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July 31, 2019 at 10:05 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #305887
ParticipantHi Michelle,
Therapy was fine, we didn’t actually get to use the grief method as he merely asked how I was doing when I walked in and the tears more or less burst out and didn’t stop for the whole session! I was a bit embarrassed really as I hadn’t intended to have such a meltdown- I had a dentist appointment after and didn’t want to look like I was on the verge but out it came! My therapist was kind and funny as he normally is so it was fine in the end, he even had me laughing by the time I had to leave.
I knew what I was saying would be contradicted by him, e.g that I’m destined to be sad and alone, that I’m actually a really crap person now that I’m discovering the ‘real me’, that I’ll be a failure in my travel attempts, that there isn’t a single other male human being on the planet that I could ever find and be happy with again….and so it went on. But to be fair, I did feel a bit better just getting it all out of my head and into the universe. It was driving me mad!
He said my work situation can’t be helping as I have not seemed happy there in the three years he has been seeing me and a toxic workplace is never healthy for anyone. In relation to travel he understand my fear of loneliness but his response was….’well that’s true, you might be lonely. But you can also feel lonely at home, so at least if you’re lonely Down Under, you can think…yes I’m feeling lonely…..but ooh there’s a wallaby! haha, he has a point I guess!
I actually had half a thought of Africa in my head also as my friend (the one near London) will be in Capetown for work in late September, if I wanted to curate my travel to swing that direction, but I’ll see how it works out! I’m prepared to hand in my notice next week and hopefully finish work on Sept 6. Well actually prepared is a bit of an overstatement, I’m actually freaking out, but it will either be a good decision or a bad decision but I won’t know either way until I do it and ye know I like answers…one way or another!
I realise now, I’m still brokenhearted. It happened for a third time, yes. We weren’t fully together this last time, yes. People weren’t even aware, yes. But now it’s over. I’m lost and I suppose I have to find myself again. I’d be happy to just be happy even by myself if I could do that. However, while I try and move on and plan things and progress as best I can, I can’t pretend I’m over him or happier, it is what it is. I’m trying to deal, but it does make me sad.
I absolutely love and admire your spontaneous nature. I think it’s a marvellous idea, why not have a mini-holiday to help you get in the mindset for the bigger one! Also, in my selfish ways, I would love to hear more stories of your travels as you paint such wonderful visions in my mind’s eye! So I’m all for it if you can work it out!
I hope @kkasxo is doing well and that there mini-break was good.
July 30, 2019 at 3:34 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #305641Shelbyville
ParticipantHi all,
I’m moved by all the contributors to this thread. Thank you for your input.
It has been a difficult time. I don’t know why and when I don’t know something, I feel completely out of control. I like answers, I like to understand things. If I can understand things I can adjust. I completely seem to fall apart when I have a few days off. I’ve been back at work this week and a little more on a even keel, but as soon as one thing eases off, another pipes up. I have been in immense pain since Sat evening and taking heavy medication to be able to work, even had a crutch with me at work yesterday! It doesn’t rain but it pours.
I’m finding it hard to find any point to doing anything right now. Similar theme continuing about feeling how I’ve run out of time, the best of my life is over and no real clue if that mindset can change. The pain of loss of the relationship is really seeping in now, I sometimes wonder am I actually accepting it now, realising it’s over and that’s why it’s hurting so much, or was I merely in denial and the haze of denial has worn off. I can’t say at this point, I just don’t know.
Where on earth am I supposed to go next or what am I supposed to do and how will I stop 80 per cent of my day being given to thoughts of my ex and the ‘wonderful’ life he’s now living without me. I do my best to not spiral but it’s a poor attempt these days. The severe back pain the past couple of days has really put the frighteners on me for long haul travel now. What makes it bearable at the moment is knowing I have my family around and if I’m scared the pain will become too much, they are there to look after me, but in Oz for example, I could end up not being able to move in a hotel room by myself for weeks! Eek
I’m going to the counsellor later but I’m not optimistic tbh. I can’t see a groundbreaking moment happen anytime soon and it’s not from the want of trying! I’m not complacent at therapy, I try and open up as much as possible and discuss things etc. I don’t know. I am unhappy now and I’m growing weary of it. The relationship was probably the most happiness I’ve known and I don’t know how I can ever be happy without it, which is tragic and sad and I’d love to be a woman who gives the two fingers, but I guess that’s not me!
