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  • in reply to: Endless Cycle #179731

    One of the purpose of relationships is to create the space where we get to deal with our past hurts so that we can become. Your ahead of the game as you recognized that you will bring this into whatever relationship you’re in until you learned what you need to learn/heal.  As you are aware of this I have no doubt that you will end the cycle.  I found the book by David Ricco ‘How to be a Adult in Relationships’ very helpful as I had unrealistic expectations about relationship – impacted by past hurts that need to be healed.

    in reply to: Wake up call #179699

    We love to measure our experiences. Am I happy now? What about now? Maybe now? Is this it, was that it? We suck at measuring experience and more often than not the act of measuring/judging an experience kills it and takes us out of the present. Happiness could slap us in the face and we would fail to notice. We suck at measuring and end up telling ourselves crap stories that we then begin to live. We become the stories we tell.

    The practice of meditation becomes helpful once we realize that the practice isn’t something we do is a certain period of time but in every breathe we take. When we make life our practice we notice how the words we use to measure our experience changes the experience and let them go and doing so allowing the experience to flow through us. We learn to dance with our experiences and not against them.

    There is a time for all things. Time to go to the gym as a practice of discipline. A time to go to the gym to engage with our body. A time to go to the gym to socialize, and a time to stay home. All valid experiences that have nothing and everything to do with how your feeling.


    in reply to: 4 years and still not over him #179497

    You have to stop doing this to yourself. You have to break all contact and remove all reminders. Cold Turkey. There is no other way. If you continue to play the game you are choosing to lose.

    If choosing to play the game is a authentic choice live it authentically without judgment or complaint you will soon learn what you need to learn from it and move forward. Its the wanting to stop but not wanting to stop that is keeping you stuck

    in reply to: How can I train myself to stop suppressing emotions #179495

    Creating some space for yourself might be a place to start. Somewhere to meditate or read a book about reconnecting with yourself. Some time just for you to be with you.

    You may find joining a book club  or perhaps taking a weekend seminar on something that interests you a great place to practice expressing yourself. Neutral ground where you are free to say and feel what think and feel.

    Talking to a professional would help you identify what it is you want to expresses as well as help you find healthy ways to do so with your family.

    in reply to: Have no close relationships for years #179491

    You may also find the books and audio lectures by Clarissa Pinkola Estes helpful.
    Her telling of the ‘Ugly duckling’ story has a great deal of insight into the problem you face of finding your home/tribe.

    “The doors to the world of the wild Self are few but precious. If you have a deep scar, that is a door, if you have an old, old story, that is a door. If you love the sky and the water so much you almost cannot bear it, that is a door. If you yearn for a deeper life, a full life, a sane life, that is a door. Open the door of your pain and walk through.”

    “All that you are seeking is also seeking you. If you lie still, sit still, it will find you. It has been waiting for you a long time.” – Clarissa Pinkola Estes

    A Blessing
    Refuse to fall down
    If you cannot refuse to fall down,
    refuse to stay down.
    If you cannot refuse to stay down,
    lift your heart toward heaven,
    and like a hungry beggar,
    ask that it be filled.
    You may be pushed down.
    You may be kept from rising.
    But no one can keep you from lifting your heart
    toward heaven
    only you.
    It is in the middle of misery
    that so much becomes clear.
    The one who says nothing good
    came of this,
    is not yet listening. – Clarissa Pinkola Estes

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Peter.
    in reply to: Have no close relationships for years #179489

    You are not alone even though you feel alone. At some point in all our lives we all seek out our tribe our other family. It is out there looking for you as you look for it.

    I like the following blog  wanderlust.com/journal/how-to-find-your-tribe/


    in reply to: Unlovable and too afraid to try again. #179365

    There are many levels to intelligence and emotional/self intelligence may be the most difficult to obtain and transform into wisdom especially when it comes to this thing we call Love

    Choosing not to risk again does not make you unlovable. Its just a choice. There is a time for all things even a time to step back from relationships. Is it possible this choice of not letting anyone close enough to see your authentic self is causing as much pain as you feel when you close the door to its possibility. If so a step toward healing may be accepting that choice, for now, as a choice. No need for a facade, frustration or burning bridges, just time to create space to rediscover yourself.

