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    Perhaps guilt isn’t the right word. That would imply that I was at fault, when I wasn’t. I felt overly responsible, perhaps shame is more accurate?

    My mother told me that after myself and my brother were born she magically became a terrible person. She claimed to have been perfectly fine before. Her temper could be triggered by the smallest thing, so at night I would analyse the day and try and figure out what I could do better to avoid it.

    I think these were part of the reason I felt why I felt. Therapy helped me see that her claims were extremely unlikely and that there was nothing I could do to prevent the abuse. If different children were born to her, they would have been abused too. It wasn’t my fault, she was simply looking for excuses to take her feelings out on us.

    I have had a chronic pain condition for many years now. The level of physical pain fluctuates, when I relax before going to sleep is often when I experience the most physical pain. I find muscle tension reduces the amount of physical pain I can feel, when my muscles relax it can be overwhelming and there is little to distract me. Worries are easier to think about than allowing myself to be immersed in the experience of physical pain.

    Previously, due to trauma I have had experience with emotional numbing and dissociation. I also have a tendency to dissociate to escape physical pain. Over the years I have made some progress with recovery, reducing the amount of physical pain I’m in so I am trying not to rely on that as much.



    Thank you for elaborating, I found it very helpful. I am glad to hear that you are in significantly less pain now.

    It makes sense that I may have to learn more about the reasons why these thoughts occur and the feelings behind them.

    I don’t believe it’s based in guilt for me. As a child I felt alone and unloved because of the abuse. For a long time, I struggled with feelings of not being good enough or being unlovable. At the time, I blamed myself, as children do. I have a fear that rears it’s head occasionally. I worry that my loved ones will one day decide they made a mistake by caring for me and abandon me. Arguments definitely trigger these feelings. I guess, I fear feeling how I did in the past.

    Generally, I am in significantly less emotional  pain these days. But, I also get overwhelmed and upset fairly easily.

    Also, I have a bad habit of avoiding physical pain by focusing on anxiety. I have a habit of worrying about various stressors in my life as opposed to focusing on emotional pain from the past.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Helcat.
    in reply to: Getting along in society when you’re not normal #394910

    Hi Brian

    Thank you for elaborating on the issue!

    Whilst some people do this when they don’t like people there are other reasons why people act in this way.

    1) People may have difficulties that they are not discussing.

    2) Often people have fairly small circles of close friends. Then there tends to be friends that they talk to less frequently.

    3) Some people have very busy lives, especially those with children and working for example.

    4) It is really easy to read a text then put down the phone and forget about it.

    I’m not trying to defend these behaviours; simply explain that at least some of the time the intent may be different. I think it’s great that you set boundaries by not interacting with people that don’t put effort into maintaining a relationship.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Helcat.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Helcat.
    in reply to: Eating my emotions of shame #394909

    Hi Petalinthewind

    That doesn’t surprise me. His wife may be aware of his affairs or at least is intentionally ignoring them.

    Please don’t be too hard on yourself about the ice cream! I’m sorry for the pain you suffered over this man.

    in reply to: Getting along in society when you’re not normal #394881

    Hi Brian

    Thank you for sharing that, it means a lot! It helps me understand you.

    I don’t mind if you don’t answer questions. Your thoughts and feelings are private and it’s up to you whether you wish to discuss them.

    Life is too short to put up with people for years.I doubt many people have the capacity to do such a thing. Were there any specific things those people did that gave you that impression?

    There is a saying that you might find helpful. If someone treats you poorly, it says more about them than it does about you. This means the way that people treat each other is often dictated by their internal world. Someone in a good mood is more likely to respond positively even when confronted with challenging circumstances. Whereas someone in a bad mood might respond poorly to everything.

    I can understand the difficulty of finding the right balance and appreciate your honesty.

    I hope we can continue speaking. I think you communicated your thoughts and feelings very well. I feel this conversation has been meaningful.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Helcat.
    in reply to: Boyfriend being distant? #394876

    Hi Arie

    That is understandable! He is going through a very difficult time at the moment. He communicated that he isn’t able to be as responsive at the moment and isn’t able to see you right now for a very good reason. I’m sure when he is able he will be in contact with you.

