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March 4, 2021 at 9:05 am in reply to: I’m addicted to nostalgic feelings and it only makes me feel worse, I guess. #375549
ParticipantHi miyoid
As TeaK pointed out the word God comes with a lot of baggage. More often then not we relate to that word as a outer physical power that can be manipulated to watch over us if we pray, follow the rules and do every thing right. Yet it is said (and is the reality), the rain falls and the just and unjust alike. Though it is clear we are to avoid projecting such reasoning and measurements like good, bad, just and unjust… (the problem of opposites, duality) onto the word ‘God’ (which transcends opposites) we all do it.
What is then a higher power? At one level it is the awareness, acknowledgment, acceptance of our our place in the Universe. G_d’s will be done, as above so below. We are bigger then big and smaller then small. The ego may desire to control life and force it to conform to our ideals of the good, usually what is good to us. The reality is we are surrounded by forces, like LIFE which are a greater power then ours. Yet we get to participate. As below so above. Forgive us our failings as we forgive those who fail us.
The question of the higher power is reframed. What is your relationship to Life as it is, its wonder and horror? The wisdom traditions suggests three answers. No Life should not be. No/Maybe but we can fix it. YES. Actually all the wisdom traditions suggest the answer to be YES (They go off the rails as you noted when the answer is No or Maybe). A relationship of Yes to Life as it is, each breath a cycle of death, birth and rebirth
It sounds like your struggling. Their is a time for everything including reflection, sadness, uncertainty even the dark night of the soul. Perhaps this is a time of waiting and embracing uncertainty, life mystery?“Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved.” —Soren Kierkegaard.
“It seems a movement from certitude to doubt and through doubt to acceptance of life’s mystery is necessary in all encounters, intellectual breakthroughs, and relationships.” “To hold the full mystery of life is always to endure its other half, which is the equal mystery of death and doubt. To know anything fully is always to hold that part of it which is still mysterious and unknowable. In our youth certainty elevates most anxiety on the conscious level, which may be why we cling to it so.” -CAC
Growth always involves a dying
Sue Monk Kidd talks about the power of waiting.
What has happened to our ability to dwell in unknowing, to live inside a question and coexist with the tensions of uncertainty? Where is our willingness to incubate pain and let it birth something new? What has happened to patient unfolding, to endurance? These things are what form the ground of waiting. And if you look carefully, you’ll see that they’re also the seedbed of creativity and growth—what allows us to do the daring and to break through to newness. . . .
Creativity flourishes not in certainty but in questions. Growth germinates not in tent dwelling but in upheaval. Yet the seduction is always security rather than venturing, instant knowing rather than deliberate waiting.
Perhaps this is a time of waiting. A waiting which isn’t passive as it requires calm intention and open engagement with life as it shows up. No need for answers, the questions may be enough.
I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hope
For hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait without love,
For love would be love of the wrong thing; there is yet faith
But the faith and the love and the hope are all in the waiting.
Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought:
So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing.
Whisper of running streams, and winter lightning.
The wild thyme unseen and the wild strawberry,
The laughter in the garden, echoed ecstasy
Not lost, but requiring, pointing to the agony
Of death and birth.
T. S. EliotPeter
ParticipantHi Priscilla
What is Passion? How do we know it when we have it? Is it possible to passionate about your job, relationship, hobby…. one moment and the next not so much? Yes? Why are some people better at being/showing passion then others. Is Passion a emotion, frame of mind, or way of being?
I’ll be frank. I very much dislike the whole Passion -Purpose movement. Even the most Passionate purpose driven people I know feel like their faking it. Some terrified that if they look to deep they won’t like what they see. Who am I if its not what I do and can’t do that with “Passion”? Oh the suffering we create for ourselves in this search of validated measurement passion.
The problem I think is that humans are terrible at measuring things like Passion and Purpose. How often do we measure and label something like passion and happiness where the act of measuring makes it disappear. Sadly the same is not the same for measuring things like sadness or anger were the act of measuring tends to feed the experience. That might suggest, as you hint at, that Passion is more of a mind set, a way of Being more so then a doing.
A parable about the three bricklayers. A traveler came upon three men working. He asked the first man what he was doing and the man said he was laying bricks. He asked the second man the same question and he said he was putting up a wall. When he got to the third man and asked him what he was doing he said he was building a cathedral.
Three people doing the same thing the only difference was perspective, the big picture verses the small. But Have we made a assumptions as it might concern purpose and passion? Latter on in the story we learn that the first man was very passionate about laying bricks. A man who was passion focused on the details and art of his task. Who is to say which man had the most or “better” passion or purpose?
