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January 17, 2019 at 9:46 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #275141
Dont worry about caving to contact- I caved every single time I needed to….remember? Now I’m not fighting it any more. I just don’t want to contact him. I don’t know why, fear, acceptance, whatever it is, this is where I am.
I think if you’re expending so much energy on fighting the urge to contact, maybe you’re not there yet. I don’t think you wake up one day after struggling with no contact and magically feel like hey I don’t want to contact him now. That’s just me anyway. I struggled and struggled and it was wearing me down. I contacted him a couple of times when I needed to, for whatever reason and now the need seems not so great. So don’t worry about what you do. Remember whatever happens, whatever action you take will not be wrong, it will be part of your path.
I hope the therapist helped this eve?
January 17, 2019 at 3:16 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #275083Shelbyville
ParticipantMorning Kkasxo,
I understand where you are coming from with the no contact. At the end of the day, I guess it is work he needs to do himself and not just continuing doing the same things he always does, therefore not changing deep down. Well done on refraining from contact. Maybe discuss with your therapist too and see what she thinks.
The morning sadness, that’s all part of it. Remember when I used to get it so bad. Now I feel it has switched more to evenings. But it too shall pass. A big thing for me with the no contact is that I don’t expect any contact from him whatsoever, so it is a little easier in that sense. I dreamt of my ex too last night. I dreamt we were back together, in his house, but in a different room and his brother had a second child at this point and they were visiting, but at all times in the dream my head was fuddled and I couldn’t clear the fog of where I was and who I was with. I was with him and he was saying the right things, but I couldn’t unfuzz my head to appreciate it. Weird!
Don’t talk to me about songs!!!! I’m not doing too bad with some of them, but I nearly puke when I hear George Ezra’s ‘Give me a minute to hold my girl’….also, I listen to Ann-Marie’s ‘Then’ when I’m mad about the situation!
Work is insanely busy today due to bad management so I have a super bad headache trying to get everything done. Oh and I developed a little twitch on my left eye lower lid since last Saturday and honestly, it’s driving me to distraction! Anyone ever hear of this?
You’re doing really well the past while and I think you are going into things a lot stronger that previous events such as your birthday or anniversary etc…
January 16, 2019 at 11:47 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #274977Shelbyville
I genuinely don’t notice the difference in gluten free pasta at all. Slight difference in pizza alright but I’m used to it now. My Dad always scoffs at my gluten free choices but I made him a gluten free pizza last night & he didn’t notice! Lol!
I was thinking more about my situation today. It’s just nothing. I kind of feeling nothing at the moment. I can’t say I’ve accepted it, because if that were the case, I’d see why we didn’t work and understand I couldn’t be with someone like that etc. I don’t feel that way. But neither am I reaching out to retrieve it. I do believe I’m waiting for him! I wouldn’t want to be holding my breath while doing so! He could be in S.America by now for all I know!
Thats great that you see things more clearly in a way. I think you’re incredibly strong to withstand all the contact. However, would it be an idea to reply and say, I appreciate the effort you have made to communicate with me, but I would sincerely appreciate some space right now, with no contact with you. Thank you. Or something like that.
I think you’re getting there, slowly but surely, but by bit, you’re getting there Kkasxo! x
ParticipantEnding it with him seems to be absolutely the right decision. He was not treating you with any respect. Nobody should stay with anyone who doesn’t respect them.
I know it hurts and you are sad. That’s completely normal, and it will hurt for a while, but it won’t hurt as bad forever. You deserve better. You deserve happiness, something your ex probably wouldn’t be able to contribute to.
January 16, 2019 at 7:38 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #274925Shelbyville
Tbh I think I would be way more inclined to make contact if he were the type to reciprocate it, but he’s like…..I dunno…..a statue. He doesn’t talk about things, with anyone, he doesn’t get into emotion and if he makes a decision he just gets on with it. So it’s his personality I guess that is making No Contact a bit more feasible.