    I’m not sure why keeping up the facade is tied to the choice to keep others at a distance to protect yourself and I wonder what you might experience if you let all this thinking of facades go and just be you. You have nothing to lose if you are truly unlovable.

    Its sounds to me anyway like you function like most normal people – as its normal is being insecure at times and put up facades. Normal to feel unlovable when things don’t go has w hoped. I hope you find a way to create some space to love yourself.

    in reply to: Unlovable and too afraid to try again. #179359

    “We are more often frightened than hurt; and we suffer more from imagination than from reality.” -Seneca

    A exploration of Love might be helpful. I recommend the following books by David Richo

    How to Be an Adult in Love – Letting love in Safely and Showing it Recklessly

    We were made to love and be loved. Loving ourselves and others is in our genetic code. It’s nothing other than the purpose of our lives—but knowing that doesn’t make it easy to do. We find it a challenge to love ourselves. We might have a hard time letting love in from others: recognizing it, accepting it. We’re often afraid of getting hurt. It is also sometimes scary for us to share love with those around us—and love that isn’t shared leaves us feeling flat and unfulfilled.


    The Five Longings – What We’ve Always Wanted and Already Have

    There are five longings deep within us. They are for love, meaning, freedom, happiness, growth. Each of these five reveals us to ourselves, showing us what we want, what our life is for, what keeps us going, what keeps us looking. Longings are mysterious. We often can’t quite name or explain them. Nor can they ever be perfectly, fully, or finally gratified. We shyly or loudly bring our longings to others. Sometimes we find more than we hoped for, sometimes less. Our healthy practice is a radical one: We notice and ask for some fulfillment of our longings from those we trust. We give up expecting all or perfect satisfaction. We notice that we have longings for the lasting in a world that is always changing. We can take that as a clue to the presence of something transcendent in us. With such spiritual consciousness we finally discover that all five longings reflect qualities in our true nature. We are seeking what we are.


    in reply to: Unlovable and too afraid to try again. #179353

    Everyone thinks/feels their suffering is unique, that they alone are alone in their suffering. All the lonely people where do they all come from. Everyone alone and unique and it is that which connects us all

    To love means loving the unlovable. To forgive means pardoning the unpardonable. Faith means believing the unbelievable. Hope means hoping when everything seems hopeless. Gilbert K. Chesterton

    To love means loving the unlovable – Its so easy to love when everything goes the way we want but that is not when we love. We experience and expresses love when things are happening that we don’t want.

    Unlovable is only cognitive dissonance of a word not understood.  The pain that your experiencing isn’t about love or being unleavable but wanting to control life and the experience of love. Let it go and open yourself to the experiences that come your way.

    Often not belonging is trying to fit in where our authentic self is not at home. Finding ones ‘Family’ is part of everyone’s experience – you are not alone.

    Anyone who has ever been an ugly adolescent – and we are legion – knows that the feeling of being unlovely and unlovable never goes away; it is always there, lurking just beneath the surface. Ruth Reichl

    “Unworthiness is the inmost frightening thought that you do not belong, no matter how much you want to belong, that you are an outsider and will always be an outsider. It is the idea that you are flawed and cannot be fixed. It is wanting to be loved and feeling unlovable, or wanting to love and feeling that you are not capable of loving.” Gary Zukav

    Maybe you’ve decided you’re not a genius, that you’re not brilliant, that you’re not prosperous, that you’re not wonderful, that you’re not lovable. Well, you know what? You’re both: you’re unlovable and you are lovable. And they both need equal time. Debbie Ford

    in reply to: Dealing with frustration #179245

    Sorry  words can get away from me.

    To Summarize: Away to deal with feelings of frustration is to make the conscious, recognize the feelings for what they are and let them flow/go.  Notice, experience, breathe and move forward… maybe with a silent prayer or positive thought towards the person you were hoping to help.

    The above lead me to thinking about how we direct or don’t direct our conciseness. I suspect most people don’t think of conciseness as something they direct though that is one of the purposes of the practice of meditation. I would argue that such a practice isn’t something to do in an hour but in every moment.

