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  • in reply to: End off the Road!! #385318

    Hello Javier, i read your most recent post, from what im seeing, from this post only, it seems that you have a desire for something > you don’t fulfill it> you get depressed and say whats the point?> you blame yourself,  adding fuel to the fire (im not blaming here, im just stating what i understood)


    “My therapists claim that my urge of getting kids, the desire, the deep longing stems from my vulnerable inner child”


    Maybe, but i say it doesn’t matter where it came from, the desire won’t change, unless you are curious about the reason, the thing is, all you can know is speculation, if it was from a therapist or yourself, the past, is merely a creation of your mind, you simply can’t capture the full truth, so why bother? I see the efficient way is to work with the current desires, only if you wanna change them, you should dig the reason (if its inside your control, by changing the reason you might be able to change the desire)


    “I know this doesn’t make sense”


    It make sense, i think i understand.


    but I’ve been grieving for my “loss” for decades and the wound will never heal

    So even if you fulfill the desire and do exactly what your “inner child” want?


    The older I get, the more painful are the longings. I’m scared of living, scared of the passage of time

    From my observation, it seems that the longer ones lives with unmet desire, the less care the person gets about such desire.


    They say that the most feared things is death and the unknown, funny they never mention how scary life can be.


    I’m fading and my memories are fading

    I understand, though don’t worry about memories, memories shouldn’t be the main motivation we do things, we should do things because we enjoy them, memories is the extra things, maybe you have them, maybe you don’t, why worry about something so outside of your control?


    The distance between myself and my “good old days” and positive memories are increasing with every year that goes by

    The good old days that you remember had bad days in between, one thing about remembering is we make it all sound good, when in reality it was mediocre, we can’t capture the true feeling of the past, thus we create a new version of it, a better one because the present is too painful, and then we get twice as sad, because we had “good days”.


    The more time passes, the more self-hate, regrets and anger I feel

    I wish i could help you Javier, words just isn’t enough, i feel even in reality there would be little to offer.


    Maybe the thing that causing anger/regret/self hatred, is a thought, a changable thought, something like “its my falut i don’t have what i need” im not saying to dismiss such thought, just think, “is this Objectively true?”, i will give you an example to help you with this thought.


    Person X, had childhood+teenage+adult life+genes, they shaped his life, the result of him, the result sadly was not as expected, the result were bad, now person X blames himself for the result, regret the result, make the result personal, as if the result is him, not something happen to him, one thing though, he blames himself also because of those factors, i believe if i change few things in X  life, and he had the same result, he would feel differently, think differently, and maybe not feeling guilt and shame so much.


    Its ok to not satisfy your need, its ok to not do anything, its ok to be “dead”, if you can’t fix a problem, maybe you should accept it…





    in reply to: Its funny how life works #385078

    Dear Peter, you just quoted one of my favorite movies, by one of my favorite director, and one of my favorite writer.

    One of the reasons why I love the coian Brothers, is the big lebowski, a movie about unemployed man, in a time where the hustle culture and doing productive things were the highest value.


    A similar theme to my life, iraq right now is like the US back in thier 50-70s.


    in reply to: I’m sad #384999

    no one get good in the first time, i suggest you expect being terrible, and that you do it anyway, because “i love writing” 


    Being terrible shouldn’t discourag you because you don’t do it because you good, you do it because you love it, right?

    in reply to: Its funny how life works #384957

    Goodbye teak, i really liked our conversation, at the end of it, in the few last post, i almost felt like you understood me, almost.


    Guess i was right, again, sadly.


    Thank you Teak, you are a very kind person, and im glad i had this conversation.

    in reply to: Its funny how life works #384942

    Justified if the ‘world’ spends that much time focused on a single person.

    Ok, its not justified, i still feel anger because of those facts, that i wanted help so much but there wasn’t anyone around, that i tried to suicide so many times, and no one cared, even my own family knows im suicidal, that my own “therapist” didn’t even answer me when i asked her for help when i tried to suicide, I BEGGED HER for help, couldn’t be more humiliating.


    Even if i wanted to not be angry, i will be anyway.


    A person could read something like that and become angry, disappointed or free

    Yes, a person that has been told a lie “you are important” then he would be either sad or angry, i never was important.


    A world set only for the majority of the people?