When I first communicated with you, you believed you were the happiest lady with your ex and couldn’t understand how you would go on without him. Now you realise there were deficiencies in your relationship and you weren’t fulfilled- woah!!!! Progress much?!!! Well done. You did want more and you still want more and effectively unless he is willing to do deep work on himself to be the partner who will fulfill your needs and you his, then maybe no contact is the best route just for now. I agree totally, a lot changes in a week- don’t worry about what the exact plan for the date is until closer the time.
Lasange? Yum! Although I had to switch to gluten free pasta a few years ago. I used to be all gluten free but reintroduced bread and a few other things and they seem to be fine- but I still can’t do regular pasta or pizza. Lucky for me pizza express do both! That will be a nice reward for you after your effort to make it! Well done!
January 16, 2019 at 6:07 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #274891Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Kkasxo,
Thank you for saying I’m doing well. I guess I’m definitely doing better than when I started this thread and for that I am grateful. I definitely have no impetus to contact my ex right now. I often think about it and then a ‘meh’ feeling comes over me and I don’t bother. So hang in there, when the brain chemistry withdrawal eases off after the initial no contact period, it does seem to get easier and be less of a battle. But in fairness it’s taken me almost 4 months to get here. I still miss him, but the memories are not in HD now, our wonderful little brains protecting us again I guess, they fuzz out the painful memories to give us breathing space!
The most exciting thing happening to me at the moment is I got a 100+ word on Words with Friends. Oh dear…..this is my life now. Lovely! Ugh.
You’re doing really well, taking it each day at a time and before you know it, it’ll be Feb 2 or 3rd and you’ll have survived another hurdle.
I think your ex doesn’t know what to say to you tbh, he’s gauging it as best he can, so doesn’t want to pour his heart out to you by Text and not get a reply. I’d imagine that would hit him hard, so he’s hedging his bets with your friend. But yes, bad decision on his part! I couldn’t imagine reaching out to my ex’s bestie, what’s between us is between us.
I think you have moved along the process. You have reached a conclusion you are happier on your own right now. That is a great piece of insight. It doesn’t mean you will always feel that way, but perhaps it will give you some direction to move forward now and not get as anxious about decision making? I hope so.
I am off work today and just finished the grocery shop and while lots of chores demand my attention, I have been so tired lately, I intend to try and do as little as possible today!
Any plans for later?
January 15, 2019 at 10:56 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #274719Shelbyville
Well done on keeping up the breathing, and a bath is just as good as anything to relax you!
Its incredible difficult to have gone through the bickering phase when before that ye had been so happy together. I can completely empathise with that, believe me. It’s been a tricky road for you but you’ve almost reached a year- are still alive, friends, family, gym, solid job….now that’s something to be grateful for. Well done you.
Yes your ex is desperate this time. It’s a good thing and a bad thing- good, because it means he’s growing somewhat because he’s accepting how he feels now rather than blocking it out and moving past it. Maybe less good cos it means he keeps trying to contact you and perhaps you need space to think and process.
You know you will see him in a few weeks for the date anyway so I don’t think there is a major panic to get in contact now. You’re doing really well and hopefully each day you become more resilient.
My sister is due mid-Feb and no-one knows the gender so it’ll be a complete surprise! Poor thing is so uncomfortable now and slowing down, but she’s good other than that.
I don’t know where my future is going right now. I know I need to leave my job at some point, I realise I’m exploited in there. But it’s familiar for me at the moment.
January 15, 2019 at 8:09 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #274675Shelbyville
Even a home workout will expend the extra hormones and chemicals in your body- they just need somewhere to go is all. So go for it!
I have had the odd glass of wine here and there, family dinners etc but nothing that would make me merry and loosen my self restraint and therefore appear like a drunk loon to my ex! It hasn’t been too much of a problem cos I have not been in the form anyway to go out and party.
