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  • Sammy


    What’s the famous saying “curiosity killed the cat” there’s no winning is there? It’s done now so no need to fret over an action you can’t retrieve.

    It might help to write out what you’ve learned about yourself and the good you’ll implement….what is it that you think is the take away? It can help strengthen our resolve to keep it moving forward.

    That’s impressive to fit in 12k walks. It will keep you both body and mind healthy. I found during the initial stages running was healing. I would say these chants “im enough, I’m deserve better” and with every pounding of the pavement hear it almost vibrate through my body. It really helped. Its almost a process of rewiring your brain to create better responses and with consistency works.

    How are you feeling today? Do you have any plans for the upcoming weeks 5 more days until one step closer to normal!!



    Thanks for all the love! My new bf is very generous which is hard to accept at times it’s what I wanted with my ex but I didn’t think it was actually possible. He is very funny, driven, but most of all he’s expressive. He doesn’t shy away from being who is and owning it, he can deal with my multitude of emotions and not make me feel like I have to be someone else either. He is also annoying always pranking, thinks he’s the next Michael Buble! I think I like him lol

    With ‘B’ don’t let the external I.e. in extended family or cultural differences between you escalate into something it doesn’t need to be. Look internally you and her as a unit are wonderful for each other, just work on that and the rest will fall into place. You can’t have everything so learning to compromise is key! When’s the big day? Have you chosen which neck of woods you’ll settle?



    Oh no 🙁 I feel partly responsible, I thought it was a friend who informed you but instead it turns out a picture on SM has been your undoing. I’m so sorry, I feel I encouraged you to not actively avoid her or actively seek her on social media but it turns out it’s hurt you and maybe a blanket ban or complete NC with her would have been more suitable. The only other thing I can say is even though it deeply sucks right now, I don’t think it can get any worse. She’s moved on, how that transpires is not your concern. However it has cemented at least you and her were not meant to be. In the long run finding this out now will help.


    I’m so happy to read you contacted your GP. Jay just stop and look…you are doing things actively to move on. If you were still caught up in the fantasy of it all you’d be stationary. You’re moving it may be snails pace but you are moving. This will lead you to your rightful destination. I think you should dream about Asia and who knows you may find a wonderful Asian and even better adventure. Only you can limit yourself.

    I don’t know about Danny but this thread helped me when I was very low and it would be selfish to leave when I’m in a good place. I want to offer hope, I’ll help as much as I can.


    You know Jay there are wonderful women out there with hearts of golds, who would dote on you and really support you. Maybe as you mentioned the obsessive thinking and attraction for whats not good for you is a deeper issue it might be worthwhile exploring.


    Also you mentioned to Danny you’re looking pretty trim,  is that from a lack of eating though? Heartbreak does two things…comfort eating and piling on the pounds or losing ton of weight! However I’m happy to read you’re treating yourself to some retail therapy! You doing so much better than you give yourself credit. Be kinder to yourself!



    Yeah drinking is overrated and I’m glad you haven’t gone down the dark road of using it as a crutch as I did. So thats willpower there.

    I’m the same with drugs but it doesn’t harm to at least talk to a GP. If you do need them in a medical professionals opinion then maybe try them. Have you ever tried therapy? Again not something I could bring myself to do but there’s loads of people who swear by it and have been helped by it.

    I think you genuinely cared and had love for her. It’s really shows because you want her to be happy even if its not with you. I’m very much like you. I want my ex to grow, I want him to learn to love in the way I did and I want him to be happy. Do you know how amazing that quality is in a person? How beautiful and rare it is to care and love unconditionally.

    It’s okay that right now you’re e putting yourself first mentally it’s another step towards self love.

    But based on the genuine feelings you exhibit like me one day when the moment is right,you may not be best of friends with your ex but you will reach a place of harmony one day if the initial connection was real between you both. So if she had care for you too pat the very least she will meet you halfway one day and appreciate the person you are.

    Letting go of hope of being together in a romantic relationship is key because having a pseudo friendship in hope of being with her will just destroy your self esteem further when it doesn’t happen. So only ever offee friendship when you no longer want her as a partner and have done the healing and working on your self.  This is what it took for me, it led me to a place where I accepted my ex as a part of me. I’ll always care about him, I loved him but I’m no longer in love with him. We will never be best friends as there was too much chemistry and history so I can imagine if the circumstances were right, we may end up doing something we both would regret but we share a mutual respect and care enough to check in on one another now and again or if there’s an emergency and when with mutual friends share conversation.


    The most important thing I’ve learned from Tim was intentions. So set your intentions right you’ll find happiness.

