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ParticipantHi Lotus Love,
It is human nature, that men and women, even in relationships will look at attractive people. It’s just that “looking, glancing” nothing more. As long as it goes no further than that. This can be done in person, or on Social media. However, it is unacceptable for him to have a video/picture of innapropriate content of his ex. It’s immature and shows a lack of respect for women, his ex and you. As soon as he got it, he should have deleted it.
ParticipantHi Pals,
It seems so confusing, everything like you said was going great, and suddenly he wants out and only giving you the explanation of “you are too much” did he provide any examples? Usually when men say that, “you are too much” means “too much drama” “too much intensity” “too high maintenance” too many needs” “too nagging” yet you seem to be none of these things. It is definitely his loss. I am just wondering, what he meant by that. I am really sorry you are going through this, and he is putting you through all this, when things seemed so amazing. Makes no sense why he just left all of a sudden.
ParticipantHi Rich,
I can relate about the pain, and the helplessness it can create. I too turned everywhere to make myself feel better, and painful emotions just kept resurfacing no matter how hard I tried. When I was getting my BA in Psychology, one of my Professors was very much into “emotion regulation” and he brought up a new drug (at that time) called Topamax. He said it helps people deal more effectively when they are in therapy or are really struggling. I would see a homeless cat, and just start sobbing, it would just create horrible emotions in me perhaps because I could relate to the car and suffering although I have repressed alot, seeing a homeless animal or person sent me in a tailspin, and I would call my friend, they would not get sad like I did and I would lash out at them telling them “they had a small heart” how could they not be sad hearing about a hungry and cold cat? That’s when I knew I had to give in to my pride and go on medication.
Since you are in the Psychology and counseling profession, I was wondering if you have ever considered medication, for emotion regulation to help you with painful thoughts, traumatic events and emotions? Since being on Topamax, seeing a homeless animal or person in need no longer sends me into despair. Just some thoughts..
ParticipantHi Rich,
There are millions of people in the world, with some type of illness, even debillitating illness, severe mental illness, disabilities, yet they go on to have meaningful lives. Does this make them “unloveable”? What if I told you, I had several mental health disorders, would that make me worthless and unloveable? This type of thinking puts us in a never ending cycle of “helplessness” we end up stuck in pity and victim mode all our lives, stuck in a rut, not wanting hope, or to find or even Try to find a solution.
I feel despite all my flaws, I still have alot to offer. I can help people, be caring, thoughtful, adventurous, romantic, funny, spiritual, humanitarian, into animal welfare. If you look deep inside yourself, you are a loveable and worthy person capable of giving and receiving love, but you have talked yourself out of it, yet it is there. Please don’t get trapped in this cycle. Stay strong, don’t give up on yourself, don’t be a victim, continue therapy, things will turn around. Keep us posted.
ParticipantHi Rich,
Just quiet your mind right now. You don’t have to have all the answers at this moment. Just know that you are in therapy, and your Mom gave you alot of information, that put your mind on “overload”. None of this you knew about and hearing about this, probably just put you into a “detached” mode, it’s just our minds defense mechanism, just like I repressed so many things as a child, I don’t want to know all the terrible things my Mom did to me. I guess for one, she had me, so in that way she did the best she could. The Alcohol took over, she had six children.
I think many times, my Dad would start to tell me something about her, but would change his mind and say “your mother was the best dancer/choreographer” “she was a great Model” “She made the best scrambled eggs”. Once he told me she treated me horribly, but I would change the subject. When I have a negative emotion, I take out a picture of where she drove 50 miles to a portrait studio in South Miami. She did this twice. A beautiful picture of her holding me as a baby. In that picture, she was holding me tenderly, and what appeared to be with love. The other picture was when I was about three, I was standing on her lap, looking down on my brother accordingly as we were very close and she was tenderly looking downwards at the both of us, with what appeared love. Maybe that was before the Alcohol took over.
I guess what I’m saying is don’t beat up on yourself or try to figure it all out. You will have alot of conflicting emotions, anxiety..but don’t get swept away by them, because thoughts are just that. Thoughts. Be patient with yourself, be still. Post on here. Writing things down makes one feel better.
