Forum Replies Created
ParticipantHi Anita,
Thank you for the wishes. I wish all the best in the New Year!
Homecoming: reclaiming and championing your inner child. Can you download it, or find excerpts from the book and read. Or listen to an audio of the book, and then get back to me and tell me your thoughts about it?
Yes, I can find it and read some of it. Thank you.
It’s been hard, to be honest. I keep thinking the afternoon shift was a mistake. They are saying we could go back to the office. That would be a disaster for me. I am afraid of coming back home at night. My neighborhood is not very safe.
It’s not looking good. I am thinking I should have stayed in the previous department. But that’s with all the decisions I make. I second guess myself. I also posted here about it to make myself feel better about choosing. I think deep down I wanted someone to convince me to take this job. Because I couldn’t decide, I panicked.
And even without going back to the office, working afternoons are very hard for me. I have no time to myself. No time to go shopping, etc.
It’s hard. I talked to my manager about switching shifts but she said only if there’s a vacant position in the morning shift.
I hope I can get my chance soon this year, but I am worried.
ParticipantHello Anita.
It’s not easy. I think they want to use me, give me much more work than other people. They give me more trainings.
And the late hours are killing me. I don’t like it here.
you are looking for.. someone to depend on.
As a child, you were too lonely for too long, and that’s the dark and lonely place in your mind and heart now. The solution is indeed to find someone you can depend on, and that someone has to be you.
I understand. But how. I feel like… I am not capable myself. To be my own parent.
I don’t think that we discussed the topic of the inner child, have we?
No, I think we did not.
ParticipantOkay, Anita. Thank you.
ParticipantHI Anita,
Good to see you have replied.
And thank you for congratulating me. I have been so caught up in my “misery” I forgot I should be happy. my anxiety ruins everything, every change in my life. When I got my own place I was crying for days because it felt so gloomy, lonely, dark.. My fear ruins everything for me.
Now it’s similar to every change in my life that I go through. Regardless if it’s good or bad I always see it as a dark, lonely place. Maybe it’s because in my childhood no one really was there for me when I changed schools, lost friends etc.
And so now I am in a dark place too.
I will try hugging myself, thank you.
I will not always feel scared, feelings pass. I know. I know.
I know it’s my anxiety and I notice I start obsessing again. It’s always there in those moments. I have this colleague in new team, I really want her to like me. I think she’s cool but very… she lives her own life in a way, it’s not very outgoing and excited like the rest of the people. I think she would be a good friend for me in this team. Since then all I think about it how to make her like me. But I know I cannot do this, it does not work that way. But I really want her to like me.
I want to stop obsessing over it and stop thinking but it’s difficult. It’s not the first time I fantasize and obsess over someone I don’t even know. I hope this can stop because I have trainings with her and I don’t want to act weird or say something awkward. I want to be normal..Caroline
Participant🙂 🙂
Participantthank you both, Jasmine and Anita for your great support! 🙂 I really appreciate it and I needed this.
ParticipantHi Jasmine,
You gave me lots of good advice.
No matter what you choose, you can figure out how to make it work for you.
I figured that, and I agree. I came to conclusion that other people, who make decisions faster, they also don’t know if it’s good or bad decision. They act on… a feeling, whether they feel this or that would be good for them. And that’s all. They do not have the knowledge how the future’s gonna look like. It can be good or bad decision, regardless of how confident they are in making this decision. So it’s only a matter or.. making the decision and trusting the feeling.
Since you currently have a job, it can be helpful to allow yourself to take a break from thinking bout your problem.
Make time to do something creative for yourself, put on your favourite music, make some jewelry, do a collage, draw a picture, put together cute outfits, whatever pulls your mind off of this subject.
good idea.
You have a choice to make and your mind wants to solve this problem. But when you cant solve it and youre going in circles, this is called rumination.
Yes, I have this problem with rumination, overthinking.
The best way to stop ruminating is to do another activity that gets your mind off of it. A creative outlet is an excellent way to vent feelings, and to give yourself some love.
I agree.
Lastly, Caroline, no job has to last forever. You can always stay where you are and keep looking, or you can take the new one and keep an eye out for something that makes you happier. You’re gonna be alright
I decided to take this offer and try and see. 🙂
ParticipantIt’s okay Anita. It’s difficult sometimes to get the whole story here on the forum. The members can sometimes get the wrong impression.
And yes, it was a good idea. I was not thinking about it recently and I think it’s better if I not bring it up anymore. For now at least, when she clearly stopped giving any reasons for me to suspect anything.
ParticipantHey Anita. I don’t think I am obsessing. It may seem like it since it’s all I am writing about here and I was quite annoyed with it several times. But it’s more chill than it seems. Still I need to leave this topic for now and just see how it goes. I don’t think I should ask her about this more. The less involved I am in this the better. I think it’s the solution. To take a step back.
ParticipantYou are welcome, Caroline. What I am reading in your last 2 of 3 sentences is courage. Think of preparing for the difficulties you expect to have, practically prepare, best you can.
Thank You Anita, I just saw this post (I am not using email notifications). I am starting next month and I know it will be hard but I am prepared for difficulties and I will take responsibility for my decision. I am sure if it’s too hard I will make it work somehow or change job in two years perhaps. But I am in a good space in my head.
Just quiet down (having a sitting practice is huge) and let the truth be revealed. Yes there are many sides to every decision, so not saying just blindly follow your heart. but rather use your inherent wisdom to gather as much information as you can and set your intention.