    Stay away from social media if you can’t handle it. No point adding to your existing pain. And anytime heartbreak is a very hard place to be so I completely understand.


    @Jay2023 no bother, spending Easter Sunday with my parents just relaxing.

    I feared you’d feel rubbish after an alcohol binge. I think you’re doing the right thing in detoxing so your body remains healthier as the stress of the heartbreak must mean your cortisol levels are through the roof. Loss is loss and it’s hurtful but if you keep hope you can make it to happier times,  this is just a moment in your life. It will not last forever keep reminding yourself of that.

    Do you struggle with anxiety generally or is it only during breakups? I know you mentioned you were depressed over September when you lost your job. So maybe because you’re struggling so much seeing the GP for medication may help you. Others on this thread like @Tim1 and @Shelbyville took them when things felt too much. So it must help.

    I’m glad you don’t want to be in her life, recognising that is an important step in not going back. Like Danny said it helps to remind yourself of the facts especially when we seem to put the ex on pedestal and just put ourselves down. You need to shift it so you are the one who is up there because based on the facts you deserve to be after all you gave. This person didn’t live up to your dreams or potential, she didn’t care for you, make you grow,  she didn’t support you or remind you of your worth.

    I know it is inevitably going to be painful but believe it or not you’re so lucky to be out of this toxic relationship now. Also imagine losing a woman who was all the good things above the pain would be unbearable. Although it seems it, you’ll realise soon enough you haven’t really lost anything other than an attachment and physical intimacy.

    Are you taking an indefinite break from social media? Or just until Tuesday? It may help just staying off until you’ve healed if you’re struggling with facing things. I’m the opposite I learnt just letting the emotions flow through and confronting them head on makes me heal better.

    Jay you’re going to get through this. Each day is about survival right now, soon you will look and see how much further you have come without even realising.

    Go for walk or run it really helps almost sweat the bad vibes out. It’s beautiful day.



    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Sammy.

    @Jay2023 surviving? I do hope your Easter weekend has been good.


    @Jay2023 Even the most high flying or intelligent people can get blinded by emotion. It’s natural with experience comes better growth. Don’t lose vulnerability though, once you do then you just become obsessed with not getting hurt. It’s better to have loved and lost then never to love.

    Just by the descriptions it really does seem she was using you for whatever void you filled for her whilst knowing it was not anything long term she wanted with you. If she wanted something long term she would not have strung you along. Also be aware even though she is in a new relationship if it goes wrong she is the type to run back to the guy who would do anything for her, don’t be that guy! Don’t allow yourself to be treated as the ego boost and get sucked back in no matter how much you dreamed of the fairy tale ending. If she was the right person for you she would not have done what she did.

    Any panic attacks if you don’t know how to handle them, @Tim1 posted tips for @Lucie1 if I remember correctly to help reduce the anxiety. I remember the one that stuck out the most was put your hands in cold icy water it changes your focus and de escalates your panic.

    I know you will have a tough few days ahead but try and enjoy your socialising, stay safe and this thread is always available x


    @Jay2023 Who informed you Jay? Sorry but that person lacks tact especially with knowing a long weekend was coming, could they’ve not held off told you later? Lol

    Yes the elusive spark is a fickle thing. But save that chat for another day. Like you stated if the connection had been more solid she would not be dipping her toes back in the pool.

    I agree, posting on here when you are in a better place is as healing and rewarding as when you are low. So I would encourage you to.

    I actually think you’re very self aware and seem to be very intelligent. Along with what you described your part or sacrifices for her show you are a great catch and someone will be lucky to have you in their life when the time is right.

    Have a good one with your mates. Hope the hangover isn’t too bad! Here if you need. Like you said you can only get stronger!


    And Jay, trust me when I say this booze never solves the problem. If you want a beer or two then by all means do it but try not to get drunk to solely numb things, it will just make you feel worse when you come out the other side.



    Dammit that’s the last thing you needed to hear when you have a long weekend off. Aww Jay I really feel your pain. Think of it as a plaster ripping it off quickly is better than slow painful pull.


    The fact you know that she really wasn’t into tou for already moving on so quickly will sting no doubt but now is the moment to really use that anger to ignite passion in loving yourself better. Don’t allow this or her to ruin your weekend. Make plans. Do what us ladies do best, we get up dust ourselves off and then pamper ourselves. If that’s not to your liking have a gaming marathon with your friends,  post something on Social media if it makes you feel better. But don’t let this defeat you as she’s just proven her worth. She used you until something better came along.

