every met. For example, nicotine, it’s spiritual affects on me was enough for me to never be tempted into it again, even after lots of drinks on NYE when my roommate, M, was using one. I was tempted then remembered the affects on me and that was enough to release the pull on me. I asked her if she feels spiritually attacked in any way..”-
– thoroughly understand and remember the affects N has had on you and will continue to have on you if you go back to him (continuing to be emotionally attacked by an emotional predator), and it should be enough to release the pull he has on you. You will not be tempted to go back to him.
“Her crown chakra is a little beaming light, I love it, I am smiling as I write this, so sweet”- I am smiling too as I read about your younger sister.
“You see me Anita, it is something that gave me the strength to believe that there is something to see“- you want to be seen and so do I. We are willing to see what is inconvenient to see about ourselves, don’t we? We care about being honest with ourselves and with others for the purpose of seeing and being seen.
N is not interested in being seen as he is, this is why he deceives.
“Well then Anita I hope I have you for a long time to avoid that third condition”- I would like that! (big smile emoji).
“Is little girl seaturtle the same as hatchling?”- yes.
“Thank you for providing me your cannabis disorder research!”- you are welcome.
“This reminds me of myself, I feel the consistent use alongside N, was beginning to cause me to have more anxiety than usual… I stopped doing it regularly with N because I noticed it causes me more anxiety… I think I was on the verge of developing cannabis use disorder myself..”- good thing you stopped.
“– I didn’t understand the above “it prevented him from having dreams“- what kinds of dreams?”
“He told me once or twice about a time in his life he had terrible sleep apnea and sleep paralysis. I think it is because of his football career… part of me admired his mental strength…”- problem is that his mental strength is rooted in interpersonal dishonesty, dishonesty with you. but remember, just as a broken clock is honest twice every 24 hours…
“… I worried that he needed so many substances.., His use of weed in the morning, then coffee, then energy drinks plus nicotine for lunch, then he would get home and said he hadn’t eaten all day.. it physically aged him and mentally depleted him. He wasn’t always like this, it was more towards the last couple months of our relationship. Because in the first year of our relationship he quit a lot of these things..”- this made me feel empathy for him, and concern.
“I wondered this before too, him saying he would stay home with kids if I wanted. At first I thought that was thoughtful of him to offer, to offer to support whatever I chose. But then I wondered about the weed and worried for future children that he wouldn’t attend to them properly, then lie and say everything went well..”-
– best you can do is to not get back to him, including: to not bring children into a relationship with him, and to wish him well. Accept what you cannot change in life, and change what you can, as the Serenity Prayer says. You can’t change his past, who he has become, and who he will continue to be, getting worse, so it seems. It is very sad, but if you went back to him, you’d hurt yourself further, possibly bring children to get hurt… and all along not helping him at all.
January 10, 2024 at 5:33 pm in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #426905anitaParticipantDear Seaturtle:
I’ll reply further in the morning, but for now, “Similarly I feel this way about getting my things from N. My roommate tells me to just get it over with. But I feel like I will know when is the right time.. Do you think this is true? … I am afraid about getting my things, but I need my passport from him. I am afraid he will say something to harm me and I feel in too sensitive state to feel it“- I think that much more important than when you pick up your things, is that you do NOT go alone to his place/ to meet him. How about your roommate going with you.. to get it over with, like she said, when the time is right for you?
“Hm, I had to re-read this out loud to myself to let it sink in. A weakness that comes from the habit formed in trying to compromise it (our crown chakras) for a parent?“- in many cases, as in mine, a parent is the worst crown chakra predator (CCP) one is to meet in a lifetime.
Coming to think about it, N- the spider (to the fly, shark (to the sea turtle), mountain lion (to the deer)- has been your CCP, hasn’t he? And that’s why you sped away from him, prey running away from predator: “I thought I saw him on the freeway today.. I feel like I saw a ghost. He was in the same exact truck as N… I sped ahead as to get a car between us. I truly thought it was him and my heart was beating so fast… it was long enough to scare me“.
Maybe it is more accurate to say that he preyed on your heart chakra, making his way up to your crown chakra?
I get invested in images… But it is true: the people we love, beginning with our parents, are (too often, in so many people’s lives) emotional predators, preying on the ones who love them. The part of us that loves them is the soft flesh they bite into. A sea turtle has a shell for that reason. We must be strong and wise in this strange world of ours.
Good night amazing Seaturtle, be back to you in the morning.
