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ParticipantHi Sassy !
Happy belated Birthday 🙂 I hope you had a lovely time.
I agree with everything Matt said, words of wisdom indeed – do not take those words to be of any meaning, and let them hook you.
You must be so proud of the progress you have made. I’m so glad you have moved on and are finding your own happiness. You are on your own beautiful path, and going back into the cycle, and onto the roundabout again would be counterproductive, as It seems you have gone beyond him , and beyond the relationship – and onto brighter pastures !
Wishing you many blessings on your Birthday,
Barbs xx.
I am only reading this original post now – and thank you again for replying to my post on another thread.
That was a major traumatic life event to go through, and all that Matt said is true – you deserve that path to happiness and joy, as you have suffered, and you have done your best to make good decisions now. We all make choices that may not be the best – because of where we are at that time ! We are in that place, so we don’t see it as we would as an outsider, and we have circumstances that somehow have us in that frame of mind.
Do not keep punishing yourself ! I am so glad that your daughter and yourself are building the relationship between you, and that is brilliant – you both deserve it. And your partner sounds like a guy who is genuinely patient, loving and kind – and you deserve that after all you have been through.
ParticipantHi Deanna and Matt,
Yes – all very much food for thought, and thank you both for your replies.
Deanna, I hope you stay strong. It sounds like you have indeed been hurt before, and at least you guys are trying to talk, communicate, and to work together.
Yes Matt, It is something only I can figure out, and work through, and I thank you from the heart, for your response. Much reflection and meditation to do !
Goodnight friends,
Warm wishes,
ParticipantHi Trixie,
My guess is that a clean break is best for you – even though it is very very hard.
If you stay in contact, as you had been doing, you will wait and obsess, and wonder when he will get in touch. At least with no contact , you will be able to start ”cold turkey”, or the grief process, without being in the ”vortex”, as you say.
I can only suggest that you yourself decide in your own mind to detatch a little bit – without even telling him, do ot just for you – as he hasnt got back to you, so now the time may be right. Maybe say to yourself ”if it was meant to be, we would be here now trying to make it work, but it did not work, for reasons on both sides”.
Then step back to your side – nurture you, meet friends, do the things you have been putting off due to the stress, relax in a bath, walks – all the other advice from the wise folk on this site – meditate, and start to go out into nature and see the beauty. You will cry, you will be hurt, you will be lonely. I may have to do the same in a while – and I dread it – but we have to do what we have to do, and survive we will. Galvinise a few friends you can rely on, and go out, have fun, and loose yourself in what you are doing for a short spurt – then you can cry again later ! 🙂
Sending hugs, and stay strong,
You can do it ! If you guys get back together down the line then that is your path. For now it looks like the logical thing is to strengthen you,Namaste Trixie.
ParticipantThanks so much Matt, many warm wishes, and sorry for the late reply.
Yes I have to really assess my situation and take action one way or the other.
Its strange, because he has really been making an effort in the last couple of weeks, but just as soon as things settle, and all seems well – I get the need to question him about something, be it ”are you watching porn”, or anything, usually based on checking up on him, or monitoring him. And mabe that comes from an inner feeling that Im not safe in this – emotionally, in myself, and for my needs to be met.
Im beginning to think I sabotage the relationship, because deep down I really dont believe in him fully, and I don’t believe he can step up enough. I want somebody to be really present, really trying to be the best they can be, and we seem to block eachother from true and easy intimacy (but again, im trying to decipher which is my need to control, and which are ordinary needs in a relationship )
I kind of wish someone could get inside my head and tell me if it is ”just me”, or are there reasons that most people would bolt for the door.
He is not a bad guy, but he is stressed with all that we have been through, and in transition in his own life : his career demands so much, and the time he has is so sparse to give. He tries to balance it all, but he just cant seem to manage it – and himself says that maybe he is not able to have a relationship, as his chef job is so all – consuming, I actually feel sorry for him, as he has a kind heart – although he doesn’t always control his responses ( he hates my questioning and will talk to me for a while, but will get angry as the conversation goes on if he feels accused ) I think I feel that he has reached a point where his patience is gone, and this merely makes me feel like giving up too then.