    You are correct. None of this is your fault, he is simply trying to pick up the pieces and put himself back together after the abuse he received from his mother. It is very kind of you to be concerned and want to help. But this is something he may largely have to do alone until he feels better and the abuse dies down.

    I recommend against going over. He may not feel up to leaving the house due to his depression and being around his mother is a bad idea as it may encourage her to involve you in her abuse. When he feels up to it picking him up and going elsewhere might be a good option.

    How are you doing? I hope you are taking care of yourself and keeping yourself occupied to distract yourself from the stress of your partners situation.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Helcat.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Helcat.
    in reply to: Getting along in society when you’re not normal #394873

    Hi Brian

    I would add that here it might be helpful for you to politely discuss when you feel uncomfortable around others.

    In person, when socialising setting boundaries doesn’t necessarily involve discussion. It might simply be politely asking someone not to do something or politely excusing yourself. With closer friends or family discussion might be involved if they are open to it.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Helcat.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Helcat.
    in reply to: Getting along in society when you’re not normal #394871

    Hi Brian

    I have found it difficult to socialise with people due to a lack of trust after experiencing trauma. I also have a learning disability so people often describe me as weird. But weird isn’t necessarily a bad thing. My husband is weird and I love that about him. Own your weird!

    My own low self-esteem and social anxiety issues caused me to feel uncomfortable around others.

    Seeking therapy, addressing self-esteem and social anxiety issues helped me. Also, I had to practice being around people while I was uncomfortable in order to relax around them and be more comfortable. Depending on the situation this took a great deal of time, patience and willingness to experience discomfort.

    Personally, I am not uncomfortable when discussing things with you. I experience mild discomfort when my morals and even myself as a person are dismissed. Dismissing people is often considered rude or hurtful. You have a habit of performing this behaviour.

    Do I believe that you intend to cause harm by doing this? I hope not, I believe that you may do this when you are feeling uncomfortable.

    Perhaps there is a middle ground that could be reached? That may involve altering your communication style in an effort not to dismiss people or simply thanking people for their feedback.

    Personally, I had to learn to alter my communication style and set boundaries because I had a habit of allowing abuse. Assertiveness is a great communication style that I found helpful.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Helcat.

    @anita and @HoneyBlossom

    Thank you both for sharing! I appreciate your experiences and advice. I hope you have a good day.


    It is comforting to learn that these thoughts might one day cease on their own accord. Focusing on one day at a time sounds like good advice.

    An emotional part of me does feel like pain from the past will last forever, simply because it has so far. But, the logical side of me differs. I do not focus on the pain. My attention comes and goes as I prefer to focus on my life. The pain continues to get smaller. I am hopeful that one day those feelings will resolve. Perhaps this is a foolish hope, or a denial of the idea of living with it. Perhaps these feelings are something that I will need to accept.


    I have tried reframing the thoughts. It doesn’t seem to stick though. It may take more time? I will keep at it as I have been able to successfully reframe other thoughts in the past. This one is stubborn though.

    in reply to: Boyfriend being distant? #394787

    Hi Arie

    I have been following this thread. I think it’s understandable why you have been concerned. You sensed that something was amiss and it was.

    He is depressed and avoiding you because of abuse at home. His mother threatened to kick him out because you are dating (She would threaten this with any girlfriend). As you are being involved in the abuse, it’s understandable that he needs space during this tumultuous phase of the abusive cycle. None of this is your fault, but you do need to accept what is happening.

    In a less tumultuous phase of the abusive cycle his depressive mood may stabilise. There is a small chance he may resume the relationship then if you respect his needs and give him the space he asked for.

    During the requested space, perhaps it might be okay to ask if he would mind you texting him say once a week to check in? Whatever timeframe he agrees to you should accept and stick to.