I’m looking forward to this weekend- taking my little sister on a ‘babymoon’ in a luxury hotel by the sea ahead of the arrival of baby number 2. Just a wee break for her. I love this hotel, I have stayed there with my ex, but also a few times on my own and other times with friends. Oh the days when I used to travel all over the world alone and it didn’t knock the stuffing out of me. Those days seem far away now, I just miss him. Having said that, I’m now not missing the disappointment and arguments/awkward conversations as much – in the beginning, I would have missed him regardless of everything!
Kkasxo, I’m just wondering. The trauma was in spring but ye didn’t split till summer. What was the intervening period like with your ex?
January 15, 2019 at 5:47 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #274629Shelbyville
ParticipantLol, how many are doing dry January?!!! Will be all crack open a bottle of vino the first of Feb?!!
January 15, 2019 at 5:44 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #274627Shelbyville
Thanks for the advice and yes I do sound better, whether I feel better is a different story. I may revert back to previous behaviour again, who knows? But all I can do is take it one day at a time. I never felt that a man held the key to my happiness before I met my ex, then I fell head over heels for him and our future together became my priority – it was my happy ending. Don’t worry, i don’t see a man as key to my happiness now again, rationally speaking, but nonetheless, the loss of that man has taken away any feelings of happiness for now. For how long I don’t know.
Ah the good old palpitations….I’ve been there. It’s just fear. It’s ok, it might not be connected to something specific today, it could be ‘free-floating’ anxiety building up over time with everything you have had to deal with.Going into the bathroom and breathing in for 7, holding for 4 and breathing out for 9….can help and don’t focus on the heart beats while breathing, focus on the breath, like it’s a piece of long string. Also, can you get out of the office for 20 mins and briskly walk to work off the adrenaline and cortisone that the heart is pumping….remember, it’s just a physical reaction and you can waste away that energy – the gym this evening would be a good bet.
I know you’re scared. I was scared too. If he stops talking to you then you’re in new territory again and have to make your way on your own and that’s not familiar. The pain and drama with him might not be pleasant but it’s familiar. But you CAN do this, you HAVE been doing this. Strong lady, you’re stronger than you think – that doesn’t mean being Serena Williams strong, it means when you’re brittle and broken and barely able to breathe, you choose you and what’s best for you – that’s real strength and so far, you have done that. x
January 15, 2019 at 3:08 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #274613Shelbyville
Just out a meeting. How are you doing? Remember the number one thing about anxiety……it’s lies. It tells you something bad is about to happen, that you are in trouble. But you’re not, you’re okay, you got up and functioned this morning and made it to work (I think). I’m here with you, just don’t try to fight the anxiety -sometimes I talk to it – if I feel it in my tummy, I place my hand on my tummy and say thank you – I know you are just trying to protect me and that’s ok. I’ll be okay and this too shall pass.
You’re doing amazing….look how far you have come. A LONG way. Far further than you give yourself credit for and I promise you will be ok. It might just be a lot of emotion cropping up with no outlet at the moment so it’s causing you anxiety.Focus on something that is right in front of you, read the words on a highlighter or what make stapler you have….
January 14, 2019 at 1:20 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #274543Shelbyville
Yes I agree, he would be an idiot. But that’s something we can’t do anything about. My ex’s best friend feels he made the wrong decision too but I still have no doubt he will have started or will soon started egging on my ex so ‘get out there again’ and enjoy his single life. 🙁 The heartbreak.
I have had a look at online dating on the advice of MY friends and let me tell you, it has not only bolstered my opinion that my ex was amazing but also bolstered my belief that I will never meet another! Not a lot to choose from from what I could see!
My nephew honestly has kept me going since HeartbreakDay1. He gave me enough of a glimmer every day to pull me from the edges of hell. I love him beyond anything in the world and I’m eternally grateful for my family who I love and adore.
Hopefully you’ll tire out soon, I’m trying to put aside my phone earlier in a bid to try and sleep better. I sleep enough hours….overall. But honestly it’s such unsettled sleep, I don’t feel rested. Also doing my meditation hoping it will help as I’ve let it slip a bit in recent weeks.