ParticipantHi Ace,
Here is what I think may be going on, this happens in alot of relationships. I hate to do this, but I’m not going to blame him, or the relationship, but our need sometimes for instant contact made possible by social media, online dating sites, chat rooms.
I see men at work or at my volunteer job, who have beautiful girlfriends, that have so much to offer, yet the men (or women) get “bored” and look to see if the “grass is greener on the other side”. Then they start “chatting with women, it goes on for awhile but fizzles out, as relationships rarely develop or work out “online”. Then the woman (or man) think “wow, what have I done, I left this great woman for this??” and then you usually hear back from them saying “they miss you”. This has happened to me, my my friends, my married friends, co-workers and so on. I think it all amounts to boredom. Boredom not with you, but just in general. Rather than reading a book or taking on a hobby or calling a friend, what is the closest thing to them where they can have “social interaction” being anonymous behind a computer screen? Its so easy, because they don’t “have to work so hard”. The closest thing to them is a computer or a smartphone and one click, they are on internet and instant flirting and communication. I think that is what is happening. When they find out the grass is not greener, they usually come back, but often, I will not take them back because I feel texting or e-mailing us cheating, if they do it once, chances are they will do it again. Let me know your thoughts. x
ParticipantHi Halle,
I understand your frustration, is this something he does all the time? Where he has plans with you and changes them? Sometimes, we all reach “out tolerance” until we think “enough!” which may be happening in your case. You say he treats you well, in others areas of the relationship, however, a key to an effective relationship is not having resentment, which is what you are experiencing right now, in turn the resentment turns into anxiety and manifests into anger outbursts, because you can only “stuff” your feelings for so long.
Many men, like their space and like doing things with their friends. Is there anyway, that when this happens, you can make plans with your friends so you are not sitting home alone seething and angry. Show him you have a life “outside” of him, and you don’t need to be constantly with him “to be happy” show him your strong independent side. Maybe take up some hobbies or outside interests, volunteer, etc so that your life and world does not revolve around him. Men like strong independent woman, and don’t like that “being smothered” feeling.
However, if he does this on a continuous basis, ask him if you can come along? Why not? Why does he always leave you out? Making plans with you then cancelling is a sign of disrespect for you and your relationship and is a red flag. I would sit down and talk to him and tell him how this makes you feel. If he gets defensive or continues to disrespect you, it may be time to re-evaluate the relationship. Keep us posted.
ParticipantHi Myles,
Have they done anything else to you, besides this? I feel in a way, this can be resolved without “completely” cutting them off. Were they good parents to you growing up? Have they harmed you verbally or emotionally in other ways? Of do they keep hurting you over and over? If the answer is yes, than it may be a possibility not to have contact with them. But over one issue that could be resolved, by sitting down and talking to, and telling them how their words make you feel, maybe things could be resolved? For example, your father saying he threatened violence against you, is not appropriate for a parent to say, you can tell him, how that made you feel, and the hurt it caused you and pain. If he gets defensive and argumentative, then perhaps it might be a good idea to end contact. The reason I am against ending contact with parents, is because my “family” were my Aunt and Uncle. I wrote them a letter when I was going through a severe depressive episode and hospitalized, and even though I apologized over and over, they completely cut me out of their lives. The pain from that was unbearable to me. That’s why I say, if you can try to work it out, please try. Keep us posted.
ParticipantHi Priyanka,
I too have met many men on Facebook and Google plus, another social media site. Some have lived in United States, others have lived in Iraq, Egypt, India, Turkey, etc. It has never worked out. Long distance relationships, especially online are extremely draining and complicated. It starts off great at first, almost too good to be true, but about three to six months later it fizzles out. I live in Ohio, and most certainly a man is not going to move me overseas to Iraq, or Texas, or pack up and leave his family or children (if he has any) to move closer to you.