They say love means accepting people as they are, and if you cant – you have to move on. I think for both of us, this is really hard to do, but we cant fully accept each other, and we want to change each other. Which, from all the things I have read, will never make for a peaceful relationship.
I often wish we could really just accept each other, and I think we really try to ! But it never takes long for things to get heated again, and then we start the roundabout again !
I just need to get the courage, and the strength to let him go if thats what has to be done. Despite our differences I do love him. My Birthday is on Saturday week – and I wanted to get it sorted by then !! But I guess life isn’t always run on a timetable.
Thanks so much Matt,
Namaste, and many blessings to you,Barbs.
Please for your own sake, get off the same dating site as your ex – to check his progress is a path to misery.
When you are feeling stronger you could try dating , and any dating sites other than that one. I can only say that for me that woud kill me to see that, so as an outsider – you are hitting yourself in the head by even hanging around to see what he is doing. Please dont do that to yourself.
I will have to go through the grief and heartache too soon – as my relationship is in big trouble, so I feel your pain, as I also, like most of us have been through that before. Its painful, disgusting, makes us feel like we will never survive – but we do.
This too will pass is the cliched but true nugget I have for you !! So familliar, and so true – last time I went through it I nearly lost my head, but the point is I did’nt, I survived, as do us all. Even though It is so awful and sevastating at the time.
When you do the dating site thing and you are still devastated and trying to heal – no wonder you are disgusted. It all looks trivial, shallow and you are thinking of the one you were with, looking at the profiles !! Stop torturing yourself, that is mean and cruel to yourself. Let that go until you are truly ready. Now you need comfort – cosy pyjamas, blankets, hot meals, candles, walks, meeting friends. Cry, grieve and try to believe that it will get better. Im telling you the advice tha t I hope I can do for myself, as a fellow human being. 🙂
I am going to have to do it too, and it is awful, Im dreading it. We need our friends, and we need to keep busy. If he is the one – the one that the universe wants you to be with , you will come back together somehow. But maybe when you feel better you will get so strong and happy that you won’t want to go back.
ParticipantThanks Matt, as always. You are such a nice person.
I went out with a very old friend last night, and stayed in her house for lots of supportive chats – thank God for good friends and caring people 🙂
What you described is the exact problem – my insecurities would benefit from kindness and gentle love – and it is something that I can’t get from him – as his anger, impatience and distain.
He blames me for any, and every one of our problems – just me ! Not us, but me alone. According to him I am the root of all our issues. Even today he said I have issues, and I responded by saying every person on the planet has issues of various kinds, and most people try their best to reach a way through them like me.
The problem is just as you said – that I am battling his anger and criticism, and I can’t feel better about myself if I constantly feel like he sees me as a failure, a flaw, and a thorn in his side. When all I want is a bit of warmth, and for him to take my hand and say I have nothing to worry about, and look into my eyes and be kind to me.
I have come to the decision that I have to let him go. I am just going to let it sink in and then I have to do whats best. I do step up to the plate and own all my baggage – and he knows where it comes from, and the reasons for it. Despite that, he puts me down, blames me for his anger, tells me its all my fault, and all I want, like anyone is to be loved. And like you say, he wants me without the baggage.
I love do him, and he is adopted and had a very hard childhood. The adoption agency put him with a family that was already dysfunctional – what sickens me is that he cold have gone to a different family – and he wouldnt have the issues he has with smoking weed, drinking, drugs – it s all part and parcel of where he was brought up. Drug dealers live a few doors down. He might not have been that way if he was not brought up there. I think of his face, and I love him, his good side, his ability to listen to me, but his anger takes over when im insecure, and I just have a sense isolation, lonliness and that Im not good enough.