January 10, 2024 at 11:04 am in reply to: How do you cope when a loved one who is depressed is pushing you away? #426892anitaParticipantDear Justaguy01:
“I believe we possess the power to bend reality to our liking“- to shape reality to our liking, that is, to change the parts of reality that can be changed for the better, we first have to see reality as it is: to not turn a blind eye to and deny the parts we don’t want to see, and to not make believe reality is better than or different from what it is. We have to have the courage to see the good, the bad and the ugly, so to speak. We may have the opportunity to change for the better only what we see as-is.
It is not just you. It’s her, it’s me… We all deny or minimize what we don’t want to see, it’s natural, instinctive.
“In general I have never had attachment issues in our relationship before – at least not that I was conscious of… It isn’t the first time I feel anxious about our relationship. Truth be told I have gone through many instances where internally and privately I have felt this fear of abandonment in our relationship“- you did have attachment issues in the relationship, but in the first sentence, you preferred to deny it.
“It isn’t the first time I feel anxious about our relationship…I have been extremely conscious of not showing that side of me to her“, “She acknowledged that she has become distant, but insisted that it isn’t because of me and that she has become this way with everyone in her life… she tells me… she is experiencing negative things that don’t appear to have anything to do with me… She even assured me once that the problem isn’t me and that if it was she would tell me”-
– the side of you that was anxious about the relationship did show. She saw it. This is why she assured and reassured you that.. it wasn’t about you.
“Things have changed rather abruptly in the last few weeks… She said she is sleeping more, feels like she is going through the motions“- things probably didn’t change as abruptly as you think they did. I am guessing that she’s been going through the motions for a while before you noticed.
“I could see that she was becoming increasingly distant… She then came to me telling me that she does need some space… She even assured me once that the problem isn’t me and that if it was she would tell me… how am I to know if she is trying to indirectly break-up… I can’t even trust my own mind. I don’t know what to believe and whether the thing I believe in one moment is the rational thing to believe or if it is paranoia clouding my judgment?… I’m thinking of the person that I know, or knew, for the last year. The one who was so joyous and emotionally connected”-
– if you message her, let her know that you want to get to know her just the way she is (the good, the bad and the ugly, so to speak). Tell her that you are strong enough (if it is true) to hear what it is about you that turned her off to you. Tell her that you can handle it. Invite her to talk to you, to be truly heard. There may be hope there.
January 10, 2024 at 9:43 am in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #426890anitaParticipantDear Seaturtle:
“It also triggers, what I think might be a larger trigger, that I feel again unseen” – To see sea turtle is what Sea turtle needs from others. Both your parents did- do not- see sea turtle. N did-does not.
“Just as I came to this sight with my very first post about N, and was not seen“- I like your unintentional substitution of sight for site. Again, Sea turtle needs to be seen. It is a non-negotiable, not to be compromized need.
“Even when I tell my mom, my close friend, they don’t see the gravity of the issues with N. Being in a high vibrational unison with my crown chakra was lonely in my relationship, and it is also outside of it, quite often“- if everyone was in high vibrational unison with their crown chakras, no one in the whole world, who is around people, would’ve been lonely. Quite often, a lot of people are lonely every day and every night.
I grew up (or in, I prefer to say) excruciatingly unseen. I remember thinking: doesn’t anyone see me? How is it possible that no one sees me, I am right here… am I here?
“Which reminds me I need to set up an email address so we can connect!“-no rush, whenever it’s convenient for you. We are communicating very well right here.
“Just today I was thinking about how I have to daily remind myself why I broke up with him, and I wondered what I am strengthening as I do that. All this work of reminding myself the truth has to be developing some sort of muscle to be able to discern truth better in the future. My third eye is this muscle“- I am thinking of you breaking up with him as breaking away from weakness, unnecessary weakness. What I mean by it is that we are necessarily weak compared to some other animals like elephants, but when we compromise our crown chakras so to maintain a relationship, that’s unnecessary weakness.
“I was surprised by my next thought ‘Did I deserve it when he tried to cause me pain,’ Had I done something worth the passive aggression. I fear that I took advantage of him.. When I wasn’t working for the first few months of last year…I did my art and things around the house, but I could have done more. I could have grocery shopped and cooked more for him coming home from a long day from work and I was only home job searching online and painting. He half heartedly supported me, but after it was too late, after that time he told me he felt taken advantage of and I fear his causing me pain came from him feeling taken advantage of”-
– No, you didn’t deserve him causing you pain and being passive aggressive with you because how could you possibly know that he felt taken advantaged of. He didn’t tell you how he felt. As a matter of fact, he expressed otherwise and encouraged you to quit your job and paint at home. You thought it was okay with him because of what he expressed to you. You can’t read minds that are not expressed in words.. even with a vibrating crown chakra and a muscular third eye!