    Anyway. I visualize my conciseness as being dog like. Attracted to any experience that stands out especially fear. Sometimes its ok to let my awareness run free but sometimes I need to put a “leash” on it and ask it to heal (return to the still point). Especially when it becomes fixated on fear, a memory or an emotion like frustration which tends to intensifies the situation.  I find doing so in a calm intentional manner is most effective.

    My thinking was that if you took up such a practice (however you wish to visualize it) you would be in a better position to influence those you wish to help. I suspect that your frustration with feeling frustrated as well as most of the student’s anxiety is a result of consciousness becoming fixated on the issue or emotion and so not being able to, ‘breathe’ and let the experience flow through.

    This brings me to my favorite quote:

    “At the still point of the turning world. Neither flesh nor fleshless; Neither from nor towards; at the still point, there the dance is, But neither arrest nor movement. And do not call it fixity, Where past and future are gathered. Neither movement from nor towards, Neither ascent nor decline. Except for the point, the still point, There would be no dance, and there is only the dance.”-  TS Eliot

    in reply to: Why don't I love the man that is so right on paper :/ #179229

    “My life looked good on paper – where, in fact, almost all of it was being lived.” ― Martin Amis

    in reply to: Dealing with frustration #179223

    good thing I don’t get frustrated when ignored 🙂


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Peter.
    in reply to: Dealing with frustration #179127

    You certainly have a challenging job and the frustration is understandable however my not be helpful.

    I suspect if you think back to your student days you would remember how unlikely it was to seek out advice let alone listen to unsolicited help from an adult. Even if you were of the personality type that did listen it is likely you didn’t have the skill set to implement the advice in the moment. Change takes time then happens all at once and it can take years to learn how to deal with anxiety.

    Take the above as an example. I could rationally explain to someone that is feeling frustration for advice that is not received as hoped is an unskillful practice. That this feeling of frustration is more about them then the students they are trying to help. If the person the are hoping to help senses the frustration they could feel at a subconsciously level that the problem had been highjacked (no longer about them) and stop listening. They may even feel anxiety about being the cause of that frustration.

    Depending on your personality type you might hear the above advice negatively and so pay it no heed 🙂 (If you read on I hope to explain myself as I intend no offence). Even if the advice was heard learning to cultivate a skillful practice is going to take time

    As a counselor, I think you must embrace the serenity prayer –  change the things you can change, accept the things you can’t and work on gaining the wisdom to know the difference.

    You can’t change others but you can be the change you want to see. I know that might not sound like it applies but I think it does.

    I loved watching the Dog Whisperer.  It amazed me that time and time again it was demonstrated that the dog’s behavior originated from the owners. That for the owners to get the change they wanted in their dogs they had to learn to become the change they hoped to see. If they were calm their dogs were more likely be calm. (kind of like the law of attraction).

    The dog whisperer talked about being calm and assertive. (the assertive word got him in trouble with dog community which equated assertiveness with aggression but they miss-understood) So I would use calm and intentional.

    At the heart of being calm and intention is the ability to listen and respond vice react in the moment.  I would bet that if someone cultivated the practice of being calm and intentional they would have greater influence with those they engaged with. I don’t think its advice that is going to change the situation but how you listen that will create space for change.

    Another lesson I learned by watching the show was the problems with dog mind is that it becomes fixated on what it ‘fears’ and can’t look away. In such a state, often all that was required was a nudge on the leash to distract and create space to disengage from the ‘fear’ and see it for what it is. (almost always False Evidence Appearing Real)

    I suspect a student experiencing anxiety is more likely to listen to a person that listens in a calm and intentional way and that “knows” when to nudge in order to create space for the student to disengage from the issue they are fixated on and find there own way out.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Peter.
    in reply to: I want to lose hope. #179117

    I’m sorry that your experiencing depression and feeling that you want to die and for it all to end.