My fears of not meeting anyone else will have to stop – as I have to believe that I will be able to. And please God, as you say Matt, there will be men out there who can be gentle and caring, and realise that nobody would ‘choose’ to have insecurities, or purposely have low self esteem ! Who would ever wish for that. It is something I am trying to change, and it is hard to do in itslef. If I had a supportive love in my life I would maybe heal and grow better, rather than feeling bruised and battered every day.
I pray I have the strenght to follow it through and suffer the feelings of loss, and come through it and come out the other side. I am scared and terrified that if I loose him, I will regret it. I know when he is gone the harsh voice in my head will hear his words in my head, saying it is all my fault, that I was to blame, that I pushed him to anger. I hope I will be happy again in time. Just contented. Im not perfect but I want to be loved fully, like us all. It makes me sad that it couldnt be with him, as I loved him, but I guess I have to just let it go. Pleas pray for me that this is a lesson I have to learn and that a better future lies ahead.
Blessings and Namaste,
Warm wishes,
I tried to put it all ot of my mind today, but I feel so isolated and lonely . He said I am ”sick in the head”, and that I ”need help” , because I cant trust.
I feel like an idiot, and a failure – that yet again I have gone for a guy who is not compatable, and that it’s my very own fault, as I ignored the fact that all along I have been trying to make something that wasnt a good fit, fit us both…… I have tried so hard to make it work, because I loved him, but it’s like banging my head against a brick wall.
I also know that if I et him go I have to face that pain, and the heartache all again. Ive had so much of it all my life.
When I feel sad or insecure he just pushes me away, and I just want to be happy with someone, like my colleagues and friends – I seem to be the only one of them who has systematically screwed up my decisions.
He also said that I will never find anyoone to put up with me, and that nobody will ever be able to deal with me. Im afraid that’s true., maybe I’m too flawed to be part of a couple, and i’ll never feel comfortable and safe – that is what scares me most, as I want to feel comfortable and at ease and feel loved.
ParticipantHi Sarah,
Try not to worry too much about what the priest said, as he has not had your very personal experience ! He may be coming the standpoint of his dogma, and his teachings, and not quite seeing the relationship element ( I live in Catholic Ireland ) ! Your focus, as you said – is you and your daughter, and that is what counts now – the relationship has ended, and was not a good environment for you both. You are right to go with your path, and have some self – preservation.
You have to do what feels right for you, and all the things Matt said about doing nurturing activities that make your heart smile.
Time for you now 🙂
Best wishes in your journey,
Chat soon,
ParticipantYes, I know Matt, i agree – dominoes possibly – it’s painful though – and I know suspicions are horrible, and are not conducive to intimacy, but he reacts by pushing me away, instead fo seeing that im a tiny bit vulnerable, thousands of miles away. I didnt ask him anything, I didnt accuse him of anything. And by lieing and telling me he is going to bed – at 9.30 !! Way to build trust ! Great path to our mutual trust. I know when he gets back that I wont trust him at all now – for me thats just bullshit – what a rediculous excuse. And just to cover his backside he said ”ill ring you first thing in the morning” – in otherwords ”im off radar until then”.
He knows my weak spots, and he knows im trying to work on them. I know that I poked a sensitive spot in him, but I feel stone -walled by him, and now ive made a fool of myself by texting and calling, as I hate uncertainty. He could have easily reassured me in an easy way, as I was’nt confrontational – but instead he chooses to be harsh and cold and judges me as some kind of pariah, and cuts contact.
I dont think I can do it anymore – we just seem to be poles apart – we are so different, and I dont think in a ying yang kind of way ! If I think if me in 5 years – with kids, and imagine if he went off for a week staying up all night at parties – I think thats acting like a guy who is free and single. I know if I go away with the girls, I am attentive, I call, I text, I ask to see how his day is. I go out too, but I let him know what im at, and i genuinely communicate. I would tell him that i met people, had a bit of craic, and id let him in on what I was up to.
