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ParticipantThanks for the advice. I’m just struggling to see any positivity in the future alone. From where I am right now, it’s just hard to come to terms with the loss and see any other possibilities in the future.
For me, I just have this feeling that I won’t get over it and there is more heartbreak en route for me, whether it’s due to being on my own or trying to reunite with my ex and getting spurned again.
I wish I was like other people who can walk away with head held high, sad but determined. I don’t feel I’m getting over the loss at all just yet.
November 25, 2018 at 8:22 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #248453Shelbyville
ParticipantEvening all,
Just popped on ‘cos I’m struggling today. I’m feeling really low and sad and particularly lonely. Also, I suffer from chronic pain, which has completed flared up the past few days, so it’s tough going. Pain can get in on you. Physical and emotional.
I’m faced with the reality of spending time with just myself this afternoon. So I’m trying to just ‘be’. This should be okay right? If I’m a fairly well adjusted normal person, despite being heartbroken, it should be manageable?! But I’m finding it hard. I’m lonely. I don’t like the life I have right now, I want the one I used to have with my ex, despite its faults.
Its 9 weeks since the breakup and my mentality just doesn’t seem to be shifting, despite efforts to do so. 🙁
November 23, 2018 at 10:50 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #246525Shelbyville
ParticipantFinding I’m really down this evening- so many reminders the past few days which seem to be taking swipes at my heart. Idolising of my ex is continuing, just can’t shift or disrupt that mindset no matter what I try.
I feel so lost still without him and want to talk to him again 🙁 I hope ye are having a better evening.
November 22, 2018 at 11:33 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #240441Shelbyville
I know those evenings all too well. They are not easy. You’re in anguish because deep down you want to move forward I think. One way or another. You know what your head and friends are telling you but the heart wants what it wants. Maybe the decision is to go with the heart to at least put to bed all the anguish over trying to choose. If it works, great, if it doesn’t, at least you tried and then time to follow the head?
As for medication- do you realise you ARE doing it by yourself by seeking such help. My therapist pointed out that I had the wherewithall to realise I was struggling and my brain needed an extra hand to get out of the woods. I’ll still feel, but it takes the unmanageability out of it. And I don’t intend to stay on them, it’s just a helping aid for a difficult period in my life. Well done you thinking about all possible ways to help yourself. You’re not giving up- don’t you see? You’re fighting, in whatever small way. You WANT to feel better and are not hiding under the bed for months on end, so give yourself credit!
Those were great tips for Kkasxo and I hope you’re doing okay too.
I enjoy walks with my friend as we can talk about anything. He’s very deep and we often end up talking philosophically! But he never makes me feel bad for anything I feel and really try’s to understand things when I say them to him, which I really appreciate.
November 22, 2018 at 1:22 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #240411Shelbyville
wow well done on the weight loss, unless you’re only 4 stone, in which case, the weight loss might be not so good, but otherwise well done! I’ve lost 7lbs but my aim is 14, so I’ll keep struggling on!
Me ex walked away in my case and yet I’m still agonising over it. I think that’s where you and I are different, you’d say ‘f**k it, I have to go on and be happy’ whereas I’m still STILL trying to figure out how I can make it work with him. It’s ridiculous, but it’s where I am. I didn’t think I was going to spend any of my life without him and I still haven’t adjusted to the change yet.
Lets talk about regret. What would you regret more…..going back and it not working out again or going forward alone and always wondering? Counselling wipes me sometimes too but I feel like I’ve pulled some crap out of my brain and off my heart and then I’m a little lighter!
I have counselling tomorrow because I tend not to be too bad at the start of a week but Fridays can be bad, so I’d like to see my therapist on a bad day to explain the full extent. I’m also meeting my old male friend for another long walk. Those 7lbs won’t shift themselves!
I hope Victoria is doing okay too.
November 22, 2018 at 8:20 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #240325Shelbyville
Second big presentation done…..and I’m exhausted! My yawns are so big I look like I’m trying to swallow my own head! It does give you a confidence boost when you get positive feedback from people you don’t even know!