    A similar theme is when a person in a tribe would be little different, would develop some ideas that the tribe doesn’t agree on, they would immediately abonded him, the normal thing that the person would be angry at the tribe, don’t you think?


    At the end, they left him, to live by his own, with no help nor mercy, though sometimes he would meet some of the people in the tribe, and they start telling him what he should do, what the tribe teach them to do, and how he can live happier.


    Interesting how you define a lie

    When he was in the tribe, they told him to do this and that, he tried but they didn’t work, they blamed him, for not believing in the things they mentioned, for not trying too hard, you see, if they don’t work for you, its your fault, when they told him, they promised him of things, he wasted time and effort while didn’t see those things, isn’t that a lie? To premise of a reward when there isn’t one?


    wonder how many people feel like that and suspect they are not in the  majority?

    Most people (my observation) surrounder to the need to be accepted and liked and belonged, over thier different ideas and beliefs, over the truth.


    If someone tells you about something that works for them but you discover doesn’t for you… its a lie?

    Ok, teak doesn’t only tell me to go to therapy, she thinks 100% that is the good thing for me and that i should do it, she not only think that, she promise of “healing”, promise of a better life, happiness, imagine going all that trouble just to see that it didn’t work, how fool im gonna be? This isn’t new, i had this for so long and so many times


    If you think that im very convinced of my life choices and beliefs, you should’ve seen me before, i would do anything anyone would say, without proof, just to not feel gulity, just to prove them wrong, waste my time and effort for a person that said something, so many years wasted.


    I walked for 2 years, and they promised of things, they promised of better life, all i got was physical relaxation, i wasted 3 years in religion, doing everything by the book, every detail, every advice, and still felt miserable, 2 years on nofap, 1 year on “therapeutic” bullshit youtube videos


    Its just a matter of time, when i surrounder to the next person thought and actually try what they suggest, and make a fool of myself, im almost convinced by teak, but when i re think, when i re validate myself, i know she is wrong, but i got this tiny little voice in my head that tells me “what if she is right?” That made my life so much miserable in the past, “what if antidepressants were good?” and got through hell because of them, worst days on my shitty life because of them, and i continued anyway because “what if they are good?” Followd the rules “you need at least 1 month for full effect” then it was “3 months for the real effects” then “6 momths or a year for it to not experience the symptoms again” they promised me of no longer having the symptoms after enduring this shit for a year, doctors offline, and people experience and articles (online).


    I’ve never liked that word ‘Justification’ to be justified… its almost always followed by someone doing something horrible

    Very well said.


    Perhaps you notice how the denial is so often the preface to the justification.” ― Christopher Hitchens

    Hitchnes is one of the few people that i let influence me.


    Sorry still board

    Its alright, i liked that you replaied.

    in reply to: Its funny how life works #384934

    In fact, we can be hurt, but we can heal from it. If someone stabs you, you are hurt

    You use hurt as both internal pain and external, which is alright

    When i hear or say hurt, i immediately think internal, something like being abandoned, cheating on etc.

    The thing is, no one could ever hurt you internally, unless you allow him, unless you be that vulnerable, or expect anything from that psrson.


    If someone cheats on me, and this hurt me, yes, this is the normal response to any human being, but i did let that person in my life, i did trust him fully, to be able to do that damage


    I told you, i don’t blame evil for existing, people will cheat on you, people will hurt you, that’s reality, i only blame something under my control, to fix and updata.


    If you close yourself in advance from love and relationships – anticipating that you will be hurt

    I never said no to any experience, but yes i do anticipate being hurt, and i know this for a fact, due to my jealously problem.


    I don’t close myself though, i be as vulnerable i can get with such person, and if he hurt me, oh well, better be careful next time, bulid some healthy beginning, to make sure he won’t do such thing.


    Yes, love is an exchange,

    You see the exchange i have to do make no sense.


    But some people appreciate us for who we are

    Unless who you are isn’t very popular in society.


    You haven’t treated/healed his wound,

    I did what i could from what i had, back in 2018 i would’ve loved a good therapist, but i learned to do it by myself, its too late now, I’ve already accepted life like this.


    I also remember you saying me needing people for this kinda heal.


    from the wound getting deeper

    Depending on my situation, i believe this was the best option, and it still is, all you provided was me watching YouTube, bullshit i say, the only way to truely heal is to fix the original problem, a problem was made by a human, and that can be fixed by human.