Steven, Thank you, That’s exactly what I am trying to do. And it works, that’s true. Thank you again for posting here!
ParticipantI don’t know what else to do. We text, not much but sometimes a lot. I am getting suspicious whether all this is real. I know I may overreact and IT IS real, to an extend of course. As I said, us being coworkers that like each other. But when we text a lot some days I get this weird feeling that I am being used and she’s not honest.
What else can I do. I asked directly, it was a good idea, she should have answered. End of story. But she lied. Maybe I should just.. chill a bit. I mean chill when it comes to communicating with her. Distance a bit.
Maybe by sending her an email, if you communicate by email. Otherwise, Sat comes, and I imagine that she’ll deny again that her interest is in seeing him and that she’s been using you as a means to that end.
I asked her again, now in texts. She joked something about being jealous of him.. And I asked what what do you mean, jealous of who, what? And she just replied jokingly about him and saying again that No, she does not like him.
so there’s that. I think the story will continue until.. I don’t know when.
Participantyou don’t want to be used as a means for an end, the end being meeting him and spending time with him, and you don’t want to be lied to, as part of being used.
that’s exactly how it looks to me and how I feel about it. I spent a lot of time with them both and I felt it.. it wasn’t the flirting, they were not that obvious but there was something, you know what I mean? Sometimes you just feel… there is something going on. And he was kind of.. mesmerized with her too. He even told me one time he was idolizing her, just like that. It was something he felt and knew and he said it like it was obvious, nothing new, for him. He liked her, he liked the attention and now he probably…got wiser. Because his wife was pregnant, so..come on.
And.. see? I’ve been talking about this like it is my business. I don’t like that, this whole fact that I am involved in this.
pretending that she wants to meet you and spend time with you because of a strong connection she allegedly has with you.
Exactly. she tells me this a lot, but I don’t feel it. I would describe it as we are coworkers or coworkers besties and that’s all. It’s a lot, I like her, yes, but it.. has its limitations.
it is not one of the worst crimes people commit against others, but it’s still wrong and hurtful to be used and lied to. So, if I was you, I will no longer allow her to use you.
I agree, it’s not the worst, knowing that we like each other. As I said, we do, but we would like meet once or twice a year, That’s how I see it. I even suspect.. I don’t want to overdo it, maybe it was not on purpose, but now it looks otherwise.. she once came here for the whole weekend, to go for a concert. She arrived on Saturday and the concert was Saturday night, and she stayed till Sunday. She told us she was coming.. and none of us proposed a meeting. I could not meet and he, obviously couldn’t either. None of us said anything. But we all agreed to meet Sunday morning for a breakfast. The concert was.. not even particular band. It was music from various bands, like something.. nothing special and nothing particular. Some famous rock songs sang by different people. I believe it is not something you would drive for hours and stay for the whole weekend and spend money on. But I am not sure, right? I will never know. I am a bit angry for all this. (But it’s okay, it will pass, as you said it is not the worst crime.)
Her answer (“he is just annoying coz ‘he’s a guy‘”) reads like an answer an infatuated school girl would give when caught off guard with a question such as the one you asked her.
Yeah. So now I know. Also when I asked her she took loooooonnnggg to answer. I saw she was texting (you can see that in messenger) and it took long long time. And she answered something basic eventually and at the end she asked: is this what you were asking or … ?
So weird and shady and.. I don’t know. I think I have the right to be angry here.
So let’s see how this develops. I think she knows that I know. Even if she denied, she knows.. I asked this directly (good idea) so she is aware. We are planning to meet Saturday so I am hoping to get this resolved.
ParticipantIt’s all so weird because I don’t want to be in the middle of this and don’t want to push too hard.. but also I have this feeling that I am the spare friend. And I don’t want to sound jealous or something, because I really don’t mind it if she likes me less. I did not ask for all this.
The thing is I would prefer to our friendship or whatever to be just how it is, not pretending we like each other more than we actually do.. And I think she pretends.. because she comes here, we spend time together but I know she wouldn’t come her for me, I am sure of it.
I think she wants me to believe she likes me way more than she actually does. But her actions show that she cares about him.
And I trust my feeling because I know it’s right. I don’t feel this connection between me and her to be that strong. I hope it’s not confusing, what I am trying to say.
ParticipantYes, I trust your feelings. My trust is not blind, it’s a result of spending a lot of time reading your posts and communicating with you over time, on a variety of topics
Thank you Anita. That’s very nice
ParticipantHey Anita. I asked her and she denied. When I asked about her moods and silent treatment she gave him (and not me although I did the same things as him – meaning ignoring her request or something) couple of times, she said he was just annoying coz “he’s a guy”. And that I am not annoying and she likes me. Reads to me she would give silent treatment to him because SHE LIKES HIM. And she obviously is not interested in me romantically so she doesn’t care to be moody around me. Isn’t this how it normally works?
I did not want to be nosy or to interrogate her/make her feel uncomfortable so I dropped this topic. But it doesn’t add up. Next week we are meeting, all three of us but I am assuming there will be two of us again. He already told me things are different between them, “more cold than it used to be” so not sure if he’s gonna make it. He obviously feels she is cold and that they lost a connection. She used to be fun and now she is just moody and not very nice to him.
Part of me does not want to overdo it and to not be nosy but part of me wants… honesty I guess. As I am kind of involved in this already. But I guess I should just drop it.