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April 23, 2019 at 2:26 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #290291
Wow you don’t hang about! South Africa already? It’ll be incredible no doubt!
The family rows were silly & small but upset me at the time but it’s all fine now. There was no big clearing of the air or apologies, we just kind of….went back to talking about ordinary things.
I went to therapy today but I admit I’m very vulnerable at the moment because I’m laid up with pain and it always seems to get in on me, emotionally as well as physically.
Im hoping to really rest tomorrow, fingers crossed!
@kkasxo, miss you! Hope all is well.April 21, 2019 at 12:22 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #290049Shelbyville
ParticipantHi all,
Just checking in. A bit of a ‘meh’ day arguing with family.
How are you Kkasxo?
April 16, 2019 at 2:05 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #289333Shelbyville
ParticipantHi there, oh if only I were resting! My lack of posting is a mere reflection of the lack of hours in the day. I’ve been non-stop going & a few months ago, that’s ALL I wanted- to stay occupied, but now it’s a lot.
Work is chaotic busy & my course is demanding & trying to get to see all my friends & spend time with family, and do other bits and pieces, I just wonder will it ever slow down again?! I have, however discovered online grocery delivery….I had to find ways to lessen the load on my plate- it’s miraculous! Who knew?!!
But I’m tired a lot. Ex still in South America. How are you doing hun?
April 11, 2019 at 2:19 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #288661Shelbyville
I genuinely do appreciate your contributions and please know that I appreciated the offer of advice and I ‘in theory’ do want to work on that, but I suppose the wariness is just there. Having said that, what you mentioned previously seemed completely rational and understandable so I got paid today so about an hour ago I scheduled a session with my therapist for tomorrow to discuss it further and explore the things that you raised that have been swimming over and over in my mind since I read your post.
So am I correct in thinking you were an anxious/insecure attachment type… me….and now are a secure attachment type? You were able to change…or rather grow? I also read your advice to Kkasxo and will read those books your recommended as I like to read and gain new perspective. Also starting researching the house sitting options! Thanks you x
April 10, 2019 at 9:36 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #288487Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Michelle,
I don’t disagree with what you said. Thanks for taking the time to go through the whole situation in that way.
I’m not afraid of working on myself & if I have perhaps backed off from suggestions in that direction previously, even from others on this forum, it was because I have reservations about potential damage.
I spoke to my therapist in the past & genuinely I have a lot of respect for him, he’s good at what he does, and he was quite concerned about people online offering ‘psychological advice’ and what they were ultimately getting out of it themselves.
Now I hope you understand that I’m just being as honest as I can be. Because this is an online forum, I have always kind of had this last level or layer of protection about myself. I’m sure if we met in person, we’d get on like a house on fire and be lovely friends and I’m very glad you take the time to offer advice on an ongoing basis. I appreciate it probably more than you know.
I completely understand your perspective and that you believe it to be counterproductive to continue contributing to a conversation about my situation with my ex, so honestly I take no offence whatsoever for you detach from that element.
Im not wary of working on myself, just perhaps of doing it incorrectly or causing damage in some way. In my line of work, I have learned to become quite cynical in certain ways!
I will continue to look forward to your tales from all your trips as I definitely feel they give me perspective. Again, I’m not rejecting your offer as such, I’m just wary. I certainly appreciate the offer and the manner in which you conveyed it in a non-threatening, non-pushy way.
This you may simply clock up to me being unwillingly to work on myself, and there is nothing I can do to change your mind on that, as it seems a reasonable assumption. However, all I can say is that the idea of making my own inner self strong and happy sounds amazing and genuinely something I would be interested in, but just not sure if this forum sits well in my gut as the route for me….
You definitely sound like you’re up for being proactive- do you think that is a change from where you were maybe a fortnight ago- when you felt completely depleted? You definitely sound like you have more energy now, even if not happier, perhaps looking for a way out of the tunnel?
April 9, 2019 at 3:04 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #288213Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Michelle,
Thanks for the advice as always. To be honest, I thought I HAD reached my time limit….the first time…..then the second time….lol….and yet it just keeps going! I seem to want to try over and over and over again. I agree that not giving any answer is a way of staying at the crossroads, then you can hang out there forever and never actually have to choose a road.
I definitely think he feels that life will restrict him, yet I have seem glimpses of times when I truly feel it’s what his heart wants deep deep down. As i mentioned before he has an avoidant attachment style so naturally enough when things get too serious, he pulls back and starts finding excuses and reasons as such being restricted. Why he has that style I don’t know….that would be for a therapist to figure out I guess!