    To express anger at them (justified anger) in a safe, therapeutic setting.

    I will do no such thing lol, if i started to care about how i feel, i would have a list of things to do, this is slavery to my action, i don’t accept being controlled by my silly parents pain.


    I also hate “therapeutic setting” to express anger, they would suggest things like draw, or boxing, please.


    I know you’re not interested in healing, but I am just saying what would need to be done – if you were interested.

    Why talk like such option is so available for me? And that i don’t need sacrifice so greatly for such thing?


    because you rationalized it by finding excuses for them

    “Find excuses” no, its the truth.

    I also still hate them.


    I can do both, i can understand why they did what they did, and still hating what they did.


    but it seeps out, and it comes out in your interactions with other people

    No, my hate for people is completely different from my parents, its because of the first being so ignorant, so judgmental, so superficial.


    you are angry at the entire world

    A world which most people dislike me, create words and logic to shame me, to gulit me, a world where its so expensive to get any basic needs, a world where all of your actions has severe consequences, a world with no help, a world where nothing is free, a world with no one to trust, even your parents, a world where your whole personality and feelings and thoughts is determined by your parents and environment, a world set only for the majority of people.

    So my anger is justified.


    Workout usually does help. But it didn’t help you?

    They don’t, i walked for nearly two years everyday for almost an hour, and i still hated life so much, why advertiser as if workout can do anything when in reality they only release a chemical that can make you relaxed.


    What did you expect to gain from workout, and how were you disappointed?

    I didn’t expect anything they didn’t told me, workout is  one single thing out of many many lies.

    in reply to: Its funny how life works #384902

    Ok peter, have a nice day, if it means anything, thank you.

    in reply to: Its funny how life works #384830

    Did you feel good, do you still feel good about that?

    Yes, everytime i think of how alone i am, a voice tells me “what about anita” “what about your sister” this might sound small to you, but its big to me, i can explain further but i will end it here.


    A person  can be a victims of crimes and not take on the persona of victim, not ‘be’ a victim

    See, you didn’t read my post, you only read “i am a victim” and nothing further, if you go above i explained why i don’t feel like a victim but i am indeed a victim, just like my mother was a victim and my father is a victim


    When I read through your posts I hear a person who’s life philosophy is rooted in ‘being’ a victim

    Because thats all you see, thats the simple explanation, you don’t want to read the long in depth explanation, you want me to be a victim so give a good simple answer to my problem.


    This is why i hate labels, because you can’t see behind the label of victim, you think this is a bad word, you can’t see the truth behind the definition of this bad that you have in your mind.


    From such a perspective we are all victims of circumstances. So what?

    And we are indeed, its just for some of us, those circumstances didn’t produce a person like me, the proof is most people are not like me.


    How it is that so many rape victims transcend the experience?

    Because they had the desire to change, they had the motivation to do so, the goal.


    You compare a whole life of being fucked up to a single bad experience?


    Not to say this bad experience won’t effect you that bad, but you miss my point, which it was (if the rape side effects were a lifetime thing, would you dare say to the person you are not a victim of that rape?)


    Is he or is he not a rape victim? Leave the victim mentality aside, when you ask him why he is about to suicide, and he tells you because life is shit, when you ask him why life is shit, he might tell you he was raped and ever since the side effects were unliveable with, how is this his fault? Is he not a victim of that side effects of the rape? Why should he live with such side effects? One of the side effects is apathy, strong apathy, that won’t let him care about his life, please tell me you get it.


    Your making a huge assumption that everyone with the same life experiences as you would come to the same conclusions as you.

    Not only experience, genes and environment, he has to have the same dealt hand, kinda the same environment, but i honestly don’t care about what he had, i only care about the result of him, if he had similar experience and genes and environment yet he didn’t ended up like me, i would either think its impossible, or that he had different genes and mindest.


    Unlike other people, i believe the self/mind/consciousness, isn’t something earned, all of these are things that are giving to you, one good proof, do you think Schopenhauer would become the Schopenhauer if you changed his life a bit? Added a good loving family? He was created to be Schopenhauer, his views and pholishopy was  effected by his life and past.


    In a fair world is he not a victim of that passmstic mindset? That lead him to be alone most of his life, He didn’t choose it in the end.