On a lighter note, have you any exciting plans Michelle?
Peggy thank you for the advice.
Sylvia- I hope you are doing okay, I hear ya. I know how tough it is. x
July 27, 2019 at 2:23 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #305221Shelbyville
ParticipantI realise tonight (as I cry myself to eventual sleep), it wasn’t worth it. None of it was worth it. I regret loving him. I regret it all.
I had a better life before. I feel I did. I know many say it’s better now, you grow etc. I don’t agree. My life was better before. My heart was better before. It’s like the relationship broke me and now I can’t be fixed and I want to go back to how I was before. I enjoyed being there.
Thats what makes me most sad, that I made a mistake that now can’t be undone and I have to live with the unhappy consequences.
Goodnight all.
July 27, 2019 at 6:29 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #305161Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Michelle,
I think I’ll stay on this thread, while a lot of stuff is going through my head right now, my split from my ex is still a big factor and all this is part of me, my story.
What if this change I’m going through is me just becoming a bitter mean person. What if I’m not a good person? What if I’m one of those people that others try to avoid ‘cos she’s so mouthy and a bit selfish. I don’t want to be that person either.
Anyway, I understand that this week is particularly difficult because of hormones and a reduction in my anti-anxiety medication. I’m a little disappointed it’s have such a significant impact as I was on such a low dosage as it was and now I’m only very little of it, but I guess I needed it more than I knew which makes me sad.
Also I got upset yesterday as I found out my little brother has been put on the same medication and while I was doing his girlfriends makeup for a wedding they were attending, no compliments I paid to him could get through to him. He was so down on himself, he looked fantastic but almost didn’t want to attend the wedding and was just so down. Now he was hungover too but he is struggling at the moment and it makes me worry and get so upset cos I don’t want him to have to suffer the life I’ve been suffering. I’d do anything to spare anyone I care about from this struggle. I don’t know what to do.
Anyway, I’m doing my friends makeup for a BBQ this afternoon for a bbq she’s going to, so I’m framing my day around that. I went for a walk this morning but other than that I can’t find much purpose to anything.
Im trying to be smart. I’m trying to think of the things I say to a close friend who suffers long term depression and anxiety, that it’s lying to her and she will know happiness and feel better one day, but Martha is out in full force tutting that ‘who am I trying to kid’… can’t magic away despair! I just wish I could feel that life will get better but I cannot shift the feeling deep inside that it’s over, nothing more to be done.
I don’t know if that has come from my ex leaving me, because the pain of that stabs me every half hour and thoughts of him, especially moving on, cut me like a knife. Or if I have come to the end of a cycle in my life of my job/living situation/friends. I don’t know.
I have therapy next week but I don’t know if it helps anymore. I have such immense respect and rapport with my therapist, I don’t feel like starting off from scratch with someone new who doesn’t know me, doesn’t know my ex, doesn’t know my family. I feel 3 years of therapy with one person is hard to try and shift to a new therapist.
I wonder each day about Kkasxo too and how she’s doing and how she pulled herself out of the hole and she evokes a positive outlook.
Thank you for explaining your story Michelle, I can completely understand that happiness didn’t just fall into your lap. From our interactions I get the sense that you did indeed put in the work to get where you are today. For me, I feel like I’m broken deep down, irreparably. I don’t know why, my mum, my step mum, my ex, the life I thought i’d have, who knows?! Or maybe I’d still be this person if none of those things happened.