Im off work tomorrow as I had days to take and felt I could use a day of nothing to rest!
I see where you friends are coming from, yes, there is nothing wrong with being motivated about a certain path in life- it’s admirable. BUT, basically he’s still planning HIS idea of what life should look like. I’m only saying this cos your situation resonates a lot with me. Your ex is continuing with the life path he has always worked towards, even before you and will try and insert you into it, if it works. I’m beginning to see that two people in love who are planning a future together forever, need to make decisions together, they need to plan a joint life.
My therapist explained to me recently that his understanding of love is someone wanting to spend their life with you, they want to plan a mutual future together, they want to make YOU happy, they even put you first above themselves at times and it always involved compromise. He explained that while my ex may have ‘loved’ me in a way, he didn’t love me enough to move in with me, marry me, plan a future with me. That’s hard for me to take at the minute. I’m still digesting.
Im fully supportive of you reuniting with your ex if that’s what you choose. But I just wanted to present some other perspectives on it so you have food for thought! I’m on a low again today, maybe hormonal, but feeling so very empty without my ex. I miss him so much.
I noticed Victoria posted on her own thread. She reconciled with her ex but my understanding is that things remain to be difficult with demands and anxiety, so I hope she’s doing ok.
Oh have you counselling today?
November 21, 2018 at 8:06 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #240027Shelbyville
ParticipantHi there,
I did it! It’s done and went okay….I think, so glad to have the first one done but I’m honestly so exhausted now, it was so intense and draining. I felt good going into it- well I faked feeling well!
I thought the whole experience would boost my confidence and feelings, however, now I feel rather deflated. I’m really missing my ex this afternoon. I guess special moments in life are made more special by sharing them with the one you love. I feel down again today as a result.
I am just like you in the sense that I want to believe in happy endings. I know a few couples who broke up at one stage and reunited and are solid now, even after really sh*tty things happened. However, in all cases, something changed. Something HAD to change otherwise they would end up in same place again, so the guy either came to his senses and settled down or made a commitment or gave up booze… get the idea! In my scenario, I know I can’t try & reconcile without some change on his part otherwise I’ll be back to where I am now. But he won’t/can’t change so I’m trying to fight the urge to reconcile which will probably make me look like a desperado anyway. Grrrr, these pesky feelings are a headwreck.
I’m too tired to do much this evening and I have a presentation tomorrow again so I’m going to try and relax this evening. How about you?
November 20, 2018 at 9:25 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #238681Shelbyville
It could be a combination of both the counselling & the conversation with your ex. Either way, grab the reprieve whenever you can. I’m rrally glad to hear you’re feeling better.
I’m feeling ok the past three days. But I mean, scarily okay. As in, I’m not obsessing about him, it all seems fuzzy and distant and I can’t quite recall him in my mind. Which to me signals DENIAL again!!!
I spoke to my counsellor and he explained that this is the waves people talk about when referring to grief. Some days you’re in a hole and the next day you feel fine through no direct conscious action of your own. He says it’s millions of years of evolution, where our unconscious mind has developed a mechanism called grief to ensure we survive. So when my unconscious feels it’s let in enough of the pain at a time, it gives a break and reprieve so it’ll only give me enough that I can cope with at any given time.
What I don’t like is the unpredictability of it. I worry if I’m okay today, will I suffer tomorrow. But I’m doing my best to focus on the reprieve and be grateful for it.
I’m also so nervous for my presentations this week. To 70 people tomorrow and 100 different people on Thursday. Getting my hair coloured this eve and got my nails done yesterday to try and give me confidence I don’t have. I’m hoping fake it till I make it will work! Eek.
Do you feel you’re healing more by yourself now or would you consider trying again with your ex?
Today im distant from my situation so I feel like I would really be in two minds about getting back with my ex, if he miraculously changed his mind. I sometimes think, the love of your life is not someone who would break your heart to pieces. But then on the other hand, the veil of denial/rationale could lift and I’d leap into his arms if he asked!