I wish I knew what my purpose was in life. I feel I had found it when I loved my ex. That it’s to love and be loved in return, but now I’m still neither here nor there. Hoping to bring my Dad to Scotland for a few days in March so maybe I should get to planning that….
January 14, 2019 at 12:22 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #274537Shelbyville
I don’t think guys think as much about things as we do. Even in a very emotional situation, so your ex might reach a point of trying to get on with things, but that doesn’t mean he’s getting OVER things. So I wouldn’t worry about that. Even if you didn’t hear from him for a while, I’d say his feelings won’t have changed too much in a period of time.
Thats a very good idea to do something to make you accept the date a little easier and not as frightening. If you embrace it, it might not scare you as much.
I would say my ex was probably trying to be polite if I’m honest. I didn’t get the sense it was because he doesn’t care but rather he feels there is no point in the sense that it might cause more pain. I do miss him though, and am also annoyed that he couldn’t feel more!!!
The facial was heaven. Absolute heaven. I think I feel asleep- I was sooooo relaxed. Note to self- repeat regularly!!! I’m staying with my sister tonight and her toddler is teething and beyond clingy and she is almost 9 months pregnant and both parents are exhausted from sleepless nights, but I can’t do much as he still only wants mummy and daddy! Poor things!
Im glad you get some sort of reprieve hopping into bed, I’m gonna do the same soon! Hopefully you’ll get to sleep before 2am tonight! I’m the same- rattling around my own head most nights!!!
January 14, 2019 at 6:50 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #274417Shelbyville
That’s such a useful task, well done. I’m sure it’ll open different perspectives to you and that’s what therapy is about, what growth is about – new insight and looking at things differently.
I know it can be worrying that your ex will soon refrain from contact, but that is something that is outside your control. I suppose you have to make the decisions that are right for you, whatever the consequences. Besides, just because someone thinks rationally understands a situation and tries to move past it, by no means that feelings follow suit. They do their own thing. Plus if it’s meant to be…..and all that jazz! So don’t worry about that. You need to work on you and he needs to work on him. To move forward, I think they trauma has to be dealt with for sure. Perhaps you both can withstand this storm and actually work out, but I think the elephant in the room would have to be resolved.
In the back of my mind Im still thinking of contacting my ex. I mean the last thing he heard from me was when we spoke on the phone on NYE and I said we’d speak in the next few days to meet for a chat. I haven’t contacted him since, but neither did he. I got the feeling he didn’t really want to anyway. So I suppose I’m giving him space at the moment. If i don’t think too deeply into it, I’m ok, but some moments when I consider the loss, I feel so sad and broken hearted. It’s just the way it is.
I have a facial after work as my friend gave me a voucher for my birthday more than a year ago, which I never got around to using, so I called the salon and they said they would accept it if I get it done this week!
Oh I’ve been staying away from booze since break up too – I never really drank much – but I find that I’m so on the edge of nearly contacting him at all times, that I feel I would give myself complete free rein if I was merry to contact him and completely blubber!!! So I feel Im gonna keep going as I am and see how I fare. Another hurdle managed yesterday so next is what would have been our anniversary
January 13, 2019 at 4:30 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #274295Shelbyville
Taking it one day at a time, is a good approach and seems to give you more resolve. Your ex is still in withdrawal stage in a way, desperately trying to regain what has been lost, but now is his time to try and work on himself too. Each time he wants to reach out to you, he could use it as an opportunity to flip it on himself and work on himself. But that’s not within your control.
What is within your control is how you respond. You have been looking out for you which is a good thing. Remember to ask your therapist for some tools to deal with the significant date.
Welcome back! It has been a rollercoaster for you the past while. Well done on seeking therapy, I think it will help more than you know.
It would seem you have stuff you might need to work through perhaps on your own. It’s understandable to want to know what your ex is up to and why he’s not contacted you, but perhaps it’s because ye have been here before and this time, he wants to protect himself? Everyone deals with things differently. Maybe try to respect his need for space for a bit and focus on yourself and your career and the great motivation you have built up?