    I’m here I’m spending Easter with family and starting some planning on new place. So if you need to talk let me know. I’m sorry. I’m sorry she can’t see the man we see. It’s definitely her loss Jay. You keep reminding yourself that. It was a dream you lost, dreams can be reimagined,  you just have to have the vision to seek better for yourself. X


    Aww I’m sorry my last post must not have been very helpful when you’re feeling stuck in a rut and so low. You will get there and the good thing is you’re not in denial, you acknowledge what you deserve even if at times you feel you’ve gone backwards.

    There was a period where any progress I made seem to have evaporated, I felt like I was grieving all over again but it was just different emotions surfacing that I needed to process and eventually with some perseverance things turned around for me. So ups and downs are usual, you’re experiencing withdrawal. It’s not easy.

    I’m so proud of you that you’re willing to focus on you and your self-esteem. Most men don’t do that, they jump into another relationship to seek distraction. Inevitably they hit the same brick wall. Even though it would give you an ego boost, false sense of confidence it doesn’t give you true happiness. So doing the hard work now will reap its rewards later. I’m proof.

    Have you got anything planned for the long weekend? I’m here if you need someone to talk to if you struggle.

    Also let’s focus on some positivity,what goals have you set yourself? We can cheer you on and keep you focused.

    I agree that constantly moping serves no purpose, eventually your friends no matter how good grow tired of feeling helpless or frustrated seeing you sad, so some start to avoid you not because they don’t care but because they don’t know how to help. Then you start to feel let down and this vicious cycle begins of self pitying. Instead set goals to push yourself out of your comfort zone. The more you do it the more you’ll enjoy even the fleeting good vibes aaand want to feel good again.



    Thank you, yes I took the plunge and officially began dating my besties bro. Taking it very slow. I have my new home to focus on too. So things are in a good place for me right now. I’m so ashamed to say this time last year u was suicidal over my loss, heading towards indefinite insobriety. Time really does heal. I’m so glad with the work I did. Ex and I have a new found respect for one another too, I’m happy to re engage with our mutual friends again and be mature. How’s ‘B’? You seem flat out, are you in full swing with your wedding or work?

    A little off topic but with talk of restrictions lifting, reflecting on Covid I can’t help think of @Kkasxo, the last we heard she had Covid. I hope you are ok if you pick up on this notification. A small reply would be amazing!


    Hi @Shweta

    Thanks for your input. I agree nature is very healing. It can take each person a different amount of time to heal and it comes with range of emotions, but accepting sadness is temporary does help stop you falling into a spiral. If you need anything feel free to post.

    Hi @Jay2023

    It’s been a long day. Bloody Zoom and Teams!!!! I thought I’d tune out from my workload and reply. Going to be a late night.

    The experience was one emotional rollercoaster but I made it. I will not lie on the very rare occasion I still think of my ex, he was my very first experience of pure love. I think the way I loved him, it could have been all so different. I do want him to be loved again in that way and for him to experience loving in that way too. I just know I need and deserve more, we can’t be happy together we just didn’t fit. Our needs and values didn’t align.

    My new bf makes me feel like I don’t have to question his feelings and intentions. It’s so different. It’s so great to be able to communicate and not be met with resistance or avoidance. I know it’s early days and I don’t want to get ahead of myself but I know his intentions are serious and aligned with mine and that really makes a huge difference.

    I think when you find a higher purpose, you realise that you can not waste life. You can not allow someone else to break you. So I think that’s why my healing was quicker. Everyone was saying it will take min 2/3 years to move on from such a long term relationship. Thinking about being miserable for that long was daunting prospect. When I hit rock bottom I knew the only way was up or stay stuck in this rut and waste my time. When you appreciate time, value it, then your mind set changes you want to be better and do better.

    I spent at least 4/5 months going work inwardly. Finding focus, purpose, questioning who I was and my legacy. I built my self esteem. Made major life decisions and steered my own life back in the right direction. It takes you taking control. Saying enough is enough to the self pitying.

    I’m not saying it doesn’t hurt, I’m not saying it wasn’t painful to love and be told I was not enough several times. But I could have let that define me or I could let it spur me to prove to myself my own worth. My own worth, my life was not going to be reduced to a heartbreak.

    Can I ask why you blamed yourself at that time when you let her back in?
    It’s rare to find people who are so upfront and honest about their feelings. Often this is looked at a weakness but it’s not, its an incredible strength to be able to be authentic with your feelings. To be open and vulnerable and risk it. So be proud of that trait.