    You also assume that only such a person could possible ‘understand’ and know you

    You forgot “you also assume WITH EVIDENCE”


    Would a normal person accept a person who says that he is going to kill himself? Or the value that “all lives matters (for no reason but our own)” would kick in, and start to speak instead of him, his logic and mind.


    This is a very limited definition of the word ‘understanding’ and “understood”.

    How many people are ok if you provide them a full and well established argument to why death is the only way to help someone?


    I will bet 90% would say no, not because of argument flaw, but because they were told that life actually matters, and they actually have no proof of this claim.


    It not uncommon to work against ones ‘good’.

    I disagree, biologically we are meant to seek our good and what benefits us, most of healthy minded people do, unless you really hate yourself or were programmed to please people instead of your own.


    My pholishopy has its negative sides, but the positive are far more, if you disagree provide evidence, i was a people pleaser, care too much about what other do, can’t do anything out of fear of being judge, so many things that i fix with apathy and my pholishopy.


    that I’m projecting my need that change is possible onto your posts.

    Why? Why you feel the need to project your truth? Can’t you just give me a one that i can accept in my world view? Or objective one (if that’s ever possible)


    I will do that for you,

    1-humans has needs, if he won’t get those, he become miserable


    2- knowing that, this human will never get his needs, doesn’t matter why


    3- that human gonna live miserablly for his whole life.


    Objectively, he should noy live.


    If you have any problem with any of these point, say why.


    I imagine a person that lives as if dead would live fearlessly with nothing to lose yet I am full of fears

    This is where you project, you think that i am full of fears and a has a victim mentality.


    The thing is, i have no fear, not one that makes me not wanna do anything, i only have disgust,  i have nothing to lose, i do anything that i want to, the thing is.. i don’t want anything, i don’t want to pay any price that i don’t want to pay.


    My problem isn’t fear, it is lack of motivation, lack of goodness in the world, lack of order, lack of beauty, everything is so boring and dull, everything is so exhausting and not worth my time or effort, where is the victim mentality? Where is the fear?

    in reply to: Its funny how life works #384821

    but more to the point that you don’t want anyone to agree with you. You wish to be unique in your suffering

    If thats true i wouldn’t feel so good when anita agreed with me, to me agreeing with my point of view meaning the other person understands it.


    I also had a friend of mine who had similar suffering, to me it doesn’t matter what happened to you, its the result, my result was similar to his, though the only difference is that i developed apathy and a pholishopy, he suicide, if you feel that im saying this as if im better, i actually think he is better, he didn’t change his given feelings and desires in order to live, i did, and the cost and consequences will continue to be payed by me.


    Also another friend, alive, who also im proud to say im like him, even anita im so proud that we have so similarities, not because im good, but because i think she is so great and i must be so lucky to even have some qualities of hers.


    Also my sister, i can go on and on, of providing proofs that its not my belief of uniqueness, it’s the actual people, otherwise there wouldn’t be anyone to agree with me.


    Your confusing me. You have said multiple that “You are a victim”

    I will make it simple for you, lets take an example, a raped person is a victim right? Would you call him a victim or would you say “no don’t say you are a victim, that will make you trapped in a victim mentality”?

    I acknowledge that i was a victim just like a raped person acknowledge that he is a victim.


    Now let me explain why i think the victim definition works for me, similar to rape, bad things happened to the person which was outside of his control and couldn’t do otherwise, and he has to deal with the consequences of this thing the rest of his life, i have been raped, not physically, but mentally, by many ideas and beliefs, by shame and gulit, i was too young to understand, by my mother and father, by my environment, my mother the so insecure person that will blame a child just so she can feel good about herself, that will use him to satisfy her needs and not care about his needs.


    These things, ultimately made me choose what i choose now, if you claim that your suffering is similar, then you would ended up just like me, even if i indeed have victim mentality and it is the reason why im so miserable, it wouldn’t matter now, because it won’t be change by me.


    that this is the foundation of your life philosophy, stuckness and anger centers on you being a victim. (could be wrong)

    Maybe you are right, does that change anything ?


    This actually might be true because i did felt this victim mentality thing in the past, and my mother also has it, but that wouldn’t change anything i said, all my arguments and proofs still valid, life is still dull and silly, life still has no purpose and no point, all things are boring and exhausting.


    I don’t need that from the virtual world.