Between the weed, the chef job, the partying, (ocasional coke use), the fact that im a teacher, our pace of life – maybe the writing is on the wall. We just dont click in a harmonious way. And I do feel that he moves so fast form one thing to the nest – be it football on tv, weed, friends, he is constantly moving and on the go – i just cant settle in this crazy existence. He comes in at 11.00 in the night, smokes, football, says hi, bed, and then it all starts again. Then days off are maybe a meal together, then smoking, football, friends, and the week starts again. I spend my weekends alone, other than going out with my few unmarried friends to keep myself independent. Its not that he isnt here physically, but in his head he is moving so fast onto the next plan, that I cant relax ! And I end up instigating plans, so that I can have him stick to a ‘date night’ or whatever. Its like even when he is here I know he is planning the next thing in his head – texting a friend, whatever…..I just maybe need someone who can rest easy, settle, chill out – but thats not him – he is like a ‘cat on a hot tin roof’, restlless and kind of preoccupied….
And im not trying to change him – im just assessing the whole palaver. Trying to see if I can handle this whole scenario. Even in councelling, the therapist said to him ”well I have to say, your job is all over the place”. She also said it would take a very self – sufficient person to be able for it – as you are like a single person, for all intense and purposes. His career is amazing, and he is gifted – but boy is it hard to be a ‘chef widow’. We havent had one holiday in 2 years, and I work hard too. He said that I am jealous of his holiday, just because I said ”oh I wish I could see it, oh that sounds beautiful ”
Oh what a mess.
And now tomorrow he will probably blank me too
Feeling sorry for myself – maybe Im a narcissist !!
🙂 Ill try to smile – I have to go to school tomorrow and teach, even though I feel like I could take a bottle of prozac to get rid of this pain. Better get happy.
ParticipantYou have to look after yourself.
If she was unfaithful, and things just werent right – and if you were in a monogamous relationship – then that was hurtful, and painful. If it is really over, and if she has put closure on that, then it really is best to let go. People make mistakes, but would you ever trust her again even if you got back together ?
Dont worry – Im not minimising how excruciating that can be, as I have been in your shoes before. But time wil heal the wounds, try to surround yourelf with friends, do one nice thing for you every day, to nurture yourself.
Be good to yourself, and let yourself grieve the relationship. In time it will get easier to see it as a lesson, in some way, shape or form – although right now that will be hard to realise. You deserve to be happy and you will be agian,
Wishing you all the best,
well just an update – all was going fine, but the texts were very sparse, and always hours after I would text. And they were one sided, never with any questions about how I am, or what either of us were doing. I got the feeling that they were just to keep me happy, rather than genuine communication, as such.
We then spoke on the phone this evening – he told me its amazing over there, there is a big festival, parties til 5 in the morning etc. Now I am an insecure person – so immediately I get anxious. Whenever he hears that in me at all in that anxious tone ( even though I am gentle and not confrontational – but maybe he can sense it ) he gets angry… I didnt say I was feeling insecure, but he said he could feel I wanted to question him, and that trust etc was a big problem….Yet if he was the insecure one – I would help him, be gentle, be mindful of all that we have learned about eachother in councelling – not angry, and detatched. he knows me by now, and knows how hard im trying with my practices, etc… but this seems to mean nothing to him.
So the converstation got a bit argumentative – although I stayed calm – I reassured him that I am really glad he is having a good time, but that I do get a small bit insecure. I asked him not to get angry over that – that I am far away, that even though I get insecure, I have not called him, or encroached on his fun, and have given him his space. His anger continued on the phone. It was 9 in the evening – and he said – ”im going to bed” – this from a guy who never ever, even with the worst hangover ever, goes to bed before 1.30 in the morning…..I knew in my gut he was getting ready to go out. He said ”im going to bed, i will ring you in the morning”. Trust to me works both ways – if he was gentle, caring and compassionate he would see that all I need is a small bit of attentiveness, and genuine communication, and to know he cares. Trust, I do not think, can be nurtured by lies – and I can cattegorically say he was not going to bed – in Spain on a guys holiday.