    I don’t think you should be wary. Feelings can not be controlled they come out of the blue at times. However how we react is important. Don’t over invest until commited, on the other hand don’t go into a relationship with walls, just try staying objective. Does this person and I have needs, wants, beliefs which align? If they don’t then don’t be afraid to walk away. Love is a straight 50/50 risk. Always will be.

    You’re a typical man you got hooked on the chase. At first she was all in ( she was infatuated at best or manipulating at worst) then she pulled away. You wanted what you can’t have. Think back to the beginning when she was “very into you” what was holding you back then?

    I didn’t quite grasp what you meant you’ve never transpired that into having a healthy relationship? Please explain, my brain is a little slow right now!

    The pandemic has meant developing self sufficiency. The typical support network or activities that are there to help with heartbreaks were inaccessible. So you adapt. Both of us have and its a huge milestone which indicates inner strength. So do make sure you look at the achievements you’re making along the way. They’ll all add up and culminate in your overall growth and healing!



    You know it’s almost a year since I first posted in this thread. I can recall the desperation. It was exactly 2 days before lockdown began he called time. So this weekend I had a drink to toast my progress, I didn’t think I would be the person I am today. I didn’t think I’d be a new homeowner, ready to start something afresh with someone who had always been there but not visible. It is all timing, everyone has their own. All you can do is grow and learn to take the better roads.

    So thank you for the recognition and I’m touched you read over my story. It was an emotional rollercoaster and on top had Covid 19 to deal with it was intense but it led me back to me, renewed hope and faith, taught me a whole new way to do things, see things. I became a better person because of it. I still have the same abundance of love, just giving it to someone who hopefully loves me too this time.

    Write your story on here, or write it in a journal. it’s never late. One day you’ll look back in amazement at yourself! I think you already have a lot to be proud of, you mentioned in Sept you became redundant and split up with her. So look how much on your own you achieved by picking yourself up going through the torture of interviews, landing a job! Yes, you went back to her when you shouldn’t have but maybe you needed to learn the hard way, and break up sex is common.

    When I contacted my ex for closure there was a moment where after all was said, we had cried and he held me, the temptation to succumb and to sleep with him or feel his body even if it was the last time was intense but something in me knew that was the easier choice. It is the difficult choices that we are fearful of that end up usually being the right ones, I had to instead love myself, which meant not going back for another round. Now looking back it was the best decision and I have more respect for him as a result.

    Everyone told me to block and remove everything and I did initially but I found that suppressing was harmful it made me anxious and my mind run wild, hence the need for booze to numb those thoughts. So feeling the emotions and just learning to be more mentally strong makes you better. So don’t actively seek info or avoid. Also like any fear you can run but not hide, so better to face it head-on and allow it to shrink.

    No judgement here, I’ve bent the rules a few times myself. It’s impossible to live indoors without social interaction especially when your job is wfh too. My family home has lovely fields to walk in but nothing beats a chinwag with my bestie and now seeing my new bf!

    Gaming can be a touchy subject but you’ve come to that realisation yourself that there is a whole real world out there, gaming can make you a hermit if not careful, my ex used to prefer that to a date night. Everything in moderation is best. Junk tv is a guilty pleasure so indulge in it if it makes you feel better!

    Just a thought that came to me as I really see you improving and doing better, in future relationships don’t let this make you want to play games to have control or to avoid being hurt. You need to be authentic and vulnerable to form a healthy partnership. I reached out to my ex for closure, most people were surprised as the general rule is don’t contact if you’re the rejected party as you will look desperate, you have no pride but I did it to heal and forgive, it was the best choice as in the end I’ve taken all the steps to be a better version and I know who I am, what I want and need. I know my self-worth and what to compromise on and give. This thread offered so much insight into my behavior I’m very grateful, that’s why I love to balance the scales and give back, So I try my best to be there for others who have experienced the same.


    The thing is rather than actively seeking or actively avoiding those kind of updates or exposure, let them occur because the more they do, the more mental toughness you develop, it makes you more resilient in the long run so you’re not affected so much each time. So what if she’s changed her pic or speaking to another guy. You were already aware of both those facts. So don’t let it have control over you.

    My ex obviously went down the get under someone to get over someone route with casual flings, he was a typical boy but my initial reaction was to crumble, I went for the booze to numb the associated feelings.

    But @Tim1 and @Shelbyville were great at that time so was my best friend who acted as my buddy. I pulled myself together and was tired of feeling down so I worked on reframing my thoughts. I told myself this was bound to happen. I told myself it was not a reflection of us or me but just him, how he had chosen to deal with the fallout and it was on him. I told myself it was no longer my problem. The last thing I wanted to do was spiral into further doubts about not being enough when the relationship had already worn my self esteem down.