    I’m sorry that things are painful because a) he is suffering and you want to be there for him and b) he isn’t able to cater to your needs during this time. You must ask yourself if this is what you want in a relationship? He may have difficulty sustaining a relationship while he lives with his mother. If things recover I recommend that you do not spend time at his house. Meeting elsewhere would be ideal.

    As for S&M, if he doesn’t try and coerce you into participating I see no issue. It is up to you whether you participate or not. Be prepared to set some boundaries about what you do and don’t want to do!

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Helcat.
    in reply to: Eating my emotions of shame #394784

    Hi Petalinthewind

    I’m glad to hear that you had a good day!

    It’s natural to consider these things, especially during difficult times. Thoughts and feelings are often spontaneous. We don’t choose how we feel, we choose how we respond to it. You were very careful in how you chose to respond. Well done on protecting yourself and your marriage from this predatory man.

    I agree with Anita’s conclusion about your ex and his character. Chances are if you were willing he would have used you while staying with his wife.

    Is that really love? If anything, he’ll probably move on to looking for another individual he can use while hiding his behaviour from his wife. I feel sorry for her!

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Helcat.
    in reply to: Eating my emotions of shame #394472

    Hi Petalinthewind

    You said yourself that ultimately nothing happened. Worst case you were considering an affair. There is a huge difference between thinking about something and going through with it.

    We all have doubts and fears. Consider the situation that lead to those thoughts occurring. You mentioned that you felt lonely in your marriage at the time and that this man coming into your life was someone that you used to love.

    I think it’s understandable that you had complicated feelings about the whole situation.

    What would you think if a friend were in a similar situation? Would you blame your friend?

    Perhaps, you are feeling guilty not for what happened but what could have happened under different circumstances?

    If he too was lonely in his marriage too and wanted to rekindle a relationship with an old flame. Perhaps you fear that the situation would have ended differently?

    Would your guilt be tied to feelings for your husband? Or do you still feel a desire to leave your marriage?


    in reply to: Can’t choose between my ex and a new guy #394393

    Hi Jess

    It’s very easy for someone to say they’ve changed and much more difficult to actually change. You mentioned that you ex had difficulties with alcohol use. Perhaps, if he resolved that issue it would be a good way to show that he was actually committed to changing. Unless he does that I’d be doubtful of his ability to change in 3 months.

    From what you’ve said, this new guy seems nice.

    An important question to ask yourself is what you want and don’t want in a relationship.

    in reply to: Love at first sight? #394365

    Hi Angel

    So sorry to hear about the difficulties you experienced. Clearly, he became verbally abusive. It sounds like he has a drinking problem too. Do you remember when he started behaving this way in the relationship?

    You mentioned before that you have a habit or ignoring signs of bad behaviour when you care about someone. This is something you must address for future relationships to be successful.

    I have a question about your original concerns regarding the relationship, namely about his family’s influence on the relationship. Did this become an issue as you suspected?

    My hope is that answering these questions will help answer yours.


    Hi Danny!

    Personally, I’m not a fan of affirmations so I’ll discuss the subject of failure.

    I think it varies. It’s important to be aware of realistic threats. Obviously, it’s not great to lose a substantial amount of money or go bankrupt. It happens, but people try and avoid it.

    At the same time, for people who experience catastrophising, fear is often exaggerated. Not every situation you encounter is going to end in a worst case scenario. Frequently experiences end more positively than anticipated. As you know fear can lead us to avoid certain situations. Perhaps this means that you are refusing opportunities and positive experiences out of fear? Truly, the only way to overcome a fear of failure is to do what you are afraid of.

    As an adult tutor, I’ve learned that anxiety and failure is part of the process of learning for adults. When you are new and experiencing something for the first time often, people make mistakes. Then we can learn from our mistakes and do something successfully.

    Negative self-talk is often the root cause behind catastrophising and fear of failure. Perhaps it might be beneficial to practice writing about yourself positively. Can you do this while thinking about your dreams, goals and considering next steps on how to achieve them?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Helcat.
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