“I think I feel a lack of energy in my third eye now, as I just tried to think about why this could be invalid but I am quite tired. My new schedule is busy… I got sick again December 27th, and since then have had a sore throat and just today I vomited, very random I thought. I felt fine before then suddenly nauseous and now I am exhausted”- should you test yourself for covid again.. see a doctor?
health line. com/ throat chakra healing: “When one or more of your chakras becomes blocked or unbalanced, it’s thought to have an impact on your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health. The throat chakra (also known as Vishuddha) is responsible for communication, self-expression, and the ability to speak your personal truth… If your throat chakra is blocked or unbalanced, you may: * be fearful about speaking your personal truth * have a harder time expressing your thoughts * feel anxious about speaking or communicating. In addition.. you may experience outbursts of emotion or even the opposite: extreme quiet or refusal to speak. Emotionally, those with fifth chakra (throat chakra) imbalance may be highly critical of themselves and others… Physically.. symptoms may manifest as the following: *a raspy throat * chronic sore throat..”. It continues with healing suggestions including neck stretches and yoga poses.
I am thinking that communicating your personal, inner truth to your mother and to other people in your life more confidently and assertively (regardless of their reactions or lack of) will help. Better speak up than be quiet about matters most important to you. And when people can’t comprehend you/ don’t see you.. accept it with as much serenity as possible (not resisting it) while limiting or having no contact with them. One person seeing you.. is a good start.
“Why was he lying do you think? Do you think he knew why he was wanting to hurt me? I am not sure he was aware as to why he wanted to cause harm“- I think that he knew that he was angry with you and he knew that he wanted to hurt you (all animals want to or are prepared to hurt the object of their anger), but he didn’t think much about it, didn’t contemplate it.
I think that he lied when he said that he was joking, that he knew he was telling you an untruth, but again, I don’t think that he gave any thought to lying, no introspection. Think of it, if you will, as him being on one side of a ping pong table: he sees a ball coming at him, he automatically deflects it, throwing it at the other person at the other end of the ping pong table. Lying when deflection calls for it, as well as teflon-ing otherwise, is part of his MO.
“I agree with this about my mom. I fear her third eye has been closed most of her life and usually is… She does things that she thinks is right all the time, that were only clearly her heart and sacral“- a low vibrational crown chakra does not send vibrations that are strong enough to open the 3rd eye.
“I think what you said here is important for me to hear, I need to learn to be ok with this lonely feeling. Because if the only option to not feel alone in certain situations is to close that eye and crown, I don’t want to do it… I want to continue to be okay with being uncomfortable rather than closing up. Because it is only if I stay open that I might find others like me, I believe”- I don’t think that you can close that eye once (1) you had it wide open, and (2) you endured that discomfort of being alone long-enough, and (3) you are not completely alone.
You asked in regard to my suggestion that N was satisfied with being in a relationship with you even though he knew that you repeatedly wanted out of the relationship: “How was this satisfying to him, or was he just too weak to end it himself.“- he wasn’t introspective enough to end it. Introspection (an open crown chakra, an open 3rd eye) does not appear like a source of satisfaction to him.
“In the shower, after I got home, I had a strange vision I had not imagine before. It was two years later and N said that he read everything from this thread! he said he would like to talk at coffee. I met him and he apologized for everything… Specifically He said he was sorry for not respecting me, and that it was not my fault he couldn’t see the wisdom in how I was doing things that he judged. He apologized… I then snapped out of it and felt some sort of peace.. His ghost made amends with me, and it brought me some peace. strange.”- it’s the desire of little girl Seaturtle to be seen and respected and apologized to, for all the wrong done to her.
“I thought I saw him on the freeway today.. I feel like I saw a ghost. He was in the same exact truck as N… I sped ahead as to get a car between us… it was long enough to scare me“- his ghost scares you, his ghost being your father when you were growing up, hurting you, not seeing you. It was a painful, long-term, on and on experience.
January 9, 2024 at 7:22 pm in reply to: How do you cope when a loved one who is depressed is pushing you away? #426876anitaParticipantDear Justaguy01:
It was not a lie, of that I am sure. And your love for her is not a lie, it is true and real.
I don’t know what’s going on in her mind and heart: what is she thinking, what is she feeling? Thing is, you don’t know either. At the least, you deserve to know some of what she’s been thinking and feeling about you in the last 8 days. You deserve this information. My suggestion that you message her was about just that: getting the information you deserve to have.