Many of these men, are usually not who they say they are. They come off very sincere and convincing, like you are the “most beautiful girl in the world” or their long lost “soul mate” but it’s all just to “woo you”. Many of these men are Catphishing or Scammers (411 Nigerian Scam) that has been on the news alot. You can Google it if you want or go to romancescammers dot com. For more information. Many of these man will lie and say they are “single” when they are married. Or they may be cheating. You just never know.
Best to meet a man on a reputable dating site like match that has been around for decades. My friends have found their spouses on these sites. Or find someone through a shared hobby or interest, church, etc. Best to meet someone locally then social media.
ParticipantHi Connie,
I think this looks like a really good sign, but since he “thinks” you wanted to break it off, he is probably waiting for an something like “I love you, and would really like us to get back together to try to work things out”. Men have (and women) ego, pride, stubbornness, and they are afraid of getting rejected again, so he is making “indirect” hints, he only wants to be with you, based on the things you posted him saying to you.
I would just talk to him, we can’t expect them to read our minds (smile). So, if you really love this man, tell him, you would like to work things out. Keep us posted. x
ParticipantHi Dreaming,
It sounds like she has unresolved Borderline issues, or other personality self-harming/lashing out at people, but like you said, if not treated very unhealthy. You don’t have to “officially end” the relationship, since you both met online. You can choose to not return her calls, texts or e-mails. If she calls, politely tell her you are walking out the door, that’s all you have to say and end the conversation. Have no more contact with her via the online support group. If you would rather end it by talking, just say, you feel you do not feel you are compatible, but be prepared as she may get very argumentative and lash out. Best thing to do, is just end all contact, soon she will get the message. I’m sorry this happened.
ParticipantHi Colby,
You had mentioned liking animals, and your car. Have you thought about volunteering with animals at a Zoo or Animal shelter? Sometimes I volunteer for an organization that rescues animals from abusive and negectful environments, and then there are times I just volunteer to play and hold the cats at our local SPCA, no kill animal shelter.
ParticipantHi Jonathan,
Thank you for sharing that, a very excellent quote. Sometimes, I wish I just had as “great of a present” that I did in the 70’s 80’s and 90’s.
ParticipantHi Johnathan,
Yes, I often dwell in the past. I think I get nostalgic of when times were simpler, when I had more friends, was working (on Disbility now), I also had a close relationship with my Dad, but he passed in 2008, and things haven’t been the same without him in my life. I don’t date like I use to, or socialise like I used to. I tend to let fear get to me, as I have no savings (safety net), family. I worry about the future. I worry what will happen to me when I can no longer take care of myself. I’m only on Medicare and they don’t pay for assisted living or nursing homes. So yes, worry, anxiety and fear are my constant friend despite being in intensive therapy and medication.
ParticipantHi Sushant,
I read your post, and I am sorry to hear the losses you have gone through. I too lost the only family I had left, my Dad, in 2008. He died at age 89, due to congestive heart failure. What’s sad, is that his “family” my 1/2 brothers who have really never talked to me, and my Aunt and Uncle who raised me, never told me, he was in a coma in a hospital. At the time, I was working in Cincinnati, (he had an office here) but lived in Sarasota, Florida. Their reason, they never told me? They said they did not have my address or phone number (all lies) his wife was always mean to me, she just did not want me there.
I thought he had been travelling, as he still worked up until the day he died. We were very close and talked three times a week, so I started getting worried about him, my calls never returned. I sent him a beautiful card. About 2 months later I get a cold letter from my Aunt and Uncle’s Daughter, that he had passed. I never got to say bye to him, hold his hand or go to his funeral. I have not been the same since his death and the loss of my beloved cats. I do have family who could care less about me. So, it’s just me and 2 friends. I wanted to share that with you, knowing that there is someone out there that can relate. I miss my Dad so much.
Now, onto your post, I’m very you talk About a very strong emotional attachment to a woman, yet you are married, and you did not say anything about any kind of attachment or emotional bonding with your wife. The feelings you describe of this woman friend who doesn’t seem to care, are feekings, I think one should describe about their wife. Your thoughts?