    I sadly do, i need the understanding and the attention, the connection, to be heard and understood and be seen.


    So thanks for engaging even if it turns out I was only talking to myself.

    Because you refuse to put yourself in my position and understand where im coming from, dismissing my arguments for no reason, and talk so abstract that the only one that can understand is you, is you.


    Even with teak i was getting somewhere, and her replays actually answers mine, you don’t even answer me, just say something that i don’t even understand how it relate to my post.


    But im glad you answerd in the first place, you are a nice person after all, and i respect you.


    in reply to: Its funny how life works #384809

    you are a master of…

    Continue please.


    You are a victim and not going to do anything.

    Is that the ultimate truth or just your point of view?


    If it is the ultimate truth, and im sure you have proofs, why no one agree with you?


    Your reasons of why you won’t do anything don’t matter…

    Ofcourse they do, the reasons determine the solution, to solve any problem, you first need to look for the reasons, and fix those, my reasons isn’t because im a victim as i stated, i studied my life, i think i know more.


    But you know what, lets assume you are right, and it is infact the reason, the result is the same, im not going to change it. The proof is my current desires and goals.


    Life is shit  ‘and should not be’

    If life is shit, why should i live it? Im not a slave to it, you always say “play” without providing why, you never said anything that let me re consider my goal, to re consider my ideas.


    So what is your point? What do you want?

    Connection, i already stated it, im so desperate that the only way i could get it is when i argue about my life and let the other person see my point of view, to understand why i choose what i choose.



    No, im already fixated on what i choose.


    I see your posts as my shadow

    If thats true, you would understand me, which you didn’t.


    Perhaps a difference is that I usually realize when I’m doing those things.

    Yes, you are better.


    Anyway if your going to be Stuck, embrace your stuckness.

    I did, but i realized how wrong and bad it is to embrace such thing, i realized what i had to sacrifice, to live with such consequences, is in no way a good life.


    Whining about stuckness is just another contradiction.

    You say contradiction as if it is something really bad and we ought not to do, we are full contradictions


    Also whats so bad about whining, my life is shit, and im on the edge, whats so bad about telling other people why its shit and why im gonna do it, im not asking for permission, nothing will change my mind about what im about to do, i know it as a true unchanging fact, my point here wasn’t to change my mind, but understanding and attention, things i never get in my life and so hard to have in my case.


    and contradictions I read into your posts are very much within me as well and I would be lying If did not admit that I have at times also reached the same conclusions

    If that is true, do you think your response would make since if we switch rules?


    If it is true that you had similar experience, why i didn’t ended up agreeing with your logic? Maybe im too stupid? But why im too stupid? Could you explain how to change this stupidity (im assuming this, the worse about myself to prove a point).


    this is called critical thinking, check it out.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Murtaza.
    in reply to: Its funny how life works #384802

    You do believe that people are brainwashed

    I don’t have to believe it, its true, and i provided many reasons to why.


    You believe they are programmed to respect their parents

    Don’t let that makes you think i feel superior to them, or i don’t respect such people just because i was inherited different experiences that lead me to what i believe now, i sure can be mean online, and say things i don’t really mean, but im not like that in real life, i never disrespect anyone, or feel superior to anyone, unless his belief gonna be in the way of our relationship (which happened to few of my friends) i won’t back off knowing he is a good person and deserves my time.


    is you are quick to blame yourself for having been hurt by them

    I don’t blame my old self for being hurt, i was a kid, i couldn’t defend myself, i only blame my current self, the aware one, and i don’t do it to just blame, i do it to learn and change, i believe no one could hurt you unless you allow him, if a person hurts you, check yourself first, in the end people are external and outside of your control, you will have to adopt to them, or see different people, something not available to me.


    You are blaming yourself for having been vulnerable

    When i blame myself for being vulnerable in the past (two years or so) i know there is nothing i can do about it to change it, but i see is as a lesson to be learned from, every experience is a lesson, and lately there was some harsh lessons i learned, really harsh, one that love is an exchange, you have to meet certain requirements for that exchange (mostly), there is more lessoned i learned, it can be long if i stated them, but im really glad i learned them, im reallg glad for those painful experiences the past few years, because now i know the truth, without illusions and fantasies, and i made a decision, i will do it when life gets worse, it hasn’t yet.


    You are blaming the little boy Murtaza for not being strong enough not to be hurt.