I don’t want to waste my life for sure, I don’t know what I’m doing this. I just feel he’s so special. But don’t get me wrong, there are times I start to wonder why he doesn’t see how special I am, he does to an extent that he is comfortable with, but not what I had hoped for I suppose.
I am super burnt out these days, the course and my work and other commitments are really wiping me, I’m exhausted! I would love a holiday but honestly am flat broke and can barely make ends meet. Hopefully after my course, things will ease off and I can get a small loan to go travelling. However, I’m in incredible pain today with my back (chronic pain) so I get worried about making such a long trip abroad as flying or sitting in buses etc is very difficult for me. When I flew to America a few years ago I splashed out for business class seats so that i could use the flat out bed for my back, but those heady days of having money are long gone!
I have not heard of that house minding arrangement, wow, what an excellent plan….is there a dedicated website for things like that?
April 8, 2019 at 8:18 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #288047Shelbyville
ParticipantHi all,
Just scanning the replies as quickly as I can to catch up, forgive me if I miss some.
How are you doing? Sleeping any better? Thanks for the advice on my situation, I really appreciate you giving me advice despite going through so much yourself as it is.
How is the house hunting going? Realistically at this point, do you WANT to live with Mr. A2? Or are you hoping it will go back to way things were if ye live together, where you would be warming his pyjamas for him on the radiator and you’d feel content and happy again? Or are you just doing it now cos you started down this path and feel you have to continue?
I still don’t know what my ex wants, because HE doesn’t know what he wants. He said he wanted us to have our own place but found reasons not to. He said he’s scared at the thought of being a parent, it terrifies him but hasn’t said outright that he doesn’t want them, he even suggested what activities he would do with a child if he had one.
Even now after we starting speaking after the split, I asked him if he’s happier not being in a relationship and he says he doesn’t know what will make him happy, he has no clue which way to go. So he breaks up with me so he doesn’t have to think about it.
I know I want more than what I’m getting now and evidently what I was getting before, but he’s genuinely such a great person, I feel the potential and I feel horrendous at the thoughts of ya not working out. I don’t know why I’m not a woman who says ‘hell no, I’m not sticking around for a ‘maybe’” but I am who I am. I am not that woman, I’m someone who keeps risking her heart.
April 7, 2019 at 1:46 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #287933Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Kkasxo,
I truly understand where you’re coming from. It’s difficult to maintain and enjoy a relationship when you’re living for abc hoping someone will react in the way you want them to. Do you love mr.asshole (funny!) now, everything about him, excited for the future with him? Or do you love ex mr.asshole and the idea of how it WAS rather than how it is?
If you think you are happy or can be, then I’m fully supportive, it’s absolutely no less than you deserve. Michelle made a good point about communication and really talking it through and I imagine it’s disheartening for you when he kind of shuts down the conversation like the last time.
Keep focusing on the house hunt anyway as that’s a priority for you now, one way or another.
I’m absolutely exhausted. Proper body broken exhausted. I’ve been on the go so much lately & then my sister & husband asked me to help out this weekend as she’s been sick & finding it tough with two small kids & some of their appliances broke too so they’ve been stressed.
Im home now but have to do makeup on a friend for an occasion she has and then I’m going to a makeup masterclass for the afternoon as I think it will help with my course. Im working a really long day in work tomorrow right up to tomorrow night & then have my course after work on tue evening & my sister wants me to join her at a slimming group after my course tue night. Babysitting Wednesday morning (as I’m off work) and then work thur followed by my course. Then babysitting fri night as it’s my sisters bday & I offered then doing makeup on sat on my other sister for a ball she’s attending. I do family dinner on Sunday then where we do a cake etc for my sister. It’s. Full. On
I find it hard to know am I distracting myself or have I just gotten back to my role of being there for everyone because I have no life/future of my own.
The ex has been sending me pics and videos from Peru and I’m so jealous, it looks incredible. Also, we’re still not where we were in a relationship so it’s all very polite as yet & I can’t really vent to him etc as if we were boyfriend & girlfriend, like before. It’s all so up in the air.
I don’t know if he wants a future with me realistically. He’s having a ball as he is. Albeit in a lot of pain cos he didn’t wear SPF and burned the living daylights out of his legs!
I loved being with my ex. In truth I don’t have faith that I could achieve something even better than that with someone new. I know you have and that is so wonderful but at the same time, it’s quite possible that there isn’t someone else out there for me too. I might not meet anyone else I guess.
Im rambling again, sorry! Everything you have said is what I would say to a friend. I know this. I know two people need to grow together, I know you need to have the same values, I know the best relationship is when you are there to support each other through thick and thin. Yet, I still want that with my ex & can’t seem to reconcile what’s going on.