I have a great job where I work with wonderful people and feel valued as an employee but I still feel a void. The work I do isnt making any impact in the world
There are 7.7 billion people in the world. How do we measure which ones make more or less a impact on the ‘world’?
If a “flap of a butterfly wings” impacts the weather (all things are connected) everything we do matters and has purpose that we can be intentional and passionate about.
Enjoying your work with people that you value and that value you, creating the conditions that you get to encourage, support and grow… in is huge!. The Love and care you share with others as you do what you do, that has impact! Could that be your passion?
ParticipantHI Felix
You have proved that you will face and deal with life as it shows up so it is likely that you will continue to do so. Not only do you deal with life as it shows up but endeavor to learn from the experiences and do better as you can. Well done!
When I think of the ask that we love our neighbor as ourselves this is how I feel we love ourselves – Be accountable, set healthy boundaries, do our best, learn from our experiences, do better when we can and grow. What more can we ask of ourselves and hope for others?
“The most painful state of being is remembering the future, particularly the one you’ll never have.” ― Søren Kierkegaard
I wonder if when your are punishing yourself for your past if not much of your pain isn’t coming from imagining how life might have been, if only, if only, if only? It isn’t the past that your punishing yourself for but a imagined future that cannot be. I suspect this is what Buddhism suggests that we be present. The past and future shaped my memory, and memory is a trickster more often then creating illusion.
No matter how many times life has knocked you down you have gotten up. This in my opinion redeems much that you might now in hindsight label failures, disappointments… I suspect most the things your beating yourself up about are things you would not do again today and at the time of those incidents your were doing your best with the skills and awareness you had at the time.
Love yourself as I suspect you love others, by giving yourself the benefit of the doubt.
Their is a Buddhist practice I read about that suggests that whenever you meet someone one first give them a gift. The gift may be something physical or it may be a silent blessing. The intention is that doing so you will be more likely to start the engagement with a starting place of compassion. I found that the best gift I could give was acknowledging their humanness. How difficult it is to be a reasonable good human being even to those we care about the most. What I found helpful was to also reflect the gift back onto myself.
Be kind to yourself
This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by
ParticipantWell said Yalunda
Their is so much we can learn. It interesting that many wisdom traditions the sacred texts are meant to be sung. The words experienced as poetry, transparent to what is being pointed to.
“Mythology may, in a real sense, be defined as other people’s religion. And religion may, in a sense, be understood as popular misunderstanding of mythology. ” ― Joseph Campbell, Thou Art That: Transforming Religious Metaphor
Best wishes in your studies
ParticipantHi Yalunda
Great questions
I’ve read a great deal about Buddhism and haven’t found a definitive answer to the question ‘What is Buddhsim’. Is it a religion a philosophy, a practice…?Buddhist teachings challenges the practitioner to confront the problem of opposites and doing so a realization of the opposites devolving into each other where language becomes unhelpful. Take the following form Allan Watts
Imagine you’re climbing a mountain path that will lead you to a paradise where all your needs are met and your questions answered. What do you find when you reach the top? A mirror. This is the great cosmic game, reveals Alan Watts—that everything you’re seeking through meditation, self-improvement, or spiritual practice is always hiding inside of you. You’re It!
Watts will latter laugh and let you know your not that either.
In the Tibetan book of the dead when you confront the gods the gods are holding a mirror and so you confront yourself which isn’t you… The gods a reflection of you and you a reflections of them. You are It! The question of “believing in God” dissolves
I come from a Christion up bringing where God is often thought of as a Being. At least that language used appears to suggest that God is a Being that lives somewhere above watching, judging, rewarding, punishing.
If in my opinion one looks at the teaching closer one realizes it is a error to relate to God as a Being. That the words used to point to the experience of G_d are transparent to the transcendent. In the Jewish traditions the name of G_d is not spoken. In Islam making a image of God is forbidden. In early Christianity a practice of unsaying everything said about G_d. Words and images define and G_d cannot be defined. Every wisdom tradition confronting its practitioner with the problem of duality, the problem of opposites. One does not “believe in G_d” but experiences G_d in all things. The All, the Void, Oum.. silence.
ParticipantThe opportunity for healing is always present, yet I’m at a loss of how the divisions were creating can be reconciled.
Compared to life in past centuries most of us our so much better of that a caparison becomes absurd. Yet it seems, its never enough and we are wiling to ‘cut of our nose to spite our face’.
Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…
I think we have forgotten that Democracy requires compromise, working together and sometimes sacrifice. We have forgotten that no one in a Democracy should expect (demand) to have everything their way. We forget that we have more in common then not.
Democracy is a relationship and like all relationships requires healthy boundaries. Anyone in relationships knows how difficult creating healthy boundaries can be as it requires a great deal of self knowledge, trust, tolerance, compassion, forgiveness, accountability, responsibility…. In a polarized tribal us/them society trust and self knowledge may be the first casualties.
I also don’t think we fully understand how the current commination technologies are impacting our ability to think and remember. I often wonder if we are replacing mind with our smart phones. Why develop and work on thinking skills when we can just google it.
I hope your correct and a starting point of decency returns to our dialog and actions. That we can recognize ourselves in each other (namaste), seeing each others though the eyes of compassion.
ParticipantI might say Love is an emotion, not only a emotion. Perhaps it is only semantic difference? As you say Love is a unseen force suggesting a something beyond emotion, body, mind, spirit. The drop that merges into the ocean, the ocean merges into the drop…
I speak in the metaphorical and symbolic – the language of poetry. The metaphor of the finger that points to the moon, speaks of the words in which we use to describe the ‘moon’ being mistaken for the moon itself. Indeed we can see the ‘moon’ without words which may be the best way to experience it. Perhaps the desire is to share the experience, a motivation of Love, that words get in the way, as we mistake the finger for the moon.
Language limits, that is its purpose .
Another saying is that the ‘Map is not the territory’. No matter how good a map is it can never capture everything about the territory.
The fruits of love are visible yet passing though our words, expectations, filters, fears, memories… – we work for that which no work is required. In the context of the song the lyrics ‘What’s love got to do with it, What’s love but a second-hand emotion” the signer is referring to the experience of being close to someone that sets one hearts and emotions racing. The heart and emotions being a affect of the experience that may or may not have anything to do with love. As you mentioned this is where a person ought to stop and ask themselves how their heart feels however that requires a great deal of self knowledge.
ParticipantThe different ways in which people experience being loved and loving is interesting.
I agree that the experience of love involves emotions however I suspect LOVE is more more then an emotion which may be why it isn’t always ‘logical’. As seen in many of the responses a person can experience the emotions of love yet still ‘fall out of love’.
As the song goes ‘Whats love got to do with it, What’s love but a second-hand emotion? The suggestion that the emotion response of Love is a second hand experience to LOVE, not the experience all and in itself. The emotion pointing to Love, like the finger that points to the moon… it is a error to mistake the finger for the moon… it may be a error to mistake a emotion as LOVE.
A finger pointing at the moon is not the moon. The finger is needed to know where to look for the moon, but if you mistake the finger for the moon itself, you will never know the real moon.
Even the five languages of love are only ‘fingers’ that point to LOVE and not love itself. Its complicated as the language you speak, how you express your love to another, may be different then the language you hear, how you experience being love. Thus we find ourselves left “gazing at our hands” wondering What’s love got to do with it when Love is all you need…
Love transparent to the transcendent? meaning I think one must learn to see through the words, labels and emotions to “see” what the words and labels can only point to?
Seeing though is not the same as seeing past. The finger does after all play a role in ‘seeing’ the moon.
Participant“All know that the drop merges into the ocean but few know that the ocean merges into the drop.” – Kabir
“How could the drops of water know themselves to be a river? Yet the river flows on.” – Antoine Saint-Exupery
It is said we ‘fall into love” yet I wonder how such a fall is possible when Love is air that surrounds us.
So many books written on love, so many expectations, we assume I think we ‘know what love is’? How do we experience being loved? Unconditional, conditional, romantic, sex, attraction, commitment, boundaries, accountability, responsibility… growth… all words contained in the ocean that is the experience of loving and being loved?
Participant“Yes, I am a prisoner of sorts, but my prison isn’t the house. It’s my own thoughts that lock me up!” ― V.C. Andrews
Hi Tristan
I used to watch a show ‘Dog Whisperer’. One of the lessons that stuck with me had to do with dogs that would get fixated on a object or some such. These are the dogs that will bark and bark at something that more often then not was no longer there, the person or squirrel having long moved on. The surprising thing was that often all it took to break the dog out of this abusive state was a tap on its neck. The lesson? To break from a obsessive thoughts look away.