    No, i feel empathy for him, i feel sorry for him, that he lived this horrible life, and i want to make it easy for him, this is why i choosed a life with little problems and little pain, because i know he is already in pain, and don’t want more, thats one of the reasons why i can feel motivated to live life, because it would mean intentionally hurt him for a hope, an idea, i sadly not very convinced of any of those ideas and hopes, so its like both of myselfs are against this.


    It’s your own flesh and blood, it’s the people who were supposed to love you and care for you

    Yes its true, but what can i do about it? My own flesh and blood is shit, so what? I don’t let that decide my destiny or predetermine my life, i don’t blame them for it, because i know they were programmed to do so, i understand where they are coming from, i understand why they did what they did, and i see no fault of theirs.


    Though i acknowledge they did something bad (acknowledge, not blame).


    But you suppressed your anger at them, and are angry at everyone else

    The reason why im angry at everyone else, because of my experiences, i still mad at my parents, i didn’t superss it, its just a logical anger, not feeling oriented one.


    The reason why im angry at society, because they told me god exist, they told me workout helps (online) they told me doing this and that helps, it all turned out to be wrong, i had to figure things for myself, i honestly trust NO ONE with my life, i won’t listen to any advice or instructions from anyone, only me and the few people that know me, that i think are ok to do so (which just incase you wondering, they don’t, my little sister knows me, knows exactly how to be me, never advice or tell me what i should do)


    And you are angry at yourself too, for being weak and needy.

    Yes im angry at myself, but not because of that, but because i live miserablly and developed apsthy instead of actually doing something about it, i don’t want to do the right thing, but won’t suicide either, so sure im angry at myself.


    So your anger – which is rightful and justified – is directed at wrong people

    Norimes who always suggest the things that didn’t help me, only made my life worse, imagine wasting time of your life because someone thought something about it.


    in reply to: Its funny how life works #384696

    So having a job or not is not the main issue.

    Oh yes it is, in order for me to be in a relationship in iraq i have to have some requirements, job is the first, and i can’t move anywhere without working a minimum 5 years or so to get enough money to live (if its illegally which is the optimal way to get a visa there)


    What I was rather saying is that it’s unlikely that you can have a loving relationship considering your apathy

    Yes this might be true, by the mindset i have, no woman would want to live with me, most of people care about life and want to live and do things, things that might involve thier partner, things that i might not like, if this is the case, then yes, its totally on me and my beliefs, they might live miserablly.


    everywhere must be brainwashed and cruel and will mistreat me. Wherever I go, there is no point in trying because the result will be the same. I will be hurt.”

    Im really not botherd much about people being brainwashed, and i don’t see them as cruel, to me people are extra, not a neccessaity, i believe most of them have good intentions and are good, and believe me, they can’t hurt me, and if they did, it will be on me, because i allowed them, evil exist, i don’t go around blaming evil for existing, i blame myself for being hurt by such evil.


    When i loved sara, a friend of mine, i was gonna work for her, just to not give her a reason to dislike me, i did things for her, things that didn’t mean anything to her, i didn’t know how to show her love, everytime i tried she ended up being more defensive, ignoring me.


    What i did, being welling to work, to sacrifice my time, something that i highly value, was wrong, i would never do that again, sacrifice myself for another person, no matter how much i think he deserve, i would only subscribe to such idea again, if the person willing to do the same for me.

    in reply to: Its funny how life works #384686

    Then how come life as a whole is meaningless, if a big and important part of it isn’t?

    Every other thing is meaninglessness, i value people, if they matter to me, just not other things, and its not a big part for me, its just an extra, for me life, the normal life, is you being lonely, relationship are just extra things you pay for.


    And if your loved one is sick and needs money for a life-saving surgery, would you still refuse to earn the money?

    No, i would sacrifice and work, if her suffering is more then mine when i work.


    Would you say – I care about you otherwise, but don’t ask me to save your life, it’s too much of you to ask?

    Since this is a hypothetical scenario, expect hypothetical answer, if i love her more then my time and freedom, then yes, it all depends on the situation, if you gonna apply this logic to me working right now because this might happen in the future, then no, because there is no motivation to force myself to, if money buys relationship, doesn’t that tell you something?


    you need to have a place to stay and access to electricity

    I do have a place, a fridge, and everything i need for, so what would be the motivation to work?


    we need to have the physical/material resources to do it. Without it, we can just say nice words

    Sure, i would say those matters even more then the emotional ones, because without those, its impossible to have a relationship.