I want to live with him, have a child with him. Marriage would be great but if it came down to it, not a dealbreaker. I want to be with him but not have him considering bolting for the door whenever it gets tough or scary, that doesn’t help my anxiety in any way.
My brain is a bit mush at the moment, I best get my stuff ready for my friend who is coming over for makeup.
Granada sounds wonderful, where is it? I feel like an escape!!!! ?
April 5, 2019 at 12:54 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #287665Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Kkasxo,
You’re incredible. Helping your friends family is so valuable right now. It our times of grief, the community really rallied around us and to this day, I will never forget what people did for us at that time. I meant more than those people will probably ever really know, so you are a huge gift to that family right now. Will there be a service or funeral? That really helps you come to terms with what has happened and process it a little better than having the final image in your head. It moves that image on somewhat to a more peaceful, natural one. I hope you find some solace in that and well done on going to therapy, it really can be a lifesaver and breath of fresh air when you need it most.
I’m sorry you don’t feel particularly happy with your ex at the moment, I’m with Michelle on this one. Love and support means being their for your priorities when they need you most. But, if you want things to change, maybe try something different and sit down and discuss it. Communicate. Silence will only build your resentment. I would say, ok ex….let’s try and do things differently and communicate more. The other night I felt…….and so on……and then ask him how he felt and what led him to make certain decisions about his night?
You are doing a lot better than you think you might be right now.
Don’t mind my mumblings, I don’t know what I’m saying half the time. A lot of stream of consciousness going on. I just want it to work out with my ex, but I am also prone to absorbing other people’s opinions and I can’t say that people are wrong either so I’m scared and constantly living with the anxiety of the axe I expect to fall again. I just want to be happy but I know for me to be happy, he needs to change and adapt too and I don’t know if that’s possible. A friend I confided in yesterday (who is a guy and an ex and not dissimilar in many ways to my current ex) said straight out…’Okay, you won’t change him. Just accept that, he is who he is and won’t change. Can you live with that?’. I don’t know, I know in the past I couldn’t and I don’t want to settle but I don’t want to be without him either, so I don’t have a clue how to manage everything.
He texts me from his trip, mostly just pictures and updates. I doubt he is missing me too much as there is so much distraction, but I miss him.
As for your return, Im so glad you got back safe and sound. Pity about the weather, it’s gone pretty nippy!
April 4, 2019 at 2:58 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #287519Shelbyville
ParticipantI’m so sorry for your experience. It’s very very tough. I have had three people very close to me pass away after an illness and have seen them all take their last breath and it is so final and so frightening if you are not prepared for it.
I know it’s hard for you right now to see it as anything other than traumatic, but try and think of it this way…your poor family friend was very ill and suffering through that horrible illness and you did a very kind act by calling on her in her final hours to make her feel comforted by the company and then she gave up the struggle and is at peace now, not suffering and struggling with that awful illness anymore. She’s at peace now, as difficult as it is to let someone go, it is better that they no longer are so sick or in pain.
Well done Kammy, you did a kind kind thing and one day you will look back and know that and understand that the poor lady is not longer sick or suffering.
I’m sending you a big virtual hug (that your ex really should have given you). You deserve one. You will be okay and I hope you still look forward to living as much as life as you can before you have to one day in the far far future take your last breath, surrounded by loved ones.
Let me know if there is anything at all I can do to help. x
April 2, 2019 at 1:11 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #287299Shelbyville
ParticipantHi all,
I’m feeling a bit blue this evening. So much for me keeping my cards close to my chest this time round…….I’m missing my ex while he’s away and negative thoughts just keep circling around my head. Whatever one is expected to learn after a breakup, I clearly didn’t as I’m counting down to his return. Despite being busy, despite continuing with my own life, it’s always there in the back of my mind.
@kkasxo, I’m gonna wait for your witty response!!!!March 31, 2019 at 11:45 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #287145Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Michelle,
No set plan as such. I have a friend who lives about one hour north of Sydney in a lovely place called Newcastle and she just had a baby so I’d definitely like to go there. Also would like to travel to Melbourne and NZ, so I need to get researching.
I’m feeling down the past few days because I’m missing him while he is away, although he has been texting me and sending photos regularly. My younger brother now knows about the reunion because he happened to spot my car on the motorway when we went away for our romantic weekend- what are the odds? Anyway, we spoke about it yesterday and he just laughed. He doesn’t judge, he does his own thing and lets people do their own thing. He admitted he’s often gone back to his exes before a couple of times, but just for a ‘once off’ weekend or something like that. He says I need to keep my options open and be looking elsewhere.
