Forum Replies Created
ParticipantHi Bonni-Mor,
I hope you feel better soon.
ParticipantHi K,
When I said are you distant from your partner, I meant were you living apart. I wasn’t questioning your relationship with him. I am sorry if that came over in the wrong way. I also typed “air my body” instead of “air my breath”. So, it should have read “Air my breath, fire my spirit, earth my body, water my blood”.
In its deeper sense, it is a way of connecting with the Universe and recognizing that we are all an integral part of the whole and that the divine nature of man/woman is that we are all spirits living within a body which needs air, water, fire and earth to survive.
ParticipantHi Indebt,
I understand where you are coming from. You have behaved very responsibly by realising that your debt needed to be faced and now it is under control you can ease up a little bit. The worst case at the moment is that you know it will be paid off in four years time. You may have a windfall, family inheritance, gifts, a pay rise, a bonus which may enable you to reduce the term but I believe that the best you can do for the time being is to accept it as it is and not worry overmuch.
Well done.
ParticipantHello Indebt,
RELAX! You have worked amazingly hard at reducing your debt and you have secured a loan which means you can pay it back over 4 years instead of 5. This debt will reduce year on year until it disappears. Four years may sound like a long time but it will pass. What now? Accept that in four years time you will be debt free. Now, put your head down and get some sleep.
Best Wishes
ParticipantHello Carla,
You were attracted to John because of the feelings of safety he was able to give you. He is happy to provide for you and take his share of the housekeeping duties (I assume you are living together). However, now you are comfortable together you are wanting to open up more and discuss your needs. Communication is a two way street. Does he tell you he loves you?
To work on your own self-esteem you need to write down a list of all your good qualities. It’s OK to sing your own praises in the privacy of your own space and no, it is not big headed. Add to the list as soon as something else occurs to you and repeat the words to yourself over and over again. The more you believe in yourself and your own abilities, the less needy you become.
That’s where you start – with your “I AM” list until you become comfortable with your own character – then you will know what you have to offer and that you are someone worth knowing and loving.
ParticipantHi Raaw,
It occurs to me that you have a very strong family support system. These are the people that are there for you during your ups and downs. There are plenty of people ‘out there’ who would envy you that. You have a few friends who you care about and can talk to. These are strong relationships.
Your life is individual to you and will not happen as others lives are happening. The way to be ‘interesting’ is to be interested. Enjoy the stories and laugh at the banter. If you don’t have much in common with certain groups and you feel unwelcome then it is probably best for you to cultivate friendships elsewhere.
You say that you want a peaceful life shared with people for whom you care. Outwardly, it seems as if that is what you already had until you started focusing on this perceived problem which has thrown you into despair. Be content with what you already have and with who you are, return to the status quo.
Michelle has given you lots of pointers with which I agree.
If it feels good …………
ParticipantHi Emilia,
This is a big, brave step that you are taking. When you applied to be on the Masters Course, you knew that it would mean leaving people behind that you loved yet you decided that the end goal would be worth that sacrifice. Now it’s only two weeks away, all those fears are surfacing. You will miss the people you love – accept that. Your dog will adapt to being with you and, yes, you will be enough for him – he loves you unconditionally, he’ll comfort you when you are sad, and he won’t mind a bit that you are introverted. He will be your best friend.
18 months isn’t really very long and 3 hours isn’t really very far. You can split the time up into smaller segments so that you can have family reunions during holidays etc. and, as others have pointed out, you can meet your partner half way sometimes.
Once you are there, your main focus will be on obtaining your Masters and this should keep you busy leaving you less time to dwell on ‘home’. You will be sharing this Course with others which means you already have a common interest and I am sure that once you are there, there will be at least one person with whom you will strike up a friendship.
Good Luck for the future.
ParticipantHi Barry,
You seem to be referring to this girl as your friend rather than your girlfriend. She is now seeing someone which means she has a boyfriend. If she isn’t replying to your texts then she is attempting to cut contact with you. How can you go on a trip with her if she is not really communicating with you? I think, from what little you say, that would be very awkward for both of you.
How long have you known this person for and is there any reason for you to think that you had more than a passing friendship?
Perhaps you could ask her out for a coffee and a chat to discuss why she is acting like this. If she refuses, then either take someone else on the trip with you or cancel it altogether.
ParticipantHi K,
Thank you for your kindness.
We all make choices hundreds of times every day. What to eat, what to wear, what time to get up, who to see, who to phone, which room to clean and so on. There is little point in regretting our choices – we don’t know what would have happened if we had made a different choice. Ultimately, the path we go down through our choices is a path of learning. Always. The more difficult the path, the more opportunity there is to learn. Following the ‘path of least resistance’ is going with the flow, flowing with life. Air flows through us, water flows through us, fire flows through us, earth flows through us. “Air my body, fire my spirit, earth my body, water my blood.” I sometimes use this as a way of bringing me back into balance, chanting it to myself when I’m out walking.