    Often below thoughts of wanting to die is a hope for change.  Which I know seems like a contradiction but isn’t. Life is a process of change a cycle of  birth/death – Birth and death not two sides of a coin but existing within each other.  We cannot change without also letting something go. Every act of creation is also a act of destruction, every act of destruction is a act of creation. Every choice we make also represents the choices we did not make and some times we get stuck mourning the choices not made and so lose sight of where we are.  Often a wish to die is a resistance to birth-death cycle. Wanting things to change while everything we actually do keeps things the same.

    Anyway, I found your topic title ‘I want to lose hope’ interesting. It made me smile because of the contradictions such a statement contains. Contradictions that may be influencing the disappointments you have experienced and why you might not be able to let them go and move beyond them. It seems to me that your real hope is to see what might lie beyond your past experiences and where you might go next.

    Your saying that your hope is to lose hope – you hope is to die (change) but before you can“die”, you need to lose hope???

    It is my opinion that hope is a skill most people suck at. Unskillful hope is hoping for things that aren’t possible like going back in time to do something differently, or hope for things we have no intention to work towards, hope that change might magically just happen – without having to “die” or let go. (The First Nobel Truth is that all life is suffering, pain, and misery. The Second Truth is that this suffering is caused by selfish craving and personal desire – in my view resisting birth-death cycle that is Life and hoping that that reality wasn’t so)

    When hope is unskillful a hope to lose hope just may be the correct path out. Unskillful hope can only lead to depression and becoming stuck.

    It seems to me that there is a part of you, an inner wisdom, that Knows you, and knowing you, pushing you to let go of the past and seek out what is beyond the next curve in the road or top of some hill.  (Maybe this will to see what lies beyond the bend, what you can’t yet see or know with certainty, isn’t hope but faith in the birth/death cycle). Your authentic self needing you to have faith in the birth/death cycle, faith in your story and that yes, though you will experience disappointment their will also be experiences of joy… Regardless your story will be an interesting one. So maybe let go of this hope to lose hope and instead let your self hope for what you really seek. Trust this inner wisdom that wants to you to experience what happens next. I have no doubt that you are going to have a story worth telling. (Your story is already worth telling)

    Hope is paradoxical. It is neither passive waiting nor is it unrealistic forcing of circumstances that cannot occur. It is like the crouched tiger, which will jump only when the moment for jumping has come. Neither tired reformism nor pseudo-radical adventurism is an expression of hope. To hope means to be ready at every moment for that which is not yet born, and yet not become desperate if there is no birth in our lifetime. There is no sense in hoping for that which already exists or for that which cannot be. Those whose hope is weak settle down for comfort or for violence; those whose hope is strong see and cherish all signs of new life and are ready every moment to help the birth of that which is ready to be born. ― Eric Fromm –  The Revolution of Hope


    “We say that flowers return every spring, but that is a lie. It is true that the world is renewed. It is also true that that renewal comes at a price, for even if the flower grows from an ancient vine, the flowers of spring are themselves new to the world, untried and untested. The flower that wilted last year is gone. Petals once fallen are fallen forever. Flowers do not return in the spring, rather they are replaced. It is in this difference between returned and replaced that the price of renewal is paid. And as it is for spring flowers, so it is for us.” ― Daniel Abraham, The Price of Spring

    in reply to: My Spiritual 'Phase' is Over #178931

    I’m sorry to hear about your depression and hope you find a way to let go of the anger and disappointment your feeling.

    My feeling is that as long as we continue to try to do better when we know better no lessons we learn from are wasted so no point beating ourselves up.  Its all just part of path that got us to where we are.

    Though I have also left the Church, doing so has allowed me to know that the reality of every breath we take is a birth, betrayal, death and resurrection. Not a something that happens once at the end of life (or after life) but is every moment. I often wonder if Christ call to follow him was a call to make that truth conscious and being conscious able to say Yes to Life as it is, the good and the bad, and know that that is ok even ‘good’.  I found that when I can get there the tensions I feel about living by the rules, doing everything right, having the world work the way I want it to…. dissolves.

    Anyway I wish you well and remember that religion and church are not the same as spiritually. Ending your connection to a church or creed does not end your connection to your spirit.

    “We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”

    “If you do follow your bliss you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Follow your bliss and don’t be afraid, and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be.” ― Joseph Campbell


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