I guess I just feel sad that no-one has any hope whatsoever for myself and my ex and I guess that hurts because it makes me feel like I’m less than I am. That I’m silly or foolish and everyone else in the world is right and everyone is just waiting for the inevitable heartbreak again, therefore….now I’m frightened and just waiting for the breakdown too. It’s making me sad I suppose, the whole situation. I just want it to work out, I don’t want to be hurt again either though, but my life is just a mess right now. So I’ll stay focused on my course and my new baby godson and my job. I’ve had to cancel my therapy this week because I’ve had a number of bills and simply can’t afford it right now.
@Kkasxo……Hanging in there? xMarch 29, 2019 at 1:47 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #286863Shelbyville
You really have ignited a desire travel within me, it sounds like exactly what I would love. Basic decisions, opening the mind and not thinking too much ahead. I love markets – I remember I went to a market in Marrakech and I could have stayed ALL day, my eyes couldn’t take in everything before me!
After the weekend together, my ex did text me later the night of my return to say he had a really nice weekend but was working at home and was exhausted. I replied to that. The following day he also texted me a funny video from his home town and again I replied in a friendly tone and he replied and I left it at that. So I suppose, I wasn’t very engaging I guess. Maybe I was testing him a bit to see what lengths he would go to to stay in contact, but in hindsight, perhaps it was a bit of game-playing, which I’m not a fan of. But I also didn’t want to be too readily available,,,create somewhat of a challenge, but he’s like a deer in headlights and I should have known, if he gets the slightest hint of potential hurt, he’ll bolt!
@Kkasxo, you seem to think you are in this by yourself. You’re not. I’m right here with you and sorry, but I am simply not giving up on you and you can’t stop me! I meet you (virtually) at such an horrific period in my life and I feel you have now become someone whose wellbeing and welfare I now care for. If I don’t hear from you, I worry. You make me laugh sometimes with witty things you say and you have offered me great advice and light at the end of the tunnel in days gone by.You are in a hole at the moment, that’s okay. You have a right to be. Stay there for a while, if you feel you don’t have the energy to pull yourself up right now. That’s ok too. But if you don’t come out of the hole one day, I’m just going to have to go down and get you Kammy, because we’re in this together. Remember our pact! I’m not letting you off the hook. Life is genuinely Sh+t right now, I know. But as Michelle says, we really really cant tell how it is going to turn out, within reason. A breakthrough could have just been around the next corner. You have love in your life, just hold on to that for now. I will literally hop on a plane and help you up from the floor in your pyjamas if you need me to!!!
Since I started the course, it has reduced my rumination somewhat, merely because I do not have the hours in the day to mull that much anymore. It doesn’t mean Im better or anything like that, it just means, I literally don’t have space to think right now, so look it, maybe if you really focus on finding a new place, it will distract you enough to disrupt the neurological pathway you have established by persistent negative thoughts encroaching on you.
You have way too much to contribute to this life not to let it out, some day. Whenever. But in the meantime, as my therapist says, survival is an achievement. So let’s just do that xx
March 28, 2019 at 5:25 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #286707Shelbyville
Youre telling me!!!! I was drinking tea at the time and nearly spat it out!
He literally booked it Sunday, to depart on tues! That’s the kind of person he is at times. He was saying that his brother was not having as good a time as he hoped while travelling because he finds it hard to meet people, so he was going over to help him enjoy it a bit more.
I explained that actually getting on a plane to the far side of the world after spending a weekend with me, kinda doesn’t exactly send a great message and he said he never even thought of it that way and that he hadn’t heard from me all week despite him initiating contact twice after the weekend, so he figured I wasn’t looking for anything more than that. Said he didn’t know what to do. I told him that picking up the phone and calling to discuss it, would solve a lot of questions and he admitted we need to communicate better.
Anyway, while I miss him, I have a little while now for it not to be at th forefront of my mind.
How is your trip going?
March 27, 2019 at 12:12 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #286629Shelbyville
ParticipantHi all,
Thanks for your last post Michelle, again it’s been a chaotic week, so it’s taken me a few attempts to read it through fully.
I will fill ye in however that my ex is now gone to South America. I caved on Sun night and asked if he’d be free to meet on Monday evening and we did.
He informed me that he was flying to S.America the following day for about a month to spend time with some family who is also travelling there at the moment.
I was shocked. Anyway, the encounter was fine, again I enjoyed his company and laughed. I don’t know what will happen on his return, we’ll see.
I’m so swamped at the moment, I can barely think about anything. Nonetheless, I’m still booking my trip Down Under and will check out the website you recommended Michelle.
@kkasxo, you still hanging in there? x -