With regard to anger, this arises when someone is behaving in a way that we don’t expect them to. You are already expressing this when you shout, scream and cry. I think your answer lies in forgiving those around you that have hurt you. If you do sit with your anger, sit with forgiveness as well. I can’t stress strongly enough that this is for your benefit. Sustained anger is very damaging to your health.
You wrote to Mark that you cry when you talk about your children yet in an earlier post you said you have no children. Also, are you distant from your fiance?
ParticipantHi K,
I love your descriptions of the elegance of nature – really touching and yes, the patterns nature provides us with are indeed very beautiful. I have a favorite tree in my local park that I wrote a poem about – I often stand under it and sometimes do some gentle exercises there. I love the energy that you get from walking through forests and from moving water. I love the expanse of seas, mountains and the sky. I often sit on my garden bench during a warm evening and look up at the stars. I love the changing colors of autumn. I love a beautiful sunset.
As for cooking, I like fairly simple meals that can be cooked in the same pot – casseroles, risottos, pasta dishes. If I dine out, I prefer to select something that I probably wouldn’t cook at home for myself because of the unusual ingredients – best left to the experts.
Like you, I grew up being a little on the chubby side and then when I started dating, I dieted reasonably sensibly but weighed all my food and for a lot of my adult life weighed myself before getting dressed every day. I think this was more for my own approval and wanting to feel good within myself than any external reason. Diet and exercise became my way of life.
You asked me what I truly enjoy and I am not too sure how to answer that in the present tense. I became a healer over 20 years ago (firstly a spiritual healer and later a Reiki Master) and I’ve read all kinds of books on healing – this has been a real passion of mine. It’s amazing that I am able to take someone’s pain away just by using my hands on and around their body or sending my thoughts out yet, at the same time, it’s really frustrating that so many people are so sceptical/disbelieving. I also find it quite insulting that people who know me reasonably well think I would waste my time on something that doesn’t work.
I agree with you that our brains manage to store an incredible amount of information but I’m also of the mind that if it isn’t broken then don’t fix it. I think our own minds/lives will throw up the things we need to address, the things we most need to deal with at any given moment in time. The challenge is in finding the first time we felt a certain way, every other time is just a reminder of that earlier time – it just pushes that button.
You are young, you write beautifully, you have a wonderful fiance. You have no friends at the moment – this can change. You are not feeling particularly maternal yet – this can change. You feel like an empty shell – this can change.
Your final sentences are telling me that you will come through this – you will be able to harness your beautiful, vivacious, divine soul with all its unending, eternal wisdom, power and love.
ParticipantHi Kylin,
Social media has a lot to answer for. Some people can just shrug things off and other people take them to heart. We are all capable of being embarrassed by something that happened in the past. You cannot change what happened, you can just chose to see it differently. Because you hadn’t practised, you weren’t as good as you might have been. Had you practised, you might very well have done much better or even won the event. There is no need to feel useless because of this one thing. Most of us were useless at reading before we were 5. After 5 years of practice, most of us got quite good/skilled at reading. Replace your embarrassment with compassion both for yourself and for those who took the images. With hindsight, they may very well be embarrassed at the way they behaved.
In Reiki Healing, mental and emotional issues are both covered by the same symbol. In part, this is because how we think affects how we feel. This works in reverse as well. One does not exist without the other. Sometimes, just placing one hand on your solar plexus and one hand on your forehead can calm you down (breathing deeply into the hand on your solar plexus). Perhaps you could try that for a few minutes at a time whilst you are taking breaks etc.
Making mistakes is not the same as failing. Making mistakes gives you the opportunity to learn. The most you can ever do is your best.
I am sorry that you are feeling so sad and fearful. What you need are mega doses of peace, love and joy, the very things that you have been wanting to give your parents in their retirement.
August 2, 2019 at 8:24 am in reply to: Confused overthinking and very Anxious about relationship #306205Peggy
ParticipantHi Kamikaze-worm,
I’m not sure that I’m really understanding the nature of your problem.
Are you questioning how you feel about your wife? On the one hand you say that you think the world of her and don’t want to lose her, on the other hand, you are questioning whether you still love her or not. You want to be in bed cuddling up to her yet you don’t want to spend any real time with her. You used to fight but now you’ve diverted your attention with hobbies and friends.
There are pressures in other directions of your life as well and this is all getting a bit much for you.
What this calls for is time-out. I suggest that you have a few date nights with your wife. Go out as a couple once a week and bring the romance back into your relationship. Make this top priority. Rediscover and reconnect with all the things that attracted you to each other in the first place. Discuss how you can both alleviate some of the pressures that you currently feel.
If you think you need to, talk to someone about your bad sexual experience and why it has caused you to panic. It’s difficult to comment further on this without knowing what happened. It sounds as if you need lots of reassurance which, in your head at least, you want your wife to provide. I think you need to open the door for communication to happen and talk to each other as calmly as you can about the state of your relationship. You may need to seek some sort of relationship counselling initially to avoid the recurrence of the fights you used to have and to gain a greater insight into what has been happening to you both.