Which leads me to think – lies equals deception, and how do I know that he has not met someone there ? It is possible that this is why he reacted this way. Maybe he met someone at the festival, and he is just passing the blame to me.
So I tried to call him, and I sent a text -no answer.
Now I feel desperate, lonely, and suspicious, and neglected.
I really feel maybe somebody is telling me something here – should I move on ? Should I take that treatment ? I know I have my own issues, but am I asking too much ?
What do people think? Is my mistrust unfounded ? Maybe my gut is telling me things ?
I can really almost feel the pain you described, and it really made me feel for what you are going through. I too have those triggers – and they spark memories of not being nurtured as a child – like your little girl – clinging on, yet not being heard, nurtured, or comforted. That image struck me like a bolt of lightening. I am no therapist, but maybe you have that same past as a trigger too.
It seems your ex husband had some emotional blocks to intimacy, and perhaps his own pain, and the difficulties of your mutual discomfort caused you both to experience mutual pain. It seems you were both suffering, yet it seems that your husband seemed kind of detatched or blinkered to where the lack of intimacy would lead – ultimately seperation. He seemed shocked and appaled that you began tentative flirting with another – yet unable to step up to the plate along the way.
I won’t attempt to give you advice, or to try to point out what exactly went wrong, as I will leave that to someone more experienced on the forum – but I will say, you have to stop punishing yourself. You are obviously a perceptive, intelligent woman, emotionally very alive and awake, whereas your husband was perhaps not as tuned into his emotional self. Neither of you are bad or evil, nor wanted any of this to end this way, and neither of you would have gone into a marriage wanting to separate.
Try to forgive yourself, him, and the circumstances. Your daughter is safe and loved, and you will eventually feel great again. Until then, try to stay strong – go for nice walks with your daughter, try your best to treat yourslef to a bath or massage – I know these seem trivial, but they will help. Meditation and connecting to friends – all those usual survival tips !
Take care, you will get through it, and Love and light,
ParticipantThanks Jade,
Yes, thats true.
My partner is a kind of an ” im busy , so ill txt when i get a chance ” kind of person. (in this case Id say he has been out on the river bank fishing with 2 other guys, and Id say he says to himself ” Ill do it later, as my hands are full ” ) Whereas I txt people back almost straight away.
I get annoyed – as I take it as – ”you are not that important to me” ” you are disposable, and I dont have to try that hard”. For example I dont really understand that he didnt txt me last night – as I would always do that – I kind of see it as a bit careless and mean. He probably sees it as – I went out for the evening, fell into bed, and I was exhausted ! (I didnt txt him because : a) I didnt want to look like im hunting him down on holidays b) I didnt want to wait for a reply while I was getting to sleep- and then get more anxious.
I think he is kind of relaxed all across the board – and if he ”lets me down”, in my eyes, which to him could be just that he didnt feel he had the right moment to stop what he was doing just then, I get to thinking maybe I cant rely on him. I would like him to be more reliable in these things – but he is the way he is !
Just have to let it be and not take it too personally I guess ?
Thanks so much Jade.
ParticipantHaaa ! Yes Matt ! God forbid, ha !! 🙂 – no, it’s very true Matt, he deserves to enjoy his holiday, and be in the moment ! He is certainly in his element, fishing and having a few beers by the river as we speak – he txted a couple hours ago.
Thanks Buddist wife – I think he was staggered by the cost of the phone calls and pictures of the town he sent on monday – so he txted to say we will just text instead of call ! Guess Ill forgive him for not contacting me yesterday – Id say Matt was on the button – he is switched on to holiday mode I think !! Hopefully he will keep in touch but if not ill try not overreact !
Thanks you two ! 🙂