Today I feel sick as the situation with my sisters is ‘fine’ for all intent and purpose. We’re talking again which is better than not, but it doesn’t feel…right. I also messaged someone I considered my best friend the other night. She lives near London so I don’t see her often but we have always remained besties. But in recent months, she has had a lot of stuff going on with work and her family. She doesn’t have a huge support structure where they live now and he children and active!!! So she has her hands full! But she often doesn’t reply to my texts anymore. Anyway the other night I messaged as I was in a really low point, as I always felt I could do this- and have done in the past and vice versa- but I received no reply which hurt a little. The next day she posts on social about being out for boozy lunch with her hubbie as they both had the day off, which was lovely but I don’t think I’d ever not reply to a struggling message from her, no matter what I was doing.
Sorry for going on, I suppose all the little things are adding up to the bigger things this week. Thanks as always for your support. You don’t have to and yet you do. It’s appreciated more than you can know. x
July 26, 2019 at 8:42 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #304995Shelbyville
Thanks so much for your help, I honestly don’t know what I would do without Tiny Buddha.
I don’t know what’s wrong with me lately. I’m all over the place. Had another argument with my sisters today. We were on group chat and my older sister asked for skincare advice and I started explaining that it will take time and I was blunt about her not putting a huge investment into her skin for many years so it will take a while to improve it, but they really berated me for the way I spoke. I completely see from their point of view but it wasn’t intended as mean or malicious, I was only factually trying to explain why it will take some time.
My younger sister texted me separately and said my tone was too full-on. A few wks back we had a group argument again where my sisters felt my tone was too severe on the messages. I apologised in person to my older sister that day to keep the peace as I didn’t want a bad atmosphere. Anyway this is just bickering but I feel because I feel so low, it makes me feel like who I am is not good enough. Only happy go lucky obliging Shelby is acceptable. But then I try to take myself out of the situation and see it from their point of view and try to see am I a complete cow and is it ME who’s the problem.
I have a headache since yesterday from crying. I also know I’ve reduced my medication with the aim of being off it by Sept but I’m disappointed in myself if this is the reaction. I honestly believed I was doing well in myself and don’t need it anymore.
I don’t really know who I am. Maybe I never knew, but at least when I was younger I thought I knew and ignorance is bliss. I honestly do not want to cause any friction with anyone, especially family cos they’re my closest friends, but it seems to constantly keep happening. I find myself biting my tongue 4-5 a days with my Dad.
Thank you for sharing your insight with me. At this point I can’t see how I will ever feel anything close to happy, I just feel everyday is a hard struggle of self awareness that has made my life worse not better.
I have a HUGE amount of friends and family and now while i’be always nurtured those relationships, I wonder have I just been a try-hard. I do all the texting, I do all the visiting, I make the requests to meet up. If I pulled back and didn’t do this, I don’t think people would go out of their way to have me in their lives. They’re all good people but they have their own lives and maybe I’m not as valuable as I thought.
I had tickets to go to a gig tonight but I’m not in the mood, so I’ve passed them on to a friend. Supposed to be going for a walk with my cousin later. But my tummy is all icky now with the conflict with my sisters. But yet, I don’t want to just apologise to ‘sweep it under the carpet again’.
Lordie this thread ya really gone down a rabbit hole in my head since the reason I first started it! I’m sorry!
July 25, 2019 at 1:42 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #304901Shelbyville
ParticipantHey there,
Im sorry I’ve not been posting. I’m not in great shape. On the outside all looks okay, but on the inside it’s a puddle. Again, I’m sure my hormones are playing a part, but it doesn’t make the feelings they evoke any less real to feel.
I’m sad Michelle. Like sad in my whole life. I just can’t stop the tears from coming out today. I have so much in my life to be grateful for, but deep down I know one whole truth. I am not happy.
And being unhappy for a really long time in one way or another makes you feel like you could never really know what happiness is.
I’ve tried so many different things in my life to be happy and I feel like nothing has worked. Not in a moany whiney type woe is me moan, I just mean factually speaking, it could genuinely be a case of me being one of those people that can never really be happy in life. There is just nothing in this world that for the type of person I am. It’s unfortunate but I’m sure I’m not the only one.
We all can’t be the same, some people are meant to be happy, some people are meant to be curious, some people are not meant to be happy and we all just share this world together for a time and then it’s over I guess.
Im afraid of travelling yes. Of the loneliness but not being alone. You can find people to hang out with anywhere, but what about the loneliness deep inside no matter how many people are around. I can never fly away from that.