I hope you can work this out.
There’s so much in your post that it’s difficult to know how to unravel all that’s been happening:-
Relationships – food, family, fiance, friends, feelings, functioning, fatigue, fear, focus, framework.
Feeling like you don’t really belong happens in childhood. It’s where we lay our roots and foundations down. Now you’ve uprooted by moving 2500 miles away. How are you going to give yourself a place of belonging? My way would be to repeat over and over to myself that “I belong on Earth”. I would do that every day of my life. I would walk through nature, connect to the roots of the trees, and plant my feet firmly on the ground in confirmation of that statement.
Food is just one medium of having control over ‘something’. You know that what you are putting in your body is ‘feeding’ yourself but are you aware that what you are putting in your mind is also ‘feeding’ you? Nurturing yourself through your thoughts is just as important as nurturing yourself through food.
I wonder what the attitude of your family was towards food that you don’t want people to see you eat, that you feel ashamed, that you have to hide away and eat in secret. Were you criticized for your table manners. Eating weird combinations might just be your body telling you that you need the vitamins that those foods supply. You will not function properly if you are not getting enough vitamins. Do you take any vitamin supplements? Fatigue could be caused through lack of iron in your diet (fairly common with women) or lack of the range of B vitamins. They get used up fairly quickly when we are stressed.
Do you enjoy cooking? Experiment with different recipes to give you a feel for healthy eating. Make that pasta at home. ‘Imagine’ that you are eating out in a restaurant surrounded by friends. Our imagination is a very powerful tool. One day you’ll be doing it for real.
Friends can come and go. Some people make friends for life (rooted in friendship), some people realize that as they change, they become less compatible with their old friends and develop new friendships. Those words from your best childhood friend must have been very hurtful at the time but you can look back at them from an adult’s perspective and see that you are anything but ‘dumb’. It was just something she said that had no real meaning. It is not the truth.
Depression is the opposite of expression. It comes from anger and/or grief that has not been expressed. Loss of friends, family members, old relationships even the loss of a childhood counts as grief. Releasing all your pent up emotions through tears is not necessarily a bad thing.
You are 30 something and you are questioning whether or not it is normal to lay in bed, relax, read, meditate, be sedentary. It is OK to do all of these things some of the time. In simple terms, your body needs just three things to survive 1) food and drink 2) rest/relaxation/sleep 3) exercise. I would suggest putting a time limit of, say, 2 hours per day apart from sleep on your sedentary activities and maybe increase the amount of exercise you take, making some of it a little more challenging.
I suggest that you construct a rough timetable for your day to give yourself an element of control so that you can discipline yourself to have a reasonably well balanced life including work/home/leisure making sure you do at least one thing a day which gives you pleasure.
Dwelling on the past is never a good thing. Focus on all the positives you have in your life right now and all the good qualities that you possess. Living in the present and loving what you have in your life right now is the key to your recovery.
Best Wishes
ParticipantHi Catherine,
His words “you haven’t been happy for a long time and I’ve tried and tried to make you happy”. Your words “he didn’t understand that we were happy until he did what he did”.
You may have felt happy, Catherine, but if he was happy in himself, he wouldn’t have been sexting another woman. You need to think this through a bit more carefully. Also, no-one else can make you happy. Basically, this has to come from the inside.
Women are generally very good at blaming themselves when things go wrong – I’m sure there are all sorts of different reasons why. The good news is that you are aware of this guilt/blame trip that you have been on and that means that you can begin to make changes.
Are you to blame for his lies – NO. Are you to blame for his infidelity – NO. Are you to blame for him not saying goodbye to your daughter – NO. Are you to blame for him walking out on his own son – NO. Are you to blame for his sadness – NO. Are you to blame for his need to flit from one woman to another – NO.
Your daughter was very close to him and now your ex has hurt/rejected her through his behavior. As a mother, you are naturally protective towards your daughter which is why this is the one action that has put you off him more than all his other appalling behavior.
I hope you can come to terms with what has happened, draw strength from all the support you have received through your post, and move on to someone far more worthy of your love.
ParticipantHi VLC90
You don’t sound ready for a such a major step and long term commitment as marriage. You had doubts about your ex-boyfriend so you called it off and now you have doubts about your current boyfriend. Discussion of marriage happened and then suddenly what – if only………….it was my ex boyfriend I was marrying!
You don’t need an expensive therapist to tell you that if you are having all these doubts now, your relationship doesn’t have a chance of succeeding. You can’t turn your boyfriend into someone you want him to be. He has his own strengths and weaknesses just like you do.
Encourage him to work on his self esteem issues by all means but be aware that change brings change – there’s no way of knowing what that will do to your relationship.
Meantime, put all marriage plans on hold until you are fully ready and able to commit 100% because you know he’s the right person for you.