I know easier said then done? perhaps, we work for that which no work is required…
I’ve know some people who pluck a elastic band around their wrists to distract themselves when they notice a intrusive thought taking them down the ‘rabbit hole’. Often the intrusive thought becomes obsessive because of the ‘what if’ game we play with ourselves and always imagining the worst followed by more what if’s and more imagining… If you find yourself playing this game remind yourself that most of the things you worried about never happened and if they did you handled it. You have, if you look back, always handled things even the ones you didn’t enjoy. Sometimes well some times not as well but your still here and maybe even learned a few things… Remind yourself that most of your fears turned out to be False Evidence Appearing Real (F.E.A.R.)
Mindfulness is a good tool to have in ones back pocket. As part of the practice we remind ourselves we are not our thoughts, we have thoughts, we are not our feelings we have feelings, we are not our jobs, we have jobs, we are not our relationships, we have relationships… (We aren’t even our sexual preferences or gender…)
Imagine the Intrusive thoughts as being the weights you might use to exercise with to get stronger, the noticing of the Intrusive thoughts a opportunity to practice detaching your sense of self from them.
If you search Tiny Buddha Intrusive thoughts you will find quite a few blogs and posts on the issue that may be helpful to you. You are not alone
ParticipantHi Faber
Relationships can be complicated yet maybe also simple, the key perhaps is paying attention and taking a breathe when we feel ourselves panicking.
I recently completed a Book by Fredrik Backman ‘Anxious People’. A complex simple story about a lot of things but maybe mostly about how we are all need and rely (co-depend) on others, even if we don’t always know how. Being co-dependent can be the most beautiful of experiences someone ever has and also the most painful.
I think here of fathers and sons… my father recently passing… In memory I wonder about the times I was dependent and times I was depended on, sometimes failing yet I trust most times… good enough, doing the best we could. The bitter and the sweet giving life its flavor, maybe the error we make, if their is a error, is in the way we measure.
I like the way the book begins.. I wonder if it might not be a good way to start our stories.
“This story is about a lot of things, but mostly about idiots. So it needs saying from the outset that it’s always very easy to declare that other people are idiots, but only if you forget how idiotically difficult being human is. Especially if you have other people you’re trying to be a reasonably good human being for. ”
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ParticipantTo further elaborate: Like attracts like but also repels and some of our “ghosts” – fears and hurts – picked up from our past will feed off each other and grow, developing into a negative codependency or our “ghosts” will shine a light on each other, fade and move forward. In the process both are likely to happen
This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by
ParticipantSo Im struggling to understand: how can we know if we have a healthy indicator of unmet needs in a relationship VS we’re being unreasonably needy and totally codependent?
Hi Faber
My understanding with regards to codependent behavior is that at some levels it is always present in relationships. At its best each person inspires the other towards their betters self’s. A loving relationship with health boundaries a safe place to heal and grow.
Negative codependency stifles growth enabling people to remain stuck in unhealth behaviors. The challenge is that we bring our best and our worst with us into relationship, the relationship the crucible in which everything is mixed together and the task is to sort out the wheat “from the chaff”. Like attracts like but also repels and some of our “ghosts” fears and hurts picked up from our past will sometimes feed off each other and create a negative codependency.
Reading your post the thought that came to mind is that each of you may be speaking a different “language” of love. How you experienced being loved and how you expect others to “hear” you as you express your love. The book ‘The five languages of Love’ may be a interesting read. The intention is to become conscious of ones language and their partners and work together to become bilingual.
ParticipantHi Emily
Thanks for sharing your story. It doesn’t sound ‘crazy’ to me at all. I’m sorry for your loss.I’m glad your reaching out and taking steps to deal with your experience. I wish I had some thing to say that would help you, all I have to offer is encouragement to keep taking those steps.
I am reminded of something I read in ‘Learning to Fall: The Blessings of an Imperfect Life’ by Philip Simmons, that has at time created space for me to breath
We are all—all of us—falling. We are all, now, this moment, in the midst of that descent, fallen from heights that may now seem only a dimly remembered dream, falling toward a depth we can only imagine, glimpsed beneath the water’s surface shimmer. And so let us pray that if we are falling from grace, dear G_d let us also fall with grace, to grace. If we are falling toward pain and weakness, let us also fall toward sweetness and strength. If we are falling toward death, let us also fall toward life. –
Be kind to your self, I wish you well
Deep peace of the running wave to you.
Deep peace of the flowing air to you.
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.
Deep peace of the shining stars to you.
Deep peace of the gentle night to you.
Moon and stars pour their healing light on you.
Deep peace from the Son of Peace to you,
Deep peace, deep peace.. -
This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by