It does however make me glad to hear your stories of daily adventures which make you happy. You’re one of the people to get happiness and that’s wonderful. X
July 23, 2019 at 6:20 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #304469Shelbyville
ParticipantHi there,
Well I’ve had an eventful few days and by that I don’t mean interesting gossip, I just mean a few days full of events I attended!
The gig of Friday night was good but I enjoyed dinner beforehand with my friend more, it was nice to catch up after months and I didn’t get wet which is also a plus. The gig on Sat night was fun, we danced and laughed and enjoyed ourselves and we met up with my sister and brother in law who were out for their anniversary and we all got home pretty late and babies woke super early on Sunday morning, so needless to say Sunday was a write-off. I looked over my shoulder a little in case I saw sight of my ex, but no sighting thankfully. And then there is that little tiny piece of your heart where you feel sad and disappointed that you didn’t cross paths.
I was so exhausted I had to go to bed at 3pm and then I just collected take-away for everyone’s sunday dinner as I would have been a serious health hazard in the kitchen that day! Back in to work on Monday morning like a zombie but then had to get some energy to go to another concert in the festival with my Dad. It was amazing, he loved it so much and even got emotional during a couple of songs. He really appreciated me taking him out for the evening as he doesn’t do much in terms of enjoyment anymore.
But today, ye can imagine how I am! A shadow of my former self, I’m so tired! I’m definitely too old for a few nights on the go and super early mornings! BUT… off work for the rest of the week, so that makes me happy. I’m bringing my 12 year old nephew to see the Lion King tomorrow and to the amusements because he’ll soon be starting school again and I haven’t spent much time with him as he lives with his mum- she and my brother are separated.
Friday my brothers girlfriend has booked me to do her makeup for a wedding, so I’m making Thursday a me day – which will probably involve nothing but bed! I need to get exercise in though as my diet over the weekend took a major hit! I’m really trying to stick to my healthy eating weight loss plan though as it was genuinely making me feel better about myself.
Some days I miss my ex a lot and feel pain at each memory, other days I’m totally detached and don’t really feel anything at all, but those days are generally days where I’m not remembering as such, so I don’t know where my head and heart is at. It hurts very badly some days….particularly this week, as it did about a month ago for this week. So who knows what I’m at?!
Kkasxo? How was Bermingham? I’m guess you’re feeling pretty much like me with tiredness this week!
Michelle….do you brew your own beer? That’s unreal! Sounds fun and also practical if you like beer!
July 19, 2019 at 3:01 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #303923Shelbyville
ParticipantGood morning,
I’d have to give a month’s notice to be fair. They will really be in trouble when I leave as we are currently in a protracted process where we’re fighting the company because they haven’t replaced someone who quit last year. So it’s tricky times. I have been trying to hold on until they make that hire. if they ever do, but it gets to the point where I can no longer put my colleagues ahead of my own wellbeing.
I’m excited about travel but not so excited about a lack of salary I must admit! But I’ll take it day by day and try to do lots of research.
I have a gig tonight but the weather is atrocious so I’m thinking I’ll be a drowned rat by the end of it though! Tomorrow for the big gig though the weather is supposed to be better! I’m doing everything I can to get into the mindset of enjoying tomorrows concert, even if I bump into anyone or have any reminders and I’m going to try and make it fun for my friend’s bday!
Some days are strange….some days I get sad and down and miss my ex and then some days it’s like i just ‘switch off’ and don’t really feel anything at all. The distance and lack of contact – out of sight out of mind type approach- makes me briefly acknowledge to myself that I don’t love him now. Now that’s not to say I won’t be in a puddle next week again, thinking I’ll not be able to live without him and love him beyond measure, but it’s ebbs and flows and right now, because I feel distance, I feel detached somewhat, so we’ll see how this progresses.
Kkasxo, how are you doing? Michelle have you any fun plans for the weekend? Biking and beers always sounds so fun to me!