November 19, 2018 at 2:03 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #238525Shelbyville
ParticipantI’m really finding this split a lot different to the last. I was so naive the first time and also we weren’t as long together and I didn’t know at that point what I wanted for the future.
Also, other grief I hadn’t dealt with came up and really derailed me with anxiety at the time so the focus was not really on the breakup at all back then, it was about getting on top of crippling anxiety and panic attacks.
This time it’s more about him and the relationship and the plan I had in my head which is gone.
Im really glad you got some clarity about the summer. Do you think it’ll help you on your journey to decision or to heal?
November 18, 2018 at 11:05 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #238285Shelbyville
How are you doing now? Did it go okay for you?
Im ok today, I just have no idea why some days are manageable and some days I feel like I’m drowning without him. What makes one day different to another?!
November 17, 2018 at 10:32 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #238189Shelbyville
Thanks so much for your advice. It makes me feel a whole heap better. I guess I get scared I’m not dealing with things properly if I’m still missing him, hoping he will come back, etc. You’re right, it has only been two months, and I guess from an outside perspective that’s not long, it’s just felt like an eternity to me.
I hope to one day wake up and feel happy in myself and not missing him or thinking about him every moment of every day. I just want to be happy but you give me hope that maybe that’s a possibility. Thank you.
November 16, 2018 at 12:18 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #238073Shelbyville
ParticipantI’m struggling this evening. It’s over 2 months since my ex broke up with me and I’m not over it. I’m not over him. I’m extremely lost without him and I spoke to my sister today and she says it’s up to me to change my life and live a better one.
I feel like I’m doing everything I possibly can, but my core feelings are not changing. I want to be back in his life. How am I going to come to terms with this? Anyone reading this thread will know, there is not a option to go back, so what fantastical daydream am I living in?
The therapist says I’ll feel better when I start to let go and move on, my closest family and friends say the same. But how on earth does one do that when every moment of every day is given to thoughts of him, despite engaging in as many distractions as possible?
Im so unhappy and the life I’m living right now is not a good one, it’s existing. There is no joy, no hope, no happiness.
November 16, 2018 at 7:04 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #237773Shelbyville
ParticipantI’m definitely better today than I was yesterday. It’s been a really really tough day though as I plan most days off but had no plans for today as I was unwell so I’ve been feeling very down.
Im all day wondering how on Earth I’m going to be happy again without him. I’m so lost still and can’t envisage a time in the future when I’ll feel okay again. I really want to return to my old life but at the same time, I know I can’t. It’s torture.
Im so glad your day is flying by, that’s fantastic and let’s hope it continues. Any plans for this evening?
November 16, 2018 at 12:58 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #237089Shelbyville
ParticipantThanks for the advice, I will watch those videos and begin to work on it. Through therapy I probably realise where the need for control began but it doesn’t help me get rid of it now!
Im feeling scared again this morning, due to being ill and so I’m out of routine. I have been functioning trying to fill my time in a manageable way- ‘controlling’ as much as I can again. But now I have no choice but to rest and be. I guess I’m afraid of the pain or dark thoughts moving in. Bed has been a difficult place to be the past 8 weeks and now I have no choice but to be here….
November 15, 2018 at 2:57 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #237041Shelbyville
No idea what brought it on. Could be a virus, or maybe stress. I hope it’s a one off and I don’t get stuck with it, I have enough to be dealing with!
Thats incredible about your Mum. I’m glad you filled her in a little about your situation. It’s important for you not to always have to hide things around the people you love the most.
It also does take away a level of anxiety about reconciling if that’s what you choose to do as your family may be more understanding that you anticipated.
Keep going with the counselling and perhaps as the weeks go by things will become clearer. Maybe you do need to move on without any connection to those involved in the summer trauma, maybe your relationship could be like a phoenix and get stronger with your ex.
At the end of the day, we have one life and the point of it is to be happy. So whatever way that’s most likely, go for that! x