    That’s how love and willingness to work for example go hand in hand

    I won’t sacrifice my philosophy without a good reason, right now there is no loved one that is sick and want to me work for him, and i won’t put myself in such situation when i can not to, i won’t be in a relationship where money matters the most, i don’t care about money, i have enough of it to live, i don’t care about material things, but i know people do, especially females, most of them at least.

    in reply to: Its funny how life works #384660

    You would care, like you care for your little sister? You would make an effort for them?

    For the person? Yes, in my life? No, that’s demanding too much.


    So you can’t have love and your philosophy at the same time. You need to sacrifice one of them.



    Because my philosophy and apathy made me live comfortably, no person can offer such thing, such unconditional love, only me.


    Because that means that they too

    When i cared about anita, i still thought life is meaninglessness, but she isn’t, it doesn’t go hand in hand, i can completely set aside my beliefs and ideas, for someone i care about, someone that i think is worth my time, and i would help him in any way, even if that means i don’t talk to him, but if he asks me to change one thing about my life, to do this or that, then no, this is a boundary i expect him to not go over, my life is my life, if love means i should change it, then love isn’t worth it, i choose this kinda of life for a reason, and i still think this reason is valid, if a person doesn’t respect that, then its his fault, i can provide anything besides changing my life, care, attention, understanding, respect, love.


    But all those are meaninglessness when i don’t have money, when i don’t have the resources, if only i had the desire for it, without sacrificing, i don’t even ask for enjoying the job i have, just not hating my life so intensely while.

    in reply to: Its funny how life works #384654

    But you also want connection, at least in theory.

    Not anymore, too expensive for me.


    With your current attitude, with your apathy, with your belief that life is not worth living, it will be very difficult to find someone who’d want to have a deep

    Sad, but true, guess i will be alone then.


    I obviously can’t change any of those because they are true, life has no meaning, relationships matters to me though, the cost of the relationship you mentioned is too high, it requires to sacrifice a lot, and with no guaranteed reward, only hope and more work, i live everyday like its my last, i have the intention of doing it in the future, so why bother?


    But how do you imagine to have a meaningful relationship with anyone, if you say there is no meaning and purpose in life?

    I don’t see how this belief is in the way of having love, even if i want to belief otherwise, you have to change reality, because life is truely meaninglessness.


    But lets follow your logic, you are saying that my belief is the reason why im not getting love, well i have been saying this for eternity, not because its bad, not because it can effect my relationship, but because people was tought to think its bad, if i ever be in a relationship, i would care, i wouldn’t let my beliefs kick in, the proof is my little sister, i care too much about it, to the point where she ask me to stop.


    if you say there is no meaning and purpose in life? Following your own logic, there is no meaning in relationships either

    No, there is meaning to relationship, i just don’t want to sacrifice my freedom and comfort for it, i see it as absurd, to pay for something that small, for something that basic, for something that can be the opposite of what i want, because it depends on the other person, something not under my control, so i there is 50%, no actually 70% of me ended up with a bad relationship, getting the opposite of love, suffering more, if you ever knew me, you know i don’t gamble to these odds.


    Even if i did, i can do it for a day or two, i can fool myself with false hope only a little until my brain gets tired, i simply can’t force myself everyday with these odds, with hope


    can be incredibly meaningful and deep

    Can it make me see life differently? No, i will always see it as a joke, waste of time, bullshit, no love will do it for me.


    and if you would make yourself capable of such love too, you could have a deep, loving relationship?

    Why im not capable right now? Whats wrong with me? Antia said to me, if i ever be in a relationship, the other party would be so lucky.


    Because you don’t think it would be worth it. And that’s where you are wrong

    Prove it, imagine paying the high price, and ended up with me seeing its not worth it, the odds says its 60% if not more, relationships aren’t something magical that cure you, i will always be me, and this me isn’t liveable of this world.


    Im so mad at myself, for still living, you have your definition of love, for me, if i truely love myself, i would’ve done it long time ago, this is what love to me, not developeding apathy and endure this shit, while seeing what i lost everyday, i obviously not gonna change or do anything, just suffer endlessly, this is my problem, not killing myself yet.

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