July 18, 2019 at 6:11 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #303789Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Michelle,
Oh God no, I never wanted a guy to sweep in and carry me to his castle! You might have taken me up wrong! It was absolutely about working on it together, i was raised very much about having my own share in things and paying my own way. I would never rely on a man to provide something like that for me. I just thought that I’d fall in love, have a relationship and things would progress and we’d talk about getting/building a home together and we’d take it from there. I never really had much interest in taking something on on my own, so was happy enough to live at home in the meantime!
I don’t believe if I met the ex at the gig, he would be with a new romantic interest, it took him long enough to even get into a relationship with me, I know he is telling himself and in fairness probably feeling how much easier life is now with not having to deal with the demands of being with someone, so I know him, to as much a degree as I can, he wouldn’t. However if pigs fly and he is there with someone else……GOOD RIDDANCE!
Now that I have kinda made up my mind to leave work I feel so guilty with all the various things that are being future planned i my workplace right now and Im there saying…’sure ya, September is a good time to do that or this etc etc’…eek, I feel like a traitor or a liar! Oh well, that’s part of it I guess.
Your travel sounds incredible, I think I would be far to chicken to try all of those places you mentioned! But I’m looking forward to your constant updates hopefully!
How are you feeling today Kkasxo?
July 17, 2019 at 9:30 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #303727Shelbyville
I’ve been thinking about you a lot today. While I was on my walk in the countryside, I literally shove good vibes out of my body and asked the universe to take them to you wherever you are because you need them today. Anniversaries hurt. I think they can be said, even if they’re a good anniversary because they symbolise the passage of time. But yours is just that. In the past, something that happened you before. It is not the here and now. I still vividly remember my two emergency surgeries and to this day when I think about them I shudder as if I were right back there. It was traumatic for you, it makes sense. But it can’t hurt you now. Your brain is just running a re-run, which is normal. Things that hurt us in life, our brain (as a protective measure), will re-run them with the same intensity, less we forget and make the same mistakes again. It’s like what you talk about when you say it’s really old instincts and they date from prehistoric times. It’s okay ya know, but I promise you will be fine. Let it run its course and it’ll naturally fizzle out.
Yes you’re right. my family are not so aware of my plans to quit and travel. My sister and her husband know – they’re pretty much my best friends but I’ve no idea how I would break it to my Dad or how he’d manage. Tomorrow I’m meeting someone about a job I saw advertised that looks interesting, but if I travel, I won’t be able to apply for it, but I know someone who knows someone in the same company, so I said it could be no harm to meet for a casual cuppa and make the contact, who knows what will happen in the future.
Michelle, this is something my therapist finds…….unusual, or perhaps amusing! I always felt the home I left my home house for, would be my final dream home with my dream man! I know, could I get any more Disney! But that’s just how I feel. My older sister used to encourage me years ago about buying property and getting on the ladder, but it was never for me. I never felt like buying a flat or whatever for the sake of it and secondly, I think she vastly underestimated what salary I was on!
Last summer, I did go see a mortgage advisor about trying to get something on my own. I was with my ex at the time, but it was my way of trying to take control of the situation and creating my own space and if he eventually moved in with me, so be it. The options were limited to say the least on my 4-day salary. Basically if I scrimped and saved and didn’t go outside the door for the next 20 years, I could afford to build a very small cottage/house for myself on a family site about a mile from where I grew up. To be honest, I just didn’t feel like taking on that responsibility at the time either and what if I hurt my back again and ended up out of work, you’re solely responsible for the bills each month, at least when you have someone to support you half way, the burden doesn’t seem so big.
I do know I don’t really feel like urban living anymore, I’m kind of past that. Since I started uni when I was 17, I had lived in the city in various house shares or apartments and it was fun, but I’m more of a peace and quiet type girl now and I life fresh air and space! I guess I have princess wants on a paupers wage!
Travel anyway seems to be the priority for me right now and of course, that debt will push me back further from having my own home so it seems a bit too fantastical to have my own place any time in the near future.