    So the subsequent bits on his arm I didn’t avoid hearing about but I just chose not to react to either. Seriously why should you allow someone who doesn’t even want you to continue ruining your days. Just let the wave of emotions pass through knowing it can only get better because you will find your soulmate.

    Having people around you who are positive, supportive and inspiring is so fundamental in achieving a healthier outlook. I’m glad you have your sister to lean on who understands the effects of anxiety and depression in a better way. With men, I’ve realised you have it tougher without the same support network as women.

    Lucky you, I’m guessing you’re not from the UK if you’re able to go out to pubs or restaurants or even friends for drinks? If you’re rule bending then i don’t blame you I’m tired of being locked in here! There goes my holiday too after today’s announcement. I really hate this new normal!

    Gaming is akin to retail therapy for women! So I’m glad you’re able to enjoy that. With tv as silly as this sounds, try watching something that doesn’t require much brain engagement so nothing like a psychological thriller more junk like reality TV. It can be very soothing during heartbreak!

    My weekend was spent with my parents even though they are annoying at times I’m glad I got this time with them to be back home. In few weeks I’m moving into my new place. New beginnings. Fingers crossed.



    I had a tight deadline to meet and it’s hard to catch a break but I still like to take time out for change of focus when I feel bored or unproductive just didn’t realise how much I had delayed so apologies for the late reply. Lucky you, that you get periods of free downtime but it must suck when the mind needs occupation.

    Try downloading a game or even watching Netflix or series during those periods to avoid slipping into the habit of ruminating.

    I understand the pain you are describing in wanting to be the person for her but I think it’s more rooted in wanting to be chosen and validated more than anything.

    Also because it was mainly one sided the feelings you describe appear to be based upon an idealised version or potential you felt rather than the actual reality. Some people do deserve that pedestal but in this case I don’t think she does.

    Soon when that fog lifts, I hope you realise your own worth. You deserve much better than a one sided romantic relationship. You seem like a kind and giving person in a relationship. You deserve that in return.

    Just thinking about how much you were willing to sacrifice and do for her makes me think she must have been manipulative all along knowing she was never ready for a commitment to you but knew by keeping you around, she could use you as a blanket when the chips were down. You may have codependency maybe because you crave certainty and clearly absorb other peoples feelings, people pleased with her and weren’t assertive to say anything or walk away yourself when she definitely wasn’t meeting your needs?

    She strung you along, why would you do that to when you could commit knowing how lucky you are to find a kind, generous man, especially one who is offering stability and willing to be a father figure and take on 3 children! The loss is definitely not yours in this case. Keep reminding yourself of that.

    Remember when there’s pure love but circumstances mean you are not the right fit then when one of you does move on for good, it is usually happiness that is felt above any other emotion. You want them to be happy even if it means it can not be with you.

    If love wasn’t as deep and pure it’s indifference. If the love was toxic primarily you feel jealousy.

    I loved my ex in a very pure way, he didn’t return that in the same way at that time, or not in the way I needed. In the end after an emotional rollercoaster on/off for close to 5 years, I realised we just didn’t fit, I no longer wanted it, love requires work not you losing yourself and damaging your own self worth. BUT I still want him to be happy and grow, I really do. I moved on before him probably because I didn’t date right away and took my time to fully heal and grow from that chapter. But I respect him a lot more for how he made amends, how he has been since, although he realised some things which could have saved our relationship far too late, he was sensible and stood down when he knew I was serious about my besties bro. We’re not friends by any means but after a year we can finally be in the same room and have small talk, we’ve let bygones be bygones. It feels so mature.

    I hope if your connection was real, then you both get to that stage one day and can talk again.

    You said you worry no one will love you the way you love. I used to fear that too after my ex because honestly I love very deeply when I commit to someone. But i realised I was overthinking, having  expectations. Rather than focusing on having love returned in the “exact” way i give, focus on how I am, who I am with the person. Be with someone who will take care of you, like really take care of you. I mean take care of your soul, your wellbeing, your heart. Honestly to get there you have to do that for yourself first.

    Once you start loving yourself in an unconditional way you chose better partners.

    In JTs famous words ‘what goes around comes back around’ so I try not to be what I wouldn’t want done to me. Once you start living by those rules overall you make better choices for yourself too.

    How was your weekend? I remember in the initial period I used to dread the moments where I had nothing to do and instead of planning or filling it or learning to sit through those alone moments with patience. I filled myself with booze!

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