I am sick of thinking about my ex, where he is, where he might be, what he might be doing, where his family are all home from abroad for the summer, he’s even taking up my sleeping time, constantly appearing in my dreams. For goodness sake, when does this phase (i hope) pass? I have been watching my diet lately and exercising as much as I can and am starting to see the difference a little and people have commented which is nice. It’s kind of giving me the motivation to continue. I have two music gigs Im supposed to be going to this weekend- Fri and Sat. The one on Sat is one of his favourite bands and while it’s unlikely he will attend, and even if he did, there will be thousands of people there and I’d probably not even see him, I’m nervous. I considered not going but then I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction but I also DEFINITELY don’t want to bump into him. In my head i can believe he is sad and bunkered down and forgive me….dead…..but if i see him out enjoying a music gig with his friends, I think I’ll break. It is my friends birthday though and I’m bringing her to the gig as part of her present, so I guess I’ll just bite the bullet and suck it up!
As for travel, I don’t know how long I would go for but Oz & NZ, Fiji would be on the list, my friend has recommended Kuala Lumpur for a few days too, so I need to find a good travel agent who is not affiliated with any companies, my friend said for a large trip like this, possibly round the world, travelling solo, a travel agent is usually a good bet, so we’ll see! Eek, I might for for two weeks and be in bits and arrive back home!
July 16, 2019 at 1:23 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #303615Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Kkasxo,
You have had such a path of growth already. You recognise triggers, you don’t try to run from emotion/memories, you don’t let a spiral take control, you realise things have to be felt to be released…..I mean, can we just take a moment? What incredible work you have done! I’m proud of you, even though I have no place in your life to be! But it feels a long time ago since last October when I ‘met’ you first. You’re not the same now as you were then. Wow, you clever lady!
When someone says that objectively….oh Shelby you’re considering quitting your job & going travelling, I feel like it sounds like I’m doing well and have come full circle and don’t even need this particularly titled thread anymore. But ya know, it’s still not the case. I’m still heartbroken, I still miss him massively and can’t see myself moving on and ye, I’m aware of this sounding like further holding on… if I’m saying, hang on people, I’m not okay, I’m sad, I’m broken, I have to hold on to that cos if I don’t, I’ve nothing left. I dunno if that makes sense. But I still feel for and think about my ex too much I think and until I hop on a plane, never looking back & excited for my new future, I’m still not gonna be healed!
If I do this trip, part of it is going to be spent given to thoughts of him. It would have been ideal if I had done this travel before meeting him and truly immersed myself in the experience but I am where I am now and I have to play the cards I’m dealt.
Something weird happened this evening. My Dad arrived back and as I do each evening I hopped up out of his comfy chair and handed him the remote for the tv, it’s one of simple pleasures in a life that is mostly spent working extremely hard outside. Anyway he joked and said ‘I don’t know what we’ll do in the winter with just one tv’. It’s not so bad now as the long days mean he doesn’t come in until much later. But something struck me. The assumption I would be here in the winter. And of course why wouldn’t I be? I’ve been here every winter and nothing to indicate I’m about to leave, prior to this there were at least prospects with my ex, but now, not much chance in his eyes. But I got a startle, like I nearly felt I just wouldn’t be here for the winter and that was nothing conscious in me, as ye know I have no plan for the future. But something deep in me, just felt bad because he was talking about what he sees happening and I nearly felt like I was lying, because I didn’t feel somewhere deep down that I’d be part of that vision anymore. Anyway, probably just reading into things too much!
Im glad your family are waiting a little longer, it will really give you a chance to settle and put in a good foundation for yourself before they go. Maybe it’s happening then as it should?
July 16, 2019 at 3:06 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #303537Shelbyville
Lol…..not old just a longtime friend i mean!!!
I met from friend who is home from Oz for a visit with her fiance and baby yesterday evening and she’s the friend who I have always been drawn to so much, she’s incredibly charismatic and motivating with such strong self assurance.
She was going through flight options with me as if it were a list for the weekly grocery shopping and completely doable! It is a little more reassuring that if I go Down Under I will have her as somewhat of a security blanket within the country if I get in trouble!
I think it’s time to let go of the job, eek, I’m going to hand in my notice in the next couple of weeks! It’s mad! I’ll be so broke, but as my friend says, you have the time or you have the money, rarely do you have both and you will never regret travel!
I am going to write out the list Mark suggested when I get home from work, because everything still hurts about the whole situation. Sometimes I get so mad, other times I miss him like a limb. I went to therapy yesterday but got a bit of an anxiety attack when he described the method we might use to see if I’m still holding on to grief about my mum. I wasn’t ready to try yesterday, but I’m going to give it a go at my next session. The gravity of my attack even thinking about it, seems to indicate there is definitely something there that needs to be addressed!
Kkasxo, I too have been wondering when your family departs? I’m so glad you are in a stable situation now to deal with whatever might come. Go you!
Michelle, when or where is your next trip?
July 15, 2019 at 4:38 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #303315Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Michelle,
The guilt is somewhat ingrained alright. We grew up with the belief that you do anything for the people you care about. My dad literally did EVERYthing within his power for my mum when she was ill and that was the example that was set for us. It’s the right thing to do. It’s not just a case though of…”oh I don’t want to do this or that, but I HAVE to otherwise I’ll feel guilty”, it causes me guilt not just because I feel I should but also I feel so strongly for the people I care about that I can’t bear not to do everything I can for them. I feel guilty because I know, something i can do can really help another out, why wouldn’t i do it?! That kind of thinking!
As ever, you’re right! You’re like a really old friend who knows me so well and is not afraid to say, Shelby are ya mad?! What on earth are you doing considering a daft idea like a dating seminar!!!! Thank you, that decision is now vetoed! I have no interest in anyone else right now!
You may think I’m a terrible person but I don’t really get too excited about the prospect of a man with his own children. I know it’s a possibility at my age, but my preference would be to not. I don’t mean to sound harsh, but I’ve always wanted someone to start off from scratch with me as it were! Silly though that sounds, also the example of any friends and family who have blended families has not been good, all hassle, often strife. It just isn’t something I would prefer not to be the case, what do they say, beggar can’t be choosers!
I think I will definitely go travelling, I can talk about it until the cows come home, but i can never know how it is going to work out until I do it. There is no magic ball. I just have to do it. If I’m sad and lonely abroad, at least Tiny Buddha can come everywhere with me!
Kkasxo, I hope you’re doing well this week, how was the weekend for you?
Thank you Mark for your input, that does seem to be the hardest part, I’m missing this about him, I’m missing that about him but rarely do I consider what I don’t miss…such as the constant disappointment and feeling of being unwanted! I will do your approach.
July 12, 2019 at 11:36 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #303037Shelbyville
ParticipantIm so sorry, I’ve been so caught up with work this week, I’ve only had brief chances to glance at posts and missed your previous post. Anxiety is not fun, we all know this, but you had a pretty darn good attitude about how you felt the other day, that’s a far cry from what you would have previously said and done when you felt so low. You have indeed come a long way and bit by but you can figure out what is causing your fear, because that’s all anxiety is. Fear.
You sound so like me last weekend when I had to go to the hen party! Initially when I rsvp-ed I thought it would be a good idea but as the date approached I felt increasingly anxious and just wanted to back out! I have to say it wasn’t have as bad as I imagined! It wasn’t the best night ever, some elements of it made it incredibly sad, but at the same time, it was fine……it didn’t break me down into pieces.
You will have a lovely break in Birmingham, maybe its a part of you that has regained some level of routine/safety/security in your new place and new life and you’re just anxious about going to a different place where you can’t escape to your sanctuary if you need to. But this could be one of those challenges of growth we all endure and maybe you’ll be back here afterwards to post about what an enjoyable weekend it was!
The funny thing about my job is that, while I feel underpaid, under appreciated and overstressed, it’s not all bad. I’ve worked there for 15 years and I have made some lovely friends and I genuinely know I’ll be a ball of tears leaving. Not because I want to stay, but maybe because I’ll miss some of it. The ‘place’ I had there. I’ll have to build it all up from scratch again somewhere else.
One thing I do need to get on is practicing more of my makeup. Since my course finished I’ve let it fall by the wayside a little and that was never my intention.
Ye are going to think I’m mad, but I was actually thinking about booking a flight to London at the end of the month for an event all about dating!!!! What on earth am I like??! I mean I have no interest in dating, but I just like the motivational speaker! However, I think I’ll save my money for proper travel.
My family used always be teasing me saying they were jealous because I was always nipping away for holidays (particularly with the ex cos he loved to travel) and then my brother mentioned the other day that he’s going to Spain for a week and I said ‘well for some’ and he said ‘what are you talking about, you are gone off somewhere every second weekend’ and I had to stop him and say ‘actually no, those days are gone. I haven’t been anywhere since Jan 2018 when I last went to the Canaries with my ex’. And i couldn’t believe it had been that long and I guess my family were surprised too and I got the feeling that they felt a shift and the way they thought of me, has got to kind of…change now….I felt them kind of feel ” she’s right, that was her old life, when she lived the high life, but we forgot that’s gone now for her, old habits die hard I suppose”.
Anyway, I need to go somewhere, I feel like I need time to think……but that’s my modus operandi, I always want to be in a distant distant place when I’m feeling all over the place! Watching a show called Miranda on TV this evening, I don’t like a lot of comedians but I really like this show for its sheer silliness. Sometimes, we just need a bit of silly!
July 11, 2019 at 12:15 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #302939Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Michelle,
Thanks so much for your input. I kind of feel bad that you contribute so much of your time to helping me sort out my mess of a life!
Ok, so firstly, yes, I put others before myself. For two reasons- 1) I get a pay off/a high from helping others 2) the guilt. Oh lordie the guilt. It’s absolutely useless as a feeling, and nevertheless it persists. My therapist thinks it’s the most pointless of feelings but understands that it can be bred into some people through family from a young age. I’d love to sing off into the sunset if I didn’t have a 3 tonne bag of guilt attached to my waist!
As for my locality- there are NO eligible men! Well….unless you consider my 70 year old neighbour! But it’s not so much I feel I will click with someone from my locality, but maybe someone who I mesh with who has the same values as me, gets where I come from and I get where he comes from, his background etc! I couldn’t imagine for a moment that a French man for example would find me remotely interesting and I don’t speak fluent French! I’m waffling now, my apologies!
As for the kids thing. I do not want to have them alone. I honestly cannot possibly admire anyone more than single parents, they must have the resilience of a iron clad wall. I don’t just ‘want to be a mum’ either as many of my single friends would have always said over the years. For me, it was specific to the ex, I never knew I wanted them and only realised I wanted his….because of who he is/was. At this point what I know now is that I know I don’t not want them, if that makes sense, but it would be wholly based on who with.
Asking for a sabbatical in my workplace is not a runner. Firstly they will say no anyway, we’re understaffed as it is and I’m my own worst enemy in the amount I have taken on. Secondly even if by miracle they agreed, I don’t want to feel bound to them or that I owe them, it’s that type of organisation, they keep receipts! It’s small and they take offence at everyone who legitimately leaves to pursue something else!
I liked your practical tips to get around some of the logistics. I guess I’m wondering…..if I make this move, if I travel, does that mean I’m working on myself and growing? Or will I just still feel this way 6 months down the road? That might seem like a very existential question sorry!
I still find it hard to be alone. I get bored and restless. Then sometimes I can’t wait to get out of a crowd to the peacefulness of my home surroundings as I find chat exhausting!
I have looked at the freezing eggs idea before but a friend told me it can sometimes be a hindrance more than a help, because they check your egg count etc during the process and that can frighten you even more if it’s low and you had blissfully living in ignorance and hope up to that point.
I PROMISE I’m not trying to be negative or shoot down any advice, there’s some great advice I’m taking in. I’m just replying as honestly as I can to the ideas to tease out what will work and what won’t!
As yet, can’t imagine Mr.B……Mr OneAndOnly still stuck back there. I don’t mean that I’ll go back to Mr. OneAndOnly- that hope is dead now. I just mean, in my heart in the future I can’t imagine someone coming along that would change that and actually make me happy!
@Kkasxo, how are you doing